So, Sup Forums?
So, Sup Forums?
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before the 60's
When there were less niggers
uhh, Germany, do you really want to ask that question?
your meme is literally dead
Did you miss that part in history where cleansed Western Europe?
Don't you think it's time to end that picture? The guy is dead.
before welfare and black single parenthood
This. The 60s were the start of the downfall. Before that, everything was great.
I am also interested in when the US was "great"
I dunno, let's ask Bill.
>germany asking this
Oh the ironing
>I am also interested in when the US was "great"
said the old man who used to rule most of the world... USED TO!
Before 1913
The 1980's.
I hate these edgy antifa kids that hate their country and their parents.
The 80's
1960. The year the birth control pill was released.
No biological consequences for sex. Women commence downfall of society.
He doesn't need to make america great again, but the wetire western world.
I remember a time when both parents didn't have to work all day to get just enough money, not enough once they get their deserved pension.
I remember a time when my greatparents were able to buy a house, always a rather good car, feed 3 children and live a good life in general with jobs that would be considered bottom of the bin today.
Today you can be happy if you can live the same lifestyle when you've been to university.
More and more people are becoming poor, while the economy grows (with exceptions) for over 70 years now.
I doubt Trump or anyone else can make a change in that regard.
It won't be great ever again guys.
Up until 2001
It went down hill after the revolution.
I don't know.... the part where it saved you from assured defeat at the hands of Hitler's Germany?
Before 1776
1930, after this point western governments started to impose socialist policies and everything got worse whilst the government claimed it was muh capitalism that caused the problems.
I agree but what arguments do you have to support this?
When it was british.
rly maeks u think
but britain lost its entire empire instead of just Tanganyika and benin
Nice meme, faggot.
40s-50s the only downside was the extreme racism and muh commies will nuke DC
Besides that the 80s to mid 90s, no red scare, lots of technical progress, no fear of terrorism and a lot of great music which added to American culture.
Saying they ruled the world is naive but they were a superpower definitely.
Ameriburgers are more delusional though, but its easy to think ones nation is the center of the universe, the chinese have done so the past thousands of years when civilizations in persia, india and europe argueably have been better at times.
Before the kikes got to it.
1950 - 1963 (and even up until 1969).
yeah, we were great. So when was the US great? According to Americans anyway...
It was also held the civil rights movement, movies started becoming even more jewy/degenerate and there were loads of drugs. All together it ended up breaking America and everything after has just been worse.
everyday it existed before Kennedy got capped
April 18th 1995
At that point it became much easier to be a slut and degeneracy increased sharply. In NYC now a minor can buy abortion pills yet a 32o soda is illegal.
Are you high? Russia did more to help us than the US....silly American.
>saved you
Don't ever try to act like any of your actions in ww2 were magnanimous, yank. You were always only in it for your own gain and you jewed all of europe for all it was worth, especially Britain.
'Saving' Britain from the nazis led to Germany being what it is today, and the PC, 'anti-racist', self destructive climate the entire west is submerged in that may well lead to our bitter end.
We were on the wrong side, m8. We did bad.
They went on the Moon. Cut them some slack.
German Cuckold
>big deal
August 6, 1945
Shortly after WWII, I'd say 1945-1960, when the industry seriously began to pick up, and it was pretty much the only decent country remaining after the conflict, that didn't get bombed/warred to shit.
Women knew their place, men were willing and able to work for a decent living, niggers were still quiet and not chimping out much, and the migrants were actually coming to fucking work instead of doss around in the land of the free.
July 20 1969
Don't seem to remember Russian bombers being stationed in England.
Don't seem to remember Russian cargo ships being sunk to resupply Great Britain.
Read some.
Before FED
When it was the first proper democratic republic
When they landed on the moon
When they spanked the Japanese in the 40's
When they were the largest economy in the world
When they were one of the largest exporters in the world
When they won more Nobel prizes than any other country
When they unified half a continent into one sovereign republic
When they caused the USSR to fall apart
lel, cuck
Let it go Hank, Brits have an innate hatred of the country that replaced them as a world power
This is a shiny gold nugget
Russia was coming for you next faggot.
I don't disagree. Unfortunately the fact is the you were on the wrong side. There is no telling whether or not any of you would have survived by the time Hitler got around to you. And with the almost assured strife facing the German people post-war, he certainly would have focused on his own people before any others. It truly was the most fucked up thing to ever happen. Who knows what will come next.
>the first proper democratic republic
you mean when you gave women suffrage in 1936? I think other countries did that before you
Read the flag, idiot
1776- 1861
You mean fucked it up.
>putting the Frankfurt School, communist "resistance fighters" and the LITERAL Mafia in charge of "liberated" areas
>you mean when they gave women suffrage in 1936? I think other countries did that before them
>america was never great
>everyone in the past was racist and sexist
>being proud of your heritage is stupid and wrong
>you owe people for things that happened in the past
>no one should care about anything but the here and now
Thanks Marx.
we can't blame marx for retards trying to take everything that was even remotely okay about marxism out to fit their ideals.
That really started a thought process.
>anything good
The only thing good about Marx was that he died.
Up until 8 years going.
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American movies, music > German movies, music
Germans have no humor, no media that interests any of its neighbors
Stop being so shitty at everything Hans
>downside was the extreme racism
you have to go back
it was completely fine til the yankees started moving down to the south in droves and giving the darkies the notion that they can do things like play b ball
when it had mostly whites
Those Trips
When a single income household could raise a family and live well.
he did forsee the faults of capitalsm that must be addressed but he went thr wrong way about it. He ditched capitalism instead of making it better. which is why anyone gives a shit about him in the first place
Before cuckservatives and neoliberals sold this country out to globalist multinationals.
When women couldn't vote or work anything beyond secretary duty, and niggers weren't considered people.
Also we killed people for being gay.
Because women's suffrage is the key ingredient to success as a nation...
Back to SRS with you.
definition of proper democracy = when all the citizens can vote
US before 1936 wasn't even a democracy
I know this is bait, but...
When we claimed our independence from the most powerful colonial empire on Earth centuries before most other countries managed to do that
When we founded one of the first governments in modern history based off of principals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, enumerating rights for the people and limiting the powers of government
When we freed the slaves before any African countries ever did
When we turned the tide of World War II and helped to defeat the Nazis and essentially defeated the Japanese mostly by ourselves
When we superseded all European industrial powers in production of industrial production
When we landed people on the moon
When we won the Cold War and defeated international gommunism
When our learning institutions ranked among the highest in the world
Am I missing anything?
Before 9/11. It showed that even a country as large and powerful as America was still vulnerable to attack from smelly third worlders.
>They're all white
this ad be considered racist these days
>posts image of (((Gene Wilder))), born Jerome Silberman and raised Jewish
>complains that America was never great
It checks out.
1776 - 1959
In a few years all ads will mandatory have a same sex parents family version