>I'm going mgtow. Modern women are useless whores!
I'm going mgtow. Modern women are useless whores!
Good for you, OP. Modern women certainly are useless whores.
Yeah, I'm with you friend! Stinky women not falling over themselves to be with a man like me.
*tips katana
*unsheats fedora
You are a fine gentleman. I completey agree! these vapid whores have no idea what they are missing
.t assblasted roastie
Hey, femanon. If you're upset that Chad won't date you, why don't you just go up to another guy and ask him out?
>thinks only women laugh at mgtow
This is a pretty cool meme! Still don't want your shitty beef though, roastie.
>useless whores!
Try to literacy more
A whore exists to be fucked, and all women are definitely whores.
r9k is the board ur looking for m8
It's hard to find a fundamentalist Christian to marry in Canada, even Christians here tell me to go to Texas
> Modern women are useless whores!
Is there anyone who unironically thinks so?
you aren't going your own way, women want nothing to do with you.
>you are not ignoring me, I am ignoring you!
I think most women usefulness (is that even a word?) is way smaller than troubles they put on your head
>tibs bedora :DDDDDDD
If you have troubles with a woman, she's a wrong woman.
Who am I to talk tho, I've never had one.
The people that used to bully and make fun of you at high school for being ugly and autistic were mostly men. Why would you think it would be any different on the Internet?
Not your mom, though, she's different. Sorry if I upset you.
I know plenty of girls that are not like this, you beta nu-male gypsy.
holhol stfu
or you could just come out of the closet
What is a woman good for?
You wouldn't know any better, then.
Conservative women are a rarity nowadays.
Bearing your fat ass, for example and cooking you tendies for example?
Oh fuck, should've checked it twice before posting . Nah, who cares?
Boy, if you keep defending women on Sup Forums, I bet one of the 10/10 girls on this site will sleep with! Good luck!
> hurr durr calling his cuck is a mainstream, let's call him a white knight
I'm not defend them, I'm just saying objective truth. "all women are whores" is a phrase of those who couldn't even get laid with a whore, and always forget that their mothers are women too, when say it.
Fucking cringworthy, fuck off to Reddit and be going your own way all you want
Shit, I really should start paying attention to what I post.
Over 95% of women under 30 years old, raised in modern (((western culture))) are whores.
Have I now qualified the statement to the point it no longer offends you, virginal white knight of the Toothpaste Republic?
Modern women are trash. Women of our mother's age (mine is almost 60 now) were the last traditionalists
>mother was 20 in the 60s, the time before degeneracy truly started
>married my father at 22.
> virginal
Implying you're not a virgin too
> white knight
It's not white knighting, go to KYM and read what it is
> Toothpaste Republic
Hover your cursor over the flag, it's not Netherlands, it's Russia, you fucking degenerate
>Have I now qualified the statement to the point it no longer offends you?
Yes, I think
But she wasn't part of that degenerate culture. Evidenced by her early marriage.
Modern women on the other hand
>lose their virginity at 15 on average to an older boy
>have a lay count above 20 by the time they're 18
>engage in degenerate acts like mmf threesomes
>want to marry at 28 when they've fucked around 100 guys and need a provider
haha AGREED my fellow Sup Forumsbot
>>want to marry at 28 when they've fucked around 100 guys and need a provider
I don't think of myself as MGTOW but I am a kissless virgin. I don't want to end up like that. I'm too shy for them to marry me.
*tips fedora* Gentlemen, I agree!
Women are whores who ignore actually dapper and inteligent gentlemen for douche buffoon normies
They just dont know their place. *yells from frustration* They don’t know anything about traditional european values! *notices that face is red so calms down*
It’s just maddening how women act and treat us.
*tips fedora* Gentlemen, I have to go now, my mother made me dinner.
Spaghetti monster (or god for the weak minded) bless.
tolstoy is the fucking best
>"I'm not white knighting by defending NOT ALL WOMEN on the internet, hoping beyond all hope a woman will show pity on me and give me a disinterested handjob"
What did the user from toothpasteland mean by this?
you're right
I'm a virgin but I look nothing like that. I dress normally and act maturely. But I'm shy and not attractive to women so that makes me a loser does it? I don't think women are whores, I'm just clueless and anxious with them.
You need to learn to stop giving a fuck m8. People either like you or they don't. If they don't that's their problem.
They aren't worth it. If you want to have sex hire a hooker, but after doing that a few times not even that is worth it.
I've never been "in love" so maybe that's what I'm missing, at least according to movies and tv. Not trying to be edgy but I have yet to meet a woman I enjoy spending time with.
Every day I wish I was gay.
I try. I've just always been a very insecure person. I asked out a girl once and she just ewwwww'd me. That didn't help. I admit I'd probably be unable to maintain a relationship anyway.
I've considered an escort. But for some reason the idea makes me uneasy. Would feel very hollow and artificial.
so, any of you fine gentlemen play dungeons and dragons, or Warhammer?
Become less shy. It's not too hard. I was very shy as well when in middle school. Avoid having shy friends, that's a good first step
What are your feelings on Islam? Would you be okay with brown women?
It's a part of who I am. I'm 25 so it's just silly to change now. I don't want to be a fraud just to get women.
This hopeless autists actually think that women from past generations weren't promiscous.
You guys are simply too sheltered from life.
>muh conservative women
You want to marry a girl because of her political views?
I'm agnostic so I don't feel strongly about it either way. No problem with brown women, or any race really.
> Black man
Coal burning is not a thing here, a real problem is monkeys from the Caucasus.
>Implying women were ever not useless whores
Read the Havamal faggots.