Explain to a dumb European what the fuck Common Core is, why it is still used and why people are not kicking CommonCore Teachers out of school.
Also, Common Core stories, excerpts and pics are welcome here
(((they))) will it
Can't tell you, I completed school 5 years before common core was introduced
I bet it is a ploy to get nigs to do better in school and to help the womyns
Keked to the max. Strange that they kept the Iranian revolution in there though, seeing as it was a huge fiasco.
They praise those who """""punch up""""""
I noticed WW1 and WW2 were not mentioned
Hasn't the creator of common core been recorded as saying his main goal was to end white privilege?
The math seems okay if you take the time to learn it, it seems like they are trying to teach you efficient mental math.
But everything else just seems like indoctrination designed to make kids retarded degenerates
Its a scheme by Bill Gates with billions of dollars behind it to make Americans even more uniformed and stupid. With a second standard of teaching for an elite few
Common core was invented to fight white privilege.
common core terrifies me
is this in a national curriculum, or just cuck states?
its a set of standards that each student should learn certain material by a certain grade level
methods are left up to school districts/teachers
>End white privilege
All it did was force whites to go to private schools and take on extra tutoring
Liberals didn't end anything
National state sponsored education.
common core is the general curriculum that the majority of schools in america use as a standard to teach their students.
Teachers once they receive tenure are almost impossible to fire, it could be relatively common knowledge a teacher slips a shot of vodka into their coffee every class and unless they vomit and pass out after assault a different student every month getting rid of them would still be difficult. it also only takes about 4 years to get tenure I believe.
But the phrase "fire common core teachers/kick them out of schools" doesn't make too much sense because it's a standard teachers are forced to use to educate kids. Even if they're good teachers(which is extremely rare) their hands are still tied behind their backs and forced to use common core.
It's the federal governments fault it's this way, it was lobbied by an education company and now has become a monopoly that's almost impossible to get rid of.
I believe bill gates, the clintons, many publications such as pearson, scholastic news, macgraw hill
The interest is, if you receive the federal contract to supply all these schools with not just educational material but actual school supplies, you have a monopoly of billions of dollars annually that no one else can begin to compete with.
Now it's not as bad as it seems, especially when you try to compare it to other school systems in europe. Where their studies are focused in on less subjects and have grading systems that aren't as harsh. But they are still able to have more students get further in the important subjects they do focus on.
But this system still fails hundreds of thousands of children each year with no one even able to put their two cents in.
>1919-1946 summed up in 3 words
I'm a history major and WHAT THE FUCK is this
oh god it's worse than I thought
please contain it there and don't let it spread to other countries
It's the future you chose.
The companies don't care. McGraw Hill is making a killing by implementing learnsmart into the course curriculum. Basically they are hosting the eBook and homework with the company and charging $80-$300 for access. The teachers don't do anything at this point.
School is becoming a profit driven leftist indoctrinated mess
I had a history teacher who though Animial farm was about the civil war and thought it that way.
No really.
Find John Taylor Gatto's history of public education. tldr It's literally about making kids easily controllable, ie dumb.
>who though
>and thought it that way
And let's not even get started on your English teacher.
>A map of TIME
>there was nothing before 1919
I'm always correcting people saying America has no history but this is not helping me at all.
Whoever picked those colors must be a common core graduate.
The audience reaction is the best. Gives me faith in normies.
Is tHaT CoLoR CoDiNg cOmMoN CoRe hOlY ShIt tHeRe's lIkE A MiLlIoN CoLoUrS NiGgEr wHaT ArE YoU DoInG
Problem is that it doesn't work. Kids are rebellious shit heads who will do the opposite in life just to spite the adults. Right now leftist are trying to run things and kids are going to the right
It's probably deliberate, they want everyone to see adoption of common core as a matter of degree rather than there being any alternatives
It's obvious that each line is 10 and each dot is 1
Obviously some of the companies that are contracted to produce or manufacture these things don't entirely care. There are still people that gross billions of dollars because they lobbied for it though.
It goes deeper than that, the liberal schools produce thousands of soldiers a year to shill their sjw agenda on students, and common core is a weapon they get to use on top of it.
Then there's the sjw's in housing(this is where obama is a big player) they integrate "low income housing" into even the richest of neighborhoods, but guess what it's not just about rich, they'll find white areas and intentionally place "low income housing" free places for minorities to come and live.
If you haven't seen a lot of this in your areas its because your local government has been postponing building it. Or the richest areas get away with building it and marketing it for seniors to live.
Any one remember that video of the black girl that got slapped and every one freaked out at a pool party? they were in that nice rich white neighborhood because they were living in low income housing.
But back to the school shit, they have methods to prop up girls and ignore the girls, this reflects in the fact women do better on grades but still fall behind in the SAT's and IQ tests, yet still get admitting to colleges at higher levels. Any one see or hear about a girl cry in class and then have her grade boosted up? I've seen a girls total grade go up 8 points multiple times just because of that. Also child psychology for boys is almost non-existent.
