What type of censorship laws apply to French Comics and Television?
I remember reading somewhere that French media was more lenient in censorship, particularly in sexuality, which probably explains some stuff to come out of France but I was not able to find any references within the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) regulations.
Also how does the French society view the sex and gore in general?
I guess this is also a Spirou thread.
French Censorship Laws
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You know, for the kids!
I am trying to find the name of this one french comic I read on Sup Forums ages ago which was about the brother of Jesus getting sent to an island to be the new messiah. If I remember correctly, the island was inhabited with among other things, sentient penises which turned people into stone if they came inside them and at one point two German? paratroopers invade the island to for scouting and the messiah switched the places of the one the paratroopers penis and face. I don't think this was aimed at kids though.
I join this user in his search for the name of this crazy comic.
I also remember there being this Greek guy who was stranded on the same island who was trying to raise an army of child soldiers through consistent sex with his wife, but he kept failing because he was far sighted and kept doing anal instead. The messiah gave him glasses and solved his problem.
I want to reiterate my wholesale support for this user. This comic must be found.
Les petites femmes by Pierre Seron
Volume 4 is the Messiah, it has up to 6 volumes I believe.
You sure you didn't dream that bro?
>I also remember there being this Greek guy who was stranded on the same island who was trying to raise an army of child soldiers through consistent sex with his wife, but he kept failing because he was far sighted and kept doing anal instead. The messiah gave him glasses and solved his problem.
It's called "The Mini Girls #4" by Pierre Seron
I read this. Weird, weird stuff. Fetishes that are niche for even c/o/
I'm getting it from the hubs right now, can upload when it's done.
This is what I find confusing about the French attitudes towards sex and gore in media. I know this isn't representative of the entire French culture but besides Japan I have never seen any other country create and publish stuff like this at least before the advent of internet. You would certainly not see stuff like this coming from US.
What I love about le petit spirou is it's still good after 20 years or so.
Compared to Titeuf for instance, the authors never compromised for profit.
Part of the disgusting new wave of cheap comics these past years with retard try hard "artists"
Nipples on cover = for adults even in France
Dunno about that one, not my country. Looks kinda bootleggy
>Dunno about that one, not my country. Looks kinda bootleggy
Do have scans of that volume?
>Do have scans of that volume?
>Strong female lead that is in no way sexualized and is a good role model for young girls.
1970's were wild.
The Mini Girls 01 - The Holy Thingy
The Mini Girls 02 - ...Loosing Feathers
The Mini Girls 03 - Dickheads
The Mini Girls 04 - The Messiah Returns
>students are white
Are you sure this is french?
Did French adults actually buy and read these instead of just buying regular porn?
The fact that they were published clearly indicates that there was a market for them but who would have the strength of will (or lack of thereof) to actually buy such an item in the pre-online era where they had to interact with actual people.
From what I've seen, there's a fair share of European porn that is also art porn by excellent artists (Serpieri, Manara, Ozkan) or also doubles as comedy and / or drama books.
Ozkan by example had a series that explored some aspects of sexuality from his point of view yellow fever as it's theme
It's very different to modern internet drawn porn/erotica which is dedicated almost exclusively to individual fetishes. Very different demographics and scenes.
From what I've seen too, the biggest adult scene is Italy, while France is comparable in size with other European scenes like the german one. The USA also had one too - Manara and Serpieri are Italian, Ozkan turkish, but he published most of his stuff int he USA.
Natacha was hot but Yoko Tsuno was clearly the best Spirou Magazine heroine.
>that mom in the background
I think I read that doujin.
What about french cartoons in television?
I mean based on the stuff they censored in the French edition of Steven Universe I would have expected them to have strict rules but on the other hand we had American Executives complaining about the "sexuality" of French animated stuff like Code Lyoko and W.I.T.C.H. (which was originally Italian, but the point still stands).
I literally have no frame of reference for French TV, but I remember people on Sup Forums (reliable source) often discussing how lenient French Censors were in comparison with Nipples often brought into the discussion.
post credit scene of a french animated film
I haven't read any Titeuf for years now, what's different?
