So according to a fact checking website, almost 70 percent of what trump says is false...

So according to a fact checking website, almost 70 percent of what trump says is false, ranging in scale from half truths to complete bullshit

And his largest base is non college educated people

So basically he is a candidate for morons with no critical thinking skills who will believe anything

Wow, thats fucked up

>a fucking leaf

According to my fact checking website, 100% of what Trump says is true.

Your move, French Canadian.

Politifact is always correct good goy.

>Imgur filename



Wow good job I looked at the flag first, it means there's no point in reading what you posted

a fucking shillary leaf jew in its natural habitat!

amazing, watch as it uses mental gymnastics to confirm its own biases!


And why do you trust that site implicitly? Sounds pretty stupid desu wa.

snopes is heavily biased, dawg

>according to a ((fact checking)) website
>inb4 jew

Whoops looks like you missed the mark there buddy.

Drumpf losers are raised on WWF wrestling, it's no surprise they think a spray tanned douchebag with a ridiculous haircut yelling insults is someone they should respect

lol this

stupid faggot leaf eternally and forever BTFO. how will she ever recover?

thank you based user. reminder to sage these spam threads

still using the try-hard corporate and racist meme i see? the ctr proxy of the day is leaf. good to know.

reminder to sage these spam threads

>Leafs don't understand politics is nothing more than pro wrestling.

Enjoy PM Dude Weed faggot.

>A leaf

I'm going to guess that you're talking about politi(((fact))). They are a biased source and to sort of prove that they are owned by the Tampa bay times which endorsed Hillary Clinton. So when a Dem lies they are telling a "half truth". When a Republican lies "Liar liar pants on fire" like what a 7 yr old would say. We and many other people have debunked them as bullshit and like most of the MSM. Citing what they say as fact is like doing the same for Huffington post or buzzfeed or media matters.

He loves the poorly educated.

ya, so did jesus.

i still don't see how this is a bad thing. it's like the elitist left is so out of touch with reality that they think that the college-educated lobotomized indoctrinated liberal-arts drones with 180k in debt are the only ones worth being loved.

what about all the poorly educated africans and syrians dying third-world sob story children? aren't they poorly educated? is it only a crime to say you "love the poorly educated" once you put an "R" in front of your name?

liberal hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.

can't wait for nov. 9th

Yeah pretty much.

>tfw it's a great source of amusement but is now getting a little meh because you're getting used to him and aren't achieving that Trump high from his latest autism anymore

>says the eternally-cucked merkel drone

Aww, why so sad, American? Trump's garbage. You're probably one of the poorly educated fragile white males :^)

>trying to persecute the whites
>forgetting about this chap

i'm not sad at all. feeling pretty great actually. trump will win in a landslide in two months. feel bad for you cucked germans, though. used to be a great country. used to.

Hillary concentrates on technicalities, she is a lawyer by profession and is used to the political game

Trump cares about the end result and wants to return common sense to the country.

Usually, always if you step too deep into the political game, you start playing inside of the corrupted system because you know how difficult it is to change things. Trump is a chance for outside change because he's powerful for other reasons

>used to.
Is that what Trump tells you to rustle your burger jimmies with a strawman to garner your support by appealing to your raw burger side? :^)

>I believe
>I feel
>thus it's true
>Trump said so, he wouldn't lie!

>t. Merkel von Shekelberg

I see your tears meme and raise you one article 50 when? :^)

Once you stop sucking so much migrant cock.

Protests in the name and honor of CURRENT YEAR will go down in History as best sensible chuckle

Hillary is supported by pseudo-intellectuals who went to "college" for subjects that no actually intelligent person needs a school for.

>b-b-but muh drumpf (btfo) university!!!!

>If you don't go to college you're a moron with no critical thinking skills
well bai wats da craic
cmere now whas dis i be seen you postin on Sup Forums, ya shud hav a bi more respict liek, das jus not on bai, twas a gammy aul picture ya painted for us all there now get up outta da, wat wud yar mam say at all at all