Brit/pol/ - Are Isabel edition

>Thread theme

>Today's Papers 9/9/16

>British police force says it may allow female officers to wear burkas as part of uniform

>Swiss offer EU solution for Britain

>Border poll survey says 8/10 voters unchanged by Brexit

>All schools to get a chance to become grammars under Theresa May's plans

>Nick Clegg attacks Leave Camp and blasts Nigel Farage for Brexit

>European bankers will be exempt from migration curbs after Brexit, Philip Hammond reveals

>Brexit talks role for Belgian EU veteran Guy Verhofstadt

>Jeremy Corbyn claims he can unite Labour to take on Tories

>Why all the signs point to work permit system and 'hard Brexit' as Theresa May negotiates the UK-EU divorce

>Donald Tusk tells Theresa May 'ball's in UK's court'

Other urls found in this thread: gangs&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_r-uH1YLPAhXsKsAKHRTkBMoQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=london gangs

such a totty

Second for Nik Naks

Who else /moodswings/? Feeling pretty good but was sucicidal earlier desu.

no, westeros looks like britain
hell, martin stole stark & lannister from york & lancaster

Not a fan of Isabel.

Shit edition.



Monster Munch master race reporting.


>having this shit taste

Hitler did nothing wrong.

can i get a tldr on brexit since the vote? are you guys still talking about a 2nd vote, leaving for sure? article 50 when?

Britfeel ambassador here. How are you today my British friends?

Leaving for sure, although the lefties moan about it there's nothing they can do. Article 50 early next year

Notice anything about these pictures? gangs&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_r-uH1YLPAhXsKsAKHRTkBMoQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=london gangs

Make me faggot.

2nd referendum - NO
Parliament vote - NO
Remainers butthurt - YES.

50 Particles will be thrown in the new year.

Double Decker master race reporting for duty.




Thread needs more Karen.


Ideal Gases assume that there are no volume within the molecules and that no forces exist between the molecules.



the voters were misled and didn't know what they were voting for, in fact many leave voters regret it so we're having a 2nd one to get it right.



Is Pepe taking the beta uprising into his own hands now?

awesome. good luck bongs. we'll get that trade shit sorted real fast once trump is in office.

Boost > Double checker


That makes no sense whatsoever mate



The thing is, you faggots will be pleased with your self declared "victory" for the disgusting fetish of cartoon paedophilla, you will feel accepted because you have come together with the other sick fucks of this board and united against the voice of decency.

But then in about 16-18 hours time you will have to turn off your computers and move your considerable weight down to the Job centre. You will of course still be claiming you sickening victories via your mobile phones and then the half drunk chav sitting next to you in the dole office will spot your image folder as you're scrolling through your collection to find the most apt paedophillic cartoon to match the tone of your post.

You will hear him mutter to his equally drunk, probably high mate

"this sick fuck next to me is looking at cartoon porn"

You will realise then that even those who society deams the worst of us, Junkie dole heads, have someone even they can look down on

the anime posters of Brit/pol/

How would you fix the NHS without scraping it?


literal translation:

Konung Olaf The Fuck Walrus went in camping!
On the leaky fucking boats in England he swam!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, in England, bitch, he swam!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, in England, bitch, he swam!

He seize a shitload of (a lot) fucking Swedish beers!
And drunk in ass Normans set askew sail!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, set askew sail!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, set askew sail!

Well and are came at such a pace in the North Caucasus.
Since the steersman was shoot the cat the entire trip and not taxiing, queer.
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, and not taxiing, queer!
He was lying in vomit and listened to the group "Carcass"!

They went to the mountains, fell into the gorge and fuck lost are way.
And the ass Vikings - these are not to find in the mountains!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, not to find in the mountains!
It's fucked up, listen, ass - peach, not to find in the mountains!
Friend, buy watermelon!

They were ambushed by the Chechens, in the dark gorge.
Konung Olaf The Fuck Walrus almost lost his ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, almost lost his ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, almost lost his ass!

The moral is simple and she's says the following:
Be good prepared to hike!
For the exam, too, and someone will take you for ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, take you for ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, take you for ass!

Everything is great but work.
I`m not a socialist though.

>tfw my sister's boyfriend refuses to call himself British and only introduces himself as a "European"

Any of you brits know people like this?

Rice krispies squares > Chomp > Freddo > chips > soda


It begins NOW

Reduce the number of managers.

People like that should be hung desu

Kill him please. Autists shouldn't be able to breed

He must be a leftist remainer.

*hanged lad.

Needs more Alice desu.

how can one anime girl cause so much butthurt

>can i get a tldr on brexit since the vote?
Reducing immigration higher priority than economy confirmed by May. Immigration controls to be technically stricter than Australian points system.

>are you guys still talking about a 2nd vote
No. It was debated in Parliament on Monday after 4 million petitioned. May's legal team confirmed she can invoke Article 50 on Royal preogative.

>leaving for sure?
Yes. Brexit means brexit.

>article 50 when?
January. Same as it's always been.


>The sale of pornographic materials is rampant in Japan. Go into any convenience store and you will find mainstream pornographic magazines sold alongside consumer publications; while a 'for adults only' sign demarcates the violent, hardcore porn magazines. But it isn’t only adults whose bodies are on display: under-aged girls are routinely portrayed in suggestive ways – from teen pop groups posing in lingerie or pubescent children engaging in sexual acts in manga comic books.

