Just like America is stronger together rather than divided into 50 countries.
Europe would undoubtable be stronger together
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something something diffrent cultures
something something bait
the eternal Kraut strikes again
I agree but.. there is a price for this. The richer states in the EU will have to invest in the poorer states to reduce the gap in living standards. This way you will also get rid of all the migration inside the EU (Poles, Romanians, etc, coming to your countries to find work).
Then we will have to find a way to remove kebab and gipsies.
Then Europe will be the greatest place on earth.
The new Roman empire, but this time lead by the peoples of Europe.
>The richer states in the EU will have to invest in the poorer states to reduce the gap in living standards.
I am ok with that.
>Then we will have to find a way to remove kebab and gipsies.
I am ok with that.
>Then Europe will be the greatest place on earth.
I am very ok with that.
>The new Roman empire, but this time lead by the peoples of Europe.
Ok, but I don't want some socialist union, I want a right wing union which protects its borders and fucks up the world with its military and nukes.
Can, can America join this union?
Not sure what you are talking about. Last I checked, you left Europe and said "we don't want anything to do with anyone in Europe ever again, we rather trade with the American (((East Coast))) and Auuuuuuusssstralia."
Europe is just a bunch of foreigners being invaded by other foreigners.
>we don't want anything to do with anyone in Europe ever again
The EU != Europe you cuck
It's what I dream
> shitskik turks
> europe
So, do it. Have a vote to ratify a unified european union. That's what we did.
Something, something, competition, something.
Unfortunately no one wants to be in a Europe where all the rules are to benefit Germany.
EU will collapse if the UK leaves. The EU cannot either let countries drop out or punish the ones that do without causing more drop outs.
Ireland was part of the most powerful country in the world while hundreds of thousands died of no potatos. You can keep your strength and your Muslamic rape gangs too.
>absolutely fine with tons of handouts
>"I want a right wing union"
So you want a right-wing welfare mega state? Interesting.
Europe grew stronger when Rome fell, because then there where multiple cultures who emerged, bringing fresh ideas from another view. If everything is steered from on power, it removes healthy competition, which is what made Europe strong.
Na, you guys made history fighting each other.
It would fail, even in France and Germany no one wants some federal wankdream of the Brussels clique.
Russia and Belarus are also Europe. If you will isolate us, we will have to destroy your idyll.
me likey
remove kebab though
fuck EU
divide and conquer this shit
Eat shit.
Ireland spent years fighting for it's independence no matter how much weaker it is it deserves it. Fuck you Jullian.
>stronger together
Oyyyyyy veyyyyyy
>implying Russians/Belorussians would want to be in a political union with other European countries without them being the boss/leader (Soviet union).
you need to have a single language that everyone uses. how about arabic?
can we trade in georgians for armenians? armenians are legit kebab removers.
>The EU != Europe you cuck
What? You realize the countries not in the EEC are Ukraine, Belarus, Moldavia and a few fucked up shitholes in the Balkans like Albania, right?
>how about arabic?
How about some good, old fashioned body language?
Europe will become Africa if the EU isn't destroyed now
Good idea, but (((germany))) must be nuked first.
>more of the same shit will obviously be better for us all
get lost.
>you need to have a single language that everyone uses.
Why? Seriously, why? 70% of Americans never leave their home state. And America still works. Only 20% of Europeans never leave their home state.... despite no common language. How do you think that works?
Sure, just make §1 of the UE's constitution that Europe is solely for Europeans, and that the rest of the constitution will only be ratified once every last non-European has been deported. Any attempt to change or violate §1 has to be punished by death. Any attempt of not punishing it with death has to be punished by death, with punishment of both parties being permitted by the common population.
Until then you can fuck off.
The EU is still not Europe you cuckhold globalist
>The richer states in the EU will have to invest in the poorer states to reduce the gap in living standards.
>I am ok with that.
Merkel isn't ok with that
>Germany alive
>Good idea, but (((germany))) must be nuked first.
You do realize we have no Jews, right? And 86% of Germans were just polled of being against Merkel's rapefugee policy.
If we were so Jewish, how come we express our deep dissatisfaction with the rapefugees?
Fuck off, Merkel.
Europe is not the USA, we have different cultures in different countries.
I just need to drive 200km to the south and i am in italy — a totally different country with different people and an other language. Try to do that in the USA (ghettos don't count).
Yet you still vote for the fucking SDP and CDU en masse.
>I want a unified EU run by Juncker and (((Schulz)) because I hate whites and love rapefugees
t. you
Of course but the trend is not going well for stronger union. I wonder who is behind this
>implies italy is a part of africa or russia now
The EU is shit You all fucked up
>implying anyone wants to be in a political union with Germany on our side of the continent
Those neonazis are blackmailing everyone with economic isolation, the sole and only reason why the EU still exists.
america doesnt have 50 distinct cultures
I don't mind being more united with my European bros, but I think keeping our identity, including our culture, language and such, is of the utmost importance.
culture is just a social construct. you're holding yourself back by not uniting.
>culture is just a social construct
Yes. And.
spoken like a true globalist
You first burger, unite yourself with mexico
>ukraine but not belarus
>turkey and georgia(?)
Might be ok with this if we get something similar to 2nd amendment. Currently, all the EU politicians are trying to do is take away the firearms of law-abiding owners while failing miserably in preventing automatic firearms entering the country. AK goes for around 700-1000€ in most major cities, you don't even have to be well-connected to find that shit.
Oh, and less bureaucracy plz
They should replace all EU countrys flags with an EU flag for april fools, the shit storm of confusion would be epic.
