This is the end...
This is the end
Faye is a retarded bitch. That is all.
Why doesn't her hand hurt she punched metal?
This is a comic made by someone who stabbed his own hand. Cleary he doesn't know that Metal beats flesh and bone.
god I hate faye so much
Why don't they simply kill the pink?
her fists are harder than metal, harder than brick
Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Anyway Bubbles will only stick around long enough for Pinkbot to start talking shit about one or both of them at which point she'll punch the other cheek in and leave herself.
So is Faye going to become a heavy alcoholic again?
>Works for illegal underground fighting ring
>Invites her friend to illegal underground fighting ring for repairs even though she knows it's under-investigation
>Boss handles the situation, manages to ensre everyone walks away unharmed
>Punches Boss in face, gets upset when coworker friend does quit when she's fired
What the fuck is her problem?
Why the fuck did she think Bubbles would go along with that?
Faye is stupid and thought since her and Bubbles want to fuck each other that means they love each other enough to completely uproot everything Bubbles finds stable in her life
It's funny when people ignore all the super-obvious 'this character bad this character good' framing and setup so they can bitch about things
Maybe she'll drink herself to death
>What the fuck is her problem?
A long history of violent and/or emotional outbursts stemming from an inability to deal with her own shit relating to her father killing himself in front of her coupled with an assertive personality that tends to rub people the wrong way and poor planning skills.
Because when you're a dyke you're only weakness is straight white men.
>punches boss
First mistake, even if the boss is a dick. Quit first, then punch, or better yet, don't punch.
Hold your breath and count to 10.
Feel the earth move again.
It's almost as though people don't like when a story simply tells them how to feel, instead of actually writing a scenario where they feel it.
Robot faces are apparently a soft polymer. over a metal frame.
Boss Lady probably has very little metal under there judging by her spindly arms.
And Jephestabbenhanden is such a hack he couldn't be bothered to give Boss Lady a name?
First rule of punching someone is shit talk them into trying to punch you in front of witnesses first.
Second rule is make sure you can get away regardless of how shit shakes out, but make sure it looks like you tried and can't.
Third rule is make sure you can kick their ass.
If you meet all 3 conditions I don't care if they're your boss or your sister, feel free to introduce their face to the ground.
Admittedly most people won't be able to meet all 3 conditions and find the opportunity to put them into practice, but if you can it's great stress relief.
Jeph is a jerk.
Do not feed jerks.
He gave her a joke name in one of the comic titles and decided to stick with it, it just hasn't been mentioned by any of the characters.
Yeah she has the strength and know how to just pick her pink protocol droid ass up, toss her like uncle phil tosses jazz out the door and wave over copbot the incompotent.
Is that what you meant or are you saying that the act of standing up for friends is somehow retarded?
Because if it's the latter I'm gonna guess you wouldn't know for a very good reason with that attitude.
Faye is Robot Puncher Hero
>Character is clearly a stupid fucking cunt off the get go
>Acts like a stupid cunt
>Makes threats all the fucking time
>"I'm clearly being told to think shes a stupid cunt based on her cunty behavior so I'm refusing to think shes a cunt just because she acts like, smells like, sounds like and is a cunt. Pinkbot is the purest marysue because it suits my need to bitch about Faye. She has horn rim glasses and my friends on the secret facebook page tell me to hate that"
Believe me, I've seen similar shit go down in real life(in less retarded settings), and it's always fucking hilarious to see them expect their friends to abandon their lives and have most if not all of them leave them out to dry.
Invariably the people that do this or go along with it are hipster fucks like Jeph too. Usually between the gender hormones they take and their already shit personalities they usually burn every bridge at once like that and wind up skipping town.
Give me a break. Faye isn't some kind of hero for sucker punching the bitchbot. It's not bad to stick up for your friends, but Faye escalated it way out of proportion to the offense like the dumb brute she is, and worst of all expected Bubbles to back her up and just drop everything for her own personal beef. You sound and spell like a moron. Please don't reply to this post.
oh great i can't wait for the next inevitable inane melodramatic alcoholism meltdown
fucking hack
Flat ended fingers plus tablet minus autocorrect muh african american. Trust me with the wierd square end digits the autoretardo needs to be turned off. Id rather be on keyboard but not home. Typo nitpicking is the debate equivalent of jerking off a fixed dog, not really that satisfying for anyone involved, gross and pointless, but at least you're doing something.
Anyway as for your point, well it is a decent one, but the bitch still needed worse. And you don't snitch in that situation, because while she's a weak useless c3p0 on a lamp stand she obviously knows people. The best course of action is violence. We seem to have a lot of "oh trust me i know blah blah" but thats normie bosses and normie fights. You need to dispose of her in a way that gauruntees no further reaction. So yeah faye is an idiot in her actions, not intentions.