Looks like Jamie Hewlette's style
>French edition of Steven Universe
Are you sure you're not confusing that with the British one?
You wot?
>crtl + f "France"
>The arcade game "Meat Beat Mania" was digitally edited to become simply "Beat Mania".
>Every time Jasper hits Garnet, the scene was replaced with a bright white flash.
et cetera
Huh, didn't know that.
I only knew of the British turning Ruby into a dude and cutting out any other lesbian references too.
>What type of censorship laws apply to French Comics and Television?
Stronger than the US and most of the west actually.
But erotic content is considered ok for kids if it's exaggerated. (hence why comedy abuse it)
Adult content is rare on animation (considered for kids no matter what Sup Forums wants to believe), but in comics it's common, thanks to adult magazines.
But if you think you can draw loli porn, you are in for a surprise. The "freedom of art" law is explicitly overwritten by the anti pedo laws that clearly state "every" depiction of child porn is illegal, including drawings.
That would be channel censorship though, not legal censorship. censoring "meat" doesn't make sense in French, there's no "beating your meat" equivalent. Especially not in English.
>But erotic content is considered ok for kids if it's exaggerated.
[citation needed]
It's not a rule, just a fact. Comics aren't really "rated" there, so you can get Ptit spirou in a supermarket. Even the smurfs had a few naked asses or comedy stalking. While it's not as open as it used to be (thanks immigrants and religion in general), bare tits are still mostly OK.
>Yoko Tsuno
>Mary Sue, yellow fever bait
>Well rounded adventurer with a normal job
You have shit taste
Damn westerners with their weird sexual degeneracy.
This is what actual men look at.
Polt has best plot.
Comics in France and Belgium were heavily watched by moral governments. Until the seventies you couldn't have a female lead unless it was a little girl. Sophie was going to be 18.
Why though?
moral governments? can you elaborate
So the guy that invented the smurfs wasnt an outlier then? that fucker really hated women
makes sense yknow. under the seemingly tolerant visage of french culture lies dark fucking shit. it's easier for me since I disagree with both what they stand for on the surface AND underneath.
>im a special snowflake
Closest thing to the truth I can say is the author went from subversive and funny to full sell-out SJW.
Fuck off Sup Forums this show is terrible.
>makes sense yknow. under the seemingly tolerant visage of french culture lies dark fucking shit. it's easier for me since I disagree with both what they stand for on the surface AND underneath.
I've got no idea what you're talking about. Did you get raped by a baguette?
The US is just puritanical and conservative, more than the French are super lenient.
This guy gets it. Natacha was all look, no substance. Yoko Tsuno was both kawaii and actually good to read.
>Reread some of my Scrameustache recently
>Turns out it's really not that good
>Fear that maybe I had shit tastes as a kid and all my old French comics aren't as great as I recall them
>Read a Gaston
>It's still fucking hilarious
>Read a Spirou
>It's great
>Even Bob Morane holds up well enough
I guess Scrameustache really just wasn't good after all.
It makes more sense to not be prudish, honestly.
It's probably more healthy too.
2 Lewd.
This whole thread
There are pros and cons. In a society that encourages wanton sex, you're probably going to see a sharp rise in venereal disease.
>USA: Violence is ok, sex is not
>France: Sex is ok, violence is not
Source, a French
De Gaulle came back to power and passed a lot of authoritarian laws. Catholic church had a hand too. Comics were Public Enemy number One like in Britain and the US.
More Sophie!
> usa: No guns though and animal abuse is OK too
>this artists is a popular and well-loved children's comics artist in France
It's the best part of it.
>but besides Japan I have never seen any other country create and publish stuff like this at least before the advent of internet.
Italy has a whole genre that's nothing but wierd porn and violence.
Really, all the countries that have an intact comic market have produced a lot of wierd porn, which is why the US has so little of it.
how young are you to not understand why?
