How has Sup Forums changed you? Are you more bitter and judgemental, or optimistic and accepting of any people (of any race) that are respectable?
How has Sup Forums changed you? Are you more bitter and judgemental...
Sup Forums reassured me that Drumpf supporters are racist rednecks and white trash.
Fuck Drumpf.
thats it #imwithher now
not much has changed
still a liberal
just more christian and more racially aware
pol absolutely BTFO
serbia is a country right?
stay salty friend
Still a moderate, a bit more hateful to niggers and spics, still don't like whites as usual
Still votes as democrat, even if i believe in more republican concepts
I was hateful and racist before Sup Forums, but Sup Forums made me question a lot about the juice and education. I've read about WW2 and Hitler a bunch of times in school, the propaganda he used. They never explained that the propaganda and that Nazism is natsoc with a bunch of hate towards the sneaky merchants. I just grew up learning that Nazism = gas the jews, Aryan master race.
wtf I hate trump now
>How has Sup Forums changed you?
This isn't a correct question. 'Has Sup Forums changed me?' Nope. I was already grown up when visited boards and learned how to critical think on my own.
It's Kosovo, burger. They don't have an own flag and show up as Serbia here. Quite the irony, is it not.
No they don't. When you post from Kosova it shows as Albanian flag you stupid retarded s*rb diaspora.
I appreciate the good things more, and hate the bad things more.
Become less SJW
Learn English
But fuck off with Putin praising, white race saviours.
I've always been a nationalist that hates socialism but because of this board, i have seen that socialism is the end game of every nationalist nation.
the meme is real. pol makes you a natzi
Learned a lot, mainly about races and the holohoax. Had heard it before but never thought about them that much. The problem is knowing all this stuff and not being able to talk about it to many people sucks. I'll see old acquaintances post or talk about the dumbest shit ever, that's easily disproven and I have to stay away from certain things. Their little liberal brains just can't handle it without reverting to "racist!" and trying to get me fired.
Well, I became a National-Socialist, so there's that.
I mean, I'm still clinically depressed, a NEET, and a hopeless waifufag, but at least now I'm interested in German lessons and own a stylish SS hat. So overall, an improvement.
does any one have the pictue of pewdiepie before and after Sup Forums??
i really really liked that picture
thanks american friend
Pol is just a masochistic addiction at this point because in Canada everyone is fucking far left it's impossible to have conversations without getting socially ostracized immediately. No one wants to hear truth bombs or even be challenged.
Thay said, Pol didn't change me. Stumbling upon Douglas Murray is what made me realize leftists are retards.
>what are ID's
Oh you nutty slavs
Wtf are you a gook? You sound like walking garbage. Really kys.
Well now I hate everyone more than I used to.
It's obvious you are new here. Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion.
Slav IQ at work
I'm more cynical. Being red polled can be painful but can never be undone.
I don't judge on race, I judge on character and ideology.
*pilled, fucking autocorrect
Something deep inside me just tells me Bill hicks =/= Alex Jones
Also fuck the Berentain universe
Pic related
CTR fucked up again
You silly CTR shill, you keep forgetting to change your proxies.
I've always been leery of Islam and blacks, but Sup Forums really opened my eyes to just how spoonfed everyone is on (((normiebook))), just regurgitating shill articles from their """""newsfeeds"""""
Cultural Marxism is real and is happening before our eyes. Any and all opposition is quickly met with disparaging terms all with suffixes of 'ist' or 'phobic.'
agreed frendo
this desu
nice dubs btw :)
This right here desu
I'm more optimistic, but I feel like a lot of leftists have become radicalized and are boiling with rage under the surface.
That being said, they're cowards and will probably never do anything.
Proxxy? Or are you Serbias biggest cuck?
Kosovo is not Serbian.
There. I said it.