omg obama is so awesome. I love him.
Omg obama is so awesome. I love him
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump thinks so too
>Worst GDP growth rate
>Practically 0 interest level
>Skyrocketing number of people on welfare
>Most valuable companies nothing but websites
>Increasing number of outsourced jobs
>National debt doubled
Holy shit, I guess my brother should thank him for the gas because his salary was cut by 40 percent over it. Let me go find one of the 10,000 people fired at Chevron and let them know who to thank for that as well.
It totally wasnt OPEC lowering the price of oil by over producing in order to snuff out smaller oil companies who depend on fracking or other costly methods of oil extraction as well hurting the economy of the major American oil companies.
Seriously though, why the fuck do people think Obama lowered gas prices and why do people think it's a good thing? Stupid fucking idiots.
>huge numbers of people give up trying to work completely
>claim unemployment has gone down
Lowest job claims?
>People who stop looking for work or those looking for longer than 6 months are no longer added to the list
>most of new job creation has been in foodservice/retail = low paying jobs
>followed by government jobs
>Gas is only cheap because of glut
>Stockmarket is higher?
>speculative earning, real profits have fallen for most companies
King Nigger has done nothing..
>cheapest gas prices
>haha it has nothing to do with saudis selling their oil for 20$ a barrel to crash the market and increase foreign dependence, it was obama's great negotiating skills!!!!!!!!!!! #onelove #killallwhitepeople
kewl mie mie bruv
the dollar thing is an obvious lie.
>jobless claim
why claim jobless when you can claim gibs
that's because of saudi arabia lowered their prices
>stock market
he cant control that either
Unemployment 20-25%
Dollar is ok relatively, otherwise worth shit
Stock market hyperinflation by corporate money due to low interest rates
all lies stop lying
Wow, cherry picked 5 economic stats out of a slew of available stats that show the recovery as one of the most tepid in history.
Shut the fuck up you fucking leaf
ooga booga
>no sources
care to supply a non-kikebart source?
wheres your counter
Except that's because republicans have control of the congress. Once democrats assume control of it again, which they will if Trump gets elected, things will be shit again.
>Strongest dollar in 12 years
>Cheapest gas in 11 years
it's also an election year
>stock market record highs
>best auto sales
Didn't he bail out GM?
Not false, but it's value is nothing special. The USD should be A LOT stronger than it is given how shit every other country is at the moment. Our economy is growing, but at a pace under Obama that's equivalent to Carter.
Hardly the measure of a president as he doesn't control much. Gas is largely as cheap as it is because the intention is to bankrupt oil competitors. Too much detail to go into here.
>Stock market highs
No, this is true. Unfortunately stock market records aren't necessarily an indicator of a healthy economy. So why are they so high under a shit economy? Because of mergers and acquisitions, which is also at a record high. Hint: that's not good.
He didn't bail out GM in the first place, he was too busy campaigning for POTUS and was one of the few congressmen that didn't even vote on the bill. I can't speak to how the auto industry is doing anyway, I don't know much about the industry.
>Breitbart is a worse source than literally nothing
>Stock market highs
Once upon a time, what was good for Wall Street was generally also good for Main Street.
Not anymore. Not since NAFTA and other trade deals started exporting jobs out of the US while raising the value of the businesses that exported those jobs.
These days, Wall Street is a raging bull, while Main Street suffers, with the middle class being squeezed out of existence.
Wow wtf i hate obama now
>Strongest dollar in 12 years
so the dollar was stronger under the last president
>cheapest gas in 11 years
again.. the gas was cheaper under the last president
>Best auto sales in 10 years
once again.. he have been president for 8 years.
why not say most popular president in 8 years or least corrupt president in 8 years..
Only had to destroy the ME and Europe to get the cleanest dirty shirt to accomplish it.
It's all common knowledge of the basic economic climate and if you were the least bit informed on the economy you'd know all of this shit.
Another point is that the US presidents power, primarily resigns over foreign politics.
The US congress are the chamber that have the largest influence on American economy.
I've refuted these before against a lame-ass "Occupy Democrats" meme someone posted on FB. Number one thing to point to that these all say:
>When Obama took office vs today
They would never do an apples to apples comparison; e.g. seven years into each presidency, how do Bush and Obama stack up to each other? Paints a much worse picture for Obama, not that Bush's was even great to begin with.
Admittedly, when BHO took office, a lot of things were shit, but rebounded QUICKLY, as in, they rebounded within months, because of congress. Congress, at that time, was majority (R) in both houses, and lost both when Obama took office.
The other bit of perspective required there is that while things were shit for a short time, there were two huge factors that dropped everything sharply: housing and auto both blew up.
Then again, why did they blow up in the first place? Because Dems were passing laws forcing banks to lower interest rates and offer loans to people that couldn't, and wouldn't pay for them. Ten years ago things seemed fine and dandy, but the writing was on the wall that it was all about to blow. It did, Reps tried to fix the mess the Dems caused with bail-outs, something they largely opposed, something that Obama missed the vote on as he was campaigning, but would probably have sided with the majority of his party.
Par for the course for Dems. They pass something with grave consequences but that satisfy the majority because free/cheap stuff is nice. When it comes crashing down the Reps get blamed, deal with the fallout, then the Dems come back to move onto the next disaster.
In this case it was Obamacare. At least they can't escape the stigma of that blight: it's got their lord and savior's name right on it.
I love how all these pics can do is talk about the economy, which the president isnt even involved with
Housing and auto sales are only so high because the banks and other lenders are doing the same sub prime shit that led us to the brink last time.
Sub prime auto loans are being traded in bulk just like sub prime housing loans were. Houses are almost back to the no money down shit. I saw 3 percent down the other day.