>america doesnt have 50 distinct cultures
And because of all the different "cultures" in Europe, a Bulgarian and a Portuguese and and an Irishman cannot work together to protect the Greek borders... or kill some ISIS folks... GOTCHA!
I guess, those completely distinct cultures consist of 28 different religions, 28 completely different sets of TV shows people watch, 28 compleltely different ways to dress, 28 completely different ways to drink coffee, 28 completely different national sports etc.
People are stupid, a Texan is more different from a Californian than an Irish person is from a Dutch person.
>a Texan is more different from a Californian than an Irish person is from a Dutch person.
You can suck the barrel of my K31 if you think i'll ever united with you mudslime
>>ukraine but not belarus
>>turkey and georgia(?)
Blue is the EU, orange is single market, green are associated countries, light blue countries which are EU candidate countries, yellow is Kosovo and purple... well purple is the UK which is leaving.
Belarus and Russia have no official, legal ties with the EU.
>You can suck the barrel of my K31 if you think i'll ever united with you mudslime
The Swiss have 35% foreigners in their country and they criticize Germans for having 15% foreigners. You got more blacks in Switzerland than we have.
>Just like America is stronger together rather than divided into 50 countries.
Fuck you Fritz this is the 3rd time you try this BS.
It's about high time all the nations of Europe came together and gassed all the Germans.
I don't really care about how strong geopolitically is 2bh I care much more about quality of life
Would much rather live in Norway/Switzerland than america, Russia or china for example
Holy shit if you add albania to the EU. I can't fucking wait.
Last I checked, that picture is from Slovenia. Slovenia isn't in Germany. Why didn't Slovenia shoot them, if they are so great and don't want them in Europe?
Basically what this is
Oh, I see.
But then is it really european anymore?
You invited them, they were all heading for your women.
>It's about high time all the nations of Europe came together and gassed all the Germans.
Ok, will you pay back all the subsidies we paid you before?
If you hate us so much, can you please fuck off out of the EU, get all your Romanian shitters out of Germany and build a wall to Hungary?
If you are willing to speak Finnish and adopt Finnish culture, sure thing Hans.
No. We don't. The 35% Foreigners are only 3-6% Negro.
Suck my gun rights. Globalist jew faggot
>Would much rather live in Norway/Switzerland than america, Russia or china for example
I lived in Switzerland and America and I take America any time, hands down.
Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD
> investmentwatchblog.com
Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’
> theamericanmirror.com
“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
> sarawakreport.org
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!
Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV
> youtube.com
Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist
> youtube.com
are you that autistic swiss who is very obviously a serb diaspora that does nothing but bag on albanians? look at all your posts here, you clearly have a very deep problem against a people you likely know nothing about
> all the subsidies we paid you before?
You mean the poorly invested money that barely gets absorbed by Romania and combined with the money we pay the EU we are worst off?
>If you hate us so much, can you please fuck off out of the EU, get all your Romanian shitters out of Germany and build a wall to Hungary?
Germany like the rest of EU was against us gassing the gypos so you deal with them, and Hungary already built a wall.
>Holy shit if you add albania to the EU. I can't fucking wait.
We agreed in the 1950s that all European countries have a right to apply for membership. Can't take that promise back now, can we?
>You invited them, they were all heading for your women.
That picture was before Merkel invited them.
>But then is it really european anymore?
Everything in Europe is European. The only three countries which are usually seen as European but are not are Turkey, Ireland and the UK as they have no real ties to Europe.
Stronger how? In the sense that they are strongly conquered by Islam?
>Albanian here to defend his criminal brothers.
Enjoy the entire Albanian "people" flooding your country with their insatiable lust for organized crime
>No. We don't.
You got like 70,000 black people in Switzerland, Germany has only 400.000 black people. You got more proportionally.
>You mean the poorly invested money that barely gets absorbed by Romania and combined with the money we pay the EU we are worst off?
Yes, that one. Please pay it back.
>Germany like the rest of EU was against us gassing the gypos so you deal with them, and Hungary already built a wall.
There are also Romanian hookers here, like 50,000 or so. Take them back. And I don't care what Hungary did, I am asking you to build a wall, to keep out all the Europeans who so desperately try to get to Romania.
>Shifting goal-posts
>You got like 70,000 black people in Switzerland
But most of them are on the way to Germany.
>Enjoy the entire Albanian "people" flooding your country with their insatiable lust for organized crime
Are you living in the 1970s?
Half of Albania already settled in Germany. We got Albanians playing in our national soccer team for Allah's sake!
No gibs in switzerland. All the negroes dreaming of Hartz IV
>Stronger how? In the sense that they are strongly conquered by Islam?
Unlike you, Burger, we Europeans actually start to heavily invest in border walls. Spain has long built up walls and big fences against illegals from Africa.
We are now paying Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece to put up double lined fences and sensors and night vision goggles to defend against illegals coming from Turkey.
Just because you cannot keep out your 12 million illegals, doesn't mean we cannot try to keep out our 1.5 million illegals.
Go away Merkel.
First aid kit is way way WAY better than Germany it isn't even debatable
>Albanian here to defend his criminal brothers.
not an argument kike
>germans yet again seeking to deny their own heritage, instead opting for a soulless, materialistic "european" identity.
>More different that an Irishman/Dutchman
France admit it you're a shithole. Too many mudslimes. Banning burkinis was a nice step though.
yes, under one leader, with only one army, with no no whites, with an authotitharian government
I am absolutely with cutting off the shitholes of the world, which are France, Italy and Spain/Portugal. Please leave as fast as you can.
> fought for centuries
> fails
> it deserves it