If you don't buy apple's new iphone you are just a transphobic bigot.
If you don't buy apple's new iphone you are just a transphobic bigot
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Christ, hopefully he gets the Larry Wilmore treatment soon.
Yeah but I reap the benefits of not owning apple cuckshit
your move (to a new gender)
Don't forget the $200 wireless headphones! (sold seperately)
>(((they))) pay this nigger to be (((funny)))
"New iPhone 8! Now with no screen!"
"How am I supposed to play apps or do anything other phones can do"
>mfw hoping this will backlash on him by thousands of tumblr transjw's saying how dare you relegate my struggle to something as trivial as a new phone
It already has
Did the jews do this so people would buy ipods again?
Wow. This man is SO funny. Like Ha Ha. I laugh very much! XD
I really hate this year.
But 2016 is our year
Which current year did you like best?
You're going to hate next year even more. I hear it'll be the future current year.
>(((they))) pay this nigger to be (((funny)))
get a grip on yourself faggot
>the daily (((shoa)))
>hire a trans writer
Why is the solution for these mentally ill subhumans always to give a job to someone like them?
Even Rush Limbaugh is bought by Apple.
I had an iphone once. Lasted about 2 years on a 3 year contract. Home button failed and I couldn't access pages with flash. I never bought an Iphone again.
I've now had my blackberry z10 for 3+ years. I'll probably keep it for another 3 years because it doesn't have moving parts.
>At gym today
>Guy is telling me about the new Apple ad
>Says two dudes make out in it or some shit
>Asks if they're trying to appeal to gays or something
>I tell him it's probably because they'll accuse you of being a homophobe if you buy a Samsung instead
>I was joking
That person doesn't even like being a human.
If they reacted to the iPhone people react to the transgender conversation, it would involve a bunch of mentally ill men smashing holes in their iPhones while liberals stood around cheering them on and telling them that, yes, they too can hear the music perfectly fine through the invisible headphones.
Don't see the issue desu, why do you need a headphone jack? It has speakers. Do you want headphones for your TV too?
>hating the (((Current Year)))
Pretty Transphobic bro.
You have an asshole. Your boyfriend can fuck you in there. Why do you need to cut a fleshlight into your crotch?
Ive misspoke, you guys are right. This has been a pretty good current year. ill be more optimistic when things spin more and more out of control i guess. Im just tired senpai.
Doesn't it come with an adapter for conventional headphones? If so, I don't see why this is such a big deal.
That's the jewest move of the year. Congrats Apple
So you're saying you're ok with Tyrone and friends playing loud rap music on the bus?
Oh wait it's cucknada, of course you are.
>American ""humour""
Are u one of those people who goes around playing their shitty music out loud and annoying the fuck out of everyone around u?
If so i hope u catch cancer and die.
>This is what moot is doing now
Holy fucking false equivalency (((Batman)))
buy into globalist capitalism or you're literally a bigot
>spend money so that you are in with the times
Stupid Daily Show
Yeah. People need to be more social, make more noise. Otherwise they'll all be locked in their own worlds with the headphone. I also would prefer if iPhones were used only in your home, so you don't stare at a screen all day :)
No he's right, transgendered people are useless and should be rejected by the masses.
The argument isn't even close.
Looks like he is trying to force some outrage on his dying show. What a fuckin awful pick he was.
>(((American))) ""humour""
I'm not trans phobic, I hate them I'm not afraid of them.
No niggers don't belong in Canada
No I don't, listening to music in public is degenerate instead of paying attention to the world around you that God created you're listening to music made be degenerate satanists
About as American as John Oliver you fucking pogue
Are Apple products Cuckware? I think so.
More like
>Customers freak out over apple making old tech unusable with the new devices for no reason except to make more money
Seriously, I don't even use apple shit and this is jewey tactics. The whole reason it has no headphone jack is just to sell those shitty wireless headphones
I don't own a cellphone for this reason, but everyone else is glued to their phone while we're out. I don't bother going out with friends anymore because of that got fed up with it. Leave the phone at home
What about when you want to listen to music in places where it's not appropriate to play your music through those shitty, tinny iPhone speakers? I like listening to music through speakers that allow me to listen to the low ends of the mix too. You clearly know nothing about sound and I'll bet you're one of those fags who goes to a huge concert and watches the entire show through the screen of your phone so you can "re-live" it later....through shitty, tinny speakers.
Fucking get your shit together, Bruce.
John Oliver is typical American humour, hence why he's unheard of back here.
>those Hobbit feet
Blackberry classic here
It's a great phone but what sucks is how all app developers are pulling out. Whatsapp is cutting support in january, you have to use the mobile site to get uber, and jewgle play stops android apps from working anymore
The struggle is real
Listen to music at home? That's what normal people do. I don't go to concerts, I can watch decent ones on PBS when they do the classical European ones, my phone has no screen I can't watch anything on it
>a fucking leaf
No, he's the quintessential Brit. Dry and unfunny. You exported him and his shitty brand of humor.
