/nsg/ 卐 - National Socialism General
Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.
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Redpill me.
>thinking about becoming a NATSOC
What are some reasons for me to change?
It's the only ideology that's actually fought Jewry.
Howd last thread end, OP?
Volk+Occult= Formula to crush our globalist enemies. Meme magick my friend.
You do realize that half the people posting would've been executed in their early childhoods or aborted entirely if they were under the Nazi Regime the other half would've been killed for cowardice in the face of the enemy
Are you guys fascist? Also give me some kind of political agenda TL;DR, something like a ten point manifesto or something. I'm not going to watch hours of Hitler videos
We've had this general running for a month now what is our next step.
Discuss ways to advance the NatSoc cause in / on
>Sup Forums
>local community
How's that?
Yeah, we're nazis.
If you won't watch hours of Hitler videos, I'd reccomend just one: youtube.com
Pretty sure the maker has uploaded a version with Finnish subtitles.
Why do you hate me? I'm just a simple Jew :(
We hate the power structure of your race for their part in destroying the white race, and will likely gas all your leaders. Common jews will be exiled to reservations due to their genetic predisposition to lie, cheat, and steal.
Okay. Good luck with that.
come on don't be naive
don't feed yourself the illusion you'd be Hitler's
Could you send you brother or sister father or mother to their death because they worked with the allies or helped a jew?
What if you were blind or had hearing problems
old and impossible to indoctrinate
mischievous as a child
or otherwise deemed undesirable
what is considered acceptable now would likely net you death under Hitlers regime
So called white supremacists or Neo-nazis
are nothing but a disgrace to a truly noble cause
Though don't mistake that for some leftist bullshit
I'd gladly surrender my life for Hitler if it meant future generations could live peacefully and honor the man who started it all
free from oppression of the repulsive Marxist cancer
the idea I got from this video is that you guys are basically skinhead retard neo-nazis with zero understanding of politics or economics. I think I'll stick to national social democracy and white nationalist master race
>don't feed yourself the illusion you'd be Hitler's
odd line break there m8, but know that Hitler had no servants. In the reich, all served the nation.
>Could you send you brother or sister father or mother to their death because they worked with the allies or helped a jew?
>What if you were blind or had hearing problems old and impossible to indoctrinate mischievous as a child or otherwise deemed undesirable
Well, good thing I'm none of those.
How'd you get that
So why are you guys so attracted to men in uniform?
>it's that one ubercapitalist fag
silly naziboos, there's only 60 minutes in an hour
>Our time will come.
It sure doesn't look like it.
Hello, /nsg/. These threads are sort of irregular, depressingly.
What would you lads suggest for some background documentary/music/whatever? It's late and quiet and I want something to listen to while I talk with you fine gentlemen.
Because let's be honest here, mate, Oswald was a qt3.14.
That's why we used the Jews for making watches. Can you imagine a German watch? The hands would read "Invade" and "Annex" and the numbers would be various neighboring nations.
Well none of you can form a coherent opinion on economics or policy, so it must be the Uniforms that get you guys off as it is all you ever post.
>Our time will come
>Stealing the IRA slogan
Why are Nazis so unoriginal? Why must they take what is not theirs? Isn't that a bit...Jew-like?
Hmmm, I'd recommend putting on Triarii in the background. You'll have to torrent their discography, but it's worth it.
It's almost as if people of slightly different opinions can come together in one party.
Honestly, with the amount of times we've been ripped off, we're allowed a couple.
Anyone else sent here by common filth?
Nice victim complex you have there. That's a bit Jew-like too, don't you think?
>one party
>party is socialist
no thanks.
>How'd you get that
The reason the economy is in trouble is the long-term debt cycle. This is an in-built feature of our economic system, you have good times (boom) and bad times (bust). Now I agree that jews are over-represented in high places, but there is no deliberate conspiracy to rob us blind. There is nothing for them to gain by deliberately "destroying da white race" Don't get me wrong, I would love it if the economy were that easy to fix, but it isn't.
