Is MGTOW part of a Jewish plot to exterminate the White race?
I notice that virtually all of them of white men. If white women are all whores, why don't you just work harder to break them? are MGTOW really that weak?
Realistically how long can the White race last when its men are too afraid to even approach white women?
We live in a society in which laws and systems are built around monogramy. The jews are working from both sides of the MGTOW argument, so either way we're fucked.
Really just puts in the consideration that a single individual is going to die anyway, so why leave something else behind in a seemingly failing society.
Jason Clark
We've been over this, MGTOW is a reaction to the conditions of the current year while feminism is the cause. Try putting out the fire and not shooting the people jumping out of the building.
Cameron Richardson
why not just kill yourself now, then?
Nicholas Clark
and instead of dealing with the cause and taking these women back, you just run away?
fucking pathetic
Chase Watson
>Try putting out the fire and not shooting the people jumping out of the building.
I say both
MGTOWs need to realise that maybe they need to settle for ugly chicks. Sorry, that's how it is. That's how low tier males have had families for the entirety of human history.
They need to get a fucking grip and procreate.
Joseph Wood
That's because only civilized people (almost always whites) want to be in a civilized relationship, i.e. marriage Now that civilized relationships don't exist (the sanctity of marriage has gone extinct) civilized people would rather not partake in relationships. >inb4 tips fedora Yeah, sadly, 99% of MGTOWs are autistic betas. That's because an alpha can force a woman into a civilized relationship.
Ethan Ross
stupid goyim like you never learn
Mason Wilson
the best way to handle this would be to acknowledge that women are indeed children and have no idea what they fucking want, and then at the same time work towards finding a woman who is reasonably sane with whom you can procreate
MGTOW is fucking stupid
Jace Lee
>work towards finding a woman who is reasonably sane with whom you can procreate no such woman exists
Women are essentially empty vessels. Either they're being control by the strong men in their life (father, husband), or else they're being controlled by subversive parties (the jews, feminisists).
There's no in-between
Noah Reyes
No, it is a part of the counter culture. Tinder is the main reason for MGTOW. Women have too many options, problem is that the top men wont settle down with them. Men refuse to put up with this.
It is a bit like how mass immigration leads to racism.
Colton Flores
>Men refuse to put up with this. So instead of working to break these stupid women, you just run away?
Thanks for the genocide, Schlomo
Jacob Cook
Break it how? Women do not even notice us. They think that men are the ones choosing women, letting women in to their lives. Why do they think like this? Cause they only see the smal percentage of top men. These men who are supposed to man up and lead women are invisible to women.
Eli Perry
>reak it how? Women do not even notice us make them notice you, you weak little faggot
You run away from all of your problems, even if it means the death of your race. You must be a millennial.
Kayden Evans
>projecting leaf, please
Noah Lewis
>mgtow >any single mother I want
Hudson Gomez
>1 post by this ID
No seriously. If you think this world is so horrible that you refuse to propagate your own race, why don't you just kill yourself?
It's natural selection.
Aaron Hernandez
There is no Jewish conspiracy to exterminate the white race. The game was rigged from the start. 7 billion people in the world and how many are white? Maybe 1 billion? African, Asian, and South American reproduce at well above the sustaining rate, in order to compete, whites would need to have like 15 kids per family. It's just an impossible battle. The only reason we made it this far was because we were smart and developed advanced technology before other countries, but now (mostly) the whole planet is on a level playing field, and it's a numbers game, one we statistically can not win.
Bentley Wright
Nothing natural about the world mate.
John James
For 99% of human existence women have picked mates based on how well groomed they were and how fit and aggressive they are, while men pick the women who seem like the most likely candidate for immediate breeding, there's no reason that should change in today's world.
It's only with the advent of feminism that this double think starts coming into play.
Jace Cruz
> every time a canadian tries to act tough
Tyler Lee
MGTOW will not change things. The men who become MGTOW are too few, maybe 5 % of the male population. Women will go to sperm banks to get Chads children. And they will use the tax payers money to raise them.
Jackson Gonzalez
Or what?
Fuck right off.
