You can't make this shit up

You can't make this shit up

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wow what a terrific thread

this thread REALLY made me think


sphericalearthfags BTFO

I dont see shit nigga

do you flat earth faggot retards even realize that the geocentric model of ptolemy's held that the earth was a sphere?

that people ever generally believed that the earth was flat, at least educated people, is a lie invented by a fiction writer in the 19th century

Mmmm... i wonder why...

They just can't fathom that earth is just -that- big can they?
It's like their brains have an anti-mindblown process they fall back in case of danger

I feel at home on this thread

because being so close to the pole would fuck an airplane's instruments moron

>the poles are actual giant magnets
Globefags pls

>implying anyone believes in a flat earth
>implying these threads aren't made by /leftypol/

What said, what tools could you possibly need to fly in a straight line anyway?

Goys can't handle the truth

Gee I guess you need something like, I don't know, a compass to navigate?

Then again you've never actually flown an airplane so you wouldn't know now would you?

why are you posting this fat cunt?

>use compass at starting point
>don't turn
Wooooooooooooow so difficult

Planes use GPS you moron.

You're a funny troll guy. You might be welcome at the FES.


low test detected.

No you stupid fucks flat earth is a false flag

The earth is hollow

It couldn't be that ice would form on the plane making it drop out of the sky?

Because it's fucking -100F there?

OH riiiight forgot all about those instruments. GPS you say?

Doesn't that mean GLOBAL positioning system?
Doesn't that mean there are satellites orbiting the earth?

Seems counter intuitive actually.

I still don't know who dis is

Planes fly over Antarctica all the time.

Cool check it out.

There are flight routes between s Africa Australia and Argentina. Look it up

flat earth is the ultimate red pill, guess some people arent ready for it


Flatearthers are a shill tactic. Making outrageous claims to pant a seed of doubt in the mind of other Sup Forumsacks
>"These are the people I've been listening to"
>"They can't possibly be serious. This is nuts."

Stay goy's, guys.


Say I accepted that the earth is flat. I won't, because I'm not retarded, but hypothetically. Why is it "the ultimate red pill"? Apparently everything works *as if* the earth were round. Everything every earthling has ever done or cared about has made perfect sense even if they were wrong about the earth being a sphere.

The "ultimate red pill" then does nothing but make you look like a moron at parties, then?

Easy to prove the Earth's a sphere with a liquid outer core & solid inner core

The real reason why these flight paths do not exist is because a jet liner can never travel further than a certain distance from an approved airfield for its size that it can reach with only 1 engine operational.

I know, it's shocking that Canada has the queen on their penny

What reason would every meteorologist, astrophysicist, cartographer, pilot, and explorer have for hiding the fact that the Earth is flat?

if the earth isn't a sphere

how do you explain the ping times between;


The ping time between a series of servers across a geographic model of a spherical earth show the ping times we would expect.

there is literally no model of a flat earth that doesnt involve violating the speed of light that accounts for the difference in data transmission ping latencies across the earth.

flatfags BTFO with an experiment that literally anyone with a computer and web-browser can carry out.

according to neil degrasse tyson the earth has a pear shape, so according to an actual scholar you're wrong.... just sayin'

>beautiful-at-any-size-slag detected

>giving a shit about black science guy.


the speed of light is jewish propaganda newspeak
Physicists like (((Roemer))) and (((Einstein))) promoting their cult of personality. It's a fucking disgrace.

Jews of course.

those are generous fucking thighs you fucking bitchass dickfucking bitch

any more though & it's a problem

that table is a spinning ball, you can tell judging alone by how the coin set behind the curvature.
perspective 101.

The truth is that nazis built a bunker under antarctica, there was a us expedition to there and they lost a part of their fleet and retreated after only a few days when they were set to stay there for weeks.

most do no even know. Celebrities (fat cats) amongst them do.