No memeing: what civilization would you include that doesn't normally get/has never gotten into one of this games?
All confirmed leaders of Civ 6 so far
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They were all black historically, disgusting eurocentrism.
the saxons
That cartoonish animation sytle is garbage.
>(No, not Britain, England!)
the female developer said that the women in the old games were too pretty
>No memeing
Cleopatra not black, KANGZ btfo
the confederacy
Cleopatra was greek
What about Marcus Aurelius?
starts off with slavery
Why do you post this three times a day? Why not take a day off from spamming civ 6 leaders?
why dont you come up with a better thread
for gods sake why cant they just accurately portray these leaders. took me 5 seconds in photoshop so they should be able to
Fuck this, I want Alpha Centauri 2
come off it, they were as white as jews are
As an American, the only names I recognize are Roosevelt, Ghandi, Victoria and Cleopatra, so I don't know what I should be outraged about. Could please give me some direction?
unlockable WH40k leaders/races
>american south
>Catherine de Medicis
>Not even French
>Never ruled France
>Hated by French people
Will not buy this garbage game desu senpai.
Agreed. I'm sticking with Civ 5
Harald was fighting for the english throne if i remeber correctly, tho i would have prefer to see the saxon chief zig
make korea dlc again
still not a bad leader desu
choosing Cleopatra triggers more
Qin Shi Huang looks like a fucking alien.
How the fuck do you not know Montezuma, he was part of the new world curriculum that was taught everywhere in the states. Are you a home schooled autist?
You frogs have been consistently BTFO by vidya recently, what did you do?
Are you suggesting that civ4 / civ5 werent cartoonish?
Also, civ is basically a board game.
>sixth game in the series
>still no mention of the most iconic and influential leader since genghis khan
What does a guy have to do?
>expecting amerilards to actually learn anything
2.Boer Nation
Why is France being lead by an Italian?
>civ game
>no romans
>no greeks
Is this a meme, or was not info about them released yet
no wonder trump got the republicuck nomination with genuine retards like you somehow surviving early childhood without choking on your own spit
Harald "Haråde" (the stern ruler) Sigurdsson?
I'm sorry, my Morganite friend, but it'll never happen.
Not released yet.
>not stubbornly refusing to acknowledge motecuhzoma xocoyotzin, the ninth tlatoani of tenochtitlan by any other name
Yeah, that's a pants-on-head retarded decision on their part.
Here's hoping they'll introduce multiple leaders for each civ, but I won't be holding my breath.
Also, please bring back the Celts. Norway in civ 6 seems to be civ 5 Celts on steroids, so there's that; but it'll be interesting to see re-imagined Celts still.
Scythia is a sweet choice for a civ, though having a "stronk female leader" feels a little forced; even though it does kind of differentiate it from the Mongolsl, I guess.
Why would you need to confirm that which everyone knows will be present
I would consider going back to civ/civ 2, Assyrians would be interesting. They have done a good job through the years at having a wide choice of leaders.
Pedro II was in Civ 5 as well. I know nothing about Brazilian history, is he the only good leader they've ever had so Civ just has to keep reusing him?
They are niggerfying a white greek woman.
Italy has the same problem
wheres margret thratcher
Marcus was good but shit compared to Trajen or Vespasian when it came to good foreign and domestic policy.
>wheres margret thratcher
Burning in hell.
that would be like having england and britain in the same game, roman empier are a ittle to big to ut in the game
Who could be behind this?
>Why would you need to confirm that which everyone knows will be present
Still they shown Egypt, India, USA and England
Hell yeah. We need one of the great Caesars in there.
>that would be like having england and britain in the same game,
What are you talking about?
Romans and Greeks were always in Civ games
if we have caesar, we can't have italy, they were roman
Lithuanian empire
Drone Strike expansion when?
Kinda, he's the most famous but there's Pedro I who gave us independence and Vargas who governed for 15 years starting in 1930 and was very influential (and polemic).
Carthage, but that may have been included at some point
Civ4 had 26 leaders, Civ5 had 52. Pictured in OP is like 14. Not worried about not having Romans.
Have more faith, civ follows the Startrek even odd rule.
1 and 2 good then even numbers after. Gonna make civ great again with 6
Civ ii had sitting bull and washington
was last game
>Civ5 had 52.
On realease?
