How Trump’s neo-Nazi ‘alt-right’ fans turned me into a self-loathing white man

Look what you've done, Sup Forums. You've made people embarrassed to be white.

>reading about the alt-right has opened my eyes to just how embarrassing white people can actually be. To excise the shame of it, I have to constantly remind myself that there are still worthy white role models for me out there while looking at myself in the mirror and repeating the words, “White can be beautiful… white can be beautiful…”

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That guy sounds like a fruit

His theme song:

>turned me into

spoilers you already were

Thats becuase they are stormwennies or alt-right idiots.
You see as an autist i have no issue with a bit (alot) of banter, but there is a problem when you dont understand how your power level works or is percived by others. Ive trained in that, and therefore am as openminded as possible to understand what is going on, part of the autism.
DOnt be overtly vocal if you are insecure, its gonna bite your ass.

Also the guy in the article is a pussy.

> and repeating the words, “White can be beautiful… white can be beautiful…”

Let's denounce this white suprematist to the SJWs.

Good, generating more metacognition about white guilt in the population is a good thing - it falls apart under close scrutiny.

Pic related, it's YOU

Funny, these limp wristed pussy ass white boys made me hate that aspect of our race years ago

He's just in the denial stage. Happens to everyone when they take the red pill.

It's funny because self loathing white faggots turned me alt-right.

He would have been a self hating liberal fairy If Trump wasn't running anyway.

>Look what you've done, Sup Forums. You've made me, a mentally deranged freak, cry

kind of the point

good goy

((())) ?

So what is he saying? Before the alt-right he loved being an oppressive white male?!?

This is another of hillary's manufactured lies. Trump's grass root supporters aren't neo-nazis. Her "Trump is with the alt-right" shit is just her attempt to scare the coloured to keep voting dem.


>turned me into a self-loathing white man

PROTIP: You were already a faggot kys pls

Look, Sup Forums, even Tim Heidecker has had enough of your shit.

These people definitely enjoy broadcasting to the world that they have low-self esteem and a pathetic mindset.

This faggot was already destined to be a self-hating white cuck regardless of whether the "alt-right" boogeyman existed or not.

And this stupid, fucking faggot doesn't realize that it's because of people like him that we've become what we are.

I hate being white, it's so embarrassing.
I'm truly ashamed and you should be too.

oh i get the feeling he was self-loathing long before trump came a long.

Who the fuck is calling Trump "Daddy"?

Honestly I think God-Emperor would be too much if it wasn't tongue-in-cheek, but "Daddy"? This bitch is just making shit up.



Maybe if we create more frog meme we can make sure he kills himself.

>implying he wasn't a turbo cuck to begin with

Also, (((Reed)))?

Oy vey, being white sure is terrible, I feel so guilty all the time

Jesus Christ. We nor anyone else are responsible for your feelz only you make yourself feel like shit. Fucking cucks

>Who the fuck is calling Trump "Daddy"?
Milo. That faggot's played more than a minuscule role in shaping "our" image.

I hope this fag hangs himself.

This guy was already retarded.

I wanna go to a Nazi rally. That would be a blast.

They already hated themselves.

Try having a bean and a cracker for a parent and being that halfbreed having to watch both Mexicans and Leftist whites.

All I've got is American and the cucks and their bull golems want to take away because it hurts peoples feeling.

>implying they werent already self hating cucks
>implying theyre not just using us as a scapegoat for their cuckdom

Queers, all of them.


I watched one of his videos for the first time last night, never again.

Needs to be ovened

Oh look, its another "how can white people even compete?" post/tweet/op-ed by a blogger. Damn op, you original.

Not politics. Not politically incorrect. Sega'd.

I can't decide whether it's funny or disgusting just how obvious the lies are.

The "alt right" did not exist before Hillary made it exist. It was a term that was loosely used by some people like the American Renaissance and a variety of other groups to describe themselves because they had rightists opinions but didn't conform to standard conservative ideology. Hillary and then every single major news outlet took this to generalize everyone from Trump to some neo-nazi, anime watching, 14 year old as part of this one group.

