Tell that I love american culture

>tell that I love american culture
>people call me american proxy or armyfag

Is it so unpopular in the rest of world?

I am living Japan and many Japanese love american culture...

I don't get why so many people hate murica

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It's cool to hate because it gives the impression you're somewhat knowledgeable about something, even when you're not

Sup Kenichi Smith

>american culture
What is the difference between america and yogurt?

If you leave yogurt for 300 years alone, it develops a culture.

we love you too japan, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Japanese people in general don't know how to write English beyond simple sentences, they prefer to speak it.

can confirm, I have Hitomi Tanaka on snapchat and she can only write a phrase or two together, but she can speak it better than most Mexican immigrants

Her accent however, is just reaaaally tough...

But I'm not Venezuelan

Aw, we love you too Japan :3 and your batshit insane game shows

I love Japan. Not a weaboo but if I had to live in Asia, I'd move to Japan.

Who are you replying to?

You dont get it because you have no pride nor a sense of morality. Go jump off a cliff while screaming banzai.

>he doesn't use Sup Forums X

They're jealous of our friendship. They can't be as weeaboo as us.

>he doesn't know about Sup Forums platinum account

America loves Japan as well.

Don't pay the haters any mind, many Eurofags are literally glued to their media like the Human Centipede and anything their media shoots out they gobble up, especially America hatred.

They think it's cool and trendy to talk shit about America, it's so obvious and pathetic.

>He doesn't know that I'm Hiro

I was in germany and they all have this love/hate relationship with america where they love our food, music, clothes, but they hate how much more powerful we are so they come across as conflicted autsists when talking about america.

>Her accent however, is just reaaaally tough...

It'll stay that way too, now that they're going to force Japanese teachers to give the English lessons instead of native English speakers.

>I don't get why so many people hate murica

Okay, so you know when you're playing with your siblings or the other kids on the block and you realize you can push them around and take their stuff?

America is the parent/day care person that come around, gives the toys back to the other kids, and tells you to get along and stop bullying.

Only we also have the ability to strangle an economy or blow up your stuff too.

It's not hard to see why people dislike us playing world police

Aussie on vacation aye?

You need the culture to make the yogurt you dumb spic.

The reason they say this is because you aren't Japanese.

American culture is the most popular culture. No one hates it you twit.

Why in the fuck would you want to be American now?

I'm Japanese-American, but I just moved back to the motherland because girls are qt3.14, and society actually functions.

America was alright growing up, but I don't see a future there at all.

That's how Swedes seemed to be to me when I lived in Sweden.
>"Oh I love Friends, it's a great tv show. How do you call yourself a democracy when President Bush didn't get a majority of the votes?"

>what is a bacterial culture

America is great land for Ph.D holders.

Actually no, most Europeans don't have a strong opinion on America(ns) at all, television does put you in kind of a bad spotlight but it's only because European television translates your reality shows and many people watch them.

If any European hates Americans they must have their reasons, a lot of people do like to poke fun at you guys for your weird tourist behavior (posing and taking pictures with the most normal baroque looking houses)

We're all living Amerika.

You will never be European either, Spicuador

>where they love our food
>American food
That's called being polite

I just with Japan kept their culture and tradition. There's something peaceful and calming about it. Respect and order.

Post-anime/westernized Japan is a mistake.


Hi David. I see you're enjoying life in Japan. Good.

Anime isn't a mistake though

What is traveling, kid?

Pshh, nothin personell

Then why have I been unemployed for 6 months with my stem PhD?

because they are jealous

I don't think you actually know anything about Japan if you think anime has some major influence on their lives

Implying westernized japan is a mistake compared to early 20th century Japan is silly, Japan's one of the largest economies in the world is experienced unprecedented wealth and safety, what's the mistake?

because you are too stupid to apply?

America is great if 1) You want to be rich and money is all that matters -or- 2) You want to sperg out and get shitloads of research funding from rich fuck institutions.

