What happens when a countries national debt is larger than its GDP?

What happens when a countries national debt is larger than its GDP?

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> What happens when a countries national debt is larger than its GDP?
Quite a few countries's national debt are larger than their gdp

The us has more foreign debt than gdp
The uk has 5 times more foreign debt than gdp
France 2 times

The problem isn't the debt itself , but paying it back + interest . Payback of debt isn't necessarily tied as much to a country's gdp as it is to the country's governmental budget

This is why greece with a smaller gdp-debt ratio other countries was about to default.

If a country's budget cannot pay for debt , it borrows (from another place) , to pay initially . The problem with this is that you don't pay back the money you borrowed, but that money + interest . The key word is interest as you keep borrowing it gets higher and higher and at 1 point it gets too big.

Initially bonds are sold more and more often (bonds = government borrows from private citizens/banks/corporations etc on a promise to pay back) but the more they sell the less valuable said bonds become. Next step is austerity measures to be able to pay back interest + loan . Next step is sale of national owned stuff until said country can pay interest+loan.

If a country cannot pay said interest , "sanctions" start coming in place . Banks stop loaning to them . If we are talking about national banks , countries start imposing sanctions. It really fucks the economy up. Things like this led to wars,governments being overthrown and revolutions.

In the case of local debt , the government can just pay with its own made money which significantly devalues the money,meaning less purchasing power (for ex 10$=2 bags of popcorn be4 devaluing, 10$=1 bag of popcorn after) especially on the international market.

Hope...it helped with something

Didn't read your post I'm just here to say

You force other countries to trade valuable resources in your currency, so it doesn't lose value even if you print additional amounts to finance the debt.

look at her face on the right pic tho
instant boner kill

Who is the worst shitposter and why is it the town rapist?

>he thinks that's moldova
American education, everyone.


Nah son I'm still diamonds


Yeah yeah, you can't hide from us Billo.

JIDF will find a new excuse to make pointless threads with Asian "hot" girls and mods won't delete them.

Tl;dr it means nothing, shit hits the fan only when ppl no longer trust u to be able to pay up debt
400% of a trustworthy country = ok
20% of a nigger-tier country = not ok

wtf i hate hot chicks now

Hans is correct.

This is bullshit

The rating system is only there fuck up the smaller countries

>If you don't pay your country blows up
>but because of the risk of ourselves blowing your country up we will make you pay more to us

The only correct answer is that big countries can do whatever they fucking want


If you have nukes.

You post moar thicc on Sup Forums, that's what.

you tell me

I've never wanted to race mix this much. Sauce?

There are large and powerful countries like Turkey, France, Russia that got painful downgrades.

And you cannot really deny how all the AAA countries have very sound finances.

>This is bullshit
You tagged me yet i said nothing about "risk system" or "blowing up"

Nonetheless you're still wrong

The risk system does influence investors because the risk system basically tells investors (or borrowers) what countries are likely to pay back and what countries aren't. You wouldn't borrow 2k$ to a homeless guy since you know he can't pay back. You also wouldn't borrow money to a guy that has a habit of not paying back .

Since most countries pay debt back by BORROWING MORE , it is essential that they have people willing to borrow to them trust them .

i wanna eat an eggroll out of that thick sweaty chinos booty

You got Jewed

they become slaves to the jews

yeah 2008 shows how financially reliable they are

o really? How the fuck are all 1st world country pay a debt of over twice their GDP?

Why do countries who can pay more have to pay lower interest rates than countries who can barely pay and won't be able to ever repay the debt with the high interest rates?

>US debt grows 1 trillion a month
>No end in sight
>If they were not to pay they still would have enough leverage to tell everyone to fuck off and would probably assassinate whoever doesn't comply
>Literally responsible for the 2008 crisis
>Same rating agencies faked the rating of the derivative and entire countries to enable the faggotry
>Lets give them nearly 0 interest rate

The whole system is there so that weaker countries can never get out of the hole

>o really?
yes really
>How the fuck are all 1st world country pay a debt of over twice their GDP?
They aren't. Who told you a country needs to be debt-less to operate ..even successful ?

