When did you realize that Satan is just a cosmic Trump that wants to liberate everyone and make the multiverse great again, while the Bible is basically just the MSM?
When did you realize that Satan is just a cosmic Trump that wants to liberate everyone and make the multiverse great...
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but I always thought it was weird that all Lucifer did was think he was as good as god. He didn't hurt anybody he just thought highly of himself
God flooded the earth, killed millions of people and basically was/is a dick
you would prefer middle eastern brown people over your pagan kinsman 5000 years ago? when christ was alive europe was filled with evil pagans after all. this is for christians
>He didn't hurt anybody he just thought highly of himself
Is this what they're teaching american kids these days?
Nice try but Blavatsky's fan fiction was trash.
God was kind of a jerk, I give you that
America is dead.
what people did Lucifer hurt or kill
All of them. Every evil action, every evil thought. All rooted in Satan.
God controls Satan.
Or are you telling me God, who is supposedly perfect, has a force who is able to oppose him?
Nice try Satan.
Now get behind me
look I don't believe in this shit and I'm not roleplaying.
Show me in the bible where Lucifer hurt somebody, killed somebody. Shouldn't be hard I'm sure you can google it
go ahead, I'll wait here ;)
you dont think trump gives a shit about the bible right? one of the reasons i like him, cruz is for you if youre a christfaggot
>posts devaronian
This is true in some regards. But who brought sin into the world? Not God.
Also this is silly, am I more powerful than the government? No. Can I cause a bunch of fucking mayhem even though I'm not as powerful? Damn right.
The book of Job. Anyway, sin was born of Satan. Every bad thing that happens in this world, comes from Satan.
that's not true, god killed more people than satan. satan actually killed 0 people, god killed millions
i said Lucifer, go ahead and copy/paste that part of the bible you're referencing where Lucifer hurts/kills a man
The book of job is the worst thing you can bring up to defend God m8. Lucifer was like god your best follower is only good because you give him good shit. So God punished job because lucifer said job was not perfect.
Lucifer/Satan. Same thing.
God is perfect and just. Not capable of evil. If you want to use different definitions you come up out of no where we are no longer talking about the same thing. If you can't understand this there is nothing to discuss. It would be like you trying to explain anything to me whilst I use my own definitions.
Wow, so mean to tell me satan challenged God, leading to the whole situation, which otherwise would never have been a possibility. I'm real tired of apologetics. If these guys want to know something, they can earnestly and diligently seek the answers. I'm not responsible for their actions or their souls. I'm not inclined nor responsible to help them think either.
but he did I think 8-10 times still not a genocidal amount but he did kill some people.
Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’
> theamericanmirror.com
Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD
> investmentwatchblog.com
“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
> sarawakreport.org
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!
Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV
> youtube.com
Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist
> youtube.com
'I think women today are better suited for business than men,’
‘But we also have a responsibility to pass on to our children more wealth than we received’
> haaretz.com
Somebody explain to me how the Christian God isn't just El, one of the gods from the ancient Canaanite religion.
>Lucifer/Satan. Same thing.
Sorry, im muslim
They are the same being mate.
Sadly I can't argue this as I'm going to work in 1 minutes but do you think it was necessary for God to do what he did in job as he already knew what would happen before it happened.
Satanism is inherently flawed as the universe provides all without the need for intervention. All we do, regardless of intent, is make things worse for ourselves and other people. Peace is in nature, not control.
No, he's telling you that the Earth was given to Satan.
Read your bible, moran.
Trump is a white man. Why would a white man be the fictional being of a shitskin fairy tale?
Trump is Zeus.
i'm the guy saying
"copy/paste the part of the bible where lucifer hurts or kills a man"
reminding you all I don't believe this shit and I am not a satanist or a christian
but seriously
somebody please
copy/paste the part of the bible that should convince me the Lucifer is a bad guy
still waiting
Oh my glob, someone teach this man about primitive concious and evolutionary baggage. We are all animals born of this Earth. Some people can't control their "devil-filled" thoughts because of the brutality of nature. Keep lying to yourself and try really hard to block out negative thoughts, then you'll get your wish of immortality. Lmfao The original government was religion, faggot.
God is never wrong.
>try really hard to block out negative thoughts
Easy as pie my friend. Keep attempting to justify your barbaric tendencies and vile behavior instead of taking accountability for your actions.
