So it's agreed?
Greece and Albania should be at the bottom
I see a happy merchant made of flags.
Israel should at least replace Turkey. Come on.
What is this supposed to represent?
>No Antarctica
Gender politics
Power projection and global influence
>Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, UAE, Croatia
>ever being above Serbia
>no ISIS
>no mars or jupiter
Sup Forums has fucked me up so much that i see a happy merchant
Why no Moon? We've already added it to our Empire.
How much further up will America move when Trump is elected?
>Cuba and Belarus above Croatia and Serbia
yeah how about no
The USA is #1 so it's obviously correct no matter what
That's because it is one cunt
i surrend i surrend !
Russia needs to be above both France and the UK
While it is poorer than them, it's an actual power player who effects the rest of the world. When was the last time either the UK or France did anything as impactful as the Crimea annexation?
As a united bloc with Germany maybe they have equivalent influence on the globe but as it stands Russia, China, and the US are the only MAJOR actors on the world scale - everyone else reacts to us
t. only world superpower
>>> Polan near Israel but slightly lower
agreed x 10000!
move india, turkey, brazil down and argentinia up and its fine
you forgot err... Saturn!
>Netherlands is under Kazakhstan
Shut the fuck up Hans
Although Israel should be above us three
Some of you can share our flag in the future.
>SE Asians
All empires share one thing : a stronger and smart people united under a common banner and goal.
The usa is rapidly mongrelising so the strong part and smartness goes out the window, and division is literally the way your country isn't falling to civil through ever divisive demographies maintaining the attention away fom the states apparels.
You'll be lucky if your nation don't collapse in the next two decades, m80
Assuming you survive the imminent bond bubble pop, of course.
That's Luxembourg you muppet.
The USA annexed itself did it? Damn we are good.
You're on the decline mate. This is it. Enjoy it while it lasts.
>said the guy from the country where 25% of births are to muslims
>300,000 abortions a year 2/3 of white are to white women
France will collapse sooner than America, screencap this post and you can use it right before the shariah death squads kick down your door to admit you were a retard
Wow really made me think
>"y-you're on the decline"
This posts always come from the European nations most likely to implode in horrible ways.
Those are indeed flags of various nations
You have to colonize it first son. You're not very good at this empire thing are ya?
Don't worry you'll learn.
>you're worse !
So ?
Are you implying it makes your delusion of a bigger american empire probable in the face of not really ?
Oh dear, i hope not.
The usa colonising means beaners and niggers, who knows what sort of hellhole it would result in.
France is a nation, not a glorified Union. Secondly the US is 65% white. Leaving out those which no rational person consider white ( Arabs, Persians, Slavs) you're nudging closer to 50%. You're nearly a minority mate. Assuming you're white in the first place, it's a 50/50 call
>implode in horrible ways.
Entertain me. Do elaborate.
What is that flag? I've seen that a few times.
I'll take it over mudslimes in space, Achmed.
Is this an abstract merchant?
How autistic do you have to be to waste so much time doing this?
Probably post count per country.
The fuck, man?
We're better than the chinese、このクソDT
I'll take the bait. What's wrong with Slavs?
Explain this image→
France will be a third-world country way before we're anywhere ready, in ressources or politically, for extraterrestrial colonisation.
Your own window of opportunity is closing dramatically fast, and there's obviously no real effort to change that.
>singapore, english speaking first world nation
>below saudi arabia, a third world nation in all but name
It's when Xenu shitpost.
>the only countries worth responding to in this thread
Xenu? Can you explain?
It's the flag for shitty unconfigured ISPs.
>annexing giga shitholes
>not annexing Kourou
You're a kid.
France needs to be moved down tbqh. And literally what the fuck is South Korea doing there? They're an american puppet
>France above Germany
In what possible world could that be justified?
What is this autism?
>implying anyone knows or cares about a guyanan shithole port
Croatia < Israel
>implying there's a good reason to annex fucking Yemen and not pic related
You shouldn't have lost two world wars hans :^)
I like talking to my puppets. It makes me feel like I have friends.
>SE Asia.
Hell no.
>implying spain has a space program
Get out of that recession already and get your birth rate up you silly chink.
Agreed, I get annoyed by people taking the "Slavs aren't white" meme seriously. Not even Slav either (eternal Anglo all the way baby).
In all seriousness if shit keeps going down this way no country will ever have the chance to colonize space before we run out of resources and have another dark age. I pray Trump wins and you can come over here and we'll shitpost together Jacques.
I imagine it's only because of their fuckhueg army and oil. It sucks but it is what it is. Singapore doesn't even break a trillion GDP.
OP here.
The image is just a clusterfuck of images without a certain point, just harmless troll towards those who upload a picture with flags and say "So it's agreed? xx--DDD" Also it is in the shpe of a merchant.
*of flags
>Also it is in the shpe of a merchant
more like pic related
>implying portugal isnt a safe haven in europe atm
>greece above portugal
We will leave UE and OTAN and all the other country of Europe will follow us and you shitty country will collapse
>america will explode into a tsunami of shit and blood
>romania is above hungary
about right i d say