Urban dictionary definition of white genocide - get in here

This is being brigaded by leddit. Come help with this.

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=White Genocide

Vote down the first "Progressive" definition.
Upvote the accurate second definition.

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel like the definition could have been better and given excellent examples that redpilled people, but anything is better than the cucked shit that it currently is.

Yeah, it's not the greatest. But it's more important to remove the utter shite that's currently at the top.

How did leddit become so much more cucked than cuntblr

Remember to downvote the top definition, too.

Friendly bump.

Come on, lads. It's happening. If you have access to proxies, vote with those, too

Well, i've done my aryan deed for the day.

tumblrina like to jack each other off with how progressive they are, but at the end of the day, they're primarily insular.

leddit though, sees itself as "muh front page of the internet", with a "duty" uphold the values of a cucked society.

Basically, Carl the Cuck will put more effort into the cause because he thinks it will impress Sandy the Landwhale.

I have done your bidding Sup Forums

Concerned bump by a random Filipino..



done and bump

Bump for fuck leddit

There, I voted twice for you senpai.

FYI, apparently if you delete the Urban Dictionary cookies from your browser, you can vote again and again. It's not working for me, but perhaps give it a shot, lads.


Done. Looks like it should be ahead now.


Is this picture real? No way it can be real

Bump. Get Sup Forums in on this. We need their numbers.

I did my part

I voted.

Shame about this and that so many white nationalist types are literally crackpots. However, SJWs are undeniably worse due to their influence in society.

There are many calm, rational white nationalists. The redpilling process involves rooting through some really shithead David Duke types to find the real treasure.

Anyway, the important thing is that somebody who's new to the SJW vs. "alt-right" (loathe the term) narrative can see that the tides are turning against liberalism.

Says the kirpannigger.

Just voted twice with 2 ips.

Got any rule 34 of that green haired girl?

Since when does America belong to WHITE people?

Doing god's work, boys.

Since we took it from those retard savages....


but the first one is still on top?

Since we turned America into a European country

You can go to any non European country on earth..Migration to Mexico from America is easy as fuck.

There's a ten year waiting list to migrate to any place on earth that has European peoples

>Really makes you think

Never involve Sup Forums

They're as cucked as reddit and would probably vote for the current definition. You must realize old Sup Forumstards are now all 25+ Sup Forumsacks, and the current Sup Forumstards are 18 year olds from the current unsavageable generation.


R34 on Yotsuba Is an Instant ban you sick fuck.

> 2. Who is deliberately going about committing genocide on the 'white race'? Define 'white race'. Define 'white nation'. Give some actually support to back your points, and don't just make unsubstantiated and ridiculous claims trying to justify your hatred of non-whites.

I like how any other time whites are the most evil people to ever exist and we invented slavery, etc but when this brought up the argument becomes "What even is white?"

Thank you so fucking much. Thank you thank you fucking thank you.

Filipino who sits agreeing with this board.

The important part is that you remain calm and civil and more people of different types rally around your cause. I know a lot of people who would agree with your cause but are afraid of the "alt-right" and the name its taken. Personally, I hate the term as a right-wing libertarian.

A majority of the alt-right converts I've been meeting are either Chinese or some form of angry Asian who is fed up with the shit the media gives them as "poor downtrodden folk who can't seem to get a better life".

No, it's your fucking fault that we're here media. The whites are the reason we're still a fucking live. You know why we don't trust other minorities?

LA Riots, mainly, Koreatown.

Yet I'm still here

I can hear the sound of noses twitching.

Since White people conquered and colonized it as a place specifically for white people.


since the declaration of independence and the constitution were both written and signed exclusively by whites

>1 post by this ID
try harder shill

Reporting for duty!

The number two had more upvotes now

There is really nothing we can do about the storm fags

The Race realists who say that Asians and Europeans produce great societies because they evolved in cold climates that forced high IQ's and communal people will always be followed around by the David Dukes and stormfaggots of the world

Why is he calling himself 'MuslamicRayGuns?' Is he aware that term was used by Lefties to mock a guy who was actually correctly warning about Muslim rape gangs in places like Rotherham? He's actually supporting white genocide via his ugly name.