>US debt grows 1 trillion a month
It's interest+yearly/monthly(/we it is) payback that matter , they don't need to pay that debt back
>If they were not to pay they still would have enough leverage to tell everyone to fuck off and would probably assassinate whoever doesn't comply
They pay so that people don't fuck off. I don't think you understand how 3rd millennium world economy works
>Literally responsible for the 2008 crisis
>Same rating agencies faked the rating of the derivative and entire countries to enable the faggotry
The US has yet to fail to pay its debt back. On top of that it has a strong economy that can afford devaluation , unlike shitholes where devaluation will make the population starve. That's why there's a difference
>Lets give them nearly 0 interest rate
Who's "let's" ? Loans come from a variety of places including the government itself

I think you've been hearing memes from people that like to shout too loud instead of reading up on how economy really works


I mean hypothetically if a country couldn't afford to pay even the interest on its debt then problems would arise, but in that case either they have such little GDP that they should probably just sell themselves to a real country or they have so much debt that they've pretty much already sold themselves to a real country.

No country is free if it has debt that cannot be paid

People of country with debt, that couldn't be paid, are slaves of rich people and governments

Somehow people allowed banks to leech honest workers from wealth, that they produce.

>unlike shitholes where devaluation will make the population starve.
Say, another topic,but still related: what do you think about Italy, Greece and Spain doing this trick? The euro is certainly to blame, at least partially, for their misere.

>They aren't. Who told you a country needs to be debt-less to operate ..even successful ?
You. You told me that everything spirals up until you can't pay then you get sanctioned and all that

>It's interest+yearly/monthly(/we it is) payback that matter , they don't need to pay that debt back
see above.

>They pay so that people don't fuck off. I don't think you understand how 3rd millennium world economy works
If they tell them to fuck off all those would have lost ALL THEIR MONEY. Thats the justification for their usury which is bullshit since a country refuses to pay they make it blow up

>The US has yet to fail to pay its debt back. On top of that it has a strong economy that can afford devaluation , unlike shitholes where devaluation will make the population starve. That's why there's a difference
Yet. The debt grows 1 trillion a month. Neither the US or the big countries in Europe have blown up because they have the currency that cotnrols all other currency.

>Print money
>Money devalues
>No problemo since all world currencies devalue with it in an exponential fashion because if they were not to be salve like the imports would be too expensive.
>1st world countries start to be recessive
>Consumption goes down
>3rd world countries have to devaluate even more to match the lost of purchising power of 1st world countries else their own industry whatever they have blows up
>On top of all of this they make them pay 30-40%+ interest rate per loan despite its usury which is illegal while the one who fucked everything gets nearly 0%

>Who's "let's" ? Loans come from a variety of places including the government itself
>Top of the food chain gives loans for nearly 0% interest rate
>All the rest have to do the same or not get in since country that fucked it all up gets gifted money else no one would get paid since he would just tell them to fuck off

>I think you've been hearing memes
no thats you

>No country is free if it has debt that cannot be paid
Why not? You're thinking of debt like this external thing that always forces countries to reduce their budget from other places. Debt is included in a government's spending like money for the army, pensions,wages and so on. It's part of the national spending.

It's only when the country cannot pay back it's monthly/yearly/quarterly(depends) payments that problems occur. Obviously it's better to set as a goal to reduce if not eliminate debt but as long as its not crippling the economy most of the time it's not a problem.

>Somehow people allowed banks to leech honest workers from wealth, that they produce.
>honest workers

Not all banks and not always. People take bank payments all the time for the most idiotic things like cars, watches, phone and so on without analyzing whether they can or not properly pay back the loan. People even take big loans they can't pay back for important things sure...but i don't see how that's the bank's fault.

The bank is there to borrow you money , not treat you like a child. It's your job to assess if you can pay back said loan or not , they're not your parents.

The euro is linked to a lot of countries with different economies. It is by proxy the reason but in reality it was the world crisis . The problem with the euro is that the EU itself cannot enact changes in order for the euro to properly benefit all the members(meaning solving the devaluation of the currency might be a problem for some countries but might not be for all...but if 1 country chooses benefits over currency it affects all) . The EU can ...issues,ask or demand for shit but i has no real means of enforcing anything on european countries . It's pretty much the countries government's that choose most of the time to accept EU law.


