Ask me anything
Pro-Israel white nationalist vegan here
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Why are you so bluepilled?
On what specifically?
I can defend all of my positions and never loose an argument IRL
losers never "lose" an argument
What is this moorish bastard saying?
pretty much this
also, being pro-israel and also a white nationalist is impossible
I will explain how it is not.
Israel means there is a place for Jews to go to, that isn't our political institutions and media
Does your wife's son also eat vegan?
Also, why do you feel the need to tell people you're vegan, you're just as bad as those autistic atheists.
You know what I've never felt the need to do, point out to strangers my dietary choices you faggot.
Im not married senpai
As for telling people I am vegan, I dont, unless they are buying me lunch.
I mention it here because I wish to erode this idea that veganism is leftism, when it is merely a dietary or ethical choice abstract from the left /right paradigm. There are many vegans on Sup Forums and the emerging new-right and we should be visible. It makes us viable to more support from those who have been given propaganda about the new right.
>Ask me anything
Faggot attention whore, why don't you shit up reddit with this crap?
>Not Sup Forums
woah so you dont even know what a basque is? nice white nationalism right there m8
Define white nationalist. Are you a English nationalist or are just okay with any European people coming into the UK?
I don't like reddit senpai
Yep, you fit the description.
Israel is an ethno state, to hate on Israel is to hate on ethno nationalism
I would say White Identitarian, but WN is more recognisable to a Yank audience
I am fine with Europeans coming here, within reason. Towns becoming 50% polish in 5 years though is a concern and it should be addressed, but is not typical. I am against the EU in practice, I voted out as it is run by the enemy, but I am in favour European cooperation on all levels in principle
>Israel is an ethno state, to hate on Israel is to hate on ethno nationalism
As a nationalist who is pro Afrikaner, Israel, and European, I agree with this.
Shitting on the first europeans while defending israel
The clever thing is you can actually accuse leftists of being anti Semitic and watch them death spiral, its a great line of argument
actually not because palestinians are also semitic
you came in this thread to shit on a fellow nationalist with some fresh ideas and you can no longer take the bants. Keep it moving senpai
apart from pro-israel: very good!
Well even if I am not pro israel emotionally, to use it as an argument and equate it with the validity of ethno nationalism is a totally fortified argument for nationalism that will make leftists (but not extreme left) and moderates be more sympathetic and see sense
Definition of anti semitic is prejudice against Jews. It's like how African American refers only to blacks in Africa, and not Arabs or Afrikaners. And how Hispanic here automatically means you're not white. Not to mention, how Asian just refers to East Asians in the USA and South Asians in the UK while excluding the other groups in the continent.
Trump has done the same, though he using the argument more or less to defend the borders than ethno nationalism. But it's a step.
Realize that there's many leftists who are against Israel and any form of nationalism.
>Pro-Israel white nationalist vegan
Thanks for the kek
Thanks for the cu ck
But Israel was founded illegally.
So what? What state wasn't