What Hitler did to the jews was basically the same as what niggers are doing to white south Africans right now. We poor, dey rich, therefore they stole it from us --> kill da whitey (or jews) and steal their shit
>inb4 JIDF
that's not an argument, and you know it
>more podcasts are mentioning us
This makes me feel conflicted tbqh
Did he mention the board or the thread?
>psychoanalysing and insulting people instead of arguments
Stop jewing me, jew
The prime objective of national socialism is to create a unified nation that strives for excellence and wherein the people support one another unconditionally.
This is inherently incompatible with democracy.
Democracy is a system that, by design, splits a nation into artifical factions that are in perpetual conflict with each other. Red vs Blue. Green vs Yellow. Etc.
Worse, the system inevitably devolves into corruption by an evolutionary process of sorts: The most successful parties and politicians will always be those that are the best at lying and manipulating the public (so as to get their votes) while actually serving the interests of those that give them the most "donations" (so as to fuel the next campaign of lies and manipulations). Some idealists will emerge, no doubt, but they simply cannot compete with a charismatic professional liar that is backed by connections to mass media.
National socialism seeks to destroy this system and replace it with a single, unified governing body that serves the peoples best interests as a matter of ideology (or, if all else fails, because the people would otherwise remove it).
No more lies, no more smear campaigns, no more empty promises never meant to be kept, no more endless arguments that never lead to action.
It combines two seemingly conflicting notions - the stark and stoic Nationalism with the subservient and altruistic Socialism - so that they may balance each other. The harshness of nationalism is softened by an imperative to help those in need. The weakness of socialism to exploitation is tempered with iron resolve and burning pride.
One nation. One state. From the people, for the people.
>check pasta
>simple Jew
no h8 m8
>There is nothing for them to gain by deliberately "destroying da white race"
Not exactly, they'd be able to gain a much more docile, brown race of servants.
> We poor, dey rich, therefore they stole it from us --> kill da whitey (or jews) and steal their shit
With respect, that's just not true. Nazis targeted Bankers and speculators, not just "DA RICH". The Von Krupps and other corporations prospered in the reich.
So does this mean that german 'invade' hand is on germany right now?
Actually, no. You know how at noon, all the hands point in one direction, 12 o clock?
We're almost there, with all the western hands pointing to Erwacht o clock
Come up with your own mottos instead of stealing the IRA's, you cryptojew.
>you cryptojew
>says the jew
No one cares, Thatch.
I know, at least I admit it. If only you could do the same, Benjamin.
He posts plenty of Sup Forums things, but he's been on a nat-soc binge for like 2 days now
>Not exactly, they'd be able to gain a much more docile, brown race of servants.
I don't know how that's working out in the US, but in Europe it's a disaster for da joos. Muslims are much more anti-semitic than even the most rabid right-wingers, and there have already been many acts of violence against jews by muslims. Why on earth would jews want a Europe dominated by muslims? They are now in a situation where either right wing takes over or muslims take over.
>With respect, that's just not true. Nazis targeted Bankers and speculators, not just "DA RICH". The Von Krupps and other corporations prospered in the reich.
I'm sure nazis targeted a lot of people, but do you deny that they specifically targeted the Jews? Do you deny that they stole wealth from them?
You're a Commie in denial.
And I'll be honest, the podcast make me too depressed to listen to entirely so I mainly just watch and few minutes and follow on twitter.
>Why on earth would jews want a Europe dominated by muslims? They are now in a situation where either right wing takes over or muslims take over.
Because in the long run, they can cuck the muslim religion just like the did the catholic religion, and the brown new servile race will be genetically inferior to them. Google the Kalergi plan and that man's involvement in the EU.
>Do you deny that they stole wealth from them?
Frankly, I view the primary sources of Jewish wealth- speculation and banking- as non-legitimate. That wealth was stolen from the German people in the first place.
