>name one leader that was more based than Kemal Atatürk pro tip you cant.
Name one leader that was more based than Kemal Atatürk pro tip you cant
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>We do not consider our principles as dogmas contained in books that are said to come from heaven. We derive our inspiration, not from heaven, or from an unseen world, but directly from life.
Yeah, so dead, you hardly hear about Islam, ever.
Weak and incompetent 'leader' he was.
>Genocided Christian Greeks
>Eventually cucked by Islamists anyway
Fuck off Roach.
Based but sucked cock by losing
Prince Phillip
i literally can't,
just remember what he said about Islam, bro.
literally the only secular turk
Turkey seemed like a decent country back in the day, my mom lived there for a bit she said it was nice back in the day
And you vote this guy into power?
Atatürk was great. Unfortunately, your country will be syria 2.0 in a decate.
Coincidentally he is not even a turk.
Good luck with your secular degenerate country. It will soon be over runned by femenist and leftists Marxist. Just Look at the west
Look who's talking
>a kurd is the greatest "turk" of all time
Why are roaches so pathetic?
British muslim here, did he actually say that?
He a Thessalonika Jew iirc
Things are moving fast. Now we have enough anti nazi points for generations.
How did he not get killed for saying shit like that? Today you'd probably have riots if a politician said that.
Unfortunately, he was the only leader you ever had who didn't deserve to die in excruciating pain.
Who are you quoting?
Thats why turkish government had to apologize for various mass murders he did against his own people
He was a hero Roachistan needed and still needs but doesn't deserve
>mfw they worship him while going full allah kaboom akbar