>be americuck
>go out
>get niggered
Be americuck
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't you have better things to do, like not being raped by azers and roaches?
Hitting from almost behind and with 10 chimps around to be sure he'll have the upper hand anyway. What's wrong with you, Kardashian?
around blacks never relax
I like some of John Derbyshires list
(10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.
(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.
(10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).
(10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.
(10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.
(10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.
If I get you right, yes most of armshit gopniks don't know how to fight, so they try to compensate that by getting friends involved.
I'm glad I'm a "flyover"
we have like 3% other in my town
That tiny little white boy put up a real good fight.
If white men began keeping their bodies and minds on good physical and mental shape we would be in a better place.
Armenians are FUCKING brown males!!!!
And he's the one that walks away. Despite four nigs jumping him. He did well.
>be americuck
>get texted by some fbi creep roleplaying a 15 year old girl
>"she" starts asking you sexual questions
>decide to act
>"she" asked you to come over
>get your name in predator list, maybe jailed, raped, outcasted by society, bullied, ruined life and just kill yourself, while pig got a medal for catching a dangerous monster
Why can't niggers ever fight one on one? Why can't they just square up an opponent like a real man instead of going to cheap tactics?
>make thread about niggers beating up white people
>post webm of white boy holding his own against 4 nogs
>be American
>go out to check on the neighborhood
>get attacked by feral nigger
>defend yourself with your pistol
>Still no appreciation for helping him be crime free for nearly 5 years
Because they'd fucking lose and they know it. Niggers have no honor, thus no sense of sportsmanship. Notice how they'll kiss your ass when they're alone but cop an attitude in front of their homies.
>holding his own
against one nig I don't know what you smoking.
Not all blacks are like that racist.
You people need to move to Canada. I can walk in the neighbourhood with highest crime rate and not feel threatened. Shit, I go to the crip trap every other day to pick up, sometimes they smoke me on their blunt, they're loud and boisterous but they're chill. I guess American blacks are just worse or something. I hope you Americans fix your race relations, you desperately need it. I'll pray for you guys.
Frankly, white privileged assholes deserve that attitude, all you must pay for the centuries of slavery and constant massacres in the past.
Still whiter than americucks :^)
Blacks are the lowest of the low, that kid was owning him.
>be dirty Armenian
>get absolutely roach'd
>help niggers
>get niggered
Leafs should be fucking gassed
Opinion discarded
>sometimes they smoke me on their blunt
What did he mean by this?
>against one nig
You're dumb.
Every single one of those niggers jumped on him at one point, especially when their nigger buddy fell to the ground.
>be dirty Armenian
>move to Murica
Diversity is power, nigger :^)
we small town compared to america in our sorta "big" cities.
teens Ambush Woman, Pull Gun In Violent Brooklyn Robbery
Life lesson: It's better to offend the good negros than to walk through a pack of bad negros. And for god's sake, never keep your hands in your pockets when there's one within punching distance.
nah they pussy punched him but ok clearly holding it in a "jumping."
does anyone have that webm from Baltimore where the white hipster is supporting BLM and then he gets sucker punched by nignogs anyway? I need it for my webm collection
thanks in advance.
he was winning against the main nig and still managed to give him a few hits and walk away when he wanted after being jumped on by the other nigs
that's holding your own
Friendly reminder that armenians are the only "people" in the world more dishonest than kikes
Stupid Americans and their one-track mindsets.
Lemme rephrase myself so I can adhere to your childish psyche; I hate niggers, but not all blacks are niggers. There are respectable, tax paying, law abiding black people in our modern society, I can attest to this, I work with a few in the office. But the fact that crime and murder is committed mostly by blacks is overshadowing people's perception. I would kill a nigger without a second thought should he tresspass against me, but that doesn't make me want to kill all blacks indiscriminately. There's a divide here, but the intolerance you people perpetuate will only serve to make things worse. Peace needs to be made between the races, otherwise we're all going to face a race war.
Wake up and shed your hate people.
nice meme
Blacks love to roll weed in cigar skins. Every now and then since im a regular, they'll give me a few tokess.
Plot twists
We look like kiks
We act like kiks
We are everywhere just like kiks
Literally who ?
too small to be mike brown, didnt he die in the street?
Thank god for the sickle cell.
What the hell? Where's the dead penalty for this scum?
Looks like Trayboon Martin.
Go find a maple leaf tree and hang yourself you fucking faggot
>watch your friend 1v1 fight someone in bathroom
>take several cheap shots from behind
>your friend falls
>3 move in and start hitting him on the back of the head
dumb leaf.
>Not carrying a gun
>Walks right through a group of nigglets
>Wearing a homo jacket and essentially a saddle bag turned into a man purse
Kinda deserved it lads
>Why can't niggers ever fight one on one?
They usually do up until the point where they look to be on the losing end.
THIS is what happens, when a nig fights alone.
And misspelled kikes, but whatever. I'm a man full of respect towards others, so I call them jew-friends instead.
This idiot's clearly from Toronto. It's just niggers and wiggers over there. Sad!
>tfw you'll never retake Constantinople with OP and push back the Turk hordes
>back of the head
ya ok drink you lard amerifat.