Christian Taylor
>posting from the nigger leaf Nice chimpout, go away now
Brandon Jones
Nah. I'm not ugly or fat. Unless a woman wants me I'll die a virgin though.
Kevin Cox
Jaxon Jackson
I do not get this idea at all, what is a "bad boy", and have you ever met a single desirable woman that dates one? Is all of Sup Forums lower class or something? Are you all competing with smackheads for single moms?
Landon Bennett
>it's your fault you can't find this thing that doesn't exist Is beamanism feminism's obedient little bitch?
Samuel Mitchell
Why do people get so triggered by men that won't or can't meet the stupid "alpha" mould?
Benjamin Davis
Women want tall, rough, outgoing, arrogant Chads.
Brayden Robinson
>marrying when instead I can be a comfy NEET with no screaming babies or nagging wife
Benjamin Lopez
It isn't hard to be social, you know? When you actually put yourself out there you realize how insecure, lazy and unintelligent everyone else is. Isn't this the basis of modern British comedy?
Noah Brooks
I'm fucking broke, a super senior, decent looking at best, pretty fucking introverted, 5'7'' in shoes with the muscles of an Olympic chess player and I have no problems meeting attractive women by simply not fucking making excuses and going after what I want. Holy fucking shit if you're not willing to put the work in then that's up to you but it's not like there's a shortage of "unattractive" dating attractive women.
This message was paid for by the Your Excuses Are Lame foundation.
Go fuck yourselves.
Luke Lee
I just want a nice gf. No marriage, no offspring.
Jason King
>billion people in the world and how many are white? Maybe 1 billion? There are only 15 million Jews, and they manage to keep themselves pure.
Why are Whites so bad at it?
Liam Moore
It is hard for me. I'm shy, anxious and don't connect with many people. I can't approach women.
Angel Edwards
I'll admit, I have a weakness for Trudeau
That fucker is just so damn adorable
Hunter White
>Nah. I'm not ugly or fat. Post pictures
Josiah Edwards
Out of wow, 10 years of lurking on Sup Forums on and off I am breaking the gender stating rule due to relevance.
Personal experience, and then observations of the culture, conversations with other women, and living in a Muslim dominant area has taught me a few things.
- They have better game than average North Americans due to not being brainwashed by third-wave feminism. They are confident, not scared of women, and like taking dominant, assertive roles on average; something most women love, but femism brainwashed them.
-They are, on average, ore fit. Always at the gym, packed 5-1 of Arabs/ Muslims. -They, on average, have way better hygiene, hair, and smell better. - A lot of them go into engineering and medicine, wheras a lot of Liberal fags take useless degrees. - If they like you and they love their moms, had a good, middle/upper class home, they spoilt heir gf's, at least at the beginning. Really quality gifts, protective of their women, doesn't want to sleep with them right away. I've noticed Arabs scope their women out for a while, they want to know everything. Reputation, family life, friends, and they want to make sure they woman isn't annoying as fuck and intolerable. - Once they've established all that then they make a move for a serious relationship and then sex. Unless they are players.
In short, the average Arab/ Muslim male acts like a traditional man. Some things could be better like the intense jealousy and insecurity, and going too far with aggressiveness and domination, but otherwise, they get better looking women for the above reasons.
Instead of pissing and moaning about Feminism, step up your game and go for the better looking women before they are snagged up by the foreigners.
As a female I found a white, blonde male with the majority of these characteristics, but pickings are slim for myself and my female friends, even the less attractive, larger female friends. The men and women need to step up their game ASAP.
Adam Campbell
Because you're a weak little faggot, and you somehow twist that into something to be """proud""" of.
Grayson Garcia
Why should I have to put in work? I hate this idea that sex and love are a struggle. It's bullshit. Only men are expected to do work. Fuck off.
Liam Cooper
There are many female lurkers on Sup Forums who don't fall into those categories. We have a no gender stating rule for privilege and special treatment rule, remember? Re: Tits of GTFO. Hence the confirmation bias.
Kevin Hughes
Niggers has been cucked by a whyte boi
Jose Rodriguez
>Why should I have to put in work? Ah, the mating call of the fat, lazy millennial.
