>this enrages the sharts
This enrages the sharts
Other urls found in this thread:
>type up reply about how that wasn't the finish line of the space race
>about to solve the reCAPTCHA
>double check flag of OP
>chuckle to myself and close the quick reply window
>We wuz first
>Satelite/robot/probe dies after 2 seconds nod ata returned
Meanwhile, old American satellites, robots and probes returned tons of valuable data, some continue to do so today.
Its classic Quality versus Quantity.
how did they get a clear picture of it in space
fallout new vegas sucks get over it
a reeeeaaally long selfie stick
>>type up reply about how that wasn't the finish line of the space race
>hurr durr I decide which is the real finish line, and by pure coincidence it's the one thing we managed to do first
Russian Achievement: Sputnik
US Achievement: Land men on moon
Canadian Achievement: 2nd place shit posting.
this enrages the rest of the planet and will continue to enrage the rest of the planet because nobody but white, christian american males are capable of this
>Sputnik and its successors are described as ad hoc gadgets designed to keep one propaganda jump ahead of the U.S.A. rather than parts of a coherent plan for space exploration. While the American program methodically pointed its nose cone toward the moon, Russian energies were devoted to flights that could be billed as firsts of one kind or another.
>America does it for the science
>Soviets do it for useless propaganda firsts
true dat, american movies are top tier.
>>America does it for the science
>moon landing was literally pointless
>while satellites are an essential technology our modern world couldn't do without
>The moon landing wasn't useless propaganda
>Satellites are
I usually defend Clapistan in these threads but not after reading that...
When did Canunkistan go from the super awesome friendlyland to the shitpost empire?
yeah, sucks America never launched any satellites, what a bunch of pants pooping fatty fats
if only USA were smart and scientific like Russia or Spain. Look at all the cool things those countries invented
^ this enrages the Argentinian
>we decide when the space race is finished
>implying anyone cares what a leaf thinks
More like
>Capture/persuade german scientists
>Get tekked with superior krautmagic
>Whole programm is essentially german
USA USA USA We did it!!!!
Fuck you, I didn't wanna see or think about this shit ever again.
>Exploring new lands for space base is worthless propaganda
To be honest the Apollo program was never about science. It was about conquering the strategic high ground and potentially putting missile bases on the moon one day.
Read a book for once Achmed.
>tfw Russia and U.S. never allied for space exploration
imagine what we could have accomplished
List of satellites in order of first launch
1. USSR satellite
2. USA satellite
3. UK satellite
4. Canada satellite
Just like the Olympics Canada once again failed to medal.
>wasn't the finish line
I love this meme.
Soon, user.
Seriously Canada,
You're jeopardizing your reputation as the country that absolutely everyone loves because you're so nice.
Why are you guys suddenly being such douches?
>Russia won the space race
>Implying the space race isn't still happening
>Implying the USA won't be the first to meet Ayylmaos
A fucking leaf!! You can't make this shit up!
Checked, Kek'd and rekt
Only because we were up against tranny niggers.
If you draw a small smily face on that ayylmao his disposition changes drastically.
We are the Ayys.
Niggers are the original inhabitants.
>whole programm is essentially german
I doubt the majority of the 400,000 people working on the Apollo missions were germans
if Germany is so great, where the fuck were you in the space race?
Oh yeah, completely blown the fuck out by USA and USSR
look our your window, not at the mosques, but into the sky
see that moon? USA landed 12 AMERICAN males on that son of a bitch and returned them safely to earth
>who is Robert Goddard
>who is Robert Esnault-Pelterie
>who is Pedro Paulet
>who is Valentin Glushko
wew lad, another kraut who thinks Germans were the sole proprietors of space travel
>Americans and Russians vigorously compete with each other
>Ends with the Apollo moon landing, one of the greatest accomplishments in human history
>Non-white nations vigorously compete with each other
>Ends with nothing except barbarism and atrocity
>mfw achmed got rekt
Go work on trying to reclaim your country you fucking cuck.
>Its like you don't even know....
More Like
>Allow German scientists to science in a REAL Country
>Suck the cock of Robert H. Goddard for science
>Become American
USA USA USA We did it!!!!
The top scientists and physicists were almost exclusively german.
>What is operation paperclip?
Stupid burgernigger.
>Hurr , muh Einstein, muh Braune...
Go inhale nigger farts..
>Need new satellite for infrared weather spectrography
>Need best lenses
>Gotta go to Germany.
Today you guys come over to buy our high precision shit, manufactured in the superior metric system, on a regular basis.
You can say what you will but w/o German rocket science the space programm would have been delayed by atleast a decade.
And yes of course Germany was bombed to shit and we had enough to do with rebuilding the nation.... but that we did.... till the SJW crowds came in force and fuck everything up again...
Well, doesnt matter in this thread.
Fact is that your space agency relies heavily on stuff manufactured in Germany, because we are still the best for that job. Or why else would they buy from Jena Optics? Not because they are cheaper...
Can we do everything better? No. Do we have more moonies? nope. Can ESA do everything the NASA can? no again.
But honor were honor is due (or whatever the comparable saying in english is).
Goddard, which they based all of their science on was an American.
John Hoboult, the man who proposed the lunar orbit rendezvous mission mode which ultimately was one of the main factors in actually accomplishing the Apollo program, was American.