But honestly, I've lived in both Jew York and Commiefornia (LA/OC) and I've worked with corporate executives because of my job, but that shit isn't worth surrounding yourself with the fucked up culture that's been developing over there. Maybe it's worth it if you're a passionate Ph.D, I don't know.

no, anime IS a mistake, but it affects Americans way more than it affects Japan

Don't be salty because we literally have it all and do everything bigger and better than you. You Germans are stuck so far up your own asses that you haven't even realized how far ahead of we've gotten in beer these past few years. You're not even creative enough to brew something that isn't according to some 300 year old recipe and act like the kings of cuisine.

Is there an entity more beta than a German weeb?

>Be Dutch in the 17th century
>Drive out portugese
>Simply neclect politics and religion, just trade
>Have japan to your own for 200 years as the only western country

A swedish weeb would be worse prob

>he puts juice into his beer
It's like you're a nation comprised solely out of 16 year old girls


Quints nearly confirmed.

America's unique understanding of innate rights is an intolerable challenge to globalism. Thus globalists say that everything is money, that American success is about money and not principle, and seek a general and reflexive hatred of Americans. It is a gigantic firewall to keep the first and second amendments from spreading.

I heard from some UKfriends on here that German tourists actually bring their own shitty bread and sausages from home whenever they visit, they are very peculiar about food

>watches anime
>implying you're not a massive pussy

A refugee could rape your mom and you'd be too cucked to do anything most likely

We put all sorts of shit into our beers and it really highlights why we're so much better than Germans. Because we innovate and create while you just circlejerk each other off about how great your pathetic culture is. For every shitty beer we make we've got an equal amount which are better than anything you pussies could put out nowadays.

You need to replace that picture with more migrants famiglia.


I mean you literally don't find good bread outside of germany.
It's something you only realy notice after a while.

Yeah, the suicide rates support the fact that it's helping the Japanese.

>complaining about anime
>on fucking Sup Forums
Fucking normalfags I swear to god.

Polish bread is way better than German Buchenwald bread

that thing that made them evolve into eucariote beeings, and then protozoos, and then animals and so on

>made by jews
>therefore everyone on internet should revere jews

>made by jewish scientists in Israel
>all smartphone users are obligated to love Israel now

It's almost as if you're retarded
Grow the fuck up, m00t made this shit when he was a fetus, he grew up and doesn't like annimu anymore either

Do the same and grow the fuck up

i love japan. i plan on traveling there next april with a few friends.

i am very excited, i love your country

>he grew up and doesn't like annimu anymore either
moot sold the site to a literal nip
Pic related. But I guess you're too new to have been around

>Poland 99% white
>Czech 97%+ white
>United Kingdom 94% white
>Germany 92% white
>Netherlands 91% white
>Canada 65% white
>United States of Africa 63% white

Going to play the "ignore the statistics" game again eh?

White minority by 2020!

I do as well, I just really like Cherry blossoms and I'm a Koi enthusiast, have my own pond and everything

Any recommendations on where I can see both?

i too greatly enjoy cherry blossoms. i wish they were common here in the states.

koi im not too sure, but with cherry blossoms, the outskirts of tokyo, most of kyoto, and aomori. if you want more info, you can check this website

I guess people will hate you because you have to be very cuck and is kinda edgy.

Is like when weeabos act like japs and love japs culture, that's why people hate you I guess

Kyoto was my first idea, only cause it's the cultural center of Japan or something and hotels aren't that expensive over there compared to Metropolis tokyo

And there's some big park in Kyoto or something according to that website, that seems best

They hate us cuz they ain't us.

They hate us cuz they ain't us.

I like you nippon-bro. I hope you get to come visit the USA sometime.


kyoto is much cheaper to rent a hotel at, yes. tokyo is the epicenter of all commerce in the country so finding even a single vacant hotel is hard as it is

during my trip we will be staying overnight at whatever city we find ourselves in, and i just hope we only have to stay in tokyo one night


Nice 2010 statistics. I'm sure nothing has changed at all in the past 6 years with the migrant crisis and everything else.

Nothing changed in Poland.

I'm not defending migration, I'm really not, but even migrating 5 million people into Germany will only pull that percentage from 92 down to 86, still very far from the US or Canada.

so germanys 90% instead 92% still way above 60%

a rare snow jew indeed

Yeah but a lot of people actually emigrate OUT of these eastern countries every year. Personally I lived in Lithuania for 18 years and moved the fuck out when I got the chance. That might affect the stats.



I hope I will not be remembered for this.