When did everyone start hating Frozen, and why'd it take so long?
When did everyone start hating Frozen, and why'd it take so long?
This is a whole new level of slowpoke.
I think a lot of people didn't like Frozen, but they were lost in the sea of people who loved it.
There's been a few years for the hype to settle, so there's fewer 'foaming at the mouth' fans and more people who see it for what it is.
Saw the same thing happen with blue people Avatar.
Real question should be:
Why you faggot care so much?
Maybe the hype died off and just the people who never liked much to begin with are easily to be heard?
Personally, I got tired of the music.
THEM, I whatched the movie much time later, and while not bad, I found it mediocre among a lot of other movies. Doesnt deserved the hype.
by everyone you mean Sup Forums. Sup Forums is full of hipsters. hipsters hate anything popular. case closed.
Yeah I think people just get bored. Passion is like fire, the hotter it is, the quicker it burns out too. Fandoms tend to do this, get SUPER into something so much that they burn themselves out and move on to the next thing.
Tumblr throws it under the bus regularly. Regular people I know hardly remember it anymore, or can tell me what they thought went wrong with it.
Sup Forums hating something solo would props have been phrased "why does Sup Forums ____", or not have been worth asking about.
>Tumblr throws it under the bus regularly.
That's not really a good judgement of anything. "Tumblr" hated it before it was even released because it has pretty blonde white people in it.
what? people hated it imediately.
I was ambivalent because i dont hop on bandwagons. then i actually watched it. now I hate it more than all of you because I didn't listen
wasnt able to even finish it. as soon as the love at first sight prince was evil it was in the garbage
Bad movie with hyper aggressive marketing and shilling fanbase. I watched the movie. It felt like it was in a short shedule made. This explain the rehashed models from tangled and deus ex plot.
People hate it because it's popular. When something gets popular people will hate it regardless of actual quality.
>Passion is like fire, the hotter it is, the quicker it burns out too. Fandoms tend to do this, get SUPER into something so much that they burn themselves out and move on to the next thing.
I wish I made that my senior quote, replacing the word fandoms with "humans".
The same thing happens with the MCU movies
It doesn't help when there's no new content
Tumblr is also full of hipsters, they're just hipsters that also sometimes pretend to have social justice causes.
If anyone was a normie, they'd be on Facebook.
This just proves the tumblr invasion is real
I distinctly remember Sup Forums shit-talking this movie since the first previews were shown, about how generic the designs were, about how it had nothing to do with the snow queen, about how hideous olaf was... etc
when it became the next lion king.
yeah but then they fell in love with it until people turned on /frz/
>>I distinctly remember Sup Forums shit-talking this movie since the first previews were shown
People were shit-talking the slapstick teaser trailer and the initial designs (which differed from the final ones).
The later trailers where actual plot and music was shown weren't received like that.
>(which differed from the final ones).
lol no
There were some leaks that used older/unfinished designs. I can't remember if it was the first poster leak or the test footage leak.
The complaint was how they recycled Rapunzel's face
and they did
not to mention it was simply an ugly face to begin with. big eyes are cute, but those were too big.
/frz/ stared too deeply into the abyss
"They" didn't fall in love
We got invaded by fucking tumblrites
>everyone start hating Frozen
If this is true, I'm incredibly pleased.
The level of accolades this film received undeservingly was staggering. I hate it based on that alone.
Parents have always hated Frozen.
After the success caught Disney off guard, they overmilked it to such a point that people got fucking sick of it.
Frozen saturation in the theme parks in particular has gotten that segment of the Disney fan community despising it.
I don't think it was as much that lots of people didn't like it per se. I think the consensus early on was that it was okay but not great. The hate came after 1000 threads of Frozen general and general normies fangasming over it.
Frozen was fun, but completely rushed through production and could have been an even stronger product if it had the proper time. Still it got a billion dollars and accolades, it didn't really deserve considering how it rushed it was
I still miss /frz/ though
>I will ignore any reasons why people might not like something and boil it down to "y-you hate it because it's popular" since it makes me comfortable
God, I wish everyone who uses this bullshit died of something horrible as soon as humanly possible.
Wild how Sup Forums has differing opinions right?
No one said that's the only reason people hate Frozen. But people do hate things just because they're popular or because certain groups like it.
When Let It Go became a meme
I'm just mad most of the porn is either not close to being on-model or it's SFM with low-quality models. Not enough blowjob action either.