It would be like having a presidential candidate who identified as agnostic, looking at some tiny group of radical anti-theists who talk about murdering the religious and saying that this candidate is somehow colluding with this group and is a member because they're both "agnostic".

The whole system is rotten.

He used to be somewhat okay when it was just about trashing PC culture on university campuses (these fucks have controlled academia for a long time) but since then he's gone full-blown attention whore faggot.

This. It's just like (((whites))) talking shit about whites, cucks are trying to blame the alt-right for their cuckiness.


>alt right
>neo nazi

I think he might be upset that we're more successful and bang hotter chicks than him

Yeah, but it backfired big time because they gave their enemy a voice. The "alt-right" is an umbrella term describing a multitude of varying political ideologies and philosophies that there's pretty much something there for everyone. The only real criteria for being a member is rejection of mainstream conservatism.

It is literally as the name implies: an alternative right. Nothing more, nothing less. Hell, it doesn't even technically exist as a coherent political movement.

The media was preparing for her to use it. They built the narrative for months. American renaissance folks were interviewed by like huff post, washington post, vice, nytimes, trying to pin how Trump is good for them. Richard Spencer, all these white nationalsits came out of the wood work to say that Trump supports them. june 19

and this is a much see (title: White Nationalist leader claims support among Trump delegates)

this is manufactured.

Pretty sure part of it is just the character of "Milo", and intentionally way over the top. If he was a total straight-edge, upstanding citizen fag, then everyone would just call him self-hating, so he has to go overboard to be effective.

>turned me

he was already one way before that and the way the left is desperatly trying to force the meme-right as this big evil boogeyman is hilarious. Like a bunch of gay nerds LARPing as hitler is anything

He uses all the buzzwords of the Left, he was always one of them. He always loathed himself for not matching up to his cultural ideals so now he has to join in with the apes trying to tear that culture down.

>The most pitiful characteristic of alt-righters is their deep-seated anxiety about rugged men of color swooping into the country and sleeping with the beautiful white women who are supposed to be “theirs.”

>Similarly, alt-righters love referring to their opponents as “cucks,” which is short for “cuckold,” a derogatory term for a man whose wife is sleeping with another man. The basic idea behind this insult is that unless you favor a regime based around white supremacy, you are inviting men from other races to cuckold you.

>This fear that handsome young immigrants

lol half the article is just him narrating his porn collection. It's like when you say we need to crack down on crime and someone says "do you hate black people?", the guy makes the leap to race shit yet insists he's not the racist. Fucking SETI wish they had projectors of his caliber.

lol hes so funny

>and then every single major news outlet took this to generalize everyone from Trump to some neo-nazi, anime watching, 14 year old as part of this one group.
Libs do that a lot, lump all their enemies into one group and then say the group is stupid because it contradicts itself.

Cuck is now a Twitch tier insult. Give it time and the association between the use of the word cuck and alt right permavirgin neo nazis will disappear.

>waco, ATF, assault rifle ban
They didn't give a non-existent movement a voice. I don't think you are old enough to remember how hillary's husband played politics. They need the alt-right to be loud and real in order to push for gun control. Clinton used the Michigan militia in the media as this super scary super powerful domestic terrorist organization to push through a whole shit of laws. It changed the role of the ATF. I really hope you don't become their useful idiot like richard spencer has.

I'm glad someone else noticed. I was talking to myself about this just today.

Out of nowhere these people started getting more and more attention, just a whisper here and there about "dark" places on the internet and interviews with "pop culture critics" writing for salon or some shit who would namedrop "the alt-right" and then Hillary's speech and everything ignites. Just look at that fucking google trends. Now every news station is using the term like it has existed and been defined since Trump starting running.

DNC's leaked emails have already shown this kind of collusion.

Making that statement then generalising liberals is pure irony.

So is he really jewish?

