
ISIS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT!!!! How will they ever recover?

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Why would kamala go against them though? They're just practicing her own faith.

How is Kamala, Nova, and Miles there? Don't they have families and school? How do they have time for this?

>raped by the people they're trying to protect and then defending and apologizing for their rapists to avoid being "bigoted"

ISIS was not the target

who was it Sup Forums?


This is going to be a productive thread with some informative discussion, and then after a few dozen posts all points will have been calmly and rationally made and it will peacefully fall off page 10.

Who's the anorexic chipmunk with cyclops' powers?

To be fair the women did overcooked the roast.

psst, hey friend...

>How do you do, fellow kids?

It's the weekend?

Islam is simultaneously a religion and a political ideology, you can respect someone's faith while denouncing their political ideology because it's genuinely harmful. There's a reason that all theocratic Islamic countries are basically super fucking evil but integrated western muslims can practice their beliefs in private in peace.

Waid got red pilled.


Excuse you, his name is TEEN Hitler

>>woman is putting herself between the others and the 'fanatics'
Yeah, okay.

Yeah, sadly the only real way to affect change in the lives of those essentially living a theocracy is to over throw their leaders and install your own

Which would actually be an interesting proposition for a comic book. A group of super heroes decides the Avengers aren't doing enough to help the world. They over throw ISIS and install their own free government. But sadly the real world bits their overly optimistic butts.

Good on Marvel for at least letting them fuck up some terrorists without some sort of sympathy for the fuckers. I half believed Ms. Marvel will go on a tirade about "Not true Islam".

so where's the part where it turns out the women are suicide bombers?

Are Marvel employees the mods of this board?
Why do they always delete posts and threads?

Are you talking about nigga posting screemcap of a girl being raped and killed, directly from Sup Forums, so the discussion can be mainly about shitskins?

Shitposting is only allowed on Sup Forums, newfriend.

Could it be too much to ask for another Stamford where they get kill and disgrace?

I wouldn't be surprised if there's some employees posting some of the previews and starting threads.

To be honest if it's urdu it means it's somewhere between Pakistan, Afghanistan and maybe Iran, so maybe it's less an ISIS analogue and more a Ms Marvel reacting against something she can personally relate to because of her heritage?

Now I'm just imagining a 90's teenage cartoon Hitler

>We must eliminate the lame-o's!

>I don't understand the language but there's guns so they must be bad

Typical American heroes shoot first ask later

Kamala does.

Most people on Sup Forums still think Kamala's Arab and you expect them to know what the fuck an Urdu is.

Holy shit. Assuming this is happening in Pakistan (or whatever-stan) aren't this AMERICAN teens intervening in foreign affairs? Why doesn't SHIELD put a leash in this kids?

They're too #WOKE for that.

...seriously? They are sending their hip teenage heroes to non-lethally combat middle-easterners to appeal to some 'topical' political nonsense?

Do they cover the fact that (((HYDRA))) infiltrated CIA which funded these """"rebels"""

Where is Scanbro

Yeah, this is like a political powder keg ready to explode.

What exactly is the kid's plan anyway? Are they actually planning to kill the forces that they are personally against? Unless they roll in hard and decimate them while installing their own powerful replacements to fill the power gap they aren't going to achieve anything positive

Going on a tirade and then going into another tirade about not wanting to be seen as the one who goes on tirades is her whole shtick in this book.

the hell are they doing so far from the USA?
god i would love for the SJWs to do this and just illogically call mahvel racists and insensitive bigots.

Are there any Salafist supervillains?


By Allah, I hope not!

Something something something the Avengers don't care about the REAL maladies of the world something something proactive team something #woke

I'm going to assume that their plan is to not kill anyone but take away the women and children somewhere safe.

