How come the USA promotes effeminate men, yet Dutch media (even our niggers) bash on effeminate men and promote masculinity?
How come the USA promotes effeminate men...
You're kidding right? In North America the Dutch have the reputation as being super liberal. Most people picture Dutch guys as some anorexic socialist
>(even our niggers) bash on effeminate men
>implying niggers aren't violent gorillas
>in north american, the americans buy everything the kike media tells them about the Dutch
fix'd :^)
There's like 15 countries in North America dingus
That's like saying Europe is England
>in north america, the americans
>what is context
I'm obviously talking about americans as in everyone in north america you leaf
Lel we are basically an American puppet state anyway so quit bragging.
Is fish punching typical of the Dutch courting ritual?
>yet Dutch media (even our niggers) bash on effeminate men and promote masculinity?
Holy shit you're retarded
Americans = people from the USA
North Americans = people from North America
You cunts are so fucking stupid telling us how things are in our continent. I'm so glad my parents left your socialist shit hole of a continent
>that one comedy sketch
>oh noes look all dutch are like this irl!
Masculinity doesn't mean being an ugly fat alcoholic lumberjack.
It means being utilitarian, serving purpose, protecting and contributing.
We're not. We just want to live our own lives and have no one tell us what to do.
I'd say most of the Dutch people see right through the SJW cuckery going on.
>in north america, the north americans buy everything the kike media tells them about the Dutch
fix'd :^)
Yeah you are, after we brought half of the Netherlands here to marry Canada started turning socialist. When we were 100% pure Anglo things were A okay
Should have colonised you when we had the chance
>Americans fuck shit up
HURR it's the JEWS! even if Americans do it! THEY MAKE US!
>Leaf fuck shit up
HURR it's the Dutch! even if Canadians do it! THEY MAKE US!
>In North America the Dutch have the reputation as being super liberal
Which is why the PVV is in the lead in pretty much every poll the last couple of years right?
Amsterdam is not the entirety of the Netherlands.
>muh PVV
Wtf are you talking about
Foreigners usually associate other countries according to the culture of the capital since you know the biggest city and capital are usually the cultural centres? Are you gonna imagine rural Northern Ontario when you imagine Canada? Nah you probably imagine some European cuck in Toronto as opposed to a true red white and blue (red ensign is red white and blue and our true flag) blooded Anglo Canadian
>Wtf are you talking about
>We Canadians are degenerate socialists because of the Dutch
if you believe that, you're a delusional fucking retard.
Not because of the Dutch because we let socialist European cunts into Canada and literally a decade after they come we ban guns, we almost became a Republic, we change our flag, legalise sodomy and made it legal for non whites to move here.
>wants to close all mosques and ban the quran
>hurr muh joos
>Most people picture Dutch guys as some anorexic socialist
Compared to North Americans everyone else looks anorexic
If you want more rape and arson and murder go ahead and vote for SP or PVDA like a cuck.
Yeah look how fat we are LOL