>You. You told me that everything spirals up until you can't pay then you get sanctioned and all that

No. I said that happens if you DON'T PAY back. Those countries (most of them) can pay their payments . I never said everything spirals up no matter what you do . As long as they keep the interest and payments in check they don't have any problems and don't need to fully pay all of their debt.

>If they tell them to fuck off all those would have lost ALL THEIR MONEY. Thats the justification for their usury which is bullshit since a country refuses to pay they make it blow up
>Yet. The debt grows 1 trillion a month. Neither the US or the big countries in Europe have blown up because they have the currency that cotnrols all other currency.

They don't "blow up" cause they make their payments . I don't get what you don't understand , DEBT IS NOT PAID ALL AT ONCE. Payments+interest is made over a number of years. How much the debt grows yearly or monthly doesn't matter as long as you can afford to pay the payments at sate date , not the whle debt.

The last part of your comment doesn't even make sense
>3rd world countries have to devaluate even more to match the lost of purchising power of 1st world countries else their own industry whatever they have blows up

Wtf does that even mean

Again the "interest rate" is set by the government(when it issues bonds) or the national bank(depending on the country) or whoever wants to loan them money( that whoever is picked by the government that wants to borrow)

If your government(which is in most cases picked by the people) wants to borrow from retarded sources it's its fault . Bonds can be sold to any1 including every day citizens or foreign citizens .

I can't into economics, is there a reason that having national debt is good?

Becuase If America wanted to they could have the CIA murder some rich foreigners, take their assets and use it to pay off the debt.

>The uk has 5 times more foreign debt than gdp

Why are you just making random numbers up?

Our debt is about 90% of gdp

National debt aren't supposed to be paid, so it is giving free money to those, who gave that credit in a first place
US in 2016 are going to spend 7% of its whole budget to pay only interests
That 7% is taken from taxes that people pay. They don't get anything of value, that money is only transfered to those, from whom country taken loans

Name one country that is going to be debt-less

>No. I said that happens if you DON'T PAY back. Those countries (most of them) can pay their payments . I never said everything spirals up no matter what you do . As long as they keep the interest and payments in check they don't have any problems and don't need to fully pay all of their debt.

and you said that its impossible for them to pay which leads to them to borrow to pay which leads to everything spiraling out of control. So not only do the banksters know that the countries cannot pay and are going to shit but they get to decide WHEN they blow up

>They don't "blow up" cause they make their payments . I don't get what you don't understand , DEBT IS NOT PAID ALL AT ONCE. Payments+interest is made over a number of years. How much the debt grows yea not the whle debt.
see above

>Wtf does that even mean
>1st world country goes in recession
>Stops buying shit
>Country that exported shit cannot sell
>Country's business and industry which relied on the exports go belly up which means furthering the crisis unless country devalues again and sells them at a reduced cost.
>Not only this but if someone offers stuff cheaper they might outright lose everything

>Again the "interest rate" is set by the government(when it issues bonds) or the national bank or whoever wants to loan them mone
>rating agency says country should pay 40% interest rate
>Government makes bonds with nearly 0% interest rate
>No one buys them
O waow

>If your government(which is in most cases picked by the people) wants to borrow from retarded sources it's its
So you put the country in a situation where it can't do anything because of a supranational structure created by the same people who blow everything up which is backed by the most important countries in the planet and then you blame it on them!
>Pay debt
>But pay us so much you can't pay
>else we blow you up although you would have blown up anyways only that we cannot cash in as much in the latter

>Becuase If America wanted to they could have the CIA murder some rich foreigners, take their assets and use it to pay off the debt.
The US's debt is absolutely huge. Besides filthy rich (i'm talking forbes 100 ) people it would barely budge.

>I can't into economics, is there a reason that having national debt is good?

Depends on your question
Having national debt is bad but to an extent . If the payments are payable and not too much of an issue ,the borrowing might actually be preferred to waiting for the government budget to just get that money(over years). It isn't a problem until the payments that you pay back become a legitimate burden .

