> It was a fucking mess. There is a reason Patty Jenkins was dropped from Thor. Gal Gadot is pretty frustrated with the movie as well. Well for one, Jenkins cannot command the respect a director deserves. The director of a movie is the captain of the ship and needs to steer it. Jenkins is a total doormat and everyone walks over her. The production crew often supersedes her commands, she cant get the actors under control, and she's easily frustrated. Fucking Chris Pine on the days he was on set pretty much had to play Dad while she was Mom.
Trouble on the set of Wonder Woman
>tears in the bathroom stall
>Fucking Chris Pine on the days he was on set pretty much had to play Dad while she was Mom
Kind of reminds me of Alex Guinness on the set of Star Wars. The location sets in episode 4 were basically hell.
But he was the constant professional through it all and helped show all the young cast members what was to be expected of them.
When the crew is so young, you need a few old bones to show the pups how it is.
where is this from?
I really wish the amazons were more beautiful.
OP's ass.
>greentext that has no source but Sup Forums will eat it up anyways and gossip like teenage girls.
It's from an assistant who carried around props on set
t. my dad that works for nintendo
Based Kirk, he deserves better
>Fucking Chris Pine on the days he was on set pretty much had to play Dad while she was Mom.
>pretty much had to play Dad while she was Mom.
>while she was Mom.
>Gal Gadot is frustated
all the movies she has been in are shit and she doesn't deserve shit, so who cares
I wish Hollywood would just stop pushing her
Not that I don't believe it was a mess anyway. Shit is ghost directed by Snyder and completely rewritten by Johns in the middle of production.
>putting a woman in charge
Uh no. On the set information comes out all of the time, you think those people don't use the internet? It's how we know which actors are assholes.
Know what else was a mess to make?
Apocalypse Now
Does this movie have even a small chance of being good?
Non-Disclosure Agreements.
>comparing a work of art to capeshit
Iron Man didn't even have a completed script.
They can't sue you if you're anonymous. That's the cornerstone of sites like The Hollywood Reporter.
I could see it but without a source Im forced to call OP a faggot
This is unironically the worst sign.
Because Suicide Squad is objectively shit. Even if you like, you know it's shit.
It had a talented director and a good leading actor, and a studio who could afford to take a risk
Unlike say Transformers 2 which was also shot without a script
It wasnt even "so bad its good". The action scenes were boring, the first 30 mins are a lazy exposition dump, the soundtrack was obnoxious, and the script was a mess. But perhaps worse of all, it was forgettable. I fear WW will be more of the same
Casablanca was made up as they went along
it was a fine action movie, you guys are just overreacting. The only problem was pacing and the characters not being fleshed out enough, and the Extended Cut fixed those.
>remembers all these things about it
>says its forgettable
>and a studio who could afford to take a risk
Not back then it couldn't.
It has transition issues and the character beats get really wonky towards the end.
Doesn't always stop people from talking. My cousin is playing character on a TV show and wasn't supposed to say anything, but he told his mom, who told my mom, that he's going to be a serial killer. He also says Val Kilmer is a self-absorbed prick and George Clooney is nice as fuck.
I worry that this is going to be the new normal with super hero movies. "Don't worry! We'll fix it in time for the DVD!"
>Know what else was a mess to make?
On a more related note:
Superman Returns
Green Lantern
>People acting like shit
>Blame person for not stopping them instead of blaming the people acting like shit
It was a horrible movie because of editing imo. The bones of a good film were there, but the poor editing, recutting scenes to change Harley's romance, and the flashbacks in flashbacks in a rapsheet intro that was inside another rapsheet was just too weird.
>recutting scenes to change Harley's romance
I'm fine with the reduced Joker screentime and the notion of Harley and Joker having an actually affectionate relationship that's more subtly abusive.
this is how being a boss works. your employees will inevitably be worthless shits if you don't command respect, it's just human nature. it's your job to get them to do what needs to be done.
Welcome to real life
Besides, doesn't mean people acted like assholes, but without good guidance and management they can work hard and still nothing gets done
It could actually, that's why they made RDJ the star despite him being a has been at that point
Why are Mousefags so filled with hate?