She's going full butch.
has jephs lost his zaz? it feels like ages since i edited one of his updates...the spark just isn't there any more.
>has jephs lost his zaz?
That would imply he has 'zaz' in the first place
Boss lady a cute. More appealng than the others anyway.
Uegh, it's "zazz", get it right, fuck.
I can't believe you're all such massive faggots.
You like passive aggressive manipulative wastes of life?
May is best bot. Id pay her twnety bucks twice and you best your ass something will transcend.
What "situation"? Its not like she was actually trying to kill May. She got rid of the cop, supposedly had the connections to nip the investigation in the bud, and then used a threat to shut up a potential liability that wouldn't stop panicking. Yeah, pinkbot is a massive cunt about it, but that doesn't make chimping out on her any less retarded.
People who organize crime and run underground tournaments don't always make idle threats. I mean she probably wasn't talking out her exhaust pipe. If jeff jacks has done any fucking research into people who run criminal enterprises shit is about to get interesting for faye and may because the dumb ape didn't finish the job she started.
But nothing is probably going to come of this, jeph is a fucking normiefag and will probably write a normiefag conclusion to punching a normiefag boss, who won't try to have your head hacksawed off.
edits for Jeph's later comics are like the MST3Ks where the movie was so boring there was nothing to to work with, and they did skits with little to do with it.
The positive side of this... the end is near and this dull formless blob of a comic will end.
There's just nothing funny to work with.
Idle or not, it was still just a threat. It wasn't a life-or-death "oh fuck gotta fight right now or she's dead" situation. It wasn't even a completely unjustified threat. Pinkbot doesn't know May, for all she knew that panic was a sign she'd try to talk to save her own ass, so she tried to keep her quiet to protect her operation.
Faye's moral outrage doesn't hold up either. "S-she was there for help!". No, she was there to pay for a cosmetic service. When she actually was there for help pinkbot didn't bother her and only bitched at Faye for using the parts. Faye (or Jeph) are acting like she was just threatening the poor widdle ex-con for shits and giggles, but it only happened because May was freaking out and bitching at her for letting the cop in.
>pinkbot makes a hurt expression
>not saying "you're fired" with indented cheek and robotic unwavering creepy smile.
>wasted opportunity
>or Jeph just wanted to punch a boss
Well first off, youre assuming what Faye punched was metal. Might be some form of polymer
Building robots out of metal in such a scale as this setting has would be cost prohibitive.
Likely a plastic of some kind. Or a Keratin futuristic material.
You're assuming it matters and she didn't secretly replace her arm with a robot arm forever ago
Any chance that the next page is the boss ordering Bubbles to punch Faye in the face, and she does?
There's precedent. Several times before, physical violence has added huge dents to Pintsize.
It will most likely be a joke strip involving May to "ease the tension" of the previous comic
It's hamfisted, shitty writing to tell your audience what to think or how to feel about your characters. Nobody is compelled by a writer who paints their characters in absolutes.
I like pinkbot because she's a cynical cunt.
So can someone explain how this shitty comic that seemingly only panders to SJWs gets around 8k per month on Patreon?
A lot of SJWS will donate a small amount while a few big donors donate a large amount
It involves a Behilit.
>only panders to SJWs
>who live in rich white enclaves
>who gave bernie hundreds of millions
>who gave jill stein millions
>who are now giving cambell millions
That comic with May sitting on Pintsize was kind of weird.
She's a robot, but seeing May with her pants down just seemed pornographic for QC's standards.
It's hardly more NSFW than comic #1334.
I know, but bare legs on the robots that usually wear clothes was just different.
I wish May would just fuck Dale already, she's already talked about being open to having sex with humans.
Dale can't even talk dirty, he wouldn't go for a threesome or cheat even if it was with a robot.
Pintsize is a military chassis. He's made to take a beating.
Pinkbot is a pink chassis. She's made to take a pounding.
>Adrenaline is a hell of a drug
Her hand would literally be so fucked she probablly couldn't move certain fingers. The metal caved in on her too. Her whole and and some of her arm would be gouged or scratched.
Fucking Jeph
>assertive personality
Because he has like 4000 "fans" that each give him 2 bucks a month from their >muh depression SSI checks
You guys have gone from mocking this to unironically reading it.