(2011,it grew since then to 500+)
The UK Has Foreign Debt Equal To 436% OF GDP

>400% of GDP [also 2011]

National and foreign debt are 2 different things

>They don't get anything of value
Loans have an interest. It's normal otherwise no1 would borrow you money. Why would they at the end of the day if it's not profitable. Interest isn't "an evil thing" it's normal. Nobody in any field of work works to "Break even" , they add more than what costs to produce something to attain profitability

>the us has more foreign debt than gdp
>foreign debt

No we don't, currently $6 trillion of our debt is held foreignly and our GDP is $18 trillion

>and you said that its impossible for them to pay
I never said it's impossible. It's only impossible if the COUNTRIES borrow 2 much. The bankers don't force any1 2 borrow from them .

>Country's business and industry which relied on the exports go belly up which means furthering the crisis unless country devalues again and sells them at a reduced cost.
That has nothing to do with borrowing . the same thing can happen when anything bad happens in a larger country and their economy gets fucked. Countries should not be dependent on a single other country with their exports

>So you put the country in a situation where it can't do anything because of a supranational structure created by the same people who blow everything up which is backed by the most important countries in the planet and then you blame it on them!

No1 but the country puts itself there
You pay debt you borrowed. You used money which was NOT YOURS to begin with .

You know there are asians who post here right?


It's not 6 ,it's 17.9 . It used to be higher than 100 , even if it went under it's still close.

>I never said it's impossible. It's only impossible if the COUNTRIES borrow 2 much. The bankers don't force any1 2 borrow from them .
>set credit rating in a way poor countries get absolutely robbed
>Eventually this wears them down and sets the whole machination in motion
>They don't force them
>If they refused to comply to any of this they get sanctioned
U said all of this

That has nothing to do with borrowing . the same thing can happen when anything bad happens in a larger country and their economy gets fucked. Countries should not be dependent on a single other country with their exports
O really? All major european countries have several times their GDP in debt and you know what they are doing? Printing money, thats it

but of course everything is valued in their currencies!

We've been over this already

>You pay debt you borrowed. You used money which was NOT YOURS to begin with .
What if the private debt is so big your entire country blows up if you don't do salvages with borrowed money? All of this being caused by one country or a handful of countries that print the world currency and pay virtually no interest rate and no one can say anything to them and despite all of this they won't ever be able to pay their own debt?

If the private sector blows up country gets no money which means no debt payment

And lets not even mention how money is created in the first place, aka borrowing from banks

>If they refused to comply to any of this they get sanctioned
I never said that
They get sanctioned if they don't pay back. For good fucking reason that is . Not paying back the money you TOOK FROM SOMEONE ELSE is stealing . No1 is sanctioning people for not fucking borrowing money.

>O really? All major european countries have several times their GDP in debt and you know what they are doing? Printing money, thats it

What they're doing is fucking PAYING THEIR PAYMENTS. A country can pay it's debt if it is 100 fucking times its gdp ...i don't see how you don't understand this debt is paid over a long period of time ...

>All of this being caused by one country or a handful of countries that print the world currency and pay virtually no interest rate and no one can say anything to them and despite all of this they won't ever be able to pay their own debt?

No. It's caused by retarded governments that want to pay benefits to people so the parties get reelected next elections. Debt does not appear out of thin air , debt is something you yourself create to yourself. Jesus fuck...I'm starting to think this is fucking bait

The only alternative to what you are arguing about would be nationalized banks, that are forced to lend to the government at low (or zero, money printing) interest rates.

But that often ended in hyperinflation.

>They get sanctioned if they don't pay back. For good fucking reason that is . Not paying back the money you TOOK FROM SOMEONE ELSE is stealing . No1 is sanctioning people for not fucking borrowing money.
So they know they are lending money to a country that cannot pay, they also set how much money the country has to pay back and they justify all of this by saying that theres the risk that they make the country itself blow up

>What they're doing is fucking PAYING THEIR PAYMENTS. A country can pay it's debt if it is 100 fucking times its gdp ...i don't see how you don't understand this debt is paid over a long period of time ...
And? all of this will ultimately lead to the bankrupcy default and destruction of the country, not only they know it but they will see it through

>No. It's caused by retarded governments that want to pay benefits to people so the parties get reelected next elections. Debt does not appear out of thin air , debt is something you yourself create to yourself. Jesus fuck...I'm starting to think this is fucking bait

The 2008 did certainly cause governments to having to take loans to repay debts of the private sector all of which was caused by the entire supranational economic structure acting in unison and against the law. Weren't multiple countries bailed out cause their economies would have died? Weren't the major US German British financial institutions bailed out with hundreds millions upon hundreds of millions of dollars?