>The sale of pornographic materials is rampant in Japan. Go into any convenience store and you will find mainstream pornographic magazines sold alongside consumer publications; while a "for adults only" sign demarcates the violent, hardcore porn magazines. But it isn't only adults whose bodies are on display: Underaged girls are routinely portrayed in suggestive ways - from teen pop groups posing in lingerie or pubescent children engaging in sexual acts in manga comic books.

>They stare wide-eyed from the pages of magazines, childlike in stature but engaged in extremely explicit sexual activities. They may be drawings, but critics say the images found on the pages of some of Japan's erotic manga are so disturbing they should be banned.


Thankfully no, but then again he sadly wouldn't get knocked out where I live.

>how do you undo the ghordian knot without slicing it?

there is probably a way but the end result is the same

yeah, they're generally feminine and/or hipsters

It is a word!

Oh look. Two obvious shills appear at exactly the same time with their copypasta. PURE COINCIDENCE.

but obama the infallible magical negro said we'd be at the back of the queue and has shit all over us during his whole tenure. Starting to think you lot don't even like us any more.

Are we all fairly certain that Britain WON'T be going into the single market then? What's the evidence that we won't/will be, and what do the 3 Brexiteers say on the matter?

It has come to my attention that Karen posting is occurring in Brit/pol/

Ever since Mike Pence announced his addition as Vice Presidential running mate on the Trump ticket, with approval of his wife, Karen, she has become rightful property of Trump General. If you would like to petition this, you can go to this website

G-d bless you and G-d bless America

Don't let immigrants or fat people use it for free

I like Twirls as well as Pringles, is there any hope for me?

Perhaps a social insurance system? Allow more private providers so long as it increases quality and saves money.

>Charge people who waste time/go to the wrong service, e.g. people who have a cough and go to A&E.
>Give bursaries for nurses/doctors again.
>Do away with new junior doc contracts.
>Set up an advisory body to review decisions made so fuckers can't get stuff like boob jobs on the NHS.
>Prevent health tourism.
>Get rid of some of the useless managers with inflated salaries.
>Create a website educating the great unwashed about how a cough doesn't mean you'll die
>Charge everyone but the elderly for prescriptions (even those on bennies).

There is more you could do but this is a start desu


It's hung if they have a big cock, hanged if you're stringing them up for treason :)

You need to get your own anime girl, lad.

Piss off yank shes are girl.

Karen > Alice

Anglos should work together, lad.

actually karen posting was here first

I'd have said deny fatties, smokers and alchies service but they're actually doing that now.

>leave the pakis to me

All anglos welcome?

>Charge people who waste time/go to the wrong service, e.g. people who have a cough and go to A&E.

then you have the issue of people with real illness scared to go uncase its deemed a "waste of time"

No, the only solution is all but emergency care to be privatised.

I tried watching some of the anime that karen is from earlier
how can grown men sit and watch that garbage

Why is Karen so beloved?

>implying that is in any way attractive to girls
You won't have to worry about him for much longer. Girls prefer alphas with strong identities who are willing to fight for their tribe and zfg. Like Brit/pol/.

You don't like the Vikings?


i like to think that helped brexit. he was retarded to go over there and talk down to people with a thinly veiled threat of bad trade deals unless you fall in line.

this is the kinda shit that makes me think regular Sup Forums doesn't actually care who wins their presidential race and it's all about ebin maymays

I know how grown men watch it all day. You'll have to play hangman for the answer though.

_ _ _ _ _ _

She won brexit desu.

we are infested with paedophiles.


>simple past tense and past participle of hang

I don`t even know what a verb is desu


She`s the patron saint of brit/pol/

No, there is no certainity.

Nobody knows what the fuck will happen.

David Davis said he wanted out of the single market. Hammond (or Fox, can't remember which one) and May said that a single market access was possible.

I am certain however that:

A) There will be a hard Brexit
B) Immigration will be controllled

It really depends on what the EU bastards choose - make this painful or accept that uncontrolled immigration will lead to the collapse of the EU. Unfortunately, they have their heads so far up their own arse that they probably don't realise that Austria are going to elect a far right leader and that Wilders will get the most seats in Netherlands. (Not to mention FN).


Because she is CUTE!


Cuckservative was posted on brit/pol/ first, but you stole that.

You're not stealing Karen.

>Muh privatization meme
Fuck off. That just means people who need care but don't have an emergency won't go because they'll have to pay...

Maybe the best thing to do is have a strikes system. Plus, if you feel bad enough then I'm sure GPs wouldn't mind.


You can keep the cartoon faggot.

_ _ _ _ _ _


Nope. Heres my gallows attempt


raul moat out


>1 post by this ID

_ _ _ _ _ _



The ebin memes just help me personally with the anixiety leading up to the election

If you can't be bothered to get insurance, why should I have to pay for your cold?

Hey guys, haven't been paying much attention since Brexit won, but just now I remembered something and I have to ask: What happened with all the brits working in the EU? Are they still working at the place where their country doesn't belong to anymore or did they all get booted? What about all the retired brits in Spain? Is the EU parlament still clearly butthurt and takes chances to mock the UK even now?

How so?