Why are Trump supporters such dumb trash?
Why are Trump supporters such dumb trash?
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Why are CTR shills so talentless?
>people should embrace the death of their culture and standard of living
If you dont like it get out. Hes the next potus.
America doesn't have a set culture. We are a melting pot and thank god that enabled us to move past the bigotry of the 1950s hellscape
Why are KGB Trump shills so transparent?
Becuase they were fooled by smarter or more powerfull people, liberals and conservatives alike,
>okay looks like I gotta draw up a political cartoon, how am I gonna make this poignant and at the same time funny
>okay first I'm going to make the opposition look REALLY silly, that'll show them. I think I'll draw a really fat person that has different views than me, and I'll have them look ugly too
>hmm, but who should they be yelling at? I've already had enough cartoons with my handsome looking self insert that totally destroys the opposition every time... I know, I'll have them yelling at an innocent dead brown child. Everyone knows 100% of immigrants are just starving children looking for a home.
>hmm, but my readers are really stupid. I'd better include a teddy bear next to the dead kid so they REALLY get it.
>and I'll have the fat strawma- er, I mean, fat REDNECK holding the bible. But I'd better label it "the holy bible". You can't go without labeling after all, everything needs to be labeled in my cartoons. Should I write "rocks" on top of the rocks too? nah that'd take too long
>awesome, I'm definitely going to win an award for this!
In like how they believe any contrary viewpoint is a paid position yet never question why there has been a trump general up since last year.
Because they are conservative and religious white trash. Conservative and religious people tend to be overwhelming retarded and anti-science. That's why trump is a creationist, anti-vaxer, and climate change denialer.
this is why
>yet never question why there has been a trump general up since last year.
Trumpkiddies are some of the biggest shills on here. Trump general was literally created by a Trump campaign advisor and it's been confirmed Trump browses this board and is pandering to alt-right fags.
America was built by whites and was 90 % white until the Jewish communists started pulling their scheme to dispossess whites in order to gain more power for themselves (power they use to further their own Jewish agendas). You see if you want to take over a country but you don't have a military, the best way is to find a way to fracture the country from within. For this Jews have used blacks among other minorities to inflame them against whites for perceived historical wrongs (bear in mind most slave ship owners were Jews) in order to hinder whites while earning more power to themselves. This scheme is so complex and vast that it escapes most whites and more so the minorities who don't even think about these things but only think about what they can scratch for themselves from the whole situation. But what you should bear in mind is that , undeniably , none of the good things you may enjoy nowadays in America would have been possible without the ingenuity, cultural advancement and mentality of the white Europeans that founded it. Even without the black slaves, America would have become prosperous, even if just a bit later, in the long run. There's plenty of all white nations in Europe who built paradises on Earth, perfect societies almost, without any slavery and without any "diversity".
Diversity means leftist rule. Diversity means the continued dumbing down of the population. Diversity means the elites can continue to rob the country blind while the people subsist on the scraps. Diversity means lower IQs. Diversity means no national spirit to root people in principles, values, or morals. Diversity leads to globalism. Diversity leads to enslavement.
>and thank g-d that enabled us to move past the bigotry of the 1950s
The melting pot developed it's culture and there now is one. Globalists are trying to destroy all culture, the American culture included
Dont forget to
> hide thread
This is the truest shot ever. I will always believe Trump is using this all as a way to set up some sort of media empire which is why Roger Ailes is now working for him. Winning the election would cost Trump a fortune.
>hillary has paid shills on the internet
constant anti-hillary circlejerk
>trump does not have paid shills on the internet
constant pro-trump circlejerk
Do you really think Trump isn't using paid ships? Even if he isnt why would I vote for someone who is so inept they would cede the internet during a campaign?
Why do you care either way? Haven't you got reindeer to fuck or something?
that was my point
Getting harder to do damage control isn't it CTR. Enjoy watching Clinton shot and shake at the debates. Sage
I'm sorry, been on a speed binge and just got aggressive. My bad
>Do you really think Trump isn't using paid ships?
I get paid by Trump to post here.
Because of the degeneration of political discourse which started across most of the west with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
We dont fuck animals, as you chinks do.
I do it for free. I wouldn't even consider myself a shill, I just come here in my free time and post my opinions. Here lately though, I haven't been posting as often because a lot of CTR kikes don't leave room for discussion, whether it's because of the wording, or because their post is just trash, like yours. You ask a rhetorical question that you know will get responses, but won't actually generate any discussion. Whether you're one who's paid to do it, or whether you're just shitposting for personal satisfaction is impossible to tell, since i don't know whether the shills copied the shitposters, or vice versa, but they both use the same tactics. I'm not saying that people can't have contradictory opinions, but the level of hate that you people spew is unbelievable.
The real problem is that the mods are in on it too, whether they're lazy or paid I do not know, but the rules are never enforced here. If the rules were enforced, people like you would just get banned since your post is against the rules.
Did you know that when AIDS first became popular in the west, it quickly found its way into the Scandinavian reindeer population?.. somehow.
this is the future we chose
>we are a melting pot
>of people of similar nationalities (mostly white) moving to a region of the country and setting up their own community
>like little finland
>or china towns
We are more of a European spare parts bin than anything. Only in recent history have the majority of immigrants been non-white.
If you don't want war with Russia you are KGB planted on Sup Forums by putin himself!
That is interesting. Thank you.
>Trump browses this board
lol I think you have a case of unwarranted self importance
Replace the Mexican child with a cartel member holding the other poor saps, he smuggled across the border, hostage for ransom money and the fat lady holding the bible with a fat guy holding a copy of federal law and wearing a maga cap and that would be stunningly accurate.
I was having a shitty morning til I saw this and had a good laugh, thanks OP.
>Why are americans such dumb trash?
fixed for you
Hmmm really makes you menstruate
Hey dumbass, you do know that evolution has never been proven, right? Go home and cry, CTR shill.
Don't take it seriously, Yuri was a reaganite who never proved any of his statements
If there are paid Trump shills then they wouldn't be here.
Nothing makes me laugh harder than when Americans spout anti-intellectual garbage. seriously
You fags really make Sup Forums look stupid. I can understand being skeptical, but denying evolution is the same as denying that the Earth goes around the Sun at this point.
If you can't grasp the concept that evolution takes place over millions/billions of years, then you probably can't grasp a lot of shit. Accept the fact that "God did it" is not a valid answer, and learn to be a decent person without quoting your shitty book. Anyway here is an active experiment proving evolution is happening.
Also, the reason everything seems so "perfect" is because humans have been playing an active role in the breeding of animals/plants for about 30,000 years now. This is why we have cows, dogs, etc instead of uglier bovines and wolves. We've already witnessed evolution by being a part of it, and it's called artificial selection.