Simple answer is: Because if you don't the white race, everything your ancestors worked so hard to build for you, will die off
Brody Baker
I have before on here and was complimented. I hate fat cunts.
I'm not but I don't care. I'm not changing myself just to make dickheads like you happy. The white race can die for all I care.
Mason Edwards
That's not Ethnic Jews, though. There are almost no Ashkenazimleft, and even the "pure" ones are the result of massive race mixing with Middle Easterners and East Europeans.
Zachary Ward
>There are many female lurkers on Sup Forums who don't fall into those categories. No, you just think you do. Because you've been manipulated by other men on the internet or in your life.
You can't possibly understand how it feels to think rationally like a man.
Joseph Peterson
We Elliot now? or what?
Jack Lopez
Again, I'm not fat but yeah I am lazy. That's not a bad thing
I don't care about the white race. It doesn't even exist. If it makes you stormfags cry then good.
Dominic Mitchell
Then don't fuck the girls you want to fuck.
Thomas Diaz
>I have before on here and was complimented By a bunch of other pathetic faggots who want to make you feel good about yourself
Post them now.
Landon Martinez
And instead of go try to find a good girl out there, you'll workout and do everything to be one of the Chads, then expect to be happy with the bimbo.
What the fuck, idiots.
Easton Diaz
>MGTOWs need to realise that maybe they need to settle for ugly chicks. That's the problem though, women today have been conditioned to think that they deserve a 7/10 while they themselves are a 5 at best. That means that male 5's would have to settle for some shit tier ham and the women would expect him to feel grateful for it. She would probably end up cleaning the poor sucker out during the divorce settlement. It's better to be alone than having to deal with that nonsense, you get to keep your assets, your freedom and your self respect.
Jaxon Adams
Tits or GTFO
Daniel White
Exactly. The women claim they hate Tinder and hate being treated like meat.
Sign up for Tinder anyways...... send a man an emoticon with a pizza slice and smiley face... blows man after and he chucks her like yesterday's pizza box.
But Muh feminism! Why do I feel like garbage? Spreading my legs to everyone should be an awesome way to find love!
No. I don't like talking to bellends like you, sorry.
Thomas Rogers
>That means that male 5's would have to settle for some shit tier ham and the women would expect him to feel grateful for it. She would probably end up cleaning the poor sucker out during the divorce settlement. It's better to be alone than having to deal with that nonsense, you get to keep your assets, your freedom and your self respect.
All I want is a non fat nice girl. Could even be ugly. But that's not gonna happen. And fuck marriage. Too risky.
Matthew Gray
tits or gtfo
Nicholas Nelson
> yeah I am lazy. That's not a bad thing
Yours will be the final generation
Dylan Sanders
MGTOW is a sign that the jewish strategy is working men are voluntarily exterminating their race
Carter Ross
>even if we take our standards, expectations, and delusional hopes off the table >delusional hopes >delusional
Even when the truth comes out of these harpies' mouths, it's still somebody else's fault.
Camden Gutierrez
If you care that much go out and impregnate thousands of women
Ryder Gomez
>picture Switch the sexes and it makes way more sense.
Adrian Perry
You do realize that laziness is why we have convenient shit at all right
Brandon Stewart
>you need to man up and take back that slut with stds and 3 kids
Brandon Price
Ah, but you can't dare criticise women!
Kevin Garcia
shut the fuck nigger. fuckin bitch ass leafs everytime with this cuck shit.
Samuel Sanders
>I don't care about the white race. It doesn't even exist. If it makes you stormfags cry then good. "haha guys I don't care" "but if it affects you then I'm happy"
contradictory statements m8
Oliver Phillips
How is it contradictory? I enjoy laughing at stormweenie rage. Nothing to do with the "white race" dying. That bothers them not me. Funny how alike stormfags and feminists sound.
Brayden Reed
The reason it's all whites is because niggers already don't get married because of their shitty culture and beaners are muh Catholic and won't divorce after getting pregnant at 14
Joseph Martin
I found Sup Forums on my own years ago. I also fight with my liberal fags and unfortunately my father died when I was 7 so there are no strong male role models, which has been hard but careful monitoring and red-pill sites help keep me focused. It's very difficult maintaining purple/ red-pill ideals in todays world, especially around a liberal majority.