Sage for Disney shill
>A woman can't lead
Not suprised.
Welcome to the real world asshole
They made RDJ the star because his fee was peanuts with almost all his salary coming from the backend. It's why he makes so much money from the films, he gets a percentage.
So is there an actual source for this shit?
>obviously edited to hell and back
>generic CGI villain man
>blue laser shooting up into the sky calamity plot
>le quirky pop music "We want that GotG audience" soundtrack
And this is coming from someone who thought the film was passable, or at least not as bad as I was expecting. It sold me on Jai Courtney at least. But it was just a slightly less trainwreck-y Fant4stic.
This so hard.
That movie had NO business being a generic "save the world" superhero movie. It's the Skwad for fucks' sakes. That's never been what they're about.
>patty was dropped way before pre production was even finish on Thor
>didnt even film shit
>acts like she got dropped while filming
God i cant wait for the JL was a mess threads. Mousefags never disappoint in their shilling
They should have just been busting in to an off the books Lex research facility where they destroy a bunch of Bizzaro clones before having to fight one (Obviously it wiould be weaker than the real Superman). DC's problem is that they make these films more complicated than they need to be
I would've been content if they were shipped off to Bialya or Qurac or Markovia or one of the other fictional DC nations to just topple a dictator and install a new, America-approved one.
What you just said made no since
How does that make no sense?
I think the plot they had would have been better off for a second or third film so they could build up Enchantress and make her betrayal have impact.
This is literally exactly what it should've been. How they didn't come up with anything like that is beyond me.
Of profit, or box office?
You marvel shills are being worked overtime huh?
>Chris Pine will never be your dad
>>A woman can't lead
>Not suprised.
Where people also "shilling" when we had threads about the two cuts of Suicide Squad
Spoiler, why dont you take the WB dick out of your mouth for 5 secs and stop acting like a contrarian DC safe space bitch?
>WAAH! Its popular! I cant be content with my own opinion
Im willing to admit MCUs have their own brand of autism, but at least they move the fuck on after the movies been released
How the fuck would Lex have other clones if he only had the one ship that he used on Doomsday.
Hell how the hell would they kill bizarro clones.
When would he have done that?
He barely got Zod's body he would had time to keep making shit.
You said the plit was complicated but then you introduce another more complicated idea.
A less complicated would have been a more covert mission with no Enchantress.
honestly stop defending shitty movie making!
if this was a marvel film you would burn it at the stake.
it was incoherent, boring, badly written and had no charm
editing is a major part of the film process making.
How is pointing out this false info for the stupid shit it is me having any dick in my mouth?
She obviously got cut because she didnt want the earth adventures Thor2 became and Marvel even did worse by the next director. So its obviously they are at fault in why the Thor movies suck.
And folks move on because the movies are so safe and forgettable.
At least DC movies with all their flaws still get think pieces months/years after their release.
>At least DC movies with all their flaws still get think pieces months/years after their release.
if by think pieces you mean insults then yeah
Nah you are a cuck for DC and everybody knows it
Personally, I feel Suicide Squad should have been a much smaller film in terms of scope and cast. Have Waller put together a small team of killers a set them off to take out someone who needs killing (Joker?). None of this "End of the World" shit that we got .
Oh I know OP is just spreading source-less rumor bullshit, but thats not my gripe here. The fact that you unironically believe the "lol shilling Mousefag!" bullshit is whats irritating. Newsflash: Companyfagging on this board is fucking autistic for everybody. I just want good comic movies, regardless of the publisher or the company making it, and the sad fucking truth is that DC has left much to be desired. And thing pieces? Fucking really? Theres nothing fucking smart about about comic movies dumbass. Watch a real goddamn film. BvS and everything else has about as much depth as a muddy fucking puddle. Now sit and think about that you fucking attention whoring namefag
Bullshit. The movie s gong to be fine if not enjoyable. Everyone thinks thier work situation is shit. This sounds like the rant of a newb on set who doesn't understand regular workplace politics and professionalism. Just because you read it on the internet doesn't make it true.