I hated it since I first saw it. I never like Disney much but Frozen was just a bland, forgettable piece of shovelware that didn't even manage to have a memorable villain, didn't manage to have memorable songs except for a single one that was subsequently played to death to a point where it just becamse unbearable or a memorable plot excpet for Disneys tried and true strategy of taking a fairy tale and removing everything from it that would make it interesting.
Noone would remember that movie if it didn't have a blonde with bedroom eyes as one of its main characters.
It was an alright movie, not really a masterpiece as /frz/ would have you believe, but they were waifu fags from the beginning
I don't get any anyone would hate it though, sure it's predictable and a bit bland, but to hate it for that? That's just weird
No, that's just a catch-all bullshit excuse for faggots like you to cry "contrarian" when someone disagrees with you. Fuck off.
I don't even get why you're trying to deny this. There will always be "cool kids" hating on anything just because it's super popular.
I take low quality but movie accurate SFM model rather than good drawing (except InCase drawing of course)
I was never impressed by it. It was touted as being really groundbreaking as a Disney film for it being more about the love between sisters than actual love interests but I think Tangled and Moana did what Frozen did better than Frozen. The songs were catchy and the characters overall likable, but Moana is better on almost every front. And while Tangled is more by the numbers it still manages to be a bit more enjoyable.
>The songs were catchy
It had one catchy song. Last time I watched it I counted nine songs, but today I only remember like three of them. That's my main problem with this movie. Way too many songs. They should have stuck to 4 or 5 songs like most other Disney musicals.
People only claim to hate Frozen because of the overexposure that followed once Disney realised the ravenous demand the public had for Frozen merch and cranked up the merchandising volume in response.
Everyone loved it when it came out. It's just that it's been pushed so hard for the past 3 years people are sick of it, and because the movie itself isn't a cinematic masterpiece, just a mediocre rush job that had a core of gold that hooked the viewers underneath the shit animation and plot holes, people feel that it's somehow wrong that such an unpolished clumsy movie is the one that's being hyped and pushed so much.
I enjoyed it for what it was. It was a huge success for Disney because it got them back in the public's eye again after it's been fading throughout the years. All the money, support, and hate for this movie is all just a win win for Disney. Hopefully they'll be able to make a top quality movie with Frozen 2 if the entire movie isn't just "'memba Frozen?"
Different user but I've seen a lot of people both here and on tumblr specifically state that they used to like Frozen but the endless exposure and shilling and the eager fans and it being EVERYWHERE has now made them hate it. "It got too popular, it didn't deserve to be so popular" is essentially the most common reason I've seen people give for disliking Frozen
>small nose
Into the trash it goes
Today I shall remind them
So /frz/ is dead like any other old fandom, what so special about that ?
Sup Forums hates everything popular. I like Frozen.
You could call it...Slowbro
Because it has two qt Nordic waifus but they don't like the BBC
I seen her getting gangbanged before....
>Different user but I've seen a lot of people both here and on tumblr specifically state that they used to like Frozen but the endless exposure and shilling and the eager fans and it being EVERYWHERE has now made them hate it.
You know that OVER EXPOSURE is a thing and legitimate reason to not like something right?
It has nothing to do with it being popular, as much as it being everywhere all the time.
And it IS overated.
I remember a lot of uncertainty, and then some building hype over the concept art. Reveption was positive with the usual negatives tossed in.
Then came /frz/, which did pretty well for a few months. Then the shitposting amd incest ran up, and it stopped having anything original too it. It kinda mirrored /bsg/.
I still mess with my fic I wrote for it every now and then. Mostly since I like the 1840s feel.
It became a self aware parody towards the end, it knew it was filth, and it began to rejoice in that fact.
A good thing it was put down at the end.
"Everyone" started hating Frozen when the people who liked it (the clear majority of people even on this board) got tired of it and stopped making threads. The few contrarians who hated it because it was popular and the ones who had legitimate reasons to dislike it, but had their opinion drowned out by the horde of fans who loved it, had by this time let their dislike fester from the constant exposure and the constant reminders that most people didn't agree with them. When the hype died down and all the fans were content and had moved onto other things, these malcontents' voices could finally be heard above the din of praise and adoration, which of course encouraged them to be even more vocal in venting their frustration.
Pretty much this.