What's it like being American?
What's it like being American?
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Like getting shot once a day
>be american
>get shot
You have an overwhelming sense of confidence even though you haven't done anything.
Champaign every day
Large house
30 acres of land
More money then I know what to do with
Hot wife
5 kids
4 cars
37 guns
Weighing 500 pounds and proud to be below the average national weight.
This. It's amazing.
Great pride at being the most powerful nation on earth, great shame at your power being used to fulfill a globalist agenda
What do you do for a living?
It's like shitting yourself in public.
That's actually pretty close to true for me.
>Large house
>30 acres of land
>More money than I know what to do with
Nope, could always use a bit more
>Hot wife
>5 kids
>4 cars
2 and a truck for brush/hauling stuff
>37 guns
niggers everywhere
Imagine living in the wild West, except everyone has muscle cars and eats cheeseburgers for every meal. Everything is bought at Wal-Mart speed bumps are for pussies. Owning a gun is mandatory and only hip firing is allowed. We laugh at other countries as we burn through resources like a fat kid going through dessert at the cheese cake factory.
Almost did it a few days ago tbhonest
Eh. It kind of sucks. Could be worse but I mean it's not great. The best part about it is probably all the nature. Lots of awesome parks and stuff. I think that for most Americans life is just very boring and depressing.
In college, people don't care they're American. If anything they think that, because they're in America and on a college campus, they have free reign to run roughshod and proclaim their home country is the best. If you're here, you fly the American flag. Shut the fuck up.
I have one at my house right now. I am literally counting down the days until the manchild leaves. He is incredibly scabby, has worked out that we are kind people so leeches off us, yet has enough capital to do a last minute $1000 short course or contemplate going to Portugal in 6 weeks time. He does not clean, in fact leaves everything for my girlfriend to do - cant even put dishes in the dishwasher, lets the house get filthy around him. Hasn't lifted a finger in the cleaning department. He spilled an entire bottle of beer in our living room one night and left it there. spends all day playing video games while we are at work so she is pissed. Oh he brought some food home and expected my girlfriend to cook it. Honestly I am surprised he is alive.
Sup Aussie. Is your name Nat by any chance?
It's great as long as you don't live around Tyrone and Jose
If Australia is the best he could do I'm not surprised
No, that's just if you're white and living around blacks.
>be irish
>be astute with big american corporations
Europe gets fucked off, fight ensues with corporate America
Well done lad. Well done.
tune just American when America was good
A great feeling of pride and self worth.
I wish i was born american. But i'd like to look the same as i do now. Would not want to look like one of those goblin americans.
>all these butt mad shitskins
Lol. It's like being in a movie every day, good or bad. Then when you travel to another country you feel like a celebrity, no matter what your racial background. Everyone knows you're an American and faggots on 4chins may talk shit on the Internet, but not in person.
Standards are lower too. You can be fat if you want, unless you want to not be a virgin (unless you're a girl, then you have even fewer reasons not to be fat). All the trashy greasy food you want and as none of us posting here are homeless, life is pretty great in general.
t. a New Yorker
>t. a New Yorker
I never understood the firearm comment. I own two rifles and a shotgun.
>real burgers
What is a (((real))) burger by American standards? A big mac?
>muh freedom
Pretty much a meme at this point
>greatest civilization on earth
C'mon man
I was born in Britain. I'd never change my identity, it's shit but it belongs to me.
I have history.
What must it mean for an old worlder to want to give their heritage away?
Statians lack it and suck it up where they can find it.
If i were british i'd be proud of my heritage as well.
Sweden has a good heritage but it's virtually destroyed by now.
You have to know that the Swedish are more or less indoctrinated into being ashamed of their history. They are taught that what they did in the past was bad and they should feel bad for it. It's fucking shocking.
And running away is fixing things, i see.
Hi Boston! :^}
>60% calling anyone shitskin
lol m8 just lol
pls go shart in mart lmfao
I just wish things were different.
Lad, I've been here too long. I know of blanda upp and sweden yes. Don't lecture me on Sweden.
Been to every God damn state in this country
Its amazing! There are no words but awesome
Everyone has their own belife and agendas but at the end of the day we all work together for a common goal but with the federal reserve and international banks its just momments from cracking the egg and people burn down the kike hive
At least I know I'm free.
Then don't question it if you know the answer you fucking rem
It sucks. I grew up watching white dudes land on the moon. Now all we do is breed niggers, spics and snackbars
True. Now we make iPods and reboot movies. What happened to the ambition?
I questioned the Swede for wanting to desert his country and culture. He should be proud and maintain his country.
You're a mong. wayhay
A whole lot like being Australian, I assume. Pretty cool? I guess.
no jobs
Great. Come on over :^)
It will be.
If you aren't brown you'll have no problems. Chick's dig the accents too.