Why did she just assume that Bubbles was down for that shit? I like May and all, but nobody told her to bring her ex-con friends to the illegal fight club for help. Nobody told Faye to punch bitchbot and bitchbot kinda had a right to lay down the law on what would happen if the word got out on her illegal operation. When you work around that shit the first thing you need to know is that the boss is a boss for a reason and they can get you fucked up if you step out of line. Faye should have just grabbed her friend, said "you don't have to threaten her! She's cool!" And removed her friend instead punching bitchbot.
So... I guess she won't get to fuck the robot after all...
Pic related
The pendulum swings back and forth forever.
She could be made of some sort of polymer or resin.
Which is worse because that introduces splintering. Imagine if that's carbon. What a complete fucking idiot and what a terrible strip to show anything other than her literally being super human
>Sup Forums is a monolith
more likely the people that enjoyed hating it just don't care any more
true. I hadn't even seen a QC thread in a while and Jimbles isn't getting any clicks from me.
Haha wow
>You haven't sufficiently represented this struggle in-comic so this lecture looks ungenuine
>From a longtime fan
>Instead of considering this criticism, just block them immediately
Playing hurt and innocent makes the situation better for her.
Because it's been running for 14 goddamn years. That's how it works in webcomics. If you got started early and you're still going, you'll make money pretty much regardless of quality.
QC also used to have actual things going for it in the first several years of its run, and some people haven't noticed its lost its only redeeming qualities since then.
How much you want to bet she ends up going back to the Coffee shop and finds about Dora getting drunk and gets mega pissed?
The problem is that, while Pink is certainly a turbobitch, she isn't WRONG in this situation.
Faye and May created a problem. Pink was quick enough on her feet to solve it, but makes it clear that she is in no way forgiving May for creating the problem in the first place and if she knows whats good for her she will keep her mouth shut.
Its an underground illegal botfighting ring. Not a daycare. Pink's only 'mistake' was using more aggressive language than she needed to in that situation, but its not unreasonable considering that she knows NOTHING about May other than that blue bot is a fuckup what managed to get herself caught and now can't even keep her body in order without under the table repairs. Nothing about May exactly inspires confidence.
Yeah, smart thing for Faye to do in that instance was basically say...
"Boss lady, she's cool. *I'll* vouche for her. You don't have to threaten her like that." But punching boss lady like that was bad, bad, bad.
She's an alcoholic. When i was drunk once, I punched someone so hard in the face, i broke three bones in my hand. He went down and i didn't feel a thing until morning.
It's just become a habit of mine to check out QC during breakdast several years ago. It's just sort of always there.
Yeah, Faye completely chimped out right in the middle of Bitchbot's speech about how everything would be fine if everyone kept their mouth shut, especially the stranger she had never seen before in her life.
And she expects Bubbles to walk out with her? That's pretty shitty.
This is shitty behavior from Faye, but I believe she would do it.
Dora is the boss, the rules don't apply.
>has only known bubbles for around 2-3 months
>expect her to quit her job and become homeless just because she can't control her dyke anger
Is Faye the most pathetic cuck in this comic? Even Marty doesn't compare.
>and become homeless
Doesn't she have her own shitty apartment? Probably couldn't afford it for long without a job, but still.
Jeph Jacques is an idiot who doesn't understand how time works.
He thinks that people are like him and don't realize that the time inside the comic and outside are different.
Bubbles' expression is vague enough that I would accept she means to tell off the boss before she cops out too. Faye's reaction makes it seem like that's not the case, but it's hard to fucking tell what Jeph intends and his pacing has always been shit.
He's spent too much time developing "Bubbles is actually nice and wants to be friends" to have her betray Faye at this point.
I hate this fucking comic and I'm mad that it's become the Garfield and Blondie of my daily webcomic reading routine.
... My only friend
she lives at the robot fight building, which is an even stupider reason for Faye to expect her to quit
God I wish.
One day death will come for you, and you will have to tell him how much time you spent reading this garbage.
its pretty interesting
that quote about pretending to be retards kinda ruined this place
like the people who are obsessed with CWC almost have lifes as bad as his
reminder that chris chan lost his virginity
Even money that Jeph is here lurking, bubs will point out that pink is godawful at phrasing shit, robodyke is godawful at being an intelligent human being, call them both out on their shit and nothing will happen.
The usual.
Hold your breath and count to 10...
>and clearly not a native english speaker
that's pretty thin skinned and cold, even for Jimbles
>So... I guess she won't get to fuck the robot after all...
I'm out. Only reason I started reading was to see that robot get some greasy vagina.
oh, its happening
I predicted this
Although, /doag/ is worse
It better happen
the feels are reel
Chris paid a prostitute, anyone can lose their virginity that way