You keep repeating the same things that have already been addressed

Are you going to keep doing the same?

It surely didn't work for hitler in the 30s or korea and Singapore in the 70s or 80s

>First thing that SK PM does
>nationalizes all the banks
SK went from backward shithole to an attempt of being 1st world in a single generation lifetime

really makes you think

No clue about Singapore, have to read about that.

Hitlers economy had little to do with a market economy, it had frozen prices. So there's no point discussing it.

>So they know they are lending money to a country that cannot pay

It's not their fucking job to babysit the country. When you go buy fucking candy , it's not the clerk's job to fucking know that you have diabetes . What the actual fuck man....

>And? all of this will ultimately lead to the bankrupcy
No it fucking won't.
If you make 100$ a month
And you make a 500$ loan you don't go into fucking bankruptcy cause it's 5 times the amount you make
You pay 50$ (or /we) until you repay the loan + interest . How do you not understand how loans work?

>No. It's caused by retarded governments that want to pay benefits to people so the parties get reelected next elections. Debt does not appear out of thin air , debt is something you yourself create to yourself. Jesus fuck...I'm starting to think this is fucking bait

I'm done, you're fucking retarded

Te 2008 crisis happened cause of globalization and cause of how linked governments are between themselves. Major institutions were not being bailed out by all powerful bank gods but by governments.

Found the fag

>It's not their fucking job to babysit the country. When you go buy fucking candy , it's not the clerk's job to fucking know that you have diabetes . What the actual fuck man....
>Give 20k dollars to a homless

>No it fucking won't.
>If you make 100$ a month
>And you make a 500$ loan you don't go into fucking bankruptcy cause it's 5 times the amount you make
>You pay 50$ (or /we) until you repay the loan + interest . How do you not understand how loans work?
Except theres this whole international structure that tells you you have to pay $500 in 2 parts of 250 and on 40% interest rate because you are not trustworthy despite they know its impossible for you to do so

Why do you keep avoiding to reply to what i type. Why do you have to keep coming up with unrelated things and purposely leaving out the part you don't want to talk about?

>I'm done, you're fucking retarded
>Can't come up with anything despite he wants to disagree with me
so you admit im right? Glad we can agree on the credit rating system being a gigantic scam

>Te 2008 crisis happened cause of globalization and cause of how linked governments are between themselves. Major institutions were not being bailed out by all powerful bank gods but by governments.
what do private banks, private financial institutions and no governmental international institutions have to do with governments?

I swear that fit asian chick comes from some weeb's fantasies or something, I don't even have yellow fever but DAMN

Ask Greece.


>Hitler nationalizes the financial system
>This allowed him to freeze prices without having to fear any kind of problem caused by speculation
>Country went from bankrupt to the strongest in Europe in a decade

Thanks Romaniabro

Parles catala?


>Except theres this whole international structure that tells you you have to pay $500 in 2 parts of 250 and on 40% interest rate because you are not trustworthy despite they know its impossible for you to do so

yes. If you don't like it just don't borrow. It's not the bank's duty to babysit you

>Why do you have to keep coming up with unrelated things and purposely leaving out the part you don't want to talk about?
What the fuck are you even talking about . I didn't leave anything out .

>Can't come up with anything despite he wants to disagree with me
you asked proof for the most retarded thing. That's like asking for proof that air exists

>what do private banks, private financial institutions and no governmental international institutions have to do with governments?

What the actual fuck?
People have savings in banks, they provide loans,jobs,services and so on and so forth. If they fail , it fucks up the people and the system. That's why MOST governments have laws restricting banks .

Great body

her face is ugly as fuck

dont be fooled by her body

Not an argument

>yes. If you don't like it just don't borrow. It's not the bank's duty to babysit you
then your economy dies your source of income dies and everyone dies. None of this would happen if there wasn't a single world currency everyone had to get but thats how it is.