Which of course then brings up the question of where they are going to put them, since (with the terrorist and all) the zone must be dangerous anyways and it's not like they could drop the refugees anyone without causing a bureaucraty mess if they find a country that accept them. And not to say how the government of X country will react to foreign superheroes in their land, and in the case they do accept them (again basing this on the countries I think they may take place) other governments will start demanding why American heroes help one country and not the others.

Me thinks Waid didn't think this through.

Nine of that stuff will ever be an issue. They're going to "save the day", and then leave the women and children to fend for themselves.

it was so cringe to see them use twitter in those pages, like god, get over yourselves writers, you haven't earned it.

There is something really uncomfortable about super heroes involved in real life events. It feels like childish wish fulfillment on the writer's part, why would there even be Isis in the Marvel world - which is full of super humans. It's like those comics about 9/11 that have Super Heroes reacting to it.

What about... like.... SUPER-I.S.?

Yeah, that shit pissed me off. Like, fuck you, none of the million psychics saw that coming? Nobody flew up there and stopped this shit. Fuck, New York is superhero mecca! Don't "get real" in fucking fantasy land.
You're not respecting a tragedy, you're cheapening it.


ummm.... islamaphobic much?

Whatever happened to Frank Miller is happening to marvel.

Honestly things way worse than the events of 9/11 happen to Marvel New York every couple of months, like alien invasions that wreck the whole city only for it to be speedily repaired afterward or horrifying monsters and lifeforms that invade or possess everyone living there.

A couple of planes flown into the twin towers is barely anything compared to those multiple crisis events that happen again and again.

Yeah, this too. a 9/11 is like, a fucking Tuesday to these people.

But that Tuesday made Doom cry.

>infiltrated CIA
>being under the impression
t's actually part of CIA's multi-layered keikaku

And the Juggernaut, AFTER trying to take down the towers HIMSELF and laughing maniacally at the thought of it in a Spider-Man/Cable crossover from the 90s.

Well of course he's crying. Now he'll never get the chance.

This is more or less the point on which Lex tries to frame Superman for in the extended version of BvS. I thought that the Africa segment was actually pretty good a critique of the usual "argument" about why doesn't Superman end wars etc.but of course they butchered in the theatrical cut so the next part with the chief villager speaking against Superman in the US doesn't make sense

Never saw this, pity it didn't end this way.

>Waid shit on BvS
>He is going to do the same fucking shit

I wanna see Tyke level Mecca, and Mark Waid become the next Salman Rushdi.

"Protect the girls!"
>you arrive just in time to save the girls
>you never bothered to arrive in time to save all the boys they've already killed before turning on the girls

Boy, it's #BringBackOurGirls all over again

I remember getting vaguely annoyed at something happening in Invincible.

So Atom Eve pisses off to Africa because drama issues and I guess wanting to use her powers to make a difference in the life of the underprivileged etc.
So she makes this bigass fancy log house in a random part of Africa and transmutes a big garden and there's some generic African tribe living nearby. It seems as if the implication is that she's using her powers to improve the land to make it better for the people living there... and also you would assume using her superpowered hero combat abilities to ward off any warlords or criminals that would want to roll in and take advantage of this now much more valuable territory for themselves?

But then later on its fucking drawn on screen that she is simply handing out PACKAGED GOODS to the tribes-people out of a cardboard box.

And then eventually when Kirkman wants her to physically take part in the main plot again and have the terrible romance with Invincible she just peaces out from Africa, leaving the tribal village to fend for themselves in their little artificially-created Eden without even a second thought or acknowledgement by the narration of what is going to happen to them now that the big superpowered stick is gone.

>everyone is in a uniform or costume
>Vision bitch is wearing a sweater

Western fighters volunteering for conflicts around the world isn't terribly uncommon, there's a lot of Americans and other Westerners volunteering to fight ISIS right now.

They might get in some trouble with their own government, but it isn't going to start an international incident because the government didn't put them there.

A guy with a gun isn't the same as a person with the power of an army.

Something about this page just feels off

Like I doubt that ISIS burns girls when you can just rape them.