The Titan and Atlas missile, which was used in the Mercury and Gemini missions was entirely designed and built by the USAF and contractors. American.
The 400,000 engineers and technicians that man Van Braun's pie-in-the-sky Saturn V actually fucking work were American. Van Braun was an administrator. His Saturn V design was the equivalent of a cocktail napkin sketch in engineering terms.
Now fuck off.
Finally. Though I admit I wanted to see how assmad Murrica can become from a little b8ing and looking at
it worked out great.
>I was merely pretending guise
I mean if you read up on it it's pretty clear. The people designing, and those in command of the designers were all Germans brought over in the late 40's. The Germans were in a league of their own in regards to rocketry in the late 30's and early 40's. Nothing else in the world was similar to the V2 or Henschel HS 293. It was their designers who went to work for the US' space program. I understand the American education system has failed you, but there's no need to be upset about it.
Whats wrong, cant get the German ladies to ficki ficki with you, Achmed?
sup newt
Like I said, that was about 90% Braune. We knew what we were doing, and Braune wasn't as stupid as the rest of the Nazi's...
>The 400,000 engineers and technicians that man
You meant to say several thousand engineers, almost all of which were german, and over 300,000 technicians, who don't need to have triple digit IQ's to do the work required.
Jokes on you leaf, I don't even know what the hell that is.
I have seen him in one furrycon
felt like i've been englightened by Jesus himself
Braune had nothing to do with the HS 293, which was used as the base for guidance control of early rocket tests in the late 40's and early 50's.
Not really. Good on the Russians.
We have a flag on the moon.
I don't know what this thread has to do with PIC FUCKING RELATED
kek, Nicely played, man.
but the flag is an old french one at this point
I keep hearing that. Is it true that all the radiation and solar winds and whatever would rub all that coloring off?
I got those spurs that jingle jangle jingle
His name was also Braun , without the "e". As a funfact:
Braun is German for the color "brown".
Why didnt BLM pic up on that and started some Werner von Braun was black, look at the name! ?
What has vidya to do with /pol? Theres an Civ6 thread on here too... the spacerace has much more to do with politics.
Hello Pajeet
Did the Loo witch cast you out into the street?
Make a proxy bounce off a maple leaf
But silly little currynigger
You're still as disgusting and insignificant as a devadasi queef
Poor pathetic third world gutter filth scum
You'll feel much better if you shit in the streets some
Bombed out Nellis Air Force Range with composite background. Fake.
Who the hell doesn't like Sputnik or based Yuri?
He's probably the incarnation of Ghandi
Move to Germany you fucking lying cuck.
>can clearly see that it's a model inside a building from the reflection on the surface
>pixelated af
>no antialiasing
that kind of shit tier shopping does enrage me.
No, I came here.
German rocketry and general engineering master race.
>pol considers itself redpilled
>Believes in the moon landing
O I am laffin
>le moon landing was fake guise!
do you also believe that the earth is flat?
>this enrages the slavs
>Commies STILL mad
>keck observatory
>searching for memes from across the cosmos
>Superman took that "photography"
>late 30's
and the Chinese invented firecrackers before Jesus so they won the space race
>no replies
How stupid do you have to be to make an analogy like that? What's it like living with a room temperature IQ?
No need to believe once you know.
Hollywood funded the moon landing so they could make dank movies about it.
I don't understand and I'm not shure I want to.
how stupid do you have to be to think USA didn't win the space race and isn't still winning? It's not really arguable
cut your contrarian anti-american bullshit
just because German scientists worked with NASA doesn't mean that NASA's accomplishments are German accomplishments
Your great fatherland has done jack shit in space travel and that's just a fact.
Everybody and their little sister knows the space race was between Russia and the USA
if it were a tennis match, Germany might be the ball boy
Sputnik did practically nothing in orbit.
Truth, the Russian "firsts" are pretty empty. The first spacewalk used a dangerous inflatable airlock. First three man crew was in a capsule originally built for one, with the ejection seats removed - cross your fingers! First sample return from moon was around the Apollo 10 flyaround, and Apollo 11 touched down a couple of months later.
They also made a big deal about their space stations but the Almaz and Salyut were tiny and didn't do a lot of science. Salyut was about the size of the Apollo CSM.
this had been posted on dailydiapers, a forum for ab/dl (adult baby/diaper lover) discussion (my favorite one btw) by babyfur pamperchu. He is a hoarder and diapers are no exception, and microwaving is supposed to make them safe to wear again
Yeah, Boeing, Lockheed, Grumman, and Thiokol were all staffed by first generation German immigrants.
>if it were a tennis match, Germany might be the ball boy
>implying ayylmaos are actually extraterrestrial.
Their eyes are a reflection of their soul. If you believe that they're aliens because of what you were told to believe then shame on you.
They're lying, violent little shits who hate humans because God choose to save us over their asses.
What have you contributed to space travel? a fucking ARM
They have a participant role on the US led International Space Station, but everyone in the world knows that we did most of the heavy lifting on that project. We could have done it without them, but they couldn't have done it without us. The Mir was an orbiting ghetto with many problems.
It literally did exactly nothing. It just transmitted a beep, there was no instrumentation at all.
Has he died yet?
No; just a few weeks ago he enlightened us with his new videos.