>What the fuck are you even talking about . I didn't leave anything out .
yes you did

>What they're doing is fucking PAYING THEIR PAYMENTS. A country can pay it's debt if it is 100 fucking times its gdp ...i don't see how you don't understand this debt is paid over a long period of time ...
And? all of this will ultimately lead to the bankrupcy default and destruction of the country, not only they know it but they will see it through
You made up a poorly made example and didn't adress this

>The 2008 did certainly cause governments to having to take loans to repay debts of the private sector all of which was caused by the entire supranational economic structure acting in unison and against the law. Weren't multiple countries bailed out cause their economies would have died? Weren't the major US German British financial institutions bailed out with hundreds millions upon hundreds of millions of dollars?
nor this

>you asked proof for the most retarded thing. That's like asking for proof that air exists
>make a claim
>Don't have anything to back it up
What i wrote did happen, do you want me to paste news articles? What you said cannot be proven

>People have savings in banks, they provide loans,jobs,services and so on and so forth. If they fail , it fucks up the people and the system. That's why MOST governments have laws restricting banks
What does this have to do with anything? The governments had no direct part in the crisis beyond the lack of regulations. The crisis was caused by action of the private sector and institutions the governments have no saying in like the EU

National debt in your own fiat currency is irrelevant. 100% of GDP, or 1000%. Matter's not.

Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’
> theamericanmirror.com/hillary-donor-let-know-penance-owe/#more-18243

Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD
> investmentwatchblog.com/george-soros-and-the-rothchilds-banking-elite-connections-exposed/

“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
> sarawakreport.org/2016/08/90-federal-police-officers-raided-edmond-de-rothschild-bank-how-aabar-scandal-could-dward-1mdb/
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!

Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV
> youtube.com/watch?v=claY2UU9-5c

Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist
> youtube.com/watch?v=tshLc6jYm2Q

'I do not believe in God' ,
'I think women today are better suited for business than men,’
> haaretz.com/israel-news/family-values-1.323094'

MORE: pastebin.com/d3HssQbE

how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe this shit.

This asean gurl lit my lust.

>Not an argument
What argument. You said homeless thief and I agreed

>yes. If you don't like it just don't borrow. It's not the bank's duty to babysit you
>then your economy dies your source of income dies and everyone dies.
There are countries with little to no debt. And a lot with very easily manageable debt .

If you're country depends on foreign bank to exists(you did say everyone dies) , then you're no country at all , you're just a client state to the banks and should renounce your sovereignty.

>You made up a poorly made example and didn't adress this
I made that example to explain to you that : debt>gdp does not mean bankruptcy ... cause i don't understand how you cannot understand that

I didn't leave 2008 out are you fucking blind?

>you asked proof for the most retarded thing. That's like asking for proof that air exists
>make a claim
>Don't have anything to back it up
What i wrote did happen, do you want me to paste news articles? What you said cannot be proven

Ok show me a single example . where a country was just minding its own business and the next day, out of FUCKING THIN AIR , without ANYTHING HAPPENING , it got in debt...do it ...show me an example

>What does this have to do with anything?
Because the governments not acting can cause those private institutions to fail and if they do , the country goes in recession and people fucking suffer ,

for fuck sakes man.

i enjoy her snaps very much

>What argument. You said homeless thief and I agreed
Now you are pretending to be stupid. Way to go
I was clearly making a comparison that you decided to not to answer because you most likely had nothing to say against it

>There are countries with little to no debt. And a lot with very easily manageable debt .
Nice so you admit that the ultimate result and the point is to sack the countries to the point all its inhabitants die off. See how you agree with me on everything?

