Why hasn't Sup Forums read Mein Kampf yet? 40+ pages in and I'm already starting to question the world we live in.
Mein Kampf
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Reading it right now, I'm about half way through.
The translation I have is pretty shit though and filled with (((commentary))).
But even through that smoke screen it is still very good so far.
Fucking commie Jews fucking everything up.
>Hehe let's demoralize our front line troops so we can have a revolution
Gross. Just gross.
>capitalist mode of production enters a crisis
>scapegoats the jews
>questions the world
Started to bore me
Guess who created and have control of the most capitalist institutions?
I don't know if I can trust any translations nowadays bro
started it a couple of years ago. in german its a pretty weird writing and very hard to read.
i heard the Stalaag translation is bretty gud
I was having trouble deciding, but Ford it is then!
I read half of it.
Apparently the second Volume which I didn't read isn't always considered part of the book.
It was honestly getting pretty tedious to read.
Lots of interesting material though. His thoughts on the weakness of parliament type democracy was very interesting.
I also didn't realize at the time I read it that the Nazi's were so openly anti-semitic. I thought it was a more subtle part of the Nazi movement.
I also read the communist manifesto which was an easier read but which I agreed with much less.
i'm not even jewing you bro. there was a thread months ago and ppl said stalaag is best
In english it is no different. I read that he just had a very strange way of writing.
It is really really pathetically pleb tier.
owners, who invest money into things?
fucking brazilians think the gringos fucked their economy, and that imperialism is real and that socialism is an answer. they never once entertain the thought that fucking monkeys is their problem. hehuheuheuhe.
Ford audiobook available on youtube.
>a antisemite person is for socialism and against imperialism
This is cognitive dissonance tier. Also, welcome to Sup Forums.
I thought the Mannheim translation was the best? Is it not?
This, the Stalaag translation gets into some nitty gritty missed bits like the pages where he writes about how he hates Jews because they didn't let him into art school and how he was jealous of their money-making ability
He's right.
The Stalag edition of Mein Kampf is the only one you should be reading. It is the only existing English translation of Mein Kampf that was authorised by the NSDAP in 1937.
It was translated by a now-unknown English-speaking Nazi party member and printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin in limited numbers during from 1937 to 1944. Most were distributed to the camp libraries of English-speaking POW camps, and became known as the “Stalag” editions because of the camp library rubber stamp on the title page.
Only a handful of copies survived, and the text contained in this edition has been taken directly from one of these extremely rare editions. This official translation is not to be confused with the “James Murphy” or “Ralph Mannheim” translations, both of which were edited, abridged and ultimately unauthorised.
The Murphy and Mannheim editions both left out major sections of text, and contained long, clunky, badly-translated and almost unintelligibly long sentences.
Most importantly, this only authorised edition contains the full text of the original German -- and none of the deliberately-inserted racial pejoratives used in the Murphy and Mannheim versions (words which Hitler never actually used in the original).
Contrary to postwar propaganda, Mein Kampf does not contain a “plan for world domination” and instead consists of a short autobiography, the effect of the First World War upon Germany, a discussion of race and the Jewish Question, the constitutional and social make-up of a future German state, and the early struggles of the NSDAP up to 1923.
Here's the PDF:
Read the Stalaag translation, it's bullshit free. I'm a few chapters in and astonished at how Hitler cared for the working poor and felt that socialism was taking them for a ride.
It's shit, only babby stormweenies like it
And I read the version that is considered "good"
I am not talking about pol. I am talking about the third world mentality. Instead of managing economic crisis with some form of competency, you third worlders attribute your own failures to outsider forces. This is why marxism in latin america, africa and other third world countries was so popular. It's a diseased mentality, a contagious one.
I can not afford it right now, so I will buy it later and read it some time then.
>outsider forces
Do you mind not being a fucking leaf for one good minute?
The issue was internal, and the majority of the book is dedicated to changing Germany from the inside out
>Muh economy
The fact of the matter is that a people will be more prosperous if they are taught to fish rather than given fish for free. The cowardice of the German people after ww1 is well documented and a driving force behind Hitler's ideology.
Stalag for accuracy, Ford for enjoyability. Talking about Ford, you should also get his The International Jew.
Maybe you should sell your cuckshed and start over again Sven