Prophecy Of The Future

>November 9th, 2016
>you turn on the news
>news reporter speaking
>"In a sweeping victory, Donald Trump takes the electorates in all 50 sta-"
>cut to black
>logos come on-screen with voiceover
>"This special message brought to you by Goldmann Sachs, JP Morgan-Chase, and the Rockefeller Foundation"
>cut to man in suit with gold tie
>"Goodday, my fellow Americans. Thank you for being here with me in this important moment in our nation's history. Congress has decided that it would be against America's values to have a racist, sexist, nationalist, bigoted, conservative, regressive, misogynist man as the leader of this country. Therefore, congress has decided that the next president of our country will be Hillary Rodham Clinton."
>cut to view of senate
>entire senate in thunderous applies with only one exception: Rand Paul, with an expression of sadness and horror on his face
>we all know what Rand Paul is thinking: "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause"

rip and tear time?

If i turn on the news the host wont be speaking english m8.

Happy birthday to me on the 9th

Where's that psychic lady that said the last president of America would be a black man?

Rand proceed to pull a fillibuster!

>entire senate

You are aware that there are republicans in the senate, right?

whether it's trump or clinton, liberty is fucking toast.

The next day security forces are overwhelmed as capital hill is razed and congressmen are dragged through the streets, beaten to death and hung.

Pretty much exactly what would happen.


>thinking republican vs democrat means anything
>not realizing that that is just a fabricated false dichotomy to keep you from the real battle, establishment vs anti-establishment
>not realizing that establishment republicans have a thousand times more in common with Hillary Clinton than with Donald Trump

Absolutely 100 percent this. There is no establishment Democrat or establishment Republican. It's a big dog and pony show.

this is how freedom begins. with thunderous clapping.

By the thousands of niggers in d.c?
Doubt it

All it takes is a few people to start it, then all the niggers will follow because they like rioting just for the sake of rioting. BLM already taught us this.

>thunderous applies

By the millions of southern whites who live within a few hours drive of the capital.


Agreed. I've come across so many leftists who "think" this too but as soon as a democrat says something about republicans it's back to their shitty "old racist white men" memes. God they are so fucking dumb.

Good example is McCain supports the terrorists in Syria yet he got on an interview and called out Obama for doing it... It's a fucking puppet show for drooling idiots.

>we all know what Rand Paul is thinking
"I'm glad I supported Mitch McConnell and sold out my dad's values!"

Kinda like Sup Forums versus Reddit. Both sides hate the ZOG but always obsess over fighting each other instead of allying against the kikes.

>believing the don isnt controlled opposition