Uh, the Book of Genesis, and tempting Eve to disobey Our Lord?
That's in the first few pages.
>Calls me barbaric and vile for disagreeing with his good vs bad picture of the universe
It's easy for anyone to act right if they were raised by logical thinking parents. FFS just be happy and stop thinking about non-sense. Good day, sir!
>Its core philosophy is based on individualism and egoism, encouraging an epicurean pursuit of fleshly indulgence, an eye for an eye ethical code, and the concept of "self-deification". The philosophy positions itself in favor of Social Darwinism and opposes egalitarianism, seeing it as a conservator of mediocrity and decadence, and to a larger extent, the Abrahamic faiths, which are seen as lies which promote idealism, self-denigration, herd behavior, and irrationality. The philosophy seeks more draconian measures taken in the realm of law and order, and may also support some forms of eugenics.[1] The religion propagates a naturalistic worldview, seeing mankind as animals existing in an amoral universe.
Sounds like Sup Forums tbqh famalam...
God can kill who ever he wants fag.
Also read the Bible you dumb fedora fags, Satan attempted to unite himanity under a one world government in Babel and wants to usurp Gods authority and cause men to worship him.
Sure. Have fun in hell.
Typical evangelical response. Lol And you have fun hating the world which allowed to life. Do all non-Christians go to hell? GET REKT.
Yes brother, he will take away all of your worries and pain
Go to sleep brother, your master has everything under control
do you realize that there would be absolutely no suffering, evil, corruption, disease, war, abuse, adultery/sexual immorality, occultism, etc if there was no satan?
I do. Maybe you should read the Bible, at that point you will understand why.
What if I told you my family forced the Bible on me until I was 17 and it's filled with simpleton poems about being good to others, or how the Creator can make you immortal so you can see your family and friends again... Awesome rule book and I'll admit it's better than most of the others.
I'd say that you sound like you are 14 years old.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
You can conclude the sound of my voice and/or judge my maturity by reading an opposing arguement? In that case, you sound like your teeth are canted and neon yellow.
The serpent has never explicitly been confirmed to be Lucifer.
Whence comes sin?
ironically you couldnt be more right about trump and satan being alike, trump is literally the anti christ
> inb4 ctr
> inb4 bb b b ut hillary is bad!
hillary is just a puppet too, her job is to contribute to this big song and dance that has all of you white goyim men, the smartest and most influential, capable people, to be distracted, think you understand the situation fully and are addressing the "problems" and "solving them" while in reality, you have no idea whats actually going on, youre spouting kike invented memes and supporting politicians who are closely tied to kikes
this is true on both counts, but i'd rather the puppet than that asshat
I would say it is very unfortunate you ended up the way you have having recognized the things you did. A true same. By the way, you have made a statement, you did not present an argument. I would also say you remind me of all the friends I disowned due their undying tomfoolery, and lack of anything substantive other than dude weed bro just love everyone.
which is supposed to be which? they are both puppets. they are both asshats.
either way we're fucked, you may as well not vote but of course you all will anyways. society is fucked and the ONLY way it will ever get better is by collapse and rebuilding, and even then we'll be very vulnerable to corruption from there. The kikes control this world through and through, any semblance of options, sides, a chance or hope is an illusion made by them to keep us from freaking out and taking this into our own hands which would get in the way of their work, which is to bring about the prophecy of the 2nd coming of the messiah.
So yeah the philosophy of complete egotistical, ends justify all means, and masochistic bullshit hardly justifies an ethos to define a "democracy" by. Granted a trump presidency would be great for trump
I just realized this is from A New Hope.
you are stupid
people who talk about imaginary fictional things
Lucifer is a nigger.
God controls everything, Lucifer thought he could do a better job then someone who he knows is omnipotent. Lucifer was a retard.
God is hands off since the time of jewbooks. Lucifer actively wants to rule your ass. I prefer the apathetic asshole to the active one.
>anti christ
>hated by nearly everyone
Go away.
Given that christfags were the norm it's safe to say that satanism was the pol of its day
They're literally not. Modern Christianity conflates Satan/Lucifer/the Devil but they're all different things.