There's a lot of shit to get angry about, our generations of males are getting shit on pretty fucking hard, and we're expected to shut the fuck up and take it.
If there was ever any time to shoot a leftie, it'd be here. The audience would have probably cheered.
Jew dragging down white man. Making stupid niggers more competitive.
wtf? is this real? that sounds like that borges piece where he mock-cites from some classic chinese encyclopedia
Common core is the idea that one should try to teach the though process beyond the simplest shit. Where in the past they just drilled you they teach in symbols and shit to attempt to form the ability to count 4 groups of six ion your mind.
In practice its a way to mark off kids who know the answer but down do it the way you want them to.
As for why its not gone yer the answer is jews user. It takes awhile for people to get pissed enough to boot them. They are trying to equalize grades between color and genders. Or at least grade down whites and males.\
To be fair they probably thought they would help blacks but its not working.
>The math seems okay if you take the time to learn it
Problem being elementary school teachers are inevitably too retarded to understand the math themselves so they end up teaching it wrong and producing all the meme pictures you see online
The problem is until post puberty kids learn best by drilling them. Trying to teach them thought processes doesn't work.
I wish i lived in a world where this happened.
This I blame most of the ones that get posted on the retarded teacher.
drilling is always easier in a lacking environment, less can go wrong, it's one simple procedure that is right or wrong at every step
same about very undeducated people, best success also tends to be the drilling of simple, never changing frameworks/rules
you can just see how the ideas will drown in elementary school and then they do...
it's part of perpetuating the idiocracy. common core has dealings with the Pearson corporation, based in england, which also has a monopoly on the standardized testing in the u.s.
you can thank capitalism for making sure its consumer stay stupid and guilt ridden for not being able to pass poorly written and deceitful tests.
Yeah, same here. If you actually look into it the methods are good. They seem obtuse at first but the point is to build the ideas in the students head from the very basics up. IMO they will have a much better grasp on the math compared to the older generations, assuming competent teachers. Its not the cc that seems to be the problem, rather the implementation.
Drilling the basics builds the fundamentals needed to get to the critical thinking phase. Drilling works on the memory and helps streamline thinking when doing complex things.
>absolutely nothig happened in those 27 years other than the league of nations
Common core is
1. A ploy to get schools to pay millions for useless technology that does not help kids learn
2. A way of preventing parents playing a role in their children's education (homework doesn't make sense so how can parents help?) This means the State is ultimately responsible for all education of the child - parents are effectively locked out.
3. A way of reducing the critical- and free-thinking ability of youth, so that schools pump out good little wage slaves and code monkeys and vote democrat
If Common Core was so great, then why do all the elites that support it send their children to private schools that don't use Common Core curriculum?
Nigger president with nigger Department of Education, sets up nigger created common core to "Learn a new way". Force kids to learn bullshit long complicated nigger math.
See the trend? Niggers in charge.
They have the iranian revolution but not the coup. By all accounts, iranians just woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day and got angry.
Why are they trying to liberalize mathematics and STEM in general?
These subjects are pretty straight forward and don't need to be tampered with, just taught and memorized.
Remember when learning wasn't degenerate?
watched his interview recently and was kind of disappointed. he seems to believe in unstopping and that we are all equal. maybe i'll have to watch more of his stuff or read his books, but he seemed to contradict himself a lot.
I pulled out my kids of a "good" public school because of this shit. Th problem is the teachers don't understand it too, so the result is horrible. They claim there is common core and the new math, and the common core is agreeing with new math, and I was explained I have a problem with new math. Whatever it is, it's absolutely retarded, and confuses the kids. The net result is they spend time in school to come home and learn. It's very counterproductive. Now with my kids out of this, and niggers being taught common core, I have no problem with it, they should all learn from common core if you ask me. Poor fags are fucked with it, and there is no way out of it. I think it's the beginning of the caste system with this disaster. If you can't afford private school, your kids are done for.
Example of a common core.
Q: What is multiply by 6
My kids answer: It's multiply by 3 and multiply by 2.
The correct answer: It's multiply by 3 and double.
I kid you now. This is the difference between 0 points for an answer and full credit. There are loads of those examples. I had a tutor hired to teach them to answer this shit correctly. There is only one correct way to solve problems and other ways don't count for credit. They have to give an exact correct answer using the correct method to get credit.
As it stands you have to pay $30K per kid for private school or be subjected to this shit.
>รท instead of _
What about home school?
Can common core kids even do these?
Sounds like the result of a bad teacher who cannot communicate the ideas correctly or does understand them to begin with and takes the answer sheet literally with no room for understanding variances in answers.
>The correct answer: It's multiply by 3 and double.
