I really just want to hear all the shitposting
India’s government is now shaming people into using toilets
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Life must be boring in Denmark, you had to eat shit and enjoy your fetish on Indian shitting on streets.
It's so boring we have time to go to the bathroom
Yeah and check and admire your own shit I bet
Why do you must defend public shitting? Do your practice it yourself?
That meme is already death. POO IN LOO will never die out. Just like the happy merchant
Through shit on each other you white shits
what i find crazy is that india has a Space program! Why would you send satellites into space when you don't even have toilets?
>sent from my designated shitting street
Why do you even have a country when it is too small to even see??
How come Indians don't wipe after they shit?
Why you indians can't stop thinking about shit?
because the british didn't organize us into one big slave plantation.
you fucking cucks are protecting the niggers on North Sentinel Island. You can't even handle a few bows and arrows without DESIGNATED FISHING WATERS.
I do t get why Indians get so pissed off when we point out that in modern society it's politer to shit in a toilet then on the street even the pakis know that.
Also, why do Indians bathe/drink/brush their teeth in the river where they dump dead bodies?
You adsk a good quisdion. and imd gonnda led youd feenishd. but weed djusd send a roked indo space!
somebody has to bring this shit heels to heel
Sorry what was that? I missed part of it.
I was washing my face and a child's spinal column flowed downstream into my ear.
no doubt the farm fertilizing will be replaced with jewish chemical fertilizers
have you ever heard those "Italian man meats wife at brothel" stories.. i wonder if that happens in that river.
Don't get so triggered Indian bro, be glad that the govt is actually trying to stop 650 million people from taking a huge dump right next to your street's pavements...
1... govt built million loo's but 100000 of them got demolished or converted into storage space... the rest of them were rarely used..
2... govt then offered money to go poo in the loo under the 'Roopee for a Poopee' program... people took the money but didn't take poo to the loo...
3... next logical step was this, Public Shaming by Billboards..
4... next step would be actually passing law banning 'Designated Streets' and prosecuting the 'Poopy Pavement Perps'...
Actually government built 20 million loos and things aren't that bad. You are a 3rd world shit hole too, you know how some people are hell bent on never improving things.
When there is a election does the pooliticians promise more loos? do they have to put out a poo vision for the future? is there a right/left win divide on the whole poo issue? maybe some pooliticians want to privatize the loo industry..
Nope nothing like that.
>You are a 3rd world shit hole too
why you so mad India
India btfo once again
Good job Sup Forums
I am not mad mum, I just don't the countries shit talking about us when we literally run theirs on our money.
The government is tryong to do something good. Yes the whole situation is embarrassing especially when you consider that we invented/had some of the oldest flushing toilets. Wew lad
the politicians promise more DSS because they're in bed with the DSS cartels.
pol "you shit in the streets!"
india "yeah but look at this green shirt"
Is there like a designated shitting street lobby group?
Yes. they even empley violent gangs to sobotage the loos. they are called brown shirts.
Are you nigger? Because you sure do have the brains of one.
>The government wants you POO IN LOO
>you dont want POO IN LOO
I like that you are so inspired by our street shitting culture that you even have a poo color id.
>Actually government built 20 million loos
and you know as well as me that the people here count themselves lucky to even get half of what govt promised them, 20 million on govt papers is less then 10 million on the ground, even the govt's own investigative survey shows that about 15 to 20% of the govt grant/loan/assistence actually reach the intended people and upto 80% of it is pocketed by officials and politicians..
also wanna bet of the loo's that ware actually built, a large number of those were taken over by the local goons as their storage space/paan shop/bike parking etc...?
Awesome, there actually a whole web of intrigue regarding corruption, vandalism and crime all revolving around keeping people shitting in the streets.
I don't understand why Indian posters ALWAYS defend shitting in the streets if not just skirt the issue when it comes up.
Why do you do that? Do you think it's culturally important or some sort of beautiful and enriching tradition? It's shitting in the street. It's part of the reason why your population has some of the highest numbers of birth deformities (poor hygiene).
Why would you defend literally squatting down and shitting on the road lol
hey t-shirt weaver. is that true? they use the loos as real estate?
Let it go dude, it will never stick like poo in loo will, primarily because most Americans don't shart in marts but most Indians--1 billion strong in fact--shit in the street.
Just stop it, you look like a fool trying to get some new meme going.
kek at all the insecure indians coming out in droves to defend their shitty way of taking shits
>When there is a election does the pooliticians promise more loos
politicians promise what they think people want during elections, why would they promise loos that nobody in rural areas give a fuck about ?
I doubt Indians have a sense of shame
so they build a nuclear bomb!? over toilets??
from article:
“Uncle, you wear a tie around your neck, shoes on your feet, but you still defecate in the open. What kind of progress is this?” asks a child in one commercial. Another says: "You may have a smartphone in your hand, but you still squat on train tracks.”
my thought "you got a space program and nuclear weapons but you still can't build toilets"
Not trying to bring in some bantz. Just anwer my simple question by saying yes or no. Are you an Indian or have some Indian in you? I see you making threads about India all the time so just curious.
> now
They've been showing pro toilet propaganda adverts on tv since earlier this year
We have a toilet ministry too
They love us secretly
>We have a toilet ministry too
Holy fuck my side.
Hey India check this out
I'm a danish toilet using aryan.. the closest i get to india is my bangladesh made t shirts.. of course i would never buy cloths from india.. you might wipe your shitty hands in them..
The way you speak, you sound like a pajeet untouchable working at a 7/11 in Denmark.
>pajeet untouchable working at a 7/11 in Denmark.
Like this guy in LA.
Shart in mart, poo in loo, it's all the same. US and India, forever friends in feces :D Some would should edit some scat porn with the title "American-Indian Friendship"
I shit in a toilet. that's the caste i'm in.. and i have seen commercials about india were i was told to donate money to combat girls getting raped on the way to school.. i rather be a untouchable then haha. my but touches a toilet seat when i shit though
Imagine you're the new Sup Forums approved president of India. Which policies do you implement to make Indians use toilets?
india is the only non-jewed country
I've been waiting so long to post this.
pray to vishnu and launch nukes on israel and america then take all the jewgelt
stop the space program. sell kashmir to the kebab. sell the nuclear bombs to n. korea. take the money and build basic plumbing. and then make a special poolice force to combat street pooing. but see i'm not indian.. indians would just sit in bed and faste untill toilets magically appear
>India’s government is now shaming people into using toilets
I bet they won't flush out of spite though.
they could pass as finish though haha
India is that kid in highschool everyoned mocked, bullied, and got their jollies from. Even the good kids couldnt help but talk some shit .
>this is what poo in loos actually believe
no that's america