Neocon here voting for Trump, ask me anything
Neocon lurker here
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you should vote for HIllary desu
What brought you around?
do neocons want to move towards 1 world government??
are you Jewish??
Kill yourself now
I love Michael Flynn (
Trump likes John Bolton, whom I like as well (
Trump got endorsed by Rumsfeld (
It's true that Trump is less hawkish than McCain or Romney, but Bush was also against nation-building in 2000.
I think Trump is 110% right when he talks about taking the oil in Iraq and Libya (
Can you be a neoconservative and not support Israel?
What kind of a Neocon are you? Are you a moral absolutist like Strauss? Or a crypto-Israel-firster like Irving Kristol?
Why call yourself a neocon?
Well one of the things that concerned me was his agenda on trade, but then I realized tariffs were a good thing.
Neocons like me support sanctions on a government like Iran, why shouldn't we support tariffs on governments like China? Trump is entirely right when he talks about China manipulating the currency.
The Chinese government is state capitalist, meaning their private companies all have government ownership. That's a big national security threat- we're reliant on China and it's not market based firms making the decisions (who wouldn't profit off of an embargo on America), it's ultimately the Chinese government.
I agree with him on immigration, economics, trade, and pretty much everything except the intricacies of foreign policy, but there's no denying that even from a neocon like me, his foreign policy is better than Crooked Hillary's.
Thank you for correcting the record!
one world government is retarded. The UN isn't neoconservative at all, they voted against the Iraq War and shit. Neoconservatism is based on the same principle as "America First." I like neoconservative foreign policy because the democratic peace theory states it serves American foreign policy, I don't like humanitarian operations like in Libya, I would've supported toppling Gaddafi and taking the oil (like Trump), but not taking him out for the sake of ending the "genocide."
Pretty good m8
Trump is pro-Israel and hates the Iran Deal. Crooked Hillary has ties to Max Blumenthal through his father Sid and Max hates israel, he doesn't believe it should have a right to exist. Donors to the CFG like the Gulf Arabs hate israel as well.
Not sure desu. The term has become so fucked up by people like Randlet who call Hillary a neocon.
Ummm more like Strauss I guess? I haven't read any Irving Kristol but personally I hate Bill Kristol.
I'm more like 2000s-era Ann Coulter. Pro-war but anti-immigration.
Furthermore Hillary's aide Huma Abedin is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization that is attempting to destroy the West.
Aren't NeoCons "globalists"?
Isn't Trump anti-Globalist?
Do you support Trump because he supports Israel (you must be Jewish)?
Why does the US State Dept support ISIS factions?
What the frick is going on?!?!?!
Exactly. I supported the Iraq War, but toppling Egypt (for example) and giving control to the Muslim Brotherhood isn't neoconservative and only supported by establishment shills.
Just like how the Republicans have the establishment and the Tea Party, us neocons have our establishment and our insurgents.
Depends on your definition of globalism. I hate the current state of NATO (totally agree with Trump there), I think our allies should have bigger militaries, I'm opposed to free trade agreements that send our jobs overseas, and I hate mass immigration that imports Muslims and Mexicans, who vote against neoconservatism and the West in general.
I'm not Jewish but Trump's pro-israel stance did have an influence on my support for him. Overall, right wing anti-Zionism, like Pat Buchanan, is better than flooding the West with Muslims (aka left-wing anti-semitism)
Neocons also are against free trade, or at least some are. Here is one (
Never liked Kristol Meth ://
Here's a good review of a very interesting book (its in French) on the Muslim Brotherhood's strategy in spreading its Islamist ideology.
Obama and Hillary ofcourse have not read any of this "Islamophobic" literature, because it goes against their brainwashing, caused by the Muslim Brotherhood and Huma Abedin in particular.
Muslim Brotherhood and Iran are more important to me as threats than Russia, so that's why I'm supporting Trump. Plus, Trump is more hawkish on China than Hillary is, so while Hillary may take on Putin to a certain extent (I doubt it though- she got shekels from the Kremlin for the uranium deal and Obama has done nothing substantive against Russia in Syria and Ukraine), it'd honestly be better to have Trump.
Soros is bent on destroying Russia though, because it interferes with his "open society" plans. Hillary might be much more hawkish on Russia than Obama, possibly even leading to war.
If war does break out, they should enlist Bill and Chelsea Clinton to be the first to get nuked by Russia
Soros is fucking cancerous. He hates neocons as well (
Do you hate America or do you actually think your globalist policies work? (They don't) and your certifiably brainwashed and/or don't understand the #s
Also fuck your mother for having you
I don't hate America. I'm opposed to mass immigration both legal and illegal. I'm opposed to Hillary's "polite" warfare in Libya and Egypt- replacing dictators with the Muslim Brotherhood isn't "neoconservatism," it's liberal globalist bullshit. I hate the UN, I hate WTO (not doing anything about China), I hate the IMF (shilling for the EU), and I hate NATO in its current form (does nothing about terror, barely anyone even spends the required amount).
I'm against Putin, but he's better than China- which Trump opposes. Getting Putin over to our side with some form of concessions or negotiating with him would be good in my mind. Trump isn't going to appease Putin and let him walk all over the United States (
Soros is Hillary's sugardaddy, funding all her projects.
He hates all nationalists and wants to destroy zionist Israel, independent Russia, wanting to see them all be replaced by some abomination of global governance.
Yet he fails to realize that this world government will just be co-opted by dindus and islamists.
Fortunately neocons love Israel, and so hate Soros.
Unfortunately, lots of neocons are globalist shills and are scared of Trump because he's mean. I suspect many of the neocon think tanks are inclined to support Trump but don't want to do so publicly because their funders are mostly globalist businessmen.
Thank you based Dutchman, Geert Wilders played a big role in me not being one of those Lindsey Graham/Fred Kagan cucks who is not supporting Trump.
What's your stance on interventionism?
I believe in an interventionist foreign policy, but you must have boots on the ground and have a sustained commitment. Either you go in all-out, or you sit out on the sidelines and support a strongman. You can't do what Hillary did and bomb the nation and then do nothing, it's clear that she just wanted Obama to look harsh on terror without the problems Bush had with war.
They don't hate him. It's Jewish theater.
I don't like Soros, he's a fucking shill for free trade, open borders, and WHIRLED PEAS
I disagree. Jews are really divided on the subject of Israel. Zionist neocons and the majority of Israeli Jews want Israel to exist as an independent Jewish State, while the majority of Western cosmopolitan jews want Israel either to be erased from history, or want to include the Arabs in the state of Israel.
The ultimate goal of the cosmopolitans is the creation of a borderless world, controlled by the United Nations or some other form of global governance.
Would you vote for Trump if he didn't pick Pence for VP but an anti-establishment hardliner?