Literally the vastly average day across the country is normal. Don't listen to the memes. Just don't go to the black areas (only like 5 percent of the country)
You've been varnishing that wood.
Of course he should be.
But he isn't. I know this, you know this, but you asked anyway, like an absolute downy.
Actually I haven't. The shinier parts is just cosmoline that's sweating out from heat. I'm thinking about vanishing it tho. Other picture is more representative.
If I was fat American,
I would kill myself
Don't say that friend
>Boston being different from New York
>New York being different than Boston
He needs not to be here, we're cunts and we make things look a million times worse than they are.
Hypocritical too. England is fucked. Identity? What is that?
You don't abandon ship. Your home is your home.
>tfw your only identity is war propaganda, phony history and political campaigns
Your people do that anyway for less a reason than being fat.
>he's never had a real American burger
Wew lad
serious answer
there is nothing like being an american, it is literally the best feeling knowing that the governments job is to uphold your freedoms, not take them away.
being able to do things like say whatever you want, and do whatever you want with your property, is so freeing. The military is full of patriots whom alegiances are in line with the people, not the gov.
I was blowing up tanerite with my mosin in my backyard once, keep in mind i only have about 3/4 of an acre of property. My neighbor called the police and when he showed up he told her to get lost because i wasnt breaking any laws doing what i was doing. THIS DOESNT HAPPEN IN ANY OTHER COUNTRY.
If i had done this in the uk, i would have had 100+ police swarm my house and take my guns, along with my cutlery.
People like to call americans entitled and rude, but that cant be further from the truth. America has the most hospitable folks you will ever meet. Its something about having the gross amount of freedom that we have that makes us more friendly.
TLDR: america is best because the governments job is to UPHOLD our freedoms, not ALLOW us to have them. there is a big difference.
>I would kill myself
lol, we know Hojo, that's basically one of the three things your shit people are known for. Motorcycles, video games and killing yourselves.
>Hi Boston! :^}
Everything North of the mason Dixon is gross.
t. Texan
I've a couple of old shotties. One is close on 150 years old. Webley mk1 too, my great great uncle used it in the Boer war. Rusted af but, I know where it was.
Your only identity being
>being an American
>meaning anything
Literally millions of mexicans just walked across the border and became "americans" somehow. It's literally meaningless. There is no culture, race or religion of America. It's history is just losing wars, killing each other and greed.
Very nice. I love the old stuff, surplus is the best. I don't know where exactly my rifle has been (East Europe probably) but it has a few nicks and scrapes.
Leafs are out in full force today. Why so mad?
That's a sexy Makarov.
Vasily maybe:P
People tend to say bad things to me when I talk to citizens from other countries, completely randomly, but other than that it's alright. I do like freedom.
I'm actually severely depressed and I express it through shitposting on pol.
Because they are envious faggots. They are so invested in american political scene its creepy. They cant even vote and they do it for FREE
ahahahahahah what a bunch of faggot wannabes hahahhahahah
It's because you're on the top lad. You must grow thick skin, have an answer.
>they say we're not great and we have no culture
>yet we assimilate people better than any other country on the planet
Your muslims want to blow you up. Ours want to get jobs and live the american dream
But you are you not an English teacher?
You're our son. We know better because centuries of war. We hope for better things for our lad.
Be better than us.
Yeah, everything you said was ok but the burger part.
you gotta look at it from yhe other perspective dude. It feels like shooting somebody everyday. Glass half full.
>was blowing up tanerite with my mosin in my backyard once, keep in mind i only have about 3/4 of an acre of property.
I have done this literally hundreds of times, only a delusional amerifat could feel special about this
How the fuck do you just end up with an Americanin your house? Just kick the faggot out.
Clearly you need one pedro
Remember, anyone can be an American.
Come on over, pals!
The day Obama and Hillary refused trade deals with the UK over brexit was the day I pledged support to Trump. Godspeed, Dan.
Kill him. I will forgive you. Or just beat his shit in.
Real talk the northwest is beautiful and nigger-free. I'm close to the ocean along with all the fishing and hunting I want. Canada is great too despite Vancouver and Victoria being kinda shitty.
I want you to invade Russia, Gustav Adolfus.
As a middle class white male, its legit as fuck. Never been robbed, attacked, harassed by cops or dealt with any institutuonal harassment. It helps not to start shit either of course, but I have never had to.
The government shits on other countries and makes everyone hate us so we can live comfy and not have to deal with the shit euros are dealing with now.
I agree with the brexiter. But, goddamn you're going full retard. Stop it, don't go full retard. There's mudslimes in America who DO want to blow themselves up. we just keep the tools from them.
Let's make the Anglosphere great again
I love you A-non. No homeostasis.
Does that say Nicaraguan canal? How early is this poster?