Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earns nickname ‘little potato’ during trip to China

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is finishing up his trip to China, where he earned the affectionate nickname “little potato.”

The primary goal of the trip has been to strengthen business ties with China, the world’s second-largest economy.

“We are quite proud. The prime minister has been given a fond nickname in China, he is called tudou, which I believe means potato.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>Chinese pretend they'll be decreasing canola imports from Canada
>Trudeau comes rushing in, begging them not to do it
>Chinese ask for concessions such as more visas for chinese immigrants to canada and the establishment of an alibaba hub in canada
>Caanda gets nothing in exchange and Trudeau thinks he's a good negotiator

The chinese have our little homosexual prime minister all figured out.

Source or you're just another fucking leaf.

Sounds like something the Chinese would do. They do the same shit to us.

Why are Australia, Canada and New Zealand so fucking chinked?

Listen to Trudeau's own words

>‘‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’’ he claimed. ‘‘There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.’’

So the leader of the nation is basically saying there is no nation. And the citizens can get fucked. This is the future you chose Canada. You fucking did this, and now you've surpassed Sweden as worlds most cucked nation

So is it confirmed Canada is Potato now?

They are actually calling him a retard. Calling someone a potato is a mocking name.


MFW Canada is now a Potato

Based Chinks

better than being a pootato though manpreet abrolhamidimshan

Call me when you become a proper country

How does it feel to be a whore, albeit one exclusively for richfags?

You're significance to this world begins and ends with richfags using your countries banking to shelter cash.

Literally run by der juden.


>call me
>no telephone lines
sorry prajeet do have a p.o box?

Inferior races always succumb. Don't worry, you can have our female rejects to improve your genetics.



Seriously guys, your leader is known as "Little Retard" in China now.
I hope you can survive the shame.

>defending the country that fears toilets

You have to go back, Sanpardeep.


He always has been, you're just learning about it now. White people are dumb.


Fuck, I want to try those chips.

Canada isn't even a real country! They're just Brits that ran away from home and tried to disown their family.
At least America and India fought for their independence.

More like we asked for independence while the USA threw a temper tantrum.

har har

trudeau's gouv is so dumb that they think it's a compliment. derek trudeau zoolander

most of them are terrible and ultra satly lays makes horrible chips

PC or nothing

>tfw you're fluent in Chinese and understand this joke

>the west are being emasculated by the chinks
Please Mr. Trump take these cucks away

The chinese simply love your housing market so much.
Why does this guy believe he can do foreign politics when he was a bloddy arts teacher or whatever. Jesus christ.

It's only an affectionate nickname t-b-h. They gave a similar nickname to their own Chairman Xi Jinping, 习大大, Xi Dada, which means Uncle Xi. It's not meant to offend, and in China, potato does not mean retard. It's just that the word for potato sounds like Trudeau in Chinese. I think it's a really comfy nickname t-b-h.

>Chinks calling dude weed "little retard"
>thinks it's a compliment

Because his daddy was Prime Minister before him and women voters think he is cute. There is literally no other reason people voted for him. Canacucks are the worst.

in all reality its mind baffling and yet at the same time horrifying because this is the "face" of Canada

In all honesty, is Canola oil really that good?

My father went into a rant about how it's bad because it's trangenic and such and such and now he is using another kind of oil more expensive.

I have no idea of what it what. Too me is all the same.

Potato doesn't mean retard in China speak, dut-dut.

They do worse to obama

I dont speak chink, care to explain?

Rebelliousness is a sign of strength in a growing boy. Dad's more proud of a son with balls, not some beta little shit.

But he did Tai Chi! That has to count for something.

His father was a commie sympathizer and socialist. He groomed little little potato for this. Not to be a world leader, but a globalist puppet. I'm sure he figured his son was too retarded to actually become something amazing so he figured he'd just hand the leash to Soros to make sure he's taken care of.

I think global is trying to spin an insult into a friendly nickname sempai

the fields look golden and beautiful when your driving by them. That is all.

In Chinese, tudou, pronounce in English would be like too-doe, sounds like Trudeau's name. So it's a play on words to call him potato, since the Chinese word for potato sounds similar to Trudeau's actual name. However, in Chinese, potato doesn't have the connotation for retard as it does in English, so they are not calling him a retard, it's just a cute nickname since potatoes are kind of cute, at least from Chinese perspective.
I get the impression that Trudeau Jr is a really stupid guy, but not just simply stupid, moreso a very easy guy to manipulate and be used. I think he probably would believe anything you told him, so he got very easily brainwashed and probably has no original thoughts of his own, just repeats whatever his daddy or his fellow Liberals tell him. Whereas I think even most liberals have at least some original thought or reasoning skills, I think little potato is just a parrot.

