Why do cucks exist?

Why do some men raise other mens children? It makes no fucking sense in any way. Hypergamy, where the top men get all the women is natural. But being a beta provider cuck isn't.

Lions are a great example. only the few of the male lions get to breed. And the ones that do chooses to eat the previous males cubs.

What makes a man invest time and resources in securing the survival of another mans genetics? Dying a virgin makes sense, not this. Why does it keep happening?

>even lazy ghetto niggers are getting cucked
God is dead

He will eventually kill that baby. Mark my words.

The pure look of regret on both baby and cuck's faces are gold

Helping a woman raise her kid isn't cuckoldry. Cuckoldry is raising a kid that is the result of your wife cheating.

judging by the kids look the black gentlemen was cucked by a fin

>He will eventually kill that baby. Mark my words.
And probably burn the dumb woman alive.

Subtle b8, bravo!

or maybe he will raise the kid to be a drug dealer

I'd raise another man's child/ren if:

1. He literally died and
2. The kids were white and
3. I loved their mother a whole lot

Otherwise, no. I might marry a divorced woman with kids and I'd be kind to them, but their real father would be expected to step the fuck up, or else. And no fucking niggers. At all, ever.


>let's rationalize why i like being a cuck

Stay shiny and chrome little man.

That's not being a cuck. A white child whose father has died deserves a chance to have a father, if a worthy one comes along. I wouldn't marry a widow expressly to father her children. But if she and I wanted to have a family and a good life, okay. We would definitely have kids of our own, obviously.

But no niggers. And no wops either.

The memes are going too far.

>And no wops either.
Yeah you fucking wish you little cuck

>>even lazy ghetto niggers are getting cucked
You could be right... but he does look like he either wants to pull a runner or put a bullet through his head.

Should we just accept that all women prefer black guys?

Never take seriously anyone posting with an American flag that users the term wop
They are literally the scum of the earth

Thank you paisà, honorary Italian on the spot

Don't you see it's two women?
The one on the left play the bull dyke.

>another mans genetics
Actually makes sense if it happens among people with recent common ancestor.

>inbred cucks

Wtf brazil.

Yeah, those greez balls refer "Guinea" these days.

That t-shirt

Came here to say this. White children, especially under 5, are in grave danger when under the care of a man of any other ethnicity.

Hope you get better mom next time around little man.

She better take that Queen shirt off, there is only one King with Royal Blood in that picture.