Whatever you say, schlomo.
Which is why we killed them in their millions?
Commies are egalitarians retards
>Which is why we killed them in their millions?
>we killed them
kek, literally kangz tier
Not an argument
If I'm a fellow believer in their political ideology, it makes sense.
surely someone must have remarked on the irony of 14:88 being a time that never comes....
thats how you start a natsoc thread? op is troll
to beat a jew, one must think like a jew
Don't claim responsibility for something you didn't do personally.
Commies killing Commies means Commies aint so bad?
Don't think so Socialist scum
Which is why we killed them specifically for openly proclaiming they were communist... we were communist ourselves the whole time.
Anyways gotta go m8s Hail victory
Its the icecream that is the issue, not the flavour
Nice identity politics you got there.
Good thing it wasn't marxist socialist then isn't it?
whats my race again? blink 1488
Socialist is Socialist you cuck
Everyone knows natsocs are degenerate...
Well, this thread is less organized than my sock drawer. Let's discuss an actual topic.
How about we play armchair general. /nsg/, Operation Barbarossa is about to begin, and you've been given control over operational planning. With the added benefit of hindsight, how do you ensure that you don't get overrun by unwashed Reds?
>Because in the long run, they can cuck the muslim religion just like the did the catholic religion, and the brown new servile race will be genetically inferior to them. Google the Kalergi plan and that man's involvement in the EU.
If they've already cucked the Catholics, why bring in muslims? Muslims are some of the most anti-semitic people in the world. As for creating a genetically inferior servant race, I just don't see what's the point. Jews are already on average more intelligent than us. Also wouldn't it be easier for the jews to just move to Africa or something? Also, are there limits to Jewish power? Does this un-quantifiable, unprovable Jewish cabal have any limits to their power? I don't know man, to me all of this sounds like a simple mind looking for a simple answer.
>Frankly, I view the primary sources of Jewish wealth- speculation and banking- as non-legitimate. That wealth was stolen from the German people in the first place.
Fair enough. I think that wealth gained by banking and speculation is, for the most part, illegitimate, regardless of religious background.
wow that's a good one you showed me
You hardly showed me by arguing about the flavour when I have already pointed out how thats a non-argument
I don't care if you're singing the national anthem while destroyed your economy, you are still a pathetic socialist cuck
Marxism and National Socialism are two different foods
>Socialism and Socialism are two different things
tell me how
What ever happened to THELINDGRENN? He made the best Hitler videos.
Sieg Heil!
Because it isn't marxist you spacka
Oh, you have no idea what you are talking about do you.
You can't even provide a single example of difference between the two, let alone an economically relevant one.
Tough break kid.
>Marxist Socialism: People working for the good of everyone with profits (in a manner of speaking) shared by everyone who is working, driven by market demands.
>National Socialism: People working for the good of the country with profits going to the owners of companies, driven by the needs of the state
>The main difference was in Nazi Germany profits were shared with the business owners and in the Soviet Union the businesses were owned by the state so the profits went to the party elite exclusively.
Now we can move on.
Both are Controlled Markets, both destroy the economy.
NatSoc is retarded because it is Socialist. I never brought up Marxism, because it is just another form of Controlled Market, that is the issue.
So subdividing the original issue proves nothing.
To go back to the Ice-cream analogy.
>Ice cream is too cold
Its not Strawberry ice-cream
>But it is still ice-cream
But this is Chocolate ice-cream
Replace the following
Economically damaging
Free markets destroy the people
How so?
Hitler had full control of production, prices and wages.
He divert huge sums of production to military equipment.
This sapped production from essentials, lowering their supply
but due to the fixation of price and wages demand stayed the same.
This of course caused shortages in essential products which the natural flow of supply and demand could not rectify because, as I have already mentioned, price was fixed and could not rise.
Loss of acess to market essentials destroy the people, not a competitive market.
>you will never grow up in the 1940s in Germany