Brit/pol/ - Colonising the galaxy Edition

>Thread theme

>Today's Papers 9/9/16

>British police force says it may allow female officers to wear burkas as part of uniform

>Swiss offer EU solution for Britain

>Border poll survey says 8/10 voters unchanged by Brexit

>All schools to get a chance to become grammars under Theresa May's plans

>Nick Clegg attacks Leave Camp and blasts Nigel Farage for Brexit

>European bankers will be exempt from migration curbs after Brexit, Philip Hammond reveals

>Brexit talks role for Belgian EU veteran Guy Verhofstadt

>Jeremy Corbyn claims he can unite Labour to take on Tories

>Why all the signs point to work permit system and 'hard Brexit' as Theresa May negotiates the UK-EU divorce

>Donald Tusk tells Theresa May 'ball's in UK's court'

Other urls found in this thread:

Pommy kryptonite = cold beer

Is there anything more cringe inducing than Americans that think their country is the utopia for white men?

End the state pension
End housing benefit
End child benefit

>government spending at an all time high



Post Priti.

first for hitler

I agree

>the tories aren't socialists
>the tories are right wing


This fat bitch again?

Priti bad desu

>NEETs don't pay any tax
>VAT is 20%


surely you're not suggesting islam isn't the religion of peace, you racist bigot?

>Pommy kryptonite = cold beer

Cold Lagers are fine mate.

Cold Ales and Bitters???? . . .Nah!

Get fucked tarquin

"In politics it is more blessed to not take than to give"

-Enoch Powell

i.e. If you take their bennies they will sperg out

Transgender traffic lights in (((London)))

So progressive...

Muslims should not be allowed into this country.

May will get us back in the green, don't worry lad.

Can't wait for her first budget and SDSR. She's probs going to beef up our military quite a bit.

Can a britbong explain this to me:

would genuinely consider being a race traitor for a light-skinned indian desu

Just fuck my economy up tbqh

The 90s.


>NEETs pay more tax buying boxes of Freddos than Google or Apple

Such injustice.


What if I don't?

Then why declare war on everyone?

In WW1 Germany had a good excuse, they didn't really have the option not to go to war, in WW2 it was definitely Hitler's fault.

Still would have been better if he won, but lets be honest here.

>tfw she has already been WHITED

Thatchers flaw is that she applied sensible policy with a sledge hammer.

given the people they are appointing to the negotiating team the eu are clearly going to try and fuck us as much as possible

with that in mind we should spin out the triggering of article 50 as long as possible so we can get all of our ducks in a row ready for the fight


>northern ireland celebrating thatcher's death

>Australian """""beer"""""
Get some Hobgoblin or get the fuck out.

>Enoch Powell
racist toff that failed to stop immigration ad his country getting BLACKED

>How to lose an election and alienate people

The fat must be trimmed.

Then I will get very upset but still respect your opinion.

What are they spending the money ON though?

Probably fucking multi-million pound consultations about power plants and railway lines they're not going to build.

delete this

brexit won't happen, the voters were misled and didn't know what they were voting for so I am now #2ndreferendummissile

angloland is lost when y'all worship a short fat paki

truly sad

care to elaborate? thank you


In that case, I apologise for the harshness of my words, but I still assert that she should lose some weight.

It must be done if the country's finances are ever to be repaired.

>Thatchers flaw is that she applied sensible policy with a sledge hammer.

My sides.

Unionists fucking hated Thatcher.

whats the matter lad

Implying that's a flaw.

It's not.

This. If you drink ale cold you're a fucking savage.



He chastised another MP for calling Kenyans sub-human during the Hola Camp incident.

Enoch was never racist, he just saw the nonsense in having a native population displaced by an immigrant population.

>Unionists hated Thatcher


>Then why declare war on everyone?


hahah and good thing we don't have a bunch of violent third worlders reliant on taxpayer money when the time comes that we do have to cut benefits hahah that would be the worst


You heard.

Last thread made it to 400 replies.


Keep thinking about cutting my throat with a knife again. Can't get it out of my head.

You need to learn the difference mate.

>implying there is anything wrong with a short woman

What's brit/pol/'s favourite beer?

I've always had Peroni because it's cheap and it gets you drunk. Tried a pint of Guinness last night, was greatly underwhelmed. It tasted somewhat like watered down coke with a hint of hops.

You're talking out your arse, mate.

*chuckles nervously* Yes, that would be an incredibly foolish situation to place yourself in.

ale is better cold

Socialism takes a long time to remove because of what I said here By ripping it out it from under the working class, it turns the public against you because they are only concerned with their own personal wealth and not the far reaching effects on the economy.

Who here /hard for the Hardman/?

Absolutely degenerate

0/10 here is your (You)

Drinking warm ale is like eating cold KFC. The idea of it sounds pretty bad, but when you try it it's fucking divine

good thing our countries are more smart and forward-thinking than that

brit/pol will rule the world.

>ywn cuddle her and discuss the latest political happenings while browsing Sup Forums and watching QT

Why live

literal heretic

What else am I going to drown my problems in?

Reminder that Cultural Marxism broke people's resistance in creating these drab, dystopian landscapes where you go about your daily lives.

Why be active or a conservative when your local town centre looks like this? No pride breaks your spirit, breaks your association.

Brutalism and modernism was done on purpose to "sanitise" British culture.


Britbongs have KFC?


she's a hot totty

>daft Yank wants to destroy society
If we solved the housing crisis caused by houses becoming investments for the wealthy or allowed the housing bubble to burst, created enough full time jobs for everyone to be able to live off their wages rather than having to top their income up with benefits because wages haven't risen in real terms for 30 years then, maybe then you'd be talking sense.

Until such a time, you're talking bollocks.

Not the best way to die, lad.

10/10 analogy


You what, lad?

>Britbongs have KFC?
Yes it was invented in England by Colonel Saunders.

I think I might order some more ammunition. Not for any particular reason, I'm not worried or anything, I mean what is there to be worried about?


No we aren't, Unionists hated her because she introduced the "dual" leadership Assembly and gave Sein Fein and other republican leaders a say in how NI governed itself.

Look up Ian Paisley's interviews on the subject. She left the Unionists out to dry.

She's aryan. In three generations your descendants would be full gelten als Englischblutig and indistinguishable from Anglo Saxons without genetic profiling. Mfw I'm justifying racemixing with Priti on behalf of other timeline me who has converted her to Christianity and is currently propagating the pan-aryan race with her.

I know. It's all charity shops, pound shops and paki resturants selling 'indian' food.

not even joking. if I want something warm I'll have a brew

The housing crisis was caused by rent controls making it unprofitable to become a landlord, or to renovate and improve property, turning existing housing into slums.

i live in bath so i don't know that feel

Get it right and you lose consciousness in seconds.

room-temp =/= warm
it's not fucking mulled wine

Oy vey.

>a short fat paki
Dude. Honourary.

assess your life, anglo. paki/indian/brown whatever. it's all the same sub-human filth.

your forebears are turning in their graves.

had sex with a shit-monkey last year. can honestly say it was the dirtiest and most sick (physically) i've ever felt after any questionable action

But it is a way.

The chances of a depressed NEET getting it right is slim, if they could get something right they wouldn`t be a depressed NEET.

Yes. Tasty tendies.

I chuckle sadly every time I see you brits call what you have a housing crisis