Now that Europe is lost, the battle for the White demographic in America is more important than ever. America is literally one of the only White countries left (besides Poland and a few other Eastern European countries).

I have hope. Many people in the younger generations are waking up and becoming conservative as a reaction to BLM and other Safe Space horse shit. I predict a lot of white children being born to 35 year old parents.

There is kikery afoot.

The nigger who made the definition is called "muslamicrayguns"

...Take a look at his other definition.


How long before the the top definition changes?

>Europe 95% white

>America 60% white

come on now

Post some. See what happens.

Storm shit birds are always a given with these types of things, it's best to ignore them and move on.

Most Asians I know hate the forced diversity quotas and the people that come out of them. Mainly as it screws them out of getting anything and adding anything worthwhile to the country.

And do you have any rule 34 of her. Preferably a 3d woman 18-25 cosplaying as her.

Since a bunch of alcoholic retarded Indians traded their land for booze and a small amount of money.

Done, but the SJW definition is still on top.


Doing God's work Southbro

Just in case anyone is wavering because they think Urban Dictionary is a "cool" site.

which one of you did this

This is the best I could find

The 'progressive' version was written by someone calling himself 'MuslamicRayguns' this is a direct reference to a meme whiched mocked the English Defence League for being paranoid crack pots.


Unfortunately for the leftwing activists the drunk English man being interviewed was actually complaining about Islamic Rape gangs, over 1,000 white English girls were raped by Muslims in Rotherham and thousands more were abused across England. The EDL were the only political group which tried to bring this to light and were mocked for it by progressives.

Is there anyway of giving the author of the definition some shit for this?


Is this...a Yakub Kangs reference?

Done and done.

Hey, respect for you. I don't think that this new generation of right-wing ideology is necessarily skinhead or even white. It's just that coincidentally the white man has been the ultimate liberal scapegoat / whipping boy and the black vs. white race baiting has gotten out of control. These are symptoms of a bigger problem, which is left-wing authoritarianism.

Liberals are using the tag "alt-right" + the fact that, yes, there are literal racists out there to spin the narrative and make people who aren't white feel like they can't associate with the right.

It's enhanced reality.

modern america, it's society, and culture was engineered and built by white people


Holy fuck that's infuriating.

Just walk away.

What a fucking cuck.

The black people one is surprisingly decent
Not racist like the white people one though

YOU didn't colonise anything, you stupid shit. FFS, I'm Irish and I want to smack that little cuck across the chops.

David Duke is actually a really reasonable guy who gets memed on a lot.

*smacks lips*

Fucking this.

Fact is David Duke would fight for you, white man. Would you do the same?


Kek, up by more than 400 votes now

I don't doubt that shit for a second, though honestly, Jared Taylor and Molyneux are probably the least known and better options in that regard.

Yea he's a good dude I like him too.

Let's keep this thread up.

we need to make one for kang,all the current definitions are wrong


years ago people ignored swarmfront

how times have changed

this is where the raid is coming from if anyone is curious


>Relevant picture

Cuck definition is still top despite massive difference in votes. Lets see how much kikery we can expose.


since Whites founded it

dirty shitskin cuck

David Duke is actually fucking reasonable. I don't get how he gets misrepresented and villainized this much.

The US is the most diverse nation of all Western countries. Whites will soon be a minority in the US. Europe on the other hand has a small percentage of non-whites who have created so much shit that Europeans are not turning more and more towards anti-immigration.

The dude committed tax fraud. I know you're gonna say "so what" but that is enough for me to personally disavow my beliefs from him.

Can you change the white professor to be saying that an I believe that blacks are a cancer and need to be extinct


What's so funny about this is that some blacks really insist on being called African American even though they have never gone to, nor will ever go to Africa.

Although this is true, at the very least people will see there is a lot more support for the second definition. So it is worthwhile.

You're an accountant?

prove that you have balls by buying the mug and redpilling your colleagues




Aug. 2, 1776

It's real

>accusing ANYONE of a persecution complex
Fire up the gas chambers, I'm sick of these fucking limp wristed faggots