>it's easier for me since I disagree with both what they stand for on the surface AND underneath
lol, what a tool.
Things will get really awkward the day we finally make laser guns a real thing
Yoko Tsuno edges on being a Tintin-style blank cavans-character, really.
Her only characteristic is that she really, really, really hates mind-control and tends to blow shit up until she's certain that it won't ever happen again in that particular region.
>>France: Sex is ok
lol non. it was in the 80's and early 90's but these days all media, backed by the governments, are pushing an American philosophy on all media.
I am sorry for not being familiar with the cultural history of a country which I have only visited three times in my entire life. The reason why I know so little about the French culture is the exact reason I made this thread in this first place, gosse.
So how about you enlighten me why a country who has been patting itself in the back for being the centre of western freedom since the day Robespierre learned how to get an erection suddenly went full conservative in the post WW2 period instead?
Half of the country went fully Nazi during WW2 and they, like all Republics, always had a good reservoir of conservatives.
Source? Please. Why is this art style so appealing to me?
I need to read more French comics with a fun cartoony art style like this. But I don't know where to start.
Read Miss Don't Touch Me by Kerasocet
>But if you think you can draw loli porn, you are in for a surprise. The "freedom of art" law is explicitly overwritten by the anti pedo laws that clearly state "every" depiction of child porn is illegal, including drawings.
Depends on country. Over here, it is legal, as long as no actual children were part of the creation, ie. no child abuse was done.
Its from "Les Profs", which is actually about the teachers lives.
This must be one of the recent books because the old ones had a different, less cartoony artstyle.
It also has 2 live-action movies
Name of the comic please !
Or a download .. or something..
come on dude throw me a friggin bone, my bonercopter can't take off if you don't help me out bro !
I didn't mean encouraging lots of sex though.
It's more like telling people that nudity and sex are normal things and not to be afraid of.
Of course, that's something the people have to decide on, and they'll choose whatever is being made most "normal".
When I lived in France back in the 90's it wasn't unusual to see straight up porn on broadcast TV. And BDs with strong adult content were available in most book shops. Obviously things could have changed since then but generally I think it's fair to say the attitude is that adults can make their own desicions about what they want to see.
Its kind of funny (depressing) how the UK is the polar opposite in this regard.
Plenty of people would be completely happy to wipe out erotica and porn because nobody DECENT is interested in that sort of stuff.
So the french attitude of LIBERETE saved their comics with "fuck you we want free speech"?
except for straight up erotic comics their is no signalisation for comics
unlike Japan there is almost no animation for mature audience because people who do animation in France consider animation=for kids. This is ironic because France is second beyond Japan for anime/manga as a market and some anime are showed on TV.
Rating is less severe in France regarding violence and sex on television (Hateful Eight is rated -12 yo in France).
Yep. Les Petit Hommes and Les Centaures. Read both in Spirou. Heard he's not doing too well healthwise.
My father have Serpieri and Manara stuff.
Yeah, I heard he had a stroke or something.
He is also the uncle of the guy who draws Melusine by the way.
Isn't he also writing the one about the red-headed witch girl under another pen-name?
No, the guy who draws Petit Femmes is Pierre Seron. His nephew, Frederic Seron (pen name Clarke) is the one drawing Melusine.
>What about french cartoons in television?
French production is almost exclusively aimed for kid around 10yo because people here think cartoon=kids.
But to my knowledge there is no censorship today of cartoon from foreign countries. It wasn't the case in the late 80's-early 90's era when French channel bought shitload of anime licence without looking for what public it was aimed for.
Result : the french voice actor were so shocked about the content of Hokuto No Ken they went on strike until they had the right to edit the dialog and content of the series.
The result was so ridiculous it's considered as a fucking gem of cringe in France
there is no rating system for comics in general except a warning for erotic/porn comics.
Nudity alone isn't considered as erotism or porn
Pretty much yes.
We didn't have a Comic Code Authorithy because pissing of government is a national sport.