Isn't that what happens all the time? Some tragedy happens in Africa, the international help covers for the lack of food time passes and the food runs out again. Rise and repeat.

Its not like they are foreign fighters simply signing up to fight with forces over there, they are a superpowered team that flew over from America in their high-tech craft to carry out a mission.

Aren't some of them actually official Avengers? I've not been keeping up with Marvel but last I checked basically EVERYONE was an Avenger on one of the dozen or so different teams.

First, they're speaking Urdu so this is likely in Pakistan, so this isn't ISIS.

Second, ISIS rapes AND murders their female captives.

Seems like a good waste of females

Maybe, I skipped Waidvengers.

But she wasn't part of some Aid Organisation, she literally just pissed off to Africa and randomly built a house in the middle of generic African plains and started terraforming.

>Aren't some of them actually official Avengers?
No. The point of Champions is that Sam, Miles, and Kamala went "fuck the Avengers" and quit, forming the Champions instead.

>translated from Urdu
Wrong side of Iran, brah.
They are going to be in Afghanistan or Pakistan, which makes those guys Taliban or some other ultraconservative group who try and keep people, especially women, away from education and liberty and such newfangled nonsense.

I don't think anyone is going to try and really unravel Islamic theology and denominations at Marvel. Really, the topic is so complex and hard to pin down, even experts struggle to keep all the groups and their beliefs straight.

And their male captives. They used to mostly try and enslave women while killing all the men and holding young boys as sex slaves, but once they got to losing, that became harder to do.

But OP said ISIS

Why would he trick me like this

She wasn't terraforming

Terraforming implies she was changing the atmosphere and weather such that the plants she made with her powers would survive. Which she wasn't. She was just making food. All of those plants died and all of those people starved after she left.


>and holding young boys as sex slaves

So these people get boypussy in real life and 40 virgins in heavens? This shit ain't fair

Holy fuck, Cyclops has a real case of bucktooth going on. Are we sure his powers don't come from him being part of Billy Joe Jim Bob's inter-family harem?

>There is something really uncomfortable about super heroes involved in real life events

Sometimes its cool though

Because he can't tell brown people apart?

Yeah, the boipussy isn't all that happy about it, either.

Well you see ISIS came to be because of government fuck ups, and heroes don't involve themselves with government affairs.

And hey just remember that the super humans come in villain form as well.
>There is something really uncomfortable about super heroes involved in real life events
It all depends on what you make from it, we got Dust from super heroes involved in real life events. What a great character she was until she became dust in the wind

Pfffffffffffffffft the Human Torch (original) is way more badass.

He's the guy that canon killed Hitler, burnt him to ashes.

Wow, they are burning their elitist super club membership cards AND sprayed an A on the wall.

They sure are rebels

>not posting improved version

Reminder that Dust was originally going to be an evil mutant with suicide-bomber powers.

But then even Marvel realized that would be pretty fucked up, so they 'just' made her a middle-eastern muslim with sand powers.

Why do you think media only focus on girls? Because the boys are already raped and dead by the time the media bothers to report

Arabs sure love their pedo gay bait, maybe because it's haram as fuck

You never know what crazy stuff Morrison will come up with

The design of the page isnt even similar.

0/10 Would not compare

Speaking of fucked up... eleven days before planes rammed Towers, pic related happened in some FF comic.

Those uniforms look atrocious but... i kimda like what Ben Grim's wearing

i hate when they try to fuck up kamala. that smug look is super punchable.


>We've lost! Eat the girls!

When the hell is Eagle Eye Smith gonna join the team? C'mon Marvel, pull the trigger.

Name another event other than punching Hitler.

There's other stuff in history?

Raping Hitler

Jim, no. This HAS to stop!

Speaking of Batman's cast though, remember when the Joker became Iran's representative on the UN... somehow... which gave him unlimited diplomatic immunity?

I have hear talk that what Africa needs are agrarian reforms and not outside food.