Get out of my country you fucking scum. No place for cowards and nationalists here. Stay behind your screen and talk shit all you want, you'd get knocked out quick face to face with that mouth boy
that isn't even in America you dirty fucking whatever-the-fuck-you-are
what even is armenia? like what the fuck is it?
>Implying it's completely normal to get beaten up by niggers if you don't carry a gun and dress like a hipster
Ah, 'Murica
R flag
E flag
Q flag
It's everything here you fucking Quebecois hipster cum guzzling faggot. Keep asking for independence, but cry because none of the other provinces will offer you trade.
>what even is armenia? like what the fuck is it?
Post ussr shithole aka Russias bitch.
The way of the jungle my friend.
I'm certain we must start mass beheadings of those subhumans one day.
Don't give blacks the benefit of the doubt. Always change side.
The far right needs to take the iron pill. Be swole, be trained in martial arts.
That kid would be fucking dead right now if he tried to fight back there.
Every fucking time, sucker punch, only the lowest of the low try something like that, because they're cowards.
The guy is obviously a beta lefty. He deserves to have his views punched in his head.
>living around niggers
how liberal
Remeber when you got turked?
I'm from Alberta where you'd get your ass kicked so fast talking that wigger trash.You would not make it here.
>is blind
Whoops, I mean "visually impaired" sorry if I offended you with that incendiary term.
What happened then? I supposed he went on pretending nothing happened, because he didn't know how to react otherwise...
>that fake yawn to try to desperately signal that you are fully relaxed around blacks
(Even though you are not).
That's a nervous yawn. Not a deep breath like a normal yawn. It means he's uncomfortable. Dogs do it too.
Ayy lmao
I think I hate Africans more than Jews.
I saw the full video with sound. It's fucking terrible. I can't even watch 2 seconds of the webm now.
>Not recognizing Obama's son
I'll forgive you because you aren't an American. The dead nigger is Trayvon Martin.
>be Armenian
>be known only for your genocide & export of a family of rich whores that date only niggers
his mistake was walking right into a pack of youths
you have to treat them like wild dogs, if one is alone, be wary of hiding ones, if its just one you can intimidate it, if its in a pack stay away
I guess niggers are worse then turks are now.
shut the fuck up motherfucker rotten piece of crap fuck you die die die and burn in hell
jesus fuck i need a drink to calm the rage now
thank fuck browns and blacks dont want to come and stay here
Id beat your ass, nigger OP.
at least there is police, i hope the niggers got shot
If I remember right this guy was a D1 college football player from Ohio State. (One of the black guys)
He was kicked off the team.
but you're not. lol kys nigger
>law abiding black
>buy weed from crypts yo
Fuck off trudoh
What's the story here? I don't know if i would have been able to retain my composure like that kid.
>still thinks replacement will come from arabs
HAHAHAHHAHAHA is this a leaf trying to be tough? HOLY SHIT its worse than middle-school aged children. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>same nose
fuck arabs,muslims,niggers and brits
>Average salary in Armenia: AMD 66,637 (US$ 139).
Christ I make twice as much as your avg salary in 6 hours hahahaha. kys nigger. Actually, our niggers make more than you working at fucking mcdonalds hahahahaahahaaha
>be uneducated americuck
[spoiler]>get fucked by a nigger[/spoiler]
Top kek
Sarkis Acopian (1926–2007) – inventor, designed and manufactured the first solar radio
Hovhannes Abgari Adamian – engineer, inventor of color television
George Adomian – mathematician; developed a new methodology in math, the "Adomian Decomposition Method" (ADM) for solving nonlinear differential equations, both ordinary and partial, which was considered a mathematical revolution
George Aghajanian – professor of psychiatry; pioneer in the area of neuropharmacology; discovered the mechanisms by which LSD produces hallucinations; uncovered how atypical anti-psychotic drugs work
Artem Alikhanian – physicist; discovered the first artificial radioactive element which ejects electrons; first to mark the existence of new elementary particles in cosmic rays; with Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau, Igor Kurchatov, Abraham Alikhanov and others, laid the foundations of nuclear physics in Soviet Union
Abraham Alikhanov – physicist; in 1949 built the first nuclear reactor in the USSR; one of the principal persons in laying the foundations of nuclear physics in Soviet Union
Stephan Ariyan – reconstructive surgeon, originator of the pectoralis major flap, which has become the most commonly used flap for head and neck reconstruction worldwide
The list goes on :^)
Sho tu pizdish naxooy
>Average salary in Armenia: AMD 66,637 (US$ 139).
Average salary in Armenia: AMD 66,637 (US$ 139).
>Average salary in Armenia: AMD 66,637 (US$ 139).
Average salary in Armenia: AMD 66,637 (US$ 139).
>Average salary in Armenia: AMD 66,637 (US$ 139).
You need to get fucked by russia more!!!
Modern america.
i've wrecked your mom's pussy last night
>be cuck nu male
>Hey let me show myself how progressive and tolerant I am
>I'll pass right besides these niggers and nothing bad will happen xD
>I'll even snore to show how at ease I am around them
and you by sand niggers please
wow what a racist you are, not very progressive you subrussian.