That's a hyperbolic jump; never made claims to think in pure logic or like a man, but there is undeniable cultural, biological, and societal ideals that resonate with me and an agreement.
Women and men should be complimentary, and in that way there is egalitarianism because both partners are needed to raise a good, stable home and live healthy and productive lives if both people have good communication, the same ideals, and both strive together for those ideals.
Men and women will never be 100% equal because men and women excel in different areas. For example, men being much stronger than women on average.
Bio, Neurology, and the desire to raise my own, proper family, save society, and ultimately keep my race are what brought me here. I don't want to donate half my DNA, my race's legacy, and my families legacy to some stupid cuck who can't figure his shit out and has been brainwashed by third wave feminism, or who can't play the game and bitches like a faggot. I want my children's school mates and my children's lovers to be proper citizens and proper son/in laws. Those are all female needs and urges.
Levi Diaz
The reason I'm MGMOW is because women are worthless today. There is literally no reason to try and better yourself, it's ridiculously easy to get easy sex with most women. Even basement dwelling 32 year old NEETs can get prime pussy easy.
There is no point in chasing or dealing with women because they offer me no advantages. I already can get sex easily, what I want is a future wife and the sad truth is that the vast majority of women are not wife material today. They don't know how to cook, clean, act like a responsible adult, manage finances, keep things out of their pussy for a month. Women are worthless and add on top of that a personality that is completely toxic to a relationship. She thinks of herself as a princess while having the attitude of a bitchy tumblr whore.
The problem is that sex is way too easy to get and there is no reason to put up with women once you get it if she is a horrible person.
Now, I know I'll get replies from women saying "not all women are like that" or "me and my friends aren't like that" and yes, I get it, you're a special snowflake, but the fact of the matter is that women in general are worthless, and it's making men suffer because of it. There is no incentive for a man to achieve past what he's comfortable with because women are shit and he isn't thinking about a family, which leads to guys that work low wage jobs and play video games while fucking women off of tinder and tossing them aside.
Nolan James
Fuck off, get aids, get beaten up, hope you're infertile roastie whore. Hope the next Marc Lepine gets you
Jeremiah Jackson
I dated a girl that I met in college for 2 years and I actually genuinely liked her. However putting up with the constant bullshit, compromises, and no personal time drove me away. I think it would be extremely difficult to find a girl who is a 7-8, a quality person, and not an idiot. Otherwise I'd rather be alone than deal with a fat, ugly, stupid woman who drains all of my time and money.
>Lmao you don't get laid As a single guy, you still get occasionally but you don't have to put up with bullshit.
Carter Perry
No, it isn't jews, it's NATURE.
White incels are spoiled shits that want PERFECT life just handed to them.
>work hard and you'll be rewarded for it
Not these days, ESPECIALLY if you're sub8, you dumb INCEL! You do NOT have much choice other than aiming for used goods or uggos. ALL high quality females have been ''taken advantage'' of by CHAD. You can just DROP the whole game instead and do everyone a favor. NOBODY will miss you, LMAO.
Colton Richardson
>Although I would never knock hooking up
Stopped reading right there
Colton Hughes
>, or who can't play the game This is what i don't understand. Why are you so interested in being tricked?
Noah Perez
lol this nigger
"I should leave tonight"
Aiden Evans
I'm married, but my brother in law is real big into MGTOW. He's a tradesman that travels a lot for work, and just uses escorts or dancers for sex. He has no plans for a long term relationship. Instead plans to retire somewhere foreign at about 50 and get sucked off the rest of his life.
Liam Thompson
MGTOW seems like the sane option in the current social climate in the western world. No amount of male shaming would change that. Reality unfortunately doesn't change with wishful thinking alone.
William Foster
If someone like Dan Bilzerian went MGTOW, and came out even richer and with more things accomplished under his belt, maybe there's an argument for a temporary form of it.
However, if someone such as the comic book guy from the Simpsons goes MGTOW, then it's a cop-out on their part.