It seems to fit the usual pattern of self hating (((whites)))

>cuck writing an article because mean white people with frog memes won't stop calling him what he is
wew lad

The second video I linked to, at 0:02, the guy in the MAKE AMERICA FREE AGAIN hat posted on pol how he was interviewed by the host of that video and the producer then came in and started asking leading questions and when the producer couldn't get anything, they brought the other guy over.

The other guy has been featured by vice a few times since 2013.

>be self loathing white man
>can't bring up that it's about unrelated other white people treating unrelated black people bad a long time ago without getting laughed at
>realise it's election season
>need beta good boy points maybe get a pity hj out of it
>"I am an apologetic white man here to apologize for other people's sins so I can be 'one of the good ones' I am this way because the people you don't like are stupid meanies"

Aaaaaaand there go my neurons.

Who the hell is this "alt-right" anyway. I'm just voting for Trump. I didn't sign up for some faggot club.

Outside of Milo, who is even considered "alt-right"?

I know all about academia, I just graduated in May. Shame this degenerate attention whore is making rightists look retarded.

I maintain my position: oven him

label to turn a group into a seemingly huge colossal threat to push legislation.

Hitler, Saddam, Ian Smith, Mao, Stalin, Trump, the toolbox killers, Dylann Roof, Elliot Rodger, every white rapist ever



>implying these cucks didn't already hate themselves

I thought Heidecker was a super leftie

Oh it's a
>How do you do, fellow kids?

I get it, they're vaguely evil people.

Why is Trump being associated with them though? Has he endorsed the alt right? Does he even talk about them. I guess where I'm confused is how Trump is considered "alt-right"

>“White can be beautiful… white can be beautiful…”

watch your words, bigot
this sounds eerily familiar with what I call the "alt-right", which are basically neo-nazi skinheads that want to skin mexicans.

The phrase you were looking for is: "Everyone is beautiful... everyone is beautiful... and I am beautiful too"

thanks for checking your privelege Brad, it is the little things that often make the difference.

>other people make you loathe yourself

Sounds like someone has issues, desu.

People like him make ME embarrassed to be white. This goes both ways.

He's making fun of you, dumbass.

What a cuck

You know how dumb Christians keep saying today that every single individual Imam needs to publicly apologise for every bad action some random Muslim commits?

It's kind of like that with Trump where they want him to denounce every troll on twitter.

As a committed pedophile and card-carrying member of the Alt-Right™, Brad Reed embarrasses me.

>implying the anime watching part isnt true

I think they live in a bit of a bubble if they don't understand how appealing & convincing a lot of this shit can be.

Everything in their agenda falls apart if the lie of equality isn't treaty as an absolute truth.


Hard to know when he is serious or not.

NSM needs to redesign their god awful flag

I've been, litteraly just a bunch of autistic yelling. It was funny tho

Alt-right is the blanket term the ((media)) uses to try to smear anyone who isn't a brainwashed zombie for Hillary and the corrupt mobsters in the DNC and the Neocon rats who have all jumped ship to support Hillary because she's the treasonous, corrupt, Pro-War globalist candidate.

Hey Dr. Danglers, what are you doing here?

It really is, trust me. It just depends on what degree though, but its there.
I would bet 10000000 dollars on it.

Neo-nazi =/= natsoc

You think the mainstream news or even breitbart will ever cover this?

They already hated white people. They want nothing more than to kill us all, but they estrogenated and weak. So their only method is to call up Mama gubermint and tell her to use violence or shame us.

>“White can be beautiful… white can be beautiful…”
Why do liberals do this "pep talk" as if they're about to lose their minds? What do they have to gain from portraying themselves as so weak and fragile? Am I supposed to feel sorry for them?

>anti-dog patch

Who the fuck hates dogs that much?

>Ian Smith

Fuck off


A muzzie.

This tbqhfam

>makes song calling himself cuck, libtard, shill, pussy
boy do i have egg on my face


>can't say "faggot"

>surrounded by faggots

>DEFINITELY a CTR shill self-hating cuckold white numale faggot

Hey, bitch. Crymoar. Your tears are delicious.


>698K people like this

You would think heimbach would get fit. No self respecting fascist would be obese



He already was one thats why he is part of the problem.