I wish Wonder Woman was more beautiful.
I know she can't act that well, but Kat Dennings should've been casted as Wonder Woman instead.
Then again, it's not like Gadot can act that well either. I guess it kinda doesn't matter as long as Wonder Woman is hot to me.
I've still yet to see anything from the dceu as god as these.
If anything the post he replied to is Reddit
I'd love for the sequel to showcase that other countries are developing their own metahuman strike teams and show a more international scope to the DCEU. Give me a Rocket Red appearance or something.
So it can be fine, but possibly not enjoyable?
Kat Dennings is a disgusting whore, user. I'm not saying Gadot is a good Wonder Woman but you need better standards
I can rest assured that this fine film with receive a standing ovation and much praise from the audience of Warner Brothers employees and executives that screen it. Another 10/10 wonderful experience.
>Rocket Red
My Man!
One more disastrous DC film that "true fans" will hail as "masterful kino" that plebeian Marvel Disney shills are just "too stupid to understand."
Nothing new here.
The sad thing is, I've been wanting a Wonder Woman movie for fucking years now. And this is what they give me. Fuck everything.
That just about goes for the DCEU in general. What a squandered opportunity.
>Casablanca was made up as they went along
This is actually very close to being perfectly true.
Casablanca was a contract B movie, a thing that Bogart was doing to punch a slot in his contract.
The studios back in those days cranked out tons of them, and they were uniformly bland. Never bad, never good. Perfect vehicles to put butts in seats on matinee nights.
Casablanca is a miracle for many reasons, not least of which is the fact that it was, literally, a schlock, nothing B movie being ground out of the mill like dozens of others, and somehow....
It became Casablanca. One of the three best movies, if not THE best, ever made.
The Muse is fickle, indeed.
Yeah it is was bad but honestly most action movies are.
I see comic book movies almost out of obligation for the love I've had sice I was a kid. Xmen Apocyolypse, for example, was fine but not all that enjoyable. I went to a 21+ theater, got drunk, saw some cool superhero shit, can't remember the plot to save my life. If I can get drunk and be entertained its fine. If I can actually care to think aboutmitmafterward it was good.
I think it'd be perfect for a SS film to have him as the antagonist. You have all these villains then this vintage 80s Russian supersuit with a new coat of paint drops in and wipes the floor with them because he simply operates at a different level.
I don't get why people try to defend WB
You take all of their superhero movies barely 5 of them are good.
>protagonists are a bunch of shitty supervillains
>antagonist is a sympathetic, heroic figure who's more or less 'the good guy' within the narrative
I want.
People have different taste to you
>halfway through the fight he realizes they don't have the firepower to hurt him and starts ignoring them as he continues his mission
women can't be directors
But not much different, not really, if you look at all the WB superhero films that have performed poorly at the Box Office, where opinion is registered.
When Man of Steel fell to #3 behind a cartoon sequel and a zombie flop movie in it's second weekend, and vanish to #10 by month's end, that was general disapproval by audiences.
Compare that to Spider-Man remaining in the top three for 2 solid months. It took a Star Wars movie to knock it out of #1 in the third weekend.
People are broadly not as fond of WB's modern capekino.
>we get several scenes showing him as a loving, caring husband and father
>by the end of the movie, he's brutally and suddenly killed by the Skwad
>WB will never do anything like this because they can't write a movie for shit
some taste are just shit
what are the three best? Casablanca, Citzen kane, and Star Wars episode V?
more like capeshit
That British dude had some interesting analysis. Does he do a lot of movie reviews/breakdowns?
If that's how you want to be, then I guess I'll be taking The Hurt Locker home with me.
And you know what? Fuck you, you don't deserve Shrek anymore.
I don't care for Dennings, but come the fuck on.
Whatever you want to call it.
They made a fucking movie with Batman fighting Superman, with Wonder Woman thrown in for good measure, and it filled less seats than Batman Forever.
That has to be pretty fucking alarming for them.
Source? I don't need no source!