>Wonder Woman will never pick you up and put you in her bosom
WW thread

This is now an Atom thread

Not if I have anything to say about it

>implying anyone on Sup Forums is sad about that
>implying anyone on Sup Forums cares about Wonder Woman

The Atom and his tiny women are here to stay


How the fuck did they get away with this?

Why did they stop getting away with this?

>implying everyone on Sup Forums is gay like you

Giant girls are better


It's true though. Hell, it's reasonable to say that Sup Forums actively hates Diana and pretty much everything about her. Goodness knows why you pretend otherwise, but whatever.

During this scene, Atom would have asked WW to hold her breath so as not to crush him, but they weren't allowed.

Is it wrong that this is my favorite take on Wonder Woman? I'll gladly read a recommendation if someone wants to prove me wrong

>Not liking giantess.

Ew, what's wrong with you, freak?


Besides, isint Atom satisfied with Hawkman?

Being shrunken is better than both.

>Is it wrong that this is my favorite take on Wonder Woman?

Kill yourself.

Who pissed in your cornflakes faggot? God forbid someone wants to read good runs

Nothings finer than a woman who is tinier

What are some essential Wonder Woman reads?

>God forbid someone wants to read good runs
Except you don't. What you you want is the names of good runs so you can pretend to be knowledgeable, even though you don't actually care about the character or her stories. I really wish you fake geek types would find something else is to latch on to like parasites you are. If you actually gave a damn, you'd do your own damn research, pick up a fucking book, and just start reading. But since you clearly don't, do everyone here a favor and fuck off.

Let me guess, your favorite character is Batman?

Yeah, you can go fuck yourself. No shit I can easily find a substantial WW list, but I thought for the sake of time, I'd let an user suggest his personal favorite and go from there. And I get the feeling you're the biggest casual in here

No. I'm the Batman fan. I don't know about that other guy.

I am literally the only genuine Wondy fan on Sup Forums. This is not arrogant presumption. This is a conclusion I have reached through years of observation and weighing of evidence. Frankly, I take grave offense to such accusations if being a casual, since I'm the only one here who has actually bothered to read any goddamned Wonder Woman books.

Also, it's nice that you freely admit you could just look up a list. Maybe you should go do that instead of asking for handouts like an idiot.

>Wonder Woman will never force feminize and recruit you as her new sidekick, Wonder Trap
>Wonder Woman will never keep using you as bait to catch sexual predators
>Wonder Woman will never "accidentally" rescue you too late from them
Why live?

Jesus Christ user. Your why I take shit for having wondy on my pull list.


>Why did they stop getting away with this?
Someone hasn't seen Justice League Action yet.

Haven't watched that yet. Is it good?

It's off to a very strong start. Good action and lots of obscure characters used in fun ways. Think Firestorm vs. The Nuclear Family.

Have some megas for a couple episodes. There's three other episodes besides those ones.

I just want to post this screencap from the space cabbie episode too because I love it.

Perez, some people will say Williams Loeb, Phil Jimenez, Greg Rucka for sure, Gail Simone(?), and new 52 Azarello. There's also the hiketia, war of the gods, League of One, and Greg Rucka is currently writing rebirth Wondy (it's mediocre and is shitting all over Azzarello's run)

>is shitting all over Azzarello's run)
It's nice to see Azz-fags crying like the little bitches they are.

Kill yourself. But of course the Azz-fag would support a fellow casual. Retarded cretin.

I hope we see Barda and Scott, they can't tease us like that and do nothing

are you allowed to use such harsh words, tumblr?

It wouldn't be surprising. They've already used much more obscure characters.

I'd like a Green Arrow and Black Canary date episode like the one we got in Justice League unlimited.

League of One is terrible.

Why so much hatred?


I don't know about WW's hairstyle but it might grow on me.


What do you not like about it?

just die in my sleep already



Superwoman's pretty shit.


Wonder Woman will never stalk you while you sleep


Nigga, I'm the only one on this board who actually gives a damn about this character l. I wouldn't even mind all that much except y'all keep bringing her up for various retarded reasons. But no, since this is Sup Forums, nobody can just ignore shit they don't like, so I gotta keep getting into arguments with fucktarded casuals all the goddamned time. That tends to make a guy a wee bit cranky. Goddamn.

>Nigga, I'm the only one on this board who actually gives a damn about this character

It's Wonder Woman defeating the JL in contrived ways so she can sacrifice herself by fighting that dragon from The Hobbit and then in the end Superman bring her back from the dead with a kiss.

It's bad as a JL hero vs the entire JL and has a female focused story due to romance/shipping shit.




I will give you the her defeating the whole league bit, that was bad.

>beefy babes doing beefy things

god yes

So you're mad that people have opinions on Wonder Woman runs?

>"It's okay when Batman does it."

>I put words into other people's mouths to make my shit logic look good

No, it's just as bad when Batman does it too.

Come on, man. The entire thing other than the art was bad.

Why it had to be that dragon from The Hobbit which i forgot the name of? Seriously, what a random choice.
Why couldn't she defeat the JL in more imaginative ways?
Why the shipping shit at the end? If the story was about Superman or Batman having to defeat the JL to protect them the story wouldn't end with them being brought back by a kiss. Writers throw unnecessary romance every time when the protag is a chick.

