Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Green Lantern Storytime Part 3 Geoff Johns
Aww yeah
Aw shit, we fly again.
Part 4. I fucked up.
Im gonna use that line when I storytime part 5.
How did Hal wear yellow ring later in that storytime when Guy has red and pink?
Finally got around reading Omega men (2nd time) sober. So the whole thing is supposed to reflect the war in the middle east? plus whats with the ending? I'm not from the states so I dont understand the situation.
Hal wore a yellow ring alot? Do you remember when/where it happened?
Found it. War of the Green Lanterns.
Ah cause Hal has experience with the Yellow ring because of Parallax thats why he can wield it. If you check my last storytime where he rescues the lost lanterns he was able to wield 8 Yellow rings.
Makes sense, I guess.
Loved how John was scared of yellow Hal. And Guy finally saying he loves something.
Guy wore the red ring tho, Kyle wore Blue and Stewart wore Indigo in war of the green lanterns. Im not sure what issue Guy wore a sapphire ring.
So whats the opinion on the Sapphire outfit? Slutty leotard or non slutty leotard?
I'm blending stories, probably. Gotta be near compute for quality Googling.
Way Miller likes 'em.
>Be in backpacking trip
>Get possessed by a rock, kill backpacking buddy
>Find yourself Naked on a plane
>Die in fiery explosion.
Thats no way to talk to hal
Annoying, Carol.
>uh... jets?
> Sinestro
Kinda unrelated question but How come preflashpoint superman couldnt go back to his earth after convergence? "like it was already destroyed" cause current earth is technically his earth but minus a few years right?
>Parallax chooses to go back to the Crisis on Infinite Earths with the pre-Crisis Flash, pre-Crisis Supergirl, and the pre-Flashpoint Superman and Lois Lane, to help prevent it from collapsing the multiverse, and to also redeem himself for the actions he has committed. Brainiac senses that the group were successful.[28] After preventing the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Parallax (along with the pre-Flashpoint Superman and Lois Lane) finds himself on the New 52 Prime Earth and witnesses the Justice League's first fight with Darkseid. Parallax considered killing the New 52 Hal Jordan/Green Lantern but decided not to when he realized how happy Carol Ferris was with Hal, and he couldn't take that away from her.
Last part is wrong. He ran away cause Hal went full construct. What I was asking tho is how come Pre-flashpoint Supes and Lois couldnt go to their world? It was already "destroyed"? Its cause their earth technically doesnt exist anymore cause manhattan stole the time and therefore Earth prime is their earth just time was taken? Its all very confusing.
Something like that. Best is that you don't wonder. They were in their reality, now they aren't. X-Men do that all the time.
>This Manslut
Guy put on a sapphire ring in the same arc and Hal briefly had on yellow and orange
I forget why though
Karu-Sil is not for lewd
Will Carol ever be fun and not a total cunt again?
Oh wait I feel like I'm remembering it. Well I'm story timing all the issues so were gonna see it anyway. I'm thinking if I should storytime blackest night too.I forgot what issue it starts
I believe the prevailing theory is that since they were taken by Brainiac before Flashpoint their world (post-Crisis) doesn't exist anymore since it was remade into the New 52 world.
She has her moments but then she threw it on the ground the moment she started fucking Kyle. She made everyone thought Kyle was dead while fucking him behind Hal's back. Jesus christ.
Yeah that was what I was saying. Since They were "out" of time, so they really belong in the Earth Prime, still dont know why there's another superman and lois if thats the case, Hope they explain it soon.
You guys can talk about anything in my storytime by the way ( in relation to Dc) it makes the storytime alot better and easier for me, dont like just posting images without anyone to talk to.
>That shirt.
Hal's baller in DC Legends vidya.
Shame that game is grindfest.
Reminds me of AVENGERS PROPERTY t-shirt Carol wears.
Yes, I know what is supposed to mea, shut up.
Heard the game was bad. Shame, concept was interesting. whats that old game with a similar concept? Heroes vs villains?
City of Heroes, that was the game.
Avengers Alliance. Gimmick I liked in AA is that three characters you had in group could have some bitchin' team name or something. Like X-Men if you have three X-dudes or Spider-something, if you had Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099 and Miles. But this has nothing like that, I'm sad user.
At least you get Hal and Sinestro at start. John and Carol are also unlockable.
CoH got cancelled because Champions Online.
It bit them royally in the ass.
Its the same company tho if Im not mistaken. CoH and Champions online. Never heard of AA before, looks okay for a turn based game.
Yep, same team, with different name. They got tangled in right shenanigans.
'member when they were sued because dude created Wolverine?
I like how they made Zamorans blue instead of super hot models, didnt make sense for them to be white if they're Maltusians.
Well, games old so who really cares but I wish they perfect the concept. Its kinda hard to make a super hero game which isnt Batman or Spider-man since other Heroes have too much skillsets.
Kinda weird they have a orange battery since I thought there was only one but then minor continuity error I guess
>Johns after binging Pokemon