Does anyone take anything trump say as legit? It's like accepting what a con artist says to you.
Does anyone take anything trump say as legit? It's like accepting what a con artist says to you
At least he is a White male. Still makes him better than Clinton.
Whooooaaaah we're sliding
Lol that headline. I don't believe it.
>Posting bullshit kike media sources
Fuck outta here with that nonsense, nigger lover.
Oh wait 2015. Lol I didn't even read the whole thing. Of course it's Bs.
>Does anyone take anything trump say as legit?
In comparison to Hillary? He's somewhere between Jesus and the Pope...Srsly.
yeah this is the real reason we support him desu
I tried reading your comment... but...
It shows he will flip flop on any issue whenever it's convenient for him you stupid fat fucks.
Trump is the only way of making America not politically correct again you stupid cunt...don't listen to mainstream media we can have a debate without having to be anonymous on a forum such as this
They have to go, then come back LEGALLY. All of them!
OK some can stay.
At this point I'm not sure how Americans can maintain the cognitive dissonance that they somehow care about what happens to their country. They're just sticking with their candiate like a sports team because if not it would mean the liberals are right.
God I hate this mentally
Trump-hillary ; Nato-Russia , west-east , etc etc etc
Yeah I get it , it's a either him or he cause no 3rd party candidate has any legit chances but still I dislike them both
It doesn't show shit because it's a bullshit source. Post legit sources or fuck off. Your only two options.
They have to go, and then can reapply.
They have to go, and then can reapply... after paying back taxes.
No wonder you're retarded.
Just like shillary, except to a lesser degree. And also I still haven't seen a link.
>him or he
I like that you recognize Hillary is a dude
>And also I still haven't seen a link.
Here faglord.
record corrected
"I hate the concept of it, but on a humanitarian basis, you have to," Trump said in his first Fox News appearance in two weeks, appearing on "The O'Reilly Factor."
"This was started by President Obama when he didn't go in and do the job he should have when he drew the line in the sand, which turned out to be a very artificial line," Trump said in reference to Obama's red-line warning to Syrian leader Bashar Assad in 2013. "But you know, it's living in hell in Syria. There's no question about it. They're living in hell, and something has to be done."
I think Trump is a terrible candidate who is just running to troll the fuck out of everyone and barely knows anything about politics. But my disgust for Hillary is so high at this point that I'd still take him over her because her victory would be proof that it's a-okay to commit felony and cheat your way through the election as long as you have rich friends and MSM sucking your ass 24/7. Trump winning would be bad but Hillary winning would just be morally wrong beyond measure.
Aha! And the truth comes out. Trump didn't flip flop. He's been saying we can take in a few heavily screened refugees since the beginning of his campaign. He just opposed the massive flood of random Muslims. That wasn't so hard, was it?
Trump doesn't have a political record. You can't point to some statement he made off the top of his head while being a private citizen and shout "OMG! HE CHANGED HIS MIND!"
Trump wasn't enforcing laws, making laws or influencing foreign policy. So, as Stephen says... "Not an argument"
>He's been saying we can take in a few heavily screened refugees since the beginning of his campaign.
He said several times no to any Syrian refugees at his rallies you lying faggot.
>Trump doesn't have a political record.
Which is why he shouldn't be elected president. Electing a racist celebrity to be president because LE EBIC MAYMAYS would be a fucking disaster.
>I suck dick
And later that year we learnt about the "migrants", and Trump changed positions and proposed a better option of safe zones.
Surprise, it's fucking nothing. He literally went further right. I'm not at all opposed to this.
Oh lol I didn't even notice
>Which is why he shouldn't be elected president.
You sound like a pussy. Why would I listen to what a pussy has to say?
When will you shills learn that its not about what Trump says at all.
It doesnt matter what he says, people vote against Hillary and the system, not for Trump.
>You sound like a pussy.
And you sound like you suck Trump cock.
>and Trump changed positions
And what's preventing him from changing again? This is where Trumpfags lose the argument.
Better than sucking Hillary's crusty old grandma clit, pussy. Enjoy the disease you catch from that shit. That bitch is sick to death.
Did he? Or did he say temporarily? Or maybe he just did further research and found out Syria was a complete and utter shithole. Or maybe he just changed his plan from taking a few well screened refugees to taking in zero. Doesn't seem like much of a flip-flop to me.
I'm intredasted in what you think political correctness means. What topics cannot be discussed because of political correctness? What restrictions do you think political correctness imposes?
Opinion discarded
Oh yea. Give sources also (you lying faggot, lol)
I don't care if he changes. You know why I am voting Trump? Because people like you hate him and I hate people like you. It really is that simple for many of us. You're a pussy faggot fucking communist scumbag piece of garbage who should be shot to death by a death squad. In lieu of that, I'll settle for Trump. until the death squads get here.
If Trump isn't racist, excluding Jews, why is he being supported by Sup Forums?
Just donate to the foundation, we'll drop bombs wherever you want!
>pol is racist
oh i am raffingu
>Oh yea. Give sources also (you lying faggot, lol)
Fuck off literal nigger
>Does anyone take anything trump say as legit?
Much of what he's said is simply, "enforce current laws" with regard to immigration. Unlike Obongo (and Shillary) who want open borders and illegal immigrants destroying our cities and people.
>It's like accepting what a con artist says to you.
Sounds more like Shillary's plan.
>taking refugees means he's flopping on immigration
Hillary has never said to use a vetting process, she just wants the horde to come in without even legal border crossings.
>being this retarded
What are you... a Bernie supporter?