Ok, but is the oil we use to cook good or bad in any sense?

Is this thing full of colesterol or something?

And how the field can be yellow if canola is not even a plant? Where the hell this come from?

>canola is not even a plant?
oh sweet jesus



Heh, they're already giving cute nicknames to their colony.

It's time to stop posting little BR.

Wow. Canadians are fucking retarded. Did they even look at his policies or what?

>Canadian Oil A...something

The end product is named canola, but this is probably the result of mixing some other things.

There is no plant named canola.

So if I eat a potato, Trudeau wins ?

no the plant is refereed to as Canola agriculturally a type of rapeseed bred for Canadian geography


no feminists allowed in the rapeseed prairies

It is, as mentioned, from the rapeseed plant which was renamed to not trigger negative connotations. The oil from genetically modified variants are fine to eat but the unmodified version causes liver damage to cows that eat it.

you dont get to post based nigel, post some fucking spuds you degenerate mongrel.

We're witnessing the end of cucked globalist "leaders" as animosity at home and abroad for their weakness grows.

How do you like your potato Sup Forums?

Any pride we may have had in you has long since turned to disdain, your a bully of the weak, a harbor for kikes and a mass promoter and producer of degeneracy, we try to distance ourselves now, thank god you dont fly our flag.

no we're not. a bunch of underage closet cases on Sup Forums are meaningless.

perhaps you should work on getting a job and moving out of mommy's house first?

What he said is there is no specific Canadian race. We have them all.

EU member pls calm down

You know what you dumbshit "healthy" faggots are actually doing to your bodies right?
By avoiding cholesterol you are actually stopping your body from getting the material that is in EVERY CELL, that the brain is 98% MADE OF, that is REQUIRED to make steroids... I mean I could go on but you clearly can't even understand what I'm writing because of confirmation bias so I'll just stop.

God I hope they all when he this cuck left china


Fuck we need to annex the leafs before china makes them collapse.

Thats like saying somebody lives in a hotel because they havent checked out yet. The process has begun for britain and will begin for the rest of europe in the new year. Maybe you should grow some balls 'post national state'

literally rape


faggot is too stupid to realize he's been made fun of

gov general pls

dissolve now

Literally me right now

*Jewstein Turdeau

There is good colesterol and bad one dude.

Im just trying avoid getting my arteries clocked with fat.

>originally from India

Use avocado oil, super high smoke point

>Potato is slang for pic related
>What are the Chinese trying to say?

>postnational state


He looks like he's ready to pwn noobs.

was that satire? also that guy was a little dark to be irish....

Agreed. Hopefully we can purge this land of the white menace.

It starts with article 50 which you wont hear about since like 2019. Enjoy having a second referendum then and having remain win since this time people will bother voting instead of just relying on the polls and thinking it was in the bag.

at least more chinks means less muslims. but also chinks tend to go for the good jobs so

good luck leaf

Well at least he's honest. The entire West has become a postnational shithole

The Muslims can have Ontario. BC is now rightful China clay.

A50 signed by february mate, i guarantee it. Source; My dad works at nintendo but my mums an MP.

Get your fucking national head on mate or fuck off to france.

The only uncucked state in America is Arizona, Prove me wrong.

If I were Chinese I would do this. Read Chinese history. The whole of the 19th century was a series of cataclysmic negotiations and trade deals, the most famous of which have been dubbed the "Unequal Treaties".

Now that China is in a position of strength, you can bet that they want their revenge!

>immigrant detected

It's okay that the average citizen here makes more than the next 10,000 of your relatives in indian Abdulrahman Chandanchreskar

what about texas, it always seemed pretty cool to me in movies and wotnot.

>even chinese government is tired of Canadian shitposting

You mean the state with more illegals than all the other states combined? That Arizona?

So says kek


Meanwhile in reality:

Google it you retard.

>a proper country
How are those dead bodies in the Ganges?

This thread is full of autists. Potato doesn't mean retard in any dialect of Chinese. It just sounds similar to Trudeau.

they keep the wild dogs fed mate so they dont have to eat little pajeet babies. Rajesh has it all figured out.

Adult reporting in. When we say small potatoes we mean obstacles not bad enough to get worked up over. I understand the down syndrome potato meme though no need to fill me in. That's all.

This description isn't that great, Canada doesn't just have no personality, it has some pathological need to destroy any and all notion of identity. Someone is afraid of shared consciousness so we have to believe being comfortable is more important than having agency