I have never seen a single minute of British humor that made me laugh, it is all drier than a piece of toast. And you're all afraid of crossing racial boundaries and calling out minorities. You people are the unfunniest bunch of niggers on the planet.
>Not having an Android
People who buy apple products are really retarded and will be happy to pay $200 for the seperate jew earbuds and instantly assume theyre the best headphones ever because they're expensive. I'll keep my android and my Audio Technia ES10s
> falling for the mobile jew
kill yourself
I can't wait to see what this site will come up with to troll the new Iphone users
>to poor to buy shoes
Kill yourself
Do you take your tv and receiver on a jog or to the gym, fat boy?
they're gonna do it regardless of if they have a headphone jack or not
Kek, whatever Burger.
There's nothing in John Oliver that resembles any typically British humour, like Monty Python, Blackadder etc.
He never made it on the UK comedy circuit, because he's trash - so of course he became one of the biggest "comedians" in your country.
You sound like quite a pedantic faggot. You're an idiot and I don't take you seriously anymore.
>only enjoy things in the privacy of your own home
>still having a phone with no screen
Yeah, you're just a dense, socially awkward retard. Opinion discarded. inb4 you call me an AppleFag
is right. Monty Python humor is the shit. Maybe it's too wordy for you so you should probably stick to things like the Hangover and Jackass.
calling Trevor Noah a Nigger is an insult to all of USA's black population.
there must be a worse word to describe this mulatto
Wow guess im a #RIMmer now
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??? These piece of shit things don't even come with it???
For a company who's sales are massively declining globally, this move looks like suicide.
Why is it always a fuckin' leaf
We call them Oreo;s
>the humble TRS jack
>comes in 1/4" or 3.5mm
>workhorse of the audio industries
>simple, functional design
>trusted and beloved by many an audio engineer
Apple are faggots. Like how they're trying to replace the mouse. Sometimes old technologies stick around because they're the most efficient form.
Why do you need a phone at the gym so you can call your friend up to tell him how much you lifted? I'm not fat either I'm 180 pounds
Yeah home phones don't normally have a screen and the plan costs $10 I refuse to pay more than 10 for a phone.
Wow I knew this board was filled with liberal, communist, republican atheists but now you have these techno geeks who need to be connected 24 hours a day to their shitposting websites or they die, I haven't owned a cellphone for 6 years I don't need one it's pointless I don't know why they got invented
I typically use my phone to listen to Pandora while working out.
Are you that big of a shut in that you cant comprehend the idea of people listening to music while working out?
damn moot's really hit the skids
He became a ""comedian"" from (((nepotism))) you fucking moron. Do you think he showed up to NYC one day and just started saying CURRENT YEAR and people gave him a job?
This right here is the defense I come across. "ohh its too witty for you m8 it requires big words u wot m8 maybe u just too stupid" No, it's unfunny because it's unfunny, not because there is some secret level of intelligence only the proud British islanders can understand. Most of it is plain autism disguised as "wit". I saw a sketch from a Brit TV show where they repeated the phrase "it's getting all pear-shaped"over and over again to raucous laughter. It's unfunny, dry, and stupid.
I've had my 4S for 5 years and that's what I'm posting with
It's just an excuse to sell Wireless™ Beats™ by Dre™, an Apple® brand product.
>not having windows phone
Yet John Oliver is still watched and popular in your country, no?
>The 3.5mm jack has been the industry standard since the Walkman.
>In the technology world, it's a relative fossil, and Apple has decided to move on.
your fucking faggot iphone uses a motherboard which is a "relative fossil" as well and I don't see apple trying to "move on" from that
I actually think Apple are making these little things wireless so they'll be very easily lost everytime they drop out of your ear.
Imagine how many replacement sets (at $200 each) people will have to buy over the life of a single phone.
Did moot just hit rock bottom?
Why is it that men who try to bring back the manliness of the 1800s, and the women who try to bring back the femininity of the 1950s, are always cucks, and landwhales, respectively?
stop fucking trying to talk to people on public transport you fucking annoying southerners
it's not normal, just shut the fuck up and leave us in peace
Actually the new iphone comes with earpods that connect to the lightning port and it also comes with a lightning adaptor to plug in normal headphones. They only sell the wireless earpods separately.
I watch anime on my phone and I dont want anyone finding out that I do.
>can either buy a new pair of headphones
>or a single replacement headphone for the low, low price of 175$
Fucking genius
By liberals who watch it for political reasons. Same people that like Piers Morgan, another British export
niggers do that regardless
>the new headphones comes
>headphones comes
Actually, believe it or not, 2016 has actually been a pretty good year for the far right.
My mom has one, it's kind of shit, then again it's from a prepaid line-up, so maybe that's why?
They aren't bringing back shit except for the looks.
Adapt it to what? There's literally no jack. There's nothing to plug an adapter into
As iron sharpens iron, so do Australians sharpen Australians' bantz.
Like badass sound companies like AKG, Sennheiser, Harman or BOSE are giving a flying fuck about Apple.
>They are going to boicott Apple not making bluetooth headphones/speakers.