We don't want them

we don't want them.

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The absolute mad man

>implying you'll have a choice when we ram em down your throat

you'll take it and you'll like it

Netherlands nooo! You have to take foreigners!!
Whos gonna be engineering and making beer and chocloate if not them???

Geert heeft de beste memes, ik moet wel op hem stemmen. Sorry Jan.

Is "Buurthuis" the actual name for Turkey?

It sounds so much like butthurt.

no, a buurthuis is a community center

It's usually what muslim "youths" complain is lacking in their hood, similar to niggers and muh programs in the usa

It's basically "muh programs".

Make Dietsland Great Again

Why not dietsland, germany union. Something like a Germania?

Only if it's a Confederation

Jesus this can't be real.

I still be voting for him for the keks, but he's actually a madman

You guys are already too far into the shitter
I used to look up to Germany when I was still a tween. We were part of The Netherlands until the French fucks cucked us.
I am in favour of bringing back the European Coal and Steel Community

What's the difference?

You're in favor of the European coalburning community, faggot

high regional autonomy

we'd basically just share the same foreign policy, like immigration, military deployment and foreign diplomacy, and that'd be it

Yeah, why not?
But what's wrong with being a Bundesland?


you had your chance

To begin with, Germans are incapable of running a sustainable country. Your autism always gets the better of you. First it was the militarism, now it's cuckoldry. What's next?

Those nice guys that complained about not being violent at all, the day after, attacked a camera crew hahaha


>muh programs
They were on a tv show bc their group has been harassing and attacking locals for months and then complained it was bc they didn't have the buurthuis (youth center) because they are entiteled to privileges at other peoples costs ofcourse

Why do sandniglets spend so much time hanging out in the streets?

>En nu optiefen
holy shit kek

because their parents hate them as much as everyone else does, so they kick em out

No country can run perfect forever. There are many examples of this in europe, and nobody says it will happen again.

It's in their nature to be outside and among 'the guys' and they often don't have hobbies and jobs and don't care bout school. Often they'll be poor and don't go do stuff that normal people do because of it.

Why they need to combine that with attacking people is beyond me though.
It's always
>group together
>get loud, roudy, cause problems (violence, unrest)
>get sent away or confronted by police
>cry that they are only violent because people dislike them and call the police on them

>what is Switzerland

only reason they ever got in trouble is because Napoleon was a cunt

Also, while we're on the subject.
We still have a part of your country, sorry about that. If it were up to me you could have it back.

You cocked it up 3 times in less than 150 years.

Face it, you suck at being a country.

Seems like a pretty damaging thing to say t b h

we could exterminate you by sneezing

fuck off and avenge your 340 slaughtered passengers you coward cucks of Mankind

>we could exterminate you by sneezing

do it then

Why do you have it in the first place?

Militarism again.

Turkey is cucked in terms of that. Only nukes they have are NATO's (USA's). Netherlands have double the size of nukes of Turkey. In terms of war with NATO, Turkey is dunzo

>current Germans

fucking top kek my friend

Honestly, if all europeans join in against the battle of foreigners, we can easily win within days.

We are rapidly increasing police right now, so that's a start

Given to Belgium after WW2.
We too received some German clay but gave it back a few whiles later because we're good people. And our monarchy is German.

Now, please give back Goch in return.

Mehmet said, content with his brisque reply. "I'll show those Dutch bastards, talking shit about our completely homogenous, wellbehaved youths in their country!" Mehmet then remembered that he had to bring Fatima to father. If goats could talk, they would be in deep, deep trouble

Subtle. Shouldn't it be Morocco though?

lol remember that thing that your ancestors did, I think it was around the time that that cool dude with the funny stache started to play risk irl
Well, cause you lost, you guys had to give something to us cause of all the buttrape you did here



Looking at Goch's history, it has been german clay for quite some time. Also, if we do what we discussed, what would be the point in that?

We did buttrape in belgium? You are talking about WW1 right?

All Moroccans are in Belgium.

no, some turkish retards went to on tv recently, this is a response to their bullshit about community centers

Wilders is phenomenal.

I want Flanders to join the Hurrdurrlands just so I could vote for him.

