No matter what you do, nothing can undo the recent updates. If you still are clinging to this dying piece of fiction,
Would you buy and play Hiveswap?
Would you read Hussie's next comic?
Is there anything that can be done in the epilogue that could at least somewhat give respect back to Andrew or Homestuck? If so, what? (What could make it good again?)
Homestuck, yo
Other urls found in this thread:
1) if it will be on steam, then yes
2) i will definitely give it a chance
3) tying all the plot threads together à la problem sleuth
idk I'll just enjoy 1-4 and the couple good parts of 5 before the trolls and shit politics completely take over the story.
No, I won't read Hussie's next work, or play Hiveswap, which isn't even going to be written by Hussie.
>Would you read Hussie's next comic?
I do not expect him to write another comic. ever.
As far as I'm concerned, he's permanently dropped off the internet and now is living as IPGD's fuckboi, shitty doodles being the only thing artistic coming out of him.
>one month till hiveswap
>no real information, not even an exact date
Act 5 was the strongest part
Homestuck went downhill with Act 6, and I actually began realizing stupid things about Homestuck that I didn't see till I stopped following it.
Like how Hussie can't write children, only angsty teens.He can say they are kids but they never act anything like kids. Also the Striders are his self-inserts so death of the author was worthless to care for. Also he never went through with multiple killings so as to make readers suffer.
Also he seems to do a terrible job of covering his plotholes, and does some of the worst cast bloat I've ever seen. And his resolutions for homestuck are piss poor compared to problem sleuth which as well had pacing issues towards the end.
>Striders are self inserts
>Dave comes gay but then not really
What does it mean
That is incorrect.
the intermission isn't included. it's Intermission>Act5.2>Act 3>Act 4>Act 2>Act1>Act6>Act7
Hussie is a closet gay.
But he ended up not being gay except to crazy fujoshits.
So did he pull an Anthony Burch or something?
>Would you buy and play Hiveswap?
>Would you read Hussie's next comic?
>Is there anything that can be done in the epilogue that could at least somewhat give respect back to Andrew or Homestuck?
No. The best thing that could happen to Homestuck at this point would be to just let it die already.
>Is there anything that can be done in the epilogue that could at least somewhat give respect back to Andrew or Homestuck? If so, what?
Sink Davekat.
1. Pirate and play.
2. I hate myself, so yes.
3. No.
Davekat sinking would be a consequence, not a symptom
>Buy Hiveswap?
Wait to see if Cohan fucked the story up with his bullshit. If not then Yeah why the hell not, it's not like we got much better to do.
>Read Hussie's next comic
Yeah, I wonder if he even considers making a new one
>Is there anything that can be done in the epilogue that could at least somewhat give respect back to Andrew or Homestuck?
In comic? If he has John go full fucking apeshit and give everyone hell because for the last 4 years of his life was spent doing everyone else's shit and not ending back at square one.
Outside of comic?
Hussie comes out and apologizes for all his shit, the hiatuses, and admits he pandered the hell out of one side of his fan base because he was desperate to keep people interested, and admits to the comic's low drop in quality, and vows to never slip this far again
But that will never happen
Hiveswap is shit, there is no saving it, it must murdered.
And here we thought Joey would save us all.
Also happy birthday Lalondes.
pray to god we're allowed a genocide joey end
i never got this meme
Lalondes are breeding sows.
more like the strongest fart
Hi icels.
>That 1st
Fucking Reddit. No taste whatsoever
1) Probably not, I'll just look up a no-commentary playthrough.
2) I'll check it out, yeah, but if it doesn't hook me within the first couple of updates I won't bother.
3) I honestly don't see any way to redeem it outside of pulling a Problem Sleuth and retying ALL that shit he didn't tie up, but I strongly doubt Hussie is capable of that.
Protip: nobody actually ships davepeta/jade, it's used as a way to conveniently get jade out of the way for davekat.
dumb frogposter
I wish Karkat was dead.
t. Karkat fan.
Most Karkat fans do.
I just wanted him to ejaculate inside Terezi.
I've stopped following this autism when Jade turned into a half-dog furry prophet or something. Are there any autists here or elsewhere that can provide me with a tl;dr of some sort?
The kids make a new universe
Dave is gay for Karkat until Hussie realizes this isn't making him money, makes Dave gay for Jade instead
John dates Rose's mom before she leaves him for Lord English's sister, Rose has a traditional jewish wedding with Karkat.
Lord English turns out to be an autistic kid. He is killed by a house, maybe.
Karkat ends up doing nothing, at all, and becomes a terrible character. Vriska comes back to life and solves everything for no reason.
Quick! You must travel back in time to 2009 to tell Hussie 1 thing to prevent Homestuck from turning to shit. What will you tell him?
"No trolls."
No trolls
Don't make a Homestuck video game
This reads like a really bad joke reply, but the sad truth is that only one thing there is false and that's probably just the result of a typo.
Why is she the 8est?
>Finding out about the credit roll a month later
>Finding out OP's pic related got the most subpar fate ever
I understand Hussie was trying to write LE out of story, but the entire point to his generated hype was that he needed a complex way to be gotten rid of. It's not like Hussie did it before with Kingpin.
>was trying to write LE out of story
But he made Caliborn and Calliope, who became central to the entire plot.
1) Planning to buy Hiveswap, because why not
2) Hussie is probably just going to pull a Bill Waterson at this point and like ironically paint multicultural murals or something. Don't except to hear from him again.