It's like the whole Alex Ross' JL one-shots. In Superman, Batman and Captain Marvel one-shots you had the characters facing a problem and coming to a realization alone. But in the Wonder Woman one-shot you had her being schooled by Superman in how to better handle her problem.

The idea of Batman having countermeasures for the JL is neat, but i agree with you that every time the writers get down to actually show what those countermeasures really are their ideas are really, REALLY stupid.

>Why it had to be that dragon from The Hobbit which i forgot the name of? Seriously, what a random choice.
What kind of criticism is that? Drakul Karfang is a plot device, so it wouldn't really matter what she was. You'd find a way to bitch if it was one Diana's regular rogues who was the big threat.

>Why couldn't she defeat the JL in more imaginative ways?
Who gives a shit if it's imaginative? It does matter how she takes them out so long as it works. Besides, ain't no one ever accused an Amazon of being needlessly flashy.

>What kind of criticism is that? Drakul Karfang is a plot device, so it wouldn't really matter what she was.

Because it was a weird and terrible choice that only served to remind me she was a plot device. That the writer gave so little of a fuck that he simple took a character from something else and went on without thinking much about it. It's like if Batman was fighting an actual bridge troll with little to no explanation.

>Who gives a shit if it's imaginative? It does matter how she takes them out so long as it works.

Because other than the paper thin villain and the JL fight the book has no other appeal other than for the people that ship SM/WW. The book doesn't tell us more about WW's background or personality and the fights are bad.

Hold up, so it's out of place for a magic based superhero to fight a fantasy creature? This conversation makes me feel drunk.

Also, the JL "fights" were little more than Diana jumping her teammates, which is the while damn point.

And as for the characterization, you apparently missed the various inner monologues throughout which tell us plenty. Not to mention the "fights" show us her brutal pragmatism and tendency to not fuck around. But I'm sure you'll tell me how none of that counts.

Post more Wondy

>You will be caught in the crossfire of one of Wondy's fights and shrunk
>She will never grab you for safe keeping while she deals with the villain
>She will never tuck you in her cleavage so she can use both hands in the fight
>She will never have to rush off on another emergency immediately after the fight, leaving you in there so she can keep an eye on you
>It will never be nearly a day later when she finally has some free time to deal with her tiny passenger
>In that time you will have never accidentally worked your way down her leotard, sliding past her chiseled abs, and ended up face to face with her well trimmed pussy, and then a bit deeper
>You will never discover the shrinking process dramatically increased your durability after your squirms as Diana tries to fish you out ends with her forcefully using you to get herself off
>She will never list off a few ways to turn you back anytime you want, but point out that if you're willing to hold off on them she wouldn't mind if that day's arrangement becomes a common thing

>During this scene, Atom would have asked WW to hold her breath so as not to crush him, but they weren't allowed.
>You will never be tiny and ridding in Diana's cleavage, tucked deep between her bountiful breasts
>She will never randomly take deep breaths while you're in there, her tight corset forcing the otherwise soft flesh to near painfully squeeze the air out of you, before exhaling just as your vision begins to spin


>Hold up, so it's out of place for a magic based superhero to fight a fantasy creature? This conversation makes me feel drunk.

If it was from Greek myth it would fit better.

>Also, the JL "fights" were little more than Diana jumping her teammates, which is the while damn point.

That only served as an excuse to make the fights fast and boring.

>But I'm sure you'll tell me how none of that counts.

It doesn't because it show very little about the character other than she's a tough chick and the way she fights.

>ITT we discover the infamous autistic Wonderfag

WW looks like a middle school girl

>"Wondy should only fight Greek myth shit. "
This shit again. The need to keep you OCD retards sated has held Diana back for ages. Thanks to you idiots, she's constantly stuck being the host of glorified Jerry Springer episodes. Fuck Greek mythology, fuck the Olympians, and fuck you. The only piece of Greek myth she should be involved with on a regular basis is the Amazons themselves.

>giving a shit=autism
Interesting interpretation.

The original run by Marston (or as he was called then Charles Moulton) and Kanigher's following run are great.

Just be warned, Kanigher had a somewhat annoying formula he liked to follow when he didn't have any good ideas, mostly guy characters playing tug of war with Wonder Girl.

It's annoying, but the crazy, COMICS shit he does in the stories besides them make them worth suffering through. This is a man who one fine day, decided he would write a story about Wonder Woman's Mum fighting a duel with an alien, in Low Orbit.

Why the fucking Hobbit's dragon? Why? Fucking why? Why was that the threat that would kill the entire JL?

It was stupid.

>Diana is all "who the fuck is this bitch"

Sup Forums hates Wonder Woman? What?



Artemis is best Amazonfu.


thread needs more giant WW, Atom with bigger ladies and Giganta

>Wonder woman will never have Giganta's power on a permanent basis
>Or better yet, she will never gain the power to shrink people as part of her main abilities

>did they not have dates on your perfect little Island?
I need pictures, pictures of dates on her perfect little all female island.