If they use a calculator probably
They will have to take common core exams to go to high school or college. So in the end you end up going through common core anyway. You will just do it at home, and it's an exercise in doublethink. Private schools are accredited and they bypass this shit. Their school is on a Finnish program, so they consider it equivalent. No common core for my kids, though. They issue the equivalent grades and assessment to high school and the high schools accept them with no problems. I hope they expand to high school. Right now it goes only K-8.
>a Finnish program
Is there a discussion about Finland?
It's a political tool to dumb Americans down even more. It's to discourage students from being interested in math. Also it allows niggers to pass.
There's what Common Core is, and what people think Common Core is.
Common Core is itself nothing more than the establishment of basic and uniform standards of elementary and secondary education throughout the United States.
This fag math has nothing at all to do with CC, and everything to do with the fact that as our negroid/Third World population grows, our education attrition rate grows and our academic standings fall. So we blame "failing schools", and then "innovate" and "restructure" the way very simple things are taught, in a way that overcomplicates them, so now everyone fails at the same rate.
Which is basically what common core is. They enforce the methods of solving the problems. They don't have precedence of operators, so I will not even bore you with how many answers were not counted because of no parenthesis. The real problems were with multi step problems, because you have to make identical steps to the "correct" solution. The answers are not good enough.
to be fair : is ok too sometimes
really you only need to multiply to a number lower than 1
Exactly right. Nothing happened.
And before you post again remember we can always make it 6 000 001.
When I was a kid we not only had to do it this way but they put a time limit on us too. I miss the old days
No they confuse your natural intelligence for some strange method of teaching you have. What they don't realize is you could put a school full of niggers in America, Finland, or South Korea, and they'd still be retarded.
>Republican-run states adopt Common Core because higher test scores, no one actually cares about the education quality, just scores
>Test Scores rise
>Democrat-run states adopt Common Core because they notice the Republican-run Common Core states are testing higher
>Republican-run states drop Common Core because they notice Democrat-run states pick up Common Core
Even American Education is run by partisan politics.
Here is another one for you all,
Anybody remember having to memorize the 50 states and their capitals?
This was on the test.
More like Commie Core am I right mah nigz
wtf just make kids do actual math and not this nigger shit
I did this in elementary.
>If Common Core was so great, then why do all the elites that support it send their children to private schools that don't use Common Core curriculum?
>league of nations
I did these in third grade.
I realize now that my brother is going through 5th grade, he's never done a single one of these.
Hell, we had them for homework, and he has a max of 5 multiplication questions a day
Figure it out on your own Fin user
That's bullshit
We had to memorize the first 10 and recite them, we also had to explain the articles as well and this was before 8th grade
As far as I know it works like that: Lets say you want to know how much 90 times 13 is:
90x10 = 900
90x3= 270
= 1170
I don't get the problem tho, I always calculate in my head like this.
Suicide is painless right?
it literally brainwashes kids to be communists by subliminally shoving redistribution and multicultural ethics down kids throats under the guise of 'education' by dumbing the curriculum down to third world levels (why do you think theyre flooding the western world with muslims and mexicans)
>>Bill Nye: Could Common Core be the antidote for Creationist teachers?
liberals favorite progagandist bill nye talking out his ass by and by god is evil yall WORSHIP THE STATE!
>>Indoctrination in Common Core ELA Texts
Be a good little communist goys and girls!
>John Stossel - Common Core
Thats literally everything you need to know about common core in one post
I REEEEEEEEE everytime I see this.
This doesn't make me mad, per se, it's just really fucking dumb
(a + b) * ( c + d) = ac + bc + ad + bd
(90 + 0) * (10 + 3) = 90 * 10 + 0 * 10 + 90 * 3 + 0 * 3 = 1170
Would it not make more sense to teach why, not just how?
This is honestly the perfect history...
Of Jewish war crimes since 1919
You already made a mistake just writing it out like that. They no longer have precedence for * & /, so you have to put all multiplications in parenthesis. Supposedly it's the new math.
Carlin's ageless rant about this: youtube.com
Pearson is charging me $70 for a platform that I use to turn in homework
Terrence Howard, what're you doing here?
I think the point is to make math more easy and accessible.
yeah theres lots of mud and shit (crying laughing emoji x3) we wear funny hats (crying laughing emoji x3) gasmasks are creepy! (scared emoji x3) #TRENCH FOOT!
I do not agree with the history portion. But the math portion seems fine. All I have seen from looking into it is that they are forcing the children to build mental models of the underlying structures. Fucking hell you retards, usually I agree with you guys but this knee jerk reaction is ridiculous. Hurr, I didn't try to figure it out I just yell about how stupid it is because I dun ged it! That's what you retards sound like, yeah the history portion looks like bullshit, but the math is teaching from the ground up to give an intuitive understanding of the operations going on. You look at the problems and go hurrrr teach maths simply, make um memorize tables like I did. I expected better from you guys, I actually thought most of you looked into things and did not take the Normie's opinion at face value, but this is Facebook tier in this thread.