An other example was the magazine Hara-Kiri. The magazine had the catchphrase "stupid and mean" and was full crude humor (you can almost see it as some sort of proto/b/. It had a shitload of very crude humor (scat, sex, gore humor) and had a shitload of lawsuit because of it.
Every french publication can be censored. It's the work of the "Commission de surveillance et de contrôle des publications destinées à l'enfance et à l'adolescence" (Watch and Control Commission of Publications for Children and Teenagers) since 1949. It can range from full autoritarian (Hara-Kiri being shut down in the De Gaulle years) to completely lenient.
Contrary to its name, it controls EVERYTHING published in France, and it got more than a couple ridiculous edicts under its belt.
Basically people nobody care about, with a lot of power as a result.
On the other hand, you can usually pass a lot of stuff as parental bonus or jokes. Also, adult comics (in every way) were bigger in Europe than in the US since the sixties (I'd link it to the italian market as a whole and the french magazines like A Suivre or Metal Hurlant that appeared shortly afterwards), so it has shaped the mind of most people.
I mean, Wolinsky is considered a great artist, despite being neither talented nor inspired IMO. And he only drew naked women.
You also had some excellent comics that just happened to have sex scenes in them; like Indian Summer (not related to the pornstar)
As others anons have said, you can do tentacle guro porn comics and do illustrations for kids books with another editor, and nobody will bat an eye.
It's fairly common practice, in fact.
On a sidenote, french laws are quite laid back about nudity. So you're not gonna censor tits on your comics when you can see them by the dozen on the beach.
I got a bunch of people swimming naked in a nearby river on a regular basis, and the cops don't give a fuck.
Boulard. Les profs spin-off.
The original series had some cuties, too.
Not really cringe, just classic so-bad-its-good. It replaced pretty much the entire plot with heaps upon heaps of goofy voices and horrible puns and it was glorious.
I had to look it up for myself.
>Not really cringe, just classic so-bad-its-good
that's what I wanted to mean.
the question is, is that more censorship or localization?
If there is no "Meat Beating" equivalent, why not drop the meat bit of Meat Beat mania. It faintly reminds me of old anime dubs, Calling those rice balls donuts and whatnot.
The Jasper hitting Garnet thing... Might count as regular lite censorship. "Violence is Bad"
>The Jasper hitting Garnet thing... Might count as regular lite censorship. "Violence is Bad"
That would be really specific especially when they show other shows without edition such things.
France had a stigma against anime a decade ago but again it was channel self censorship since the violence wasn't (and isn't to these days) illegal as long as you tag it properly
>The result was so ridiculous it's considered as a fucking gem of cringe in France
the thing is, if you watch the real dub, it's just as stupid most of the time. the villains ARE retarded and talk like children in it. they just made their own puns on top of it.
Free speech doesn't exist in France by the way, but you can enjoy a lot of freedom if you're an artist.
>French production is almost exclusively aimed for kid around 10yo because people here think cartoon=kids.
the few excpetion for it are persepolis and the show "les kassos" (the dorks). This one is an extreme exception because I don't remember an actual animated series with actual crude humor but the majority of it's diffusion is on Youtube.
Yeah, I had the same thing happen to me a couple years back. I don't think it's terrible or anything, but I don't understand how it could have been one of my favorites. They should have scrapped the scrameustache entirely and made the serie about the galaxiens, those were the best parts.
I've been staying in Prato, Italy for 2 months, and I can second this with a qualifier. What I noticed when I was at to Lucca, a big comics city, was that "erotic comics" were just put right out in the open for sale at markets. However, When you open stuff like Isabella up, the sex scenes normally take up about the first eighth of the actual book, and the rest is an actual real comic book with full characters and themes at work.
I've actually taken a Lit course on the history of porn, so this stuff interests me. Stuff like Isabella and Italian Fumetti smut has more in common with Victorian or pre-Victorian than it does with erotic lit from its own period because it's much more like a narrative that incorporates sex and sensuality as a given, rather than having a story that is just an efficient delivery system for scenes of fucking.