3) Confirming Jade/Dave/Karkat would be my heart's delight for the ending. I don't much care how the rest of it plays out anymore, but fuck the shippers trying to get rid of her. Jade deserves a little happiness.
>OT3 shit
>Kadkat is still worthless
Not only are you scum, you don't read the comic.
Yeah, which was a neat plot twist if he went anywhere with it.
Calliope was just Pandering: The Character
Caliborn would've been great with his whole "Me against The World" subplot, but it didn't even take flight.
Overall, they helped Hussie passively write LE out of the story, that and Dave's whole speech about not giving a shit about LE.
Why would we need to buy Hiveswap? Didn't most of us get suckered by the Kickstarter? We get the download for free. They won't make any money on this garbage.
>Confirming Jade/Dave/Karkat would be my heart's delight for the ending.
Or how about something where Karkat isn't the eternal third wheel?
The original trolls are the only interesting characters. All the kids are boring except for Dave and Dirk's relationship near the end.
They really won't. The entire point of the game was to make Homestuck a household name due to the huge following it has, but that following hasn't been huge since 2012.
And it's lost even the core fans with Hussie's insistence on making every bad decision and butchering every character he has.
I'll buy and play Hiveswap when I find a decent price for it, or on release if it's generally well received. It's been what, coming up on five years now? I feel almost obliged to play it at this point.
I'd read it, but probably drop it quick if he farms it out like the end of Homestuck.
If he actually took charge of his own project and wrapped everything up as satisfactorily as he did in Problem Sleuth, I think he still could redeem the comic.
>John is dead
I think the point of that picture went waaaay over your head.
>They turned Jane into a cake
It was their birthdays, Jane and John are born 4/13.
Lack of competition, maybe?
To be fair no one cared about Lord English after people got bored of the "He is already here" meme.
Aranea is hotter than her!
Hiveswap is gonna be three hours long with about the level of technival expertise found in a Jumpstart educational game from 2002.
Is there a single person who does not see this coming?
>with about the level of technival expertise found in a Jumpstart educational game from 2002.
Those games were the shit.
>That one where you get the dog collar on the bottom of the screen and shoot beanie bags to get tickets or some other good shit
>That one where you play as a spy
>That one where you find the lost city
All better than what Hiveswap's inevitably gonna be.
I want to be in 3rd grade again so bad.
Well yeah, in third grade Homestuck didn't exist.
Such simpler, better times.
>The original trolls are the only interesting characters.
Not by the end.
Oh you poor, poor soul, to be cursed with taste so shit you don't any better.
big bad wolf
>jade was the big bad wolf
>dave was little red riding hood
Remember when hussie used to make literature references?
Remember that?
1. Depends if it's on Steam and the reviews will be.
2. Tentatively - if things seem to be going in a bad direction like HS did I'd probably leave it for a while.
3. If Andy somehow manages to bring in something truly mind-blowing at the last minute, I may forgive him a little. Only a little though.
"I slept and saw God's forge in frost. Its hearth was quelled, and as it cooled so swooned the verdancy it kept above. In slumber it grew a thick winter skin, white as bedsheets. In their folds the waker dreamt, her breath as steam, her touch as hot as iron, forgotten in the fire.
Oh, that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew!"
-Acclaimed actor and sleeping prophet, Charles Dutton
He definitely had a knack for language.
Had, definitely.
Another reason Davekat is shit: No overt literature references
It's not being written by Hussie anymore, so not canon.
Canon ended with the Credits. An okay if not great ending and the rest of this is just retard fanfic that Andrew didn't approve so much as shrug at.
That's my take and I'm sticking too it.
>An okay if not great ending
Look, it's easier to make a list of the things that are good about Davekat, because there's so few reasons.
>Would you buy and play Hiveswap?
>Would you read Hussie's next comic?
>Is there anything that can be done in the epilogue that could at least somewhat give respect back to Andrew or Homestuck? If so, what? (What could make it good again?)
Yes, if it is funny somehow and/or ends with the line "The Aristocrats"
I just want Hussie to move on to his next non-Homestuck project.
Who's the blonde bitch
>tying all the plot threads together à la problem sleuth
wtf are you talking about
problem sleuth's epilogue was just a lot of happy scenes with the characters, there wasn't any plot
>no-commentary playthrough
>of an adventure game
that sounds like it would be incredibly frustrating to watch, like 20 minutes of watching the guy walk in circles trying to solve a puzzle without any insight into what he's thinking
Her name is Marren, she's one of the main kids.
"You don't need him."
unless there's something you're not telling us, user...
Any non-shit play through isn't a first run, dingus.
who would play it twice
ryan north was the the true source of hussie's downfall
>Would you buy and play Hiveswap?
It will be meh at best, most likely gonna' flop. But I'll buy and play it to satisfy my autistic curiosity
>Would you read Hussie's next comic?
andrew is unironically one of my favorite writers despite this mess, so yes. I'll probably follow his projects wherever as long as they're not namco high-tier.
>Would you buy and play Hiveswap?
>Would you read Hussie's next comic?
>Is there anything that can be done in the epilogue that could at least somewhat give respect back to Andrew or Homestuck? If so, what? (What could make it good again?)
Nothing will ever wash off the failure on Andrew Hussie and his goons
We can only hope for the best
>that time equius was a nigerian prince
I wanted a game by Andrew Hussie. Now he's just relegated it to someone else to write. His writing and visual gags are what made his stories enjoyable.
Get back on that horse, Hussie! Don't be defeated by the last couple years!