My thought is that with hillary it'll be business as usual so to speak giving enough time for shit to settle down and to actually make a difference knowing that. Trump is a puppet but not a quiet one and i think would cause more problems than solutions because of that. Just because the system is corrupt and that pisses people off doesn't mean its okay to substitute it for straight anarchy, i'd rather take a sideways move to a backslide.
do you realize that there is no satan or god and there never has been? do you realize nobody has known or will ever know what happens when you die? So for anyone to think any religion is the "right religion" is fucking retarded and doing nothing but conning you
Fuck off with your esoteric bull shit.
>do you realize that there is no satan or god and there never has been?
>do you realize nobody has known or will ever know what happens when you die?
I wonder how long it will take you.
>"you wouldn't be intentionally trying to trick people..oh hurumpf good sir... " "do i need to call the police" "here use my phone, it won't make you deaf because i'm not a hack"
pretty much fits right?
if youre actually right prove it, make an actual argument instead of spewing fucking memes, prove it to me if its so obvious to you! everyone hates trump? weird because he gets a lot of media attention and woah he also got voted for a lot, and woah its almost like you've never heard of controlled opposition its almost like youre retarded enough to think that the jews dont lie and manipulate and try to make us believe things that are an illusion
dispute any of the following things:
- trump is a passionate zionist
- trump is friends with netanyahu
- trump hangs kabal imagery above his desk
- all of trumps children are married to jews
- trump's great grandmother has an ashkenazi jew last name, and her father is has the same last name + a hebrew middle name
- trump has been friends with the clintons in the past
- trump was close friends with jeffrey epstein, famous rich jewish rapist of goyim children
Esoteric but true.
>But who brought sin into the world? Not God.
Being the creator of all, God created sin.
what how long it will take me to start thinking irrationally and believe some dead jew on a stick is going to somehow save my soul which has never been proven to exist?
hopefully never because im not a mindless twat
The anti christ will be loved by all.
You can believe what you will. I won't bother telling you different.
Sin wasn't created. It is not something which exists in it's own right. It is the degradation of virtue. This meme is legitimately autism tier.
Nope, not what I was playing at. Try again.
im not talking about anarchy, im talking about the biblical end times. I'm talking about massive loss of population. people need to be running to the woods and going survivalist mode for awhile at least and if we're lucky perhaps by the grace of God we'll have a chance to come back out and rebuild without the jews this time this is what our forefathers came to america to do.
if you just pay attention you can clearly tell that the jewish cabal have already planned everything out, trump will win, and things will probably remain relatively stable but we will keep being subverted by kikes for years at least, making things harder and harder on us as demographics shift. by the way, the ice caps are melting, this is going to cause sea levels to ride and it will take out coasts, the place where everyone lives, which means massive influx of refugees, we're gonna be fucked and this is supposed to happen by 2020 if I am remembering correctly, so I think that we're just in for the ride, gonna watch the puppet show and wait for the end times like I said because thats our only way out.
the ONLY other thing us goyim could do to mess with the system is stop everything, dont vote, dont go to work, dont buy anything- if we all stayed in our houses for just one week and a huge chunk of people stopped moving money around that alone could collapse our economy.
>the Bible is esoteric knowledge
Not really a theologist but my thought is that sin basically stems from some misunderstanding but goes further to cause chaos from that misunderstanding. Essentially the parable of satan and god is like a child rebelling against his father because he doesn't understand, i mean its like giving a kid an m16 sure the kid might think he wants it because its cool but its fucking irresponsible to give him it when no good can come from it. But then it becomes this big debate on whos hypocritical and etc etc. holy wars and shit.
a. you fucking moron how many times do I have to explain this to you? the jews lie you fucking idiot! they manipulate. they trick goyim and pull strings so that the world looks like whatever they want us to think it does. b. except for the elect few who will see through it. all of you cucked "alt-right" worshipers are exactly fulfilling the prophecy, that the anti christ will claim to be the only solution to impending chaos and danger, that he alone can save us, and they will all love him, be inspired by him, believe him 100%, except for the elect few who will know in their heart that it is a lie.
Luciferians and christfags, get off my board, fucking normies!
>the jews lie
>the antichrist is actually a thing
Pick one please.
