Ehh, Pepsi is better


Dr. Pepper is better


I laughed at this and now i want to die





>not mol'ady






Missed opportunity.

I wonder if someone sent that to Jerry Messing.







For those who don't know these three covers where created when the production studio for Tremors 3 contracted Dark Horse to create the covers for 3 comics that only appear in the film for like 5 seconds

A pretty funny cover, completely ruined by squirrel girls horrible reflection.

Wow, a hip Twitter lady is like 3 years late on a meme.

Unless Fedoras still have m'lady meaning on Reddit or something. Here, they've been boiled down to tipping Euphorics

>Doom taller than Jen

He's standing on a stepstool or levitating.
>Ever letting himself seem shorter than some American lawyer


fedoras have always been autistic atheists

white knights, male feminists, and autistic atheists are literally the same group

there is 100% overlap

Can Doom levitate? I've only ever seen him do it with his built-in jet pack (His cloak must be made of best Latverian non-toxic asbestos for it not to catch fire). Though I guess the second greatest wizard would have a spell handy to manipulate gravity.

Pick any of the X-men: Legacy covers.


Wait, why is the gun being held backwards?

It's maybe not the best, but I just love the series too much so I'm biased like a mother thinking its kid is the cutest.

Reminds me of Will World cover.
I'm a sucker for shit floating out of heads, too.


>trust no one, not even your comic


Have they FINALLY continued it yet?



because daredevil is blind

Fuck you



...How old is this? This looks like a trace of something from Hellsing.

"I'd like to rent a jet ski."

"Hey, aren't you the world's most infamous mass murderer?"

It kind of looks like Batman is psychic and stopping the knives mid-air like Neo with those bullets in the Matrix.

>Dave Johnson
>ever tracing anything
Get a load of this pleb.

September/October 2011.






this is p gud

Not as good as this one

Garbage taste.

An acceptable alternative.

Personally I prefer Pepper in fountain drinks and glasses, but Coke in cans or glass/plastic bottles.


Dean Motter is the absolute best cover artist ever.

>dat wedding dress

Rivera had a goat DD cover run

You guys are small time
























Is that lanky Franky?

As you guys can see the magazine went downhill mid 80's/90's, where it turned into straight up porn, with mishmash of big boob woman + sci-fi scenery/medieval setting/riding something

However there's some hide gems, like this one

Still a babe cover, but the watercolor and humor makes for it. Believe me, all the others look exactly the same

Some of those I'd really love to have a framed print of.


There's a special edition called "25 years of art", that is basically a compilation of all cover arts, it's sad, and yet somehow very funny, too see it starting in Moebius and ending on generic boobage

Metal Hurlant, in another hand, was glorious

... Good things come to those who wait.

I see ... Two guns, a dagger, and a staff.
2/10 not a sword in sight.