>I made that example to explain to you that : debt>gdp does not mean bankruptcy
While ignoring the fact that there are all powerful entities that work in unison that dictate that you have to pay fees that you cannot because of a context they arbitrarily put you in

>I didn't leave 2008 out are you fucking blind?
Yes you did. You said the crisis was somehow caused by governments who wanted to perpetuate themselves in power in your previous post

>No. It's caused by retarded governments that want to pay benefits to people so the parties get reelected next elections. Debt does not appear out of thin air , debt is something you yourself create to yourself. Jesus fuck...I'm starting to think this is fucking bait


Then i pointed out this is a baseless claim

>The 2008 did certainly cause governments to having to take loans to repay debts of the private sector all of which was caused by the entire supranational economic structure acting in unison and against the law. Weren't multiple countries bailed out cause their economies would have died? Weren't the major US German British financial institutions bailed out with hundreds millions upon hundreds of millions of dollars?

to which you replied
>Te 2008 crisis happened cause of globalization and cause of how linked governments are between themselves. Major institutions were not being bailed out by all powerful bank gods but by governments.

and when i askwed what the fuck

you answered
>People have savings in banks, they provide loans,jobs,services and so on and so forth. If they fail , it fucks up the people and the system. That's why MOST governments have laws restricting banks .

All to avoid talking the role of all the non governmental sector in the crisis which is essentially in its entirety its fault

>What i wrote did happen, do you want me to paste news articles? What you said cannot be proven



Where are yours?

>Because the governments not acting can cause those private institutions to fail and if they
So non governmental institutions will kill everything they touch unless the government stops them?

>I was clearly making a comparison that you decided to not to answer because you most likely had nothing to say against it
No. I did answer to it . twice. Are you fucking kidding me? Yes , if you borrow a homeless guy 20k and he doesn't pay it back he is a fucking thief.

>Nice so you admit that the ultimate result and the point is to sack the countries to the point all its inhabitants die off. See how you agree with me on everything?
Where the fuck did you even get that conclusion from?

>While ignoring the fact that there are all powerful entities that work in unison that dictate that you have to pay fees that you cannot because of a context they arbitrarily put you in

No. no1 puts you in it. YOU FUCKING PUT YOURSELF IN IT. You pay fees because YOU borrowed some1 else's money............

>Yes you did. You said the crisis was somehow caused by governments who wanted to perpetuate themselves in power in your previous post
When the fuck did I say that are you retarded?

You are literally straw manning me in everything you say. You took my answer to something completely different and analysed that.

I told you it happened cause of globalization , how the fuck does that have to do with " governments who wanted to perpetuate themselves in power" is beyond me

Nothing. Debt doesn't matter

Look at Modern Monetary Theory

Without the threat of violence maintaining purchasing power lower class americans couldn't afford eating more than a few bags of cheese-flavored, puffed cornmeal snacks per day.

Next time you see a fat burger, remember the fat is actually made of the blood of innocents, they are ballooning out as they suck the lifeforce out of dead children.

you elect syriza and wait until germans pay everything off

>This is what butthurt iceniggers actually think

>No. I did answer to it . twice. Are you fucking kidding me? Yes , if you borrow a homeless guy 20k and he doesn't pay it back he is a fucking thief.
he had no way of paying and yet you gave him a loan. Do you have 0 responsibility for this?

>Where the fuck did you even get that conclusion from?
>If they don't borrow they die because of how the system works
>Then there would be no debt which implies no problem

>No. no1 puts you in it. YOU FUCKING PUT YOURSELF IN IT. You pay fees because YOU borrowed some1 else's money............
and you were forced to borrow cause to exist you need a currency or commodity only THEY have and control

>When the fuck did I say that are you retarded?

>You are literally straw manning me in everything you say. You took my answer to something completely different and analysed that.

>I told you it happened cause of globalization , how the fuck does that have to do with " governments who wanted to perpetuate themselves in power" is beyond me

No one gets as triggered as burgers, because they know themselves deep down they are scum.

Who is she

It just means we are making enough profit, as a country, to pay back our debt. However it doesn't mean shit is going to happen overnight.

>he had no way of paying and yet you gave him a loan. Do you have 0 responsibility for this?

Yes. I have 0 fucking responsibility for this.
If you don't fucking borrow them money , the people shout
>muh elitist banks only borrow to rich people
IF you do
>muh elitist banks borrow to people that are 2 poor to pay back

I wrote a response to most of the other points as well but i accidentally refreshed the page and it's 12 am and i can't be bothered to rewrite it

>This is why greece with a smaller gdp-debt ratio other countries was about to default.

This is strictly false. Greece had to default because they're cucke on their own currency: Euro's.