That's not from the Bible you stupid nigger. Why don't you read the interaction him and I had before you spout non-sense you fucking dweeb.
indirectly from god since it created the All and it contains the All, you cant say hurr burr its not gods fault its satan who do the bad, when god was the one who made lucifer satan the devil whoever, gave the ability and perception to commit "sin", sin, something only man cna understand and give meaning to, some bloke upward mentioned that god is perfection and just and cannot do evil, this dude literally defined something that cannot be defined by man he imposed human traits such as good and evil to a "god" that isnt human doesnt think like a human and in all parts but its "likeness" isnt human, sin like everything else comes from god and god alone since it made the All and it governs the rules of the All.
Lucifer was sent to earth as a lightning arrow fired out of god's quiver according to the bible,
And i'm telling you, that ship has sailed or at least is postponed, what it all comes down to is this big division of people and nation states trying to pick sides and lead both sides respectfully because they think its a war they can "win". And at the end of it all it comes down too is that when you have that philosophers stone that ideal to save it all, are you willing to risk not only yourself and your own life but everyone else in the process full knowing that there are groups out there with nuclear arsenals who are willing to destroy it all because they don't understand what they want in the first place and are expecting a specific result. You can't understand the answer before you completely understand the question your even asking.. hegel's synthesis etc etc.. but with nuclear weapons and childish narcissists.
>Lucifer dindu nuffin
God creates all.
God creates misunderstanding.
What part of "supreme creator" don't people understand?
Does it exist?
Is it God?
If the answers are yes and no respectively, God created it.
Just because something is evil or bad doesn't mean it wasn't created by God.
This is one of the premier flaws of Abrahamic faith. An ultimate creator with the power of foresight creates the very evil it so strongly disagrees with.
Otherwise, it cannot be called God for there would have to be others of equal or higher power. But don't expect Jews, Christians, and Muslims to understand things like "catch 22", because they're all either fucktards, or deviants using faith as a tool of control.
76 replies nobody can reference a single time Lucifer killed and/or hurt a person in the bible
Lucifer confirmed the good guy, thanks
What's not from the Bible is any notion that Lucifer is Satan is the Devil. See previously attached image, fuckwit.
this seems like a question of free will, just because you were created doesn't mean you don't have a choice. Just because your in the band doesn't mean you can't be out of tune. sorry if thats too corny for you.
...gnostic thread?
book of job. kills jobs entire family.
really surprised the christ tard maods haven't deleted this yet
the bible isn't real faggot, stop referencing a book of jewish witchcraft as muh facts
OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU ARE STUPID. What are you, a kike? You must be, that's why you're trying to lie about Trump. You fucking retard, the Hebrews of the OT are not the Jews of today and they were never called Jews in the Bible either. The Hebrews in the OT were to become Christians when Christ came. Those that could not see him for who he was, or who refused to, are the Jews of today, they are from Satan and from the seed of Cain. This is all explained in the Bible. You're a moron.
ignore the "hes the antichrist cause hes mean!!" bullshit, this is written by a leftist kike puppet as well, but I've fact checked all of the etymology/name meanings and numbers for the 666 info and it's all correct, including that Trump Towers are 666ft. tall, and that his office (the one where he keeps his kabbal artwork) is on the 66th floor. I'm not saying that these 666 connections somehow make him the anti christ, that comes from an entirely different place but some of the stuff here is interesting and it is an odd coincidence, right shlomo?
still waiting on you to dispute any of the stuff from my list or explain to me how any of that doesnt make him a jew, or why hes not a jew, or anything really besides the jewish invented meme that "people dont like him!"
Satan is a left libertarian faggot who enjoys misery
because if your lucifer your goal is to let other people "choose" to do the wrong for you because of some lie and do so to the point where you can try to point out a hypocritic notion of god because the people and good it represents caused great evil or that the necessities of life outweigh the meaning of a persons life, but the fucked up thing is that the necessity would have been averted without the sensationalism or lie of the situtation. Its like hey why are you punching yourself.
An ultimate creator, i.e. "God", would have had to create free will, and being all-seeing, would have to know the negatives that can come from free will.
Stop trying to play devil's ad with Abrahamism. It's a babby-tier faith system with the dumbest religious ideas ever thought up by men. It all comes from desert nomads in the Levant area. A buncha fucking arabs came up with this stupid shit. It passed up into Greece then into Rome and then spread out like a cancer across the world, preying on people's fears over mortality.
Pic related. This is what Abrahamists really believe.
The anti Christ is supposed to come from the east. Is he not?
>When did you realize that Satan is just a cosmic Trump that wants to liberate everyone and make the multiverse great again
when this meme started