Young female democrat. who disagrees about "stop talking about Hillary's emails". Any other anons like that here? Please let your voice be heard.
Young female democrat. who disagrees about "stop talking about Hillary's emails". Any other anons like that here? Please let your voice be heard.
bump 77% currently agrees
Apartheid was fucked up.
You should have never let the black population reach such numbers idiots, you invited them to your house to work as servants because you were to lazy to mow or do your dishes.
You deserve what you got, colony.
18-25 yr old female democrat here, just voted "no"
Because we needed to know your gender and age...
>South Africa was ~1/3 white during late 1800s and rising due to white control of all cities.
Enter the (((merchants)) who want cheaper labour for the mines. Import blacks to cities.
>Once we lost the cities it was over.
South Africa was 21.6% white by 1904
South Africa was 19.3% white by 1960
South Africa was 13.5% white by 1990
South Africa is today 8% white as of 2016.
It is projected to drop as low as 4% by 2050.
US was nearly 90% white in 1930s and 1940s
Ever since the (((merchants))) started to spread cultural Marxism in America and take control of the cities America has dropped to 60% and is now seen in the mainstream as a multicultural country.
Some western European countries now sit at less than 80% white and dropping fast. A population gets close to halving every 25 years if their fertility rate is below 2.1 per woman. Migrants are meant to fill that gap.
What will you do once Europe, the homeland of whites, becomes 60% white? What about 50% when the progressives start celebrating? Sub-Saharan Africa is close to 100% black but they don't get multiculturalism quotas.
>Multiculturalism is a code-word for white genocide to create an underclass for the (((globalists))) to easily control.
>What will this future look like?
Imagine you're South Africa over a century ago. Look at what has happened. Wake up white anons.
Wake up.
>t. You in 100 years.
>everyone knows this already
>What will you do once Europe, the homeland of whites, becomes 60% white? What about 50% when the progressives start celebrating? Sub-Saharan Africa is close to 100% black but they don't get multiculturalism quotas.
Become rich of it.
>Female browsing Sup Forums
I demand tits as proof
go back to Sup Forums
go back to your local slum
>gauteng has 2% of south africa's land area
>1/5 of its people
Gauteng in 1970, whites were the largest group/likely majority there
Gauteng circa 1800 was a windswept shithole niggers avoided because it was cold in the winter and exposed to attacks from enemy tribes, 200 years later it was the heart of a glorious black civilization stolen by da wite man
>libruls actually believe this
Eastern cape and western cape are alright.
I'll settle for the Cape.
>africa doesn't get quotas
Quotas or not only rich countries can afford servants and only rich countries attract people willing to be servants, hence Japan importing a million filipinos or Saudi Arabia being 30% Pakistanis and Indonesians
JavaScript:var no=0;(function kek(){setTimeout(function(){console.log('KeK No ['+ ++no+']!');document.querySelector('#pulse-responses > li:nth-child(1) > a').click(); kek()},5777 - Math.random() * 1945);})()
Paste that into chrome address bar and leave the tab open, it votes for you every few seconds so you don't have to.
tits or get the fuck out cumdumpster
>to be this retarded and not sense sarcasm in the OP
>hurr durr im female XD give me (You)s plz
Couldn't expect less from a 9% white country poster
South Africa could have unfucked itself at any point before 1983 by deporting the blacks in waves until they were at a manageable level in the major cities
Also the entire point of Apartheid was to keep niggers in their own regions of the country. South Africa in 1948 included Namibia and was therefore as large as India. South Africa today is as large as Germany, Italy and France combined.
There are only 52 million people in South Africa but 210 million in Germany, Italy and France. In 1948 there were 12 million people in South Africa and 400 million in India. There was always enough room for the niggers, the claims that whites gave them shit land were bullshit because the zulus and xhosas and all other groups were living on lands owned by their ancestors.
Pretoria was 90% white, none of the shantytowns like Khayelitsha existed.
The shitty soviets in 1925 decreed that South African revolution should be by the africans, not realizing that even if the country was 70% black on paper in the actual industrialized areas it was maybe 10% black. The jews then ruined SA with Joe Slovo leading the SACP and Helen Suzman leading the Progressive Party.
This can confirm.
You'll have to team up with the coloureds to get it
Muh cultural nationalism, muh greater afrikanerdom+english speakers too
>Sentiment at 17%
The kikes gave up lads!
What happen.
We won /