Every country that owns their own sovereign currency can never default, because they literal can't run out because they own it. The only true limit for government spending isn't debt, but inflation.

>I wrote a response to most of the other points as well but i accidentally refreshed the page and it's 12 am and i can't be bothered to rewrite it
really . it seems to me you are agreeing with me so much you can't come up with any retort.

I won't answer what you wrote in that post until you answer what I posted above


From one point, a stronger dollar helps the US, but from another, it actually weakens their domestic production.

The US would be fine and well-off either way, but I agree that their petrodollar practices are immoral.

Technically you're right but i wasn't referring to that type of default .

I was referring to why it had trouble paying its debt compared to other countries with worse gdp-debt ratio.

>I won't answer what you wrote in that post until you answer what I posted above
Well don't answer. It's a fucking image board not a thesis i'm not going to spend half an hour to provide you with answers when you either willingly ignore obvious shit , don't know economics or keep straw manning what I say.

>Well don't answer. It's a fucking image board not a thesis i'm not going to spend half an hour to provide you with answers when you either willingly ignore obvious shit , don't know economics or keep straw manning what I say.

O look a personal attack and you admit to refuse to answer and your excuse is that you are not going to do something that youve been doing since the thread began

pathetic desu

Anyways im glad you agree with me on everything i said


>they don't need to pay that debt back
Yes they do...
Do you realize that beside interest they have to pay principal amount, when the bond matures?

There's no point in arguing with you . You're too stuck up your ass with your whole >muh poverty is some1 else's fault

No they don't , and here's where you got it wrong
>the bond
Governments borrow from multiple places. They do have to pay each individual loan eventually , what i'm saying is they don't have to remain debt-less.

Countries with debt are retarded.

No sóc andorrà

Was lurking for a while,
How did you even put up with that Argentinian shitposter for so long man.

>What happens when a countries national debt is larger than its GDP?
You rob Peter to pay Paul.

>How did you even put up with that Argentinian shitposter for so long man.

It gets to me so much cause of romanians. People in my country are the fucking same .

Everywhere I go > muh foreigners want to see us poor , >muh there's no jobs , >muh evil boogeyman makes me poor , >muh evil plot to cape stronk romania poor

Meanwhile , I live a pretty decent life ,with a wage much above romania's average wage ... and i have no connections + my family is poor .

All i have is a fucking college degree and 5 years (3 in college +2 after) of dedicating my life to work after which i just have fun every other day. 5 years...that's it , i went to parties in high school enough.

Meanwhile , whenever i go back to my home city ,everyone's like "ahhh mahh gawdd it's impossible to live a decent life here ,you were just lucky" while they sit at the corner of the fucking apartment complex , eating fucking sunflower seeds all fucking day .

You can't begin to understand the frustration of seeing lazy ass fucking people complaining that they don't have shit. After that they go to fucking england , and people like me get to pay the moral price cause they're 2 much of fucking peasants to give a fuck about self-respect

Nothing, the issue is what happens when the payments on the national debt is larger than GDP can cover? Failure.

Two questions if you don't mind. What field did you get your degree in and what work did you do for those 5 years?

bachelor in economics and international business

Worked as a clerk during my first 2 years of college at kaufland
Worked as an assistant accountant in my last year of college

Got hired as an assistant sales manager for a company I won't name in Iasi for 1 year

Got bumped up to sales manager for the same company in cluj after a position opened and that's where I am now

>as a clerk at kaufland
Part time, I presume?

Also, what's your pay now if that isn't too personal? At least an approximate.

1.200 euros (be4 taxes)

Kaufland was full time since my parents couldn't send me any money

The "assistant accountant" was the same accountant i did my college internship at

the assistant sales manager i got with an interview + references from kaufland (kek) ,the accountant and various event organizers/owners(or /we you call it) i participated at during my college years

It's not a fuckload of money , but it's something , and I was born in fucking Braila and most of my neighborhood friends don't even fucking come close to half of that

>Lend money from banks at silly rate
>Lend more when they can't pay that off
>Eventually sign over nations property/resources to debt holders
source: I have no clue I'm just making this up

And how did you manage to both work full time and study(presupun ca 'la zi')?