You guys raped us twice, second time was a very quicky though cause they remember the first time. After the rape you gave the Flemish people lots of gifts like the power to enforce our language on the Walloons who crawled into our regions. You guys were pretty chill at the end cause our languages are both Germanic and cause we gave you a lot of good fighting boys.
After the WW the Walloons were so pissed off that they took over Brussels again and in the process they took several towns and added them to that shit city. Now after all these years they're continuing and if the HAPPENING doesn't come in twenty or so years Brussels will have about 10 extra towns
Please start another WW and win this time, there's a reason I fucking hate Walloons who come here and think that everyone should know French cause of their "Muh parfait language"

Niet nodig, aub annexeer NL Limburg, krijg je gratis Geert en een pak goeie wielrenners en pils.

>implying those won't spend their time policing "hate tweets"

Are the waloons are not a majority in Belgium yet?

Not yet cause of the other provinces, yet "Vlaams-Brabant" (the region around Brussel) is fucked. Our mayor is endorsing a sort of collaboration between our town, our neighbour town in Walloon and Brussels

>mfw euros deporting turks causes another nationalist uprising in turkey
do it you walking human trash

The most famous Dutchman is Vincent van Gogh (Dutch spelling of Goch) and we don't even own the city. Ausists around the world are demanding rectification.

>turks calling anyone else human trash

what do you call a turk holding two trashbags?


>Turk thinking they can invade

tbf it's coming from a cockroach

Why is the netherlands hell bent on joining the EU army then?

Hey man, we were literally castrated after WW2 (poor prussia) so don't cry, okay?

i could perhaps make some racist remarks against you as well if holland was a relevant country

what did ""he""" mean by this?

Geert can fuck my boipussy

w-wow... I want my turkish qts to be safe.

Don't bully them, anons.

Please no. Yuro immigrant turks are worse than kurds.

>mark rutte and his cronies
>"the netherlands"

they don't represent us anymore than Obama represents you

>the netherlands
>not one of the most relevant countries in history

>not one of the most irrelevant countries in history



roachie, be happy we are willing to deport and not just spraying them with insecticide.

cut your losses now.

What do you call a Turkish midwife?

Turkentrekker HAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh my actual God. he actually tweeted it. The mad man

>turkey has 4 times the population
>netherlands still almost as popular on google trends

you're not very intelligent, are you

this implies we're a lot more interesting

>mfw when "turk" is the go-to swear word among me and my mates

It's better if you do that tbqh :^)

>w-we're a-almost as relevant as you!!

holy shit he really doesn't give a bollocks does he?

I love how he can get away with stuff like this. The only reason people vote for geert is because he's anti islam, including me. I dont agree with anything else he says but the islamisation of europe is our number 1 issue so im in.

Am I seeing this right? An actual European politician used a map where Kosovo is not separated from Serbia?! WTF I love Geert even more now.

they vote because he's the only consistent politician in the past decade

the rest of the parties are either crazy leftists or corrupt as fuck

Whether you vote left or right, the end result is the same. VVD and PvdA, supposed polar opposites, are both EU blowing cunts. Plus all other parties neglect the islam problem, which truly is the biggest problem there is at the moment. There's no other option.

Geert is meta as fuck desu. Bet he has a secret playlist with Karadzic songs and sometimes visits him.

Geert will rule the world

It stopped being left vs right in 2002. It's now establishment vs anti-establishment.


Quickly Rembrandt, get that man into office!!

i genuinely hope you elect that guy. Perhaps some of his ideas spill over to germany

If Kek wills it, just half a year to go till the elections and PVV is biggest in the polls atm.


I am not impressed by dubs I once got Octs with the same post

Dat was jij niet, lieger.


Dat was ik toch eigenlijk wel
waarom zou ik daar over liegen
wat ik heb er mee te winnen het tijdelijke aanzien van een internet Belg


>he actually photoshopped a picture of donald duck congratulating him on his own birthday and tweeted it to the donald duck people
absolute madman

Ik zal toch maar even eerlijk zijn
Dat was ik wel
Het is vreemd om zo blij te worden om zo iets autistisch als herhalende getallen

irl KEK

Aren't they Moroccan though?

Send them back to Morocco, they all are double nationals:

yabiladi.com/article-politique-1619.html (in French)


This was in response to some Turks causing a ruckus because their community center was taken away. We have a lot of both Turks and Morrocans here.

So they're basically chavs who don't drink?

Het is dan ook een hele verwezenlijking, niet iedereen kan dat.

There is hardly a difference.

>same shitstained exterior
>same shitstained posterior
>same shitstained interior
>same mutilated dicks
>same incest fueled family tree
>same allah loving

i like wilders generally but doesn't he shill for jews and zionist ? i read somewhere he used to live in Israel ....

Daily reminder that Geert will rule the world