Tell me about /project Namibia/?
Guess this would also be an AMA for someone who actually lives in the fucking country
Tell me about /project Namibia/?
You don't ask questions in your own AMA.
Since when are Niggers allowed on the mighty Internet?
Why not?
Project Namibia is a s likely to happen as Muslim Free Europe
However, if it happens and the world doesn't bomb the shit out of it, I'm more than willing to provide network architecture and infrastructure in the country.
Our nation's tld would be .pol, and decent fiber connection (250-1000mbps) for every household
>/project Namibia/?
It's a complete joke
Are you white?
The problem with internet here is that there are only 2 real connections to the internet. One is actually through Swakopmund in Namibia and is fairly new, the other is bottlenecked through South Africa and their shit government.
Yeah. About 10% of the country is white
But seriously, what is the best place to start, are there abundant fish in the ocean? Is there enough wood near the coast. Is the tide good enough to create a huge harbor?
I know, but the transpacific super hotline is fucking close (54gb/s) near your coast. If we want to create a Western nation, we need a Western network
There are whales. We didnt call it Walvis Bay for nothing.
So I guess we could set up a flourishing trade with the Japanese.
Also 54Tb/s, not Gb
Are you Austin Stevens?
Best place would depend on what your goal is. Walvis bay and Windhoek are best to find decent work.
Fishing is great and one of the biggest industries in the country. We regularly have to fend off British, Jap, and Russian fishing boats from stealing all our fish. Wood is non existent since the only forest is in the far north (everything here is built out of concrete). Walvis bay is currently building one of the largest harbours in Africa, should be done by 2020.
Yeah, but the government is to dumb to actually do shit about it
Only whales left are killer whales and occasional sperm whales that wandered off. Whales were killed off by Brits and South Africa in the 50-70's. But we do have the second biggest seal population that gets culled every year. Could be an alternative
i'm not 60
>Wood is non existent
Is this due to the climate or deforestation?
What do you do for a job?
climate. Most of the country is desert and the bush that does have wood has trees that grow at such weird shapes that it makes them basically useless for anything besides firewood
Represent businesses in labour court and provide managerial consultations
How prevalent is HIV there? Do you have HIV? Do you know people with HIV?
How big a deal is interracial marriage there?
Do you plan on marrying outside your race?
What are your thoughts on Angola and Botswana?
Sprichst du deutsch?
one of the highest rates in the world at around 25%, that being said 95% of people with HIV live in the far North. I have never met a white person with HIV, and HIV among young people is decreasing very quickly. I've met alot of black people with HIV though.
Its legal but frowned upon by all the races. I'd marry a coloured girl if she is hot enough yeah, but my gf is white so will probably marry her. Botswana is really stable and calm but they have some corruption issues at local government levels. Angola is a fucking shitshow that is bringing our country problems. Everything there is corrupt and broken and we constantly fight off their rebels, immigrants, and poachers
how old are you?
Are you German or Afrikaner then
interesting how about inter tribal marraiges between the different blacks?
Are white people there mainly expats or descendants from colonials?
proof that youre namibian, pic of your passprot and timestamp nao
Ja, ich kan Deutsch sprechen.
Ik/ek kan ook Nederlands en Afrikaans spreek
24. Half German, other half is mostly afrikaans with some other european mixed in
Tribalism is a big problem. Most tribes hate each other, especially the owambos. Coloureds and Basters especially hate blacks and like whites alot. 90% are descendants with most expats Russian
only if you prove that your from Panama
Can white people hold government positions/be employed by the government or is it like South Africa where you have to be an ANC member to get such jobs?
Mixed bag. There are white ministers, but the chances are low. Our government isnt crap like the ANC and our current president is a good one. Probably the best president in Africa
Were you born a Namibian?
Are you proud of being Namibian?
What do you think the future of the white race is?
yeah. yeah for the most part, am ashamed when the ministers do something dumb. Ask me in 2-3 months. They wanna pass a law that will either make it viable for the future or drive whites out within the next 10 years (one of the things that make me ashamed)
>or drive whites out within the next 10 years
Because that's worked so well everywhere else.
thats the thing. The law is being debated and their is mixed support in government
Yeah, the /Namibia/ people were talking about turning the Kalahari into farmland.
not possible. way too dry. Farms may work in the north though
What is that law - and thanks for answering those other points
NEEEF. Its a law that makes it so that White males cant solely own businesses, and that all business must have partial black ownership, which is a big deal seeing that 95% of business are owned and run by whites
Are things improving there or are things stuck in a stagnant state?
Things being access to more and better services, security for all people and economic prospects for young adults regardless of race.
Are there benefits in Namibia that people leech off of or would they starve?
Oh shit thats serious stuff - could whites just transfer their assets to their wives?
is it common to have side women? and children with side women?
mixed. It is improving but government is socialist and has been spending way too much so it may bite us in our asses in the future. Socially, Namibian people are very calm and friendly for the most part.
Benefits are about $10-$30 a month so....
they wanna add a clause that would make that fraud, and they wanna remove white women as a "previously disadvantaged group"
lel, cheating is common yeah but not having kids though. Among blacks it is very common since most blacks have about 7 kids here
Your flag is cool
Would you migrate away from there if life became worse for whites? Where to?
Do you and other whites have good lives there currently? Do you have a lot of white friends?
are whites on risk of extinction in namib, do they race mix with blacks, are blacks pissed at whites, is namib secure for visiting?, what are some nice things to see in the country?
which african countries have you visited? which are worth visiting? which are not safe to visit ever?
Tell me about the part of your border that pokes out. What happens there?
namibian whites a super inbred. we could take their country in exchange for beads and shells.
Dit is Afrikaans praat, nie spreek nie.
Guys, I say this every single time it's posted, this ALREADY EXISTS.
For fucks sakes. Add on to the project, 15000 people live there, women too.
That's part of the Kalahari so it's just barren desert.
But then what's the point? Just to gain access to the lake?
Yeah, that's about it. Would you rather the Kaffirs in Botswana have it?