Why? It's very easy to say "screw game and self improvement" if someone hasn't ever succeeded. It's already along the lines of what people expect of them.
That's all MGTOW really is, a cop-out/denial mechanism for guys who are too afraid to look in the mirror and critique themselves (which is how you begin self improvement).
Thomas Young
This desu. Call me a beta faggot all you want. I do not care.
Aiden Ramirez
>the best way to handle this would be to acknowledge that women are indeed children
Y'know this would sound kinda-sorta okayish anywhere but on Sup Forums. But you had to post it here.
Luis Gray
>critique themselves (which is how you begin self improvement).
Self improvement is a meme to delude men. You're either born a Chad or not. You can't fight nature so why struggle? Embrace hedonism.
Parker Roberts
>that t--shirt
Carson Murphy
> butthurt comics
Noah Garcia
>so why struggle? Embrace hedonism. pursuit of virtue is a general principle that has nothing to do with women. Self improvement is the key to living a life that you can respect.
Hudson Hughes
Yes, shift the blame/focus onto everyone else. That's gonna solve the white birthrate
Michael Ramirez
>Self improvement is the key to living a life that you can respect.
To some perhaps. I've never really understood the appeal. I do exercise for example but it's pretty boring.
Carter Davis
All invention is born of laziness.
Kevin Diaz
Meanwhile literally every ideological, legislative, and cultural change of the past three generations has had the result of lowering the white birthrate. All of these changes have been pushed primarily by Jews. But they're not trying to genocide the competition. K.
Isaiah Richardson
It's an extremely effective population control agenda. For evidence that not only Jews propagate it and that not only the white race is affected by it, look no further than Japan. It worked first and most effectively there. Associations with antisemitism and loony internet conspiracy theorists are the real red herring.
It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a global policy that has been in place since the 70s.
Jaxson Rogers
You need to be smart enough to know reality, instead of just a follower of dogma. People are just specialized in one kind of stupidity or another.
Christian Wood
>I do exercise for example but it's pretty boring. Everybody has different interests. For example, you may enjoy learning how to build wooden furniture, or metalworking.
Building/programming robotics. Shooting a gun. learning how to fly a plane.
Learning how to fix the plumbing. handy house type stuff with practical applications.
There are lots of potential hobbies to take up that will have practical (as well as hidden unseen) benefits on your life/psychology.
Henry Evans
Name one example.
Ian Perry
see You useless faggot.
Noah Rivera
>MGTOWs need to realise that maybe they need to settle for ugly chicks
bullshit. you know damn well women have it easier in that regard. women always try to shoot above their ranking forcing men to either do the same or "settle". Settle is what you do when you're 35 not 25. Women's high standards are forcing men to lower their standards or be alone. THAT'S FAIR RIGHT?
Nathan Collins
>taking back damaged goods
You silly leaf
Jordan Howard
Kek. Okay there.
Anyways, as my first and only female break due to relevance, I'll be going back to my usual gender neutral posts, which ironically enough were well liked.... but here are my parting words on this.
First things first, some of you beta men really need to stop getting cucked by all the Alpha men in your life, and then taking it out on women. Because you have little to no game, sense, or competitive value you have to assume all women are unintelligent and beneath you because it pisses you off and it's the only way you can compete meaningfully, and realistically is against women. You can choose to stay like that, or you can man up.
Lastly, Purple-pilled, red-pilled, centrist and libertarian women cannot come out on campus, cannot come out near liberals, and now cannot even come out on red-pill spaces if the gender statement can provide useful and relevant, and is not used for free stuff and to try and snag omeagas and betas. So, where is a woman with these values to go, and how can they strengthen and maintain them?If we have no spaces for women, and everything is liberal media dominated, ho can women have their stance and aim to provide more valuable mates for men?
Lastly, how can you even find a female like this if you automatically assume it's an impossibility, and treat every woman as such before meaningfully knowing her?
You guys bitch and bitch, but ultimately bring it on yourselves.
All the backlash, aggression and poor assumptions just contributes to a divide between the genders, much like third-wave feminism causes, and enhances the issue discussed in the thread.