I remember there being less civs on release, but his might be my mind filtering out the shitty ones from memory.
Also remember that its so everything in gaming is worrying me.
Look at Niggerfield1, you already have italian queen consort that did frankly speaking shit, as ruler for french.
Didn't play five so not sure. Saw game mechanics and decided I would wait until 6. Hard to improve on civ IV perfection
Probably 52 after all the expansions
Well atleast they didnt make all the civs the great and mighty Kangz´n´shit.
Civ7 will be africa only edition and all other nations will be invading npcs. You get buffs like "Mights bongbong", "extreme endowments" or "gimma da drugsnshit" which will buff your stuff with 10000% effectiveness and your single spearslugger can steamroll yurop.
Like WH40k Orks on steroids.
>Like WH40k Orks on steroids.
Bullshit, Orks have a culture, and understand technology on genetic level.
Im not bying battleshit one and not buying this shit.
I´m not really into the WH40k universe, only through vidya... but didnt only some shaman/waaargh bosses have actually a shred of intelligence?
Also most of their stuff works simply because they want it to work, if they were in RL they would be some cargo cult africans constantly waarghing eachother and spreading their spores... so quite literally niggertier.
>Catherine Dr Medici
That's like putting Michael Collins as the leader of England.
>Spain but no Portugal
Excuse the grammatical errors. I'm phone posting :^)
Is tomirys trans?
Those fuckers better come up with something better than Catherine this time.
The only logical choice
They still call it "Hardrada" It's fucking Hardråde.
Ivan the terrible for Russia
Peter I is all but confirmed.
Fuck you my favorite thing was playing Civ IV as Augustus and putting Catherine and Isabellas people to the sword until they agree to become my vassals. Put some general in charge and drag them back to my palace for endless fucking.
Is it December already?
>No, it's still Mvemba
Italy (Not Rome)
He's a Star Trek TOS villain.
Anglos can't pronounce the difference and you know it.
The game looks terrible, too cartoony. It's like they said "Hey, how do we take Civ V and make it worse?". Oh and no Mongolians in the game cause SJW shit is funky bull shrimp.
its not that god damn hard anglos. at least add the E ending to make it sound somewhat similar.
HardRADA means nothing and it sounds absolutely retarded.
Lithuania, of course.
These all a shit, besides Filips II and Montezuma.
I'd like to have:
>original racemixing Celto-Germanics (Ambiorix, for national pride)
>Peter the Great or Nicolas II
>Dacians, or even better, based Vlad Tepes
>Samoans, just for the fuck of it
>Jews (good for nuking)
but it looks shit now anyway.
Of course, most of all Uncle Adolf, but he's not as well-liked these days.
All orks have intelligence, the thing is the longer they live, and the more they fight the bigger and smarter they get. So the Boss (leader) is usually not only the strongest, but also the smartest of the wagh. Nothing like niggers.
They also understand technology on genetic level, all of them. They FUEL shit by belief, but since its a gestalt psychic field that actually works it's fine.
Once every few million orks there is born an ork that is literally a supergenius with technology. This motherfucker will take everything thats within range and mcgyver the shit out of that. He can literally create anything the boss wants. This is Mekboy.
And even rarer then that, there will be born an ork thats surgical genius. This motherfucker will fix anybody. You want an Uge mek arm to bash your enemies with? He can do it. You want a bigga brain to ZZzzap your enemies with? He can make it happen. This is Mad Dok.
Orks dont even have dongs, they are concious fungi.
Only thing in common with niggers they have is they breed really fast, and like to fight.
Orks are severely missunderstood, they are really fun, nothing like those filthy, useless niggers.
Oh, and of course Karel de Grote.
Harald hardrada
wow. thats the best norway can do. they only get included so gay mud whites in america can jerk of to their viking fetish.
>mfw some nigger ooga-booga "civilization" is included but Hungary isnt
Man, your standards are rather low.
Isn't she the horse one?
Phillip II's hands aren't thin enough,
That was back in 2005, I was in high school, at time had pretty low standards and still had to fanticise about game characters
Why does Cleopatra always get Egypt? There were scores of Pharoah's...
Also what the fuck is Kongo hahahahaha
And Gandhi? Really???
Charlemagne is the (((european))) version, I believe
Jerusalem will prolly be a city-state.
>Not picking Oliver Cromwell for England