Sup Forums is racist. Several sources list Sup Forums and the alt-right as a neo-Nazi white nationalist board. You want all of the mainstream sources listing this board as a racist board?
>Fuck off literal nigger
WOw you showed me
I don't know, if Sup Forums is racist why are they supporting Ben Carson?
>several sources list Sup Forums as a racist board
Gee, didn't know that we wuz racists now.
A list of those sources?
Lol he never said no refugees at all. Plain and simple. Just because he doesn't want a massive flood of rapeugees coming in doesn't mean none can come in. And also you seem to be forgetting he says temporarily. (I love trolling dedicated ctr fags. They get money, I get lulz)
>barring refugees until the terrorist threat is over
Let me put it this way:
If a highly contagious disease comes from one area, then common sense dictates that people who are from that area carry a risk of having the disease.
>until the terrorist threat is over
There won't ever stop being a terrorist threat to Amerikkka stops funding the Saudis and Israelis. But your boy Trump sure loves that.
>Lol he never said no refugees at all.
Yes he did. Your dumb. All right wingers hate non-whites. Trump wants death camps for anyone who isn't white.
>if Sup Forums is racist why are they supporting Ben Carson?
I have a racist pro-Trump neighbor who also support Carson. He frequently drops the n word.
>barring and spying on the people who pose a threat to national security
So you're saying that we should let in those poor refugees in?
Come on man you don't think that Sup Forums is racist?
Maybe he browses Sup Forums.
>trump wants death camps for non whites
Oh for the fucking love of god
Post your sources
Did you ever learn how to write an essay?
OK come on now. I wish he wanted that too but he's not THAT great. And btw he never said a full permanent ban inside that article. Not once.
>Sup Forums is racist
We are a board of peace
Kill yourself OP
Nothing has made me dislike trump more than this OP.
I seriously might stop supporting him.
the whole reason I liked him was ANTI IMMIGRATION
Goddamit OP
Post more so I can laugh at your stupidityy
The vast majority of people are stupid. More than 60% of Americans don't know how many supreme court justices there are. Trump is a TV celebrity. Hes seen as rich / successful. He panders to racism. He is frequently featured in People magazine, a popular magazine the poor, celebrity obsessed masses.
It has nothing to do with his actual positions. This is how he can adopt / copy so many of Obama's and the democrats' policies while simultaneously criticizing them. At least in speeches. When hes on the teleprompter he just recites the same establishment policy ideas we've heard from many different republicans. When he's off the teleprompter, he just rambles about vague, unrealistic ideas (take the oil, etc.).
Because Trump doesn't actually have a single position or policy he cares about. He just wants to be elected. He's been trying to run for 20+ years. From his history hes mostly a liberal. He just saw a good opportunity when the Republicans were fielding 15+ similar candidates, all very weak.
His entire strategy is to win support of the majority of Americans, the stupid and uneducated, who normally don't show up to vote. So he can do / say whatever he feels will rally his base of celebrity obsessed, degenerate, poorfags who are too stupid to even understand he contradicts himself daily, and majority of his off-script ideas are completely unrealistic horseshit and pandering. He also takes advantage of racists / sexists sentiments among poor and uneducated whites (they actually take pride in being uneducated).
That's from 2015 fucktard.
Interesting you decided to post it today. Seems like a decent CTR tactic.
What I mean is that there can't be a serious debate without being labelled a racist and not being invited back just stuff like that etc. I'm labelled a homophobe by sjws by the political left all of the time.
You can have people apply at temporary embassies in the United States and use deportation for those who don't get accepted in x years. Honestly I would prefer staying + no right to vote then touch back or taking more spics.
Take a stand for Trump !
That was back when we thought the refugees were women and children, i said the same thing.
Knowing they are 90% military ages men is quite different.
Knowing what has happened to all the places that take them in changes everything.
Knowing the cause of the migrant crisis is less then natural also changes everything.
I'd like to see a source faggot
They are paying people to research into his past for anything they can use to bring a divide between him and Trump voters.
I will never vote for Clinton.
No matter what CTR digs up, because i have read all her emails.
>we are taking refugees, we don't know who they are
This is the media.
At its finest.
Fuck off Grandma. It's called pandering and everyone fucking does it. Trump is playing to win. If that means slightly toning down his rhetoric then thats what he will do.
>Trump is going to end SJW's and political correctness
No. That's not how things work.
I don't take any headline I read about trump as legit anymore
All this propaganda has really back fired against the establishment
Isnt this where he stated that we should take in the Christians, who are actually in danger in the refugee camps from the barbarous mudslimes?
no. he said only cute little girls
I like you. You're dispelling the preconceptions I had of the bulk of Americans.
Holy shit youre a massive faggot lol bet you're the type of dude who has sjw girl friendzone friends who fuck alpha trump supporters so you come online to vent lols
Your post was ......interesting. It was just as if you'd eaten one too many tins of alphabet soup and vomited a post
Ah! It's a 1 year old article! 365 days have past since said article! His position has changed, significantly since this article!
i agree with much of what you've said, but you missed another major point of why it's a good decision for him to run this time: hillary is probably the weakest candidate who was guaranteed the candidacy in history
he probably realised this was going to be the case 8 years ago, before the GOP forerunners were obvious
yes...thank goodness we have Hillary the vagina candidate. We can trust her to do the right thing
she would never lie or pander to get in power. she will keep sticking illegal immigrants up our asses
2015 before all the shit went down. These aren't the same refugees as Laos. Sand niggers are evil
Save it under the title Clinton Cash, and some people will google that.
She offed the guy who did it, a month ago.
Trump donated as much to the Clinton Foundation as some of the countries in that image.