>National Enquirer
Wew lad
>National Enquirer
Didn't they BTFO Rato though?
thank you for #correctingtherecord
I am now a cruzmissile
Love ittttt
o shi
The enquirer has broke more real news than any of the other main stream newspapers in the last 30 years
she's just so disgusting
who wants an old hag president?
and tim kaine looks like a pedo
They're pretty good at getting their hands on things. They practically wrote the rule book on that aspect of journalism.
kek. kinda surprised the shitty tabloids are on our side though
>real news stories
List them, please.
Wow, even newspapers use clickbait.
that's the combo I want in charge of our nukes
Not really everyone knew about it and it was supposed to be the october surprise if Bush didnt win and Cruz did.
So they technically BTFO of the controlled oppositions how to lose to Clinton plan.
I've been paying attention to this crap since 1986.
The enquirer hits grand slams occasionally.
Fuck if I can list them from memory right this second.
Just a friendly reminder that there is overwhelming evidence Dyin' Lyin' Crooked Clinton's cough is from ACE inhibitors as part of a series of medications for stroke, that she had a TIA and not a concussion during Dec 2012, and that she has been lying about it ever since.
>donald trump health record is suggested in google search
>hillary clinton health record refuses to appear in google search
hmmmm I feel like there must be something there
Trump actually has Alzheimer's. I bet you'll still trust him with nukes.
the enquirer is known to be the most cliche, "clickbait" paper. Its always got outrageous headlines that assure us X person is dying or cheated on someone.
Really, not even like five of them?
They publish that shit in tabloids so people won't take it seriously. Every single piece of media is bought in favor of Hillary.
it's been right many times though
of course the people don't want to talk about it
so is daillymail and breitbart but Anons continue to post their shit here
This is basically a women's magazine so dumpy housewives can get in on the Hillary bashing too.
>National Enquirer
Her face is (awfully) similar to the pict related
Here's the redpill. You ready?
What if every magazine listed as a tabloid was really telling the truth, but was just discredited by the kike media?
John Edwards affair
Jesse Jackson love child
Rush Limbaugh is a junkie
Tiger Woods affair
Oj Simpson
John Edwards scandal
Bill Cosby
That gay republican who met gays in bathrooms
That's all I remember from memory.
Are you with the MiB?
You could do independent research you know. Instead of being spoon fed by anonymous 50 year old men.
I knew she was Soros.
Her an trump are the same age
Its how she rolls...
Monica Lewinsky
>anything that reports the truth is a "tabloid"
>any plot that is uncovered is a "conspiracy theory" >anyone who speaks the truth is "crazy"
yeah and she looks and acts like a geezer and Trump doesn't
could be genetics or lifestyle, who knows
off the top of my head
John Edwards
OJ Simpson
Steve Jobs
Ted Cruz
all stories the NE broke that were 100% correct
eat a bag of dicks
It's like someone took a CLICK BAIT and posted in in real life. Amazing.
News outlets have to be leftist for it to be credible? I look at all sides of a story and find the truth that way. But CNN this cycle has been worse than any other news source.
what a fucking alpha
i aspire to be like that some day
>Monica Lewinsky
that was Drudge
>Ted Cruz
Was bullshit but it was bad coverage anyway.
>repeat themselves regularly, such as asking the same question several times
>obsessive, repetitive or impulsive behaviour
>delusions (believing things that are untrue) or feeling paranoid and suspicious about carers or family members
>problems with speech or language (aphasia)
>changes in mood, such as frequent mood swings, depression and feeling increasingly anxious, frustrated or agitated
These are all symptoms of Alzheimer's that Trump has shown.
So celebrity gossip?
No, Watergate?
No, Snowden leaks?
No, Panama Papers?
I mean you can enjoy the articles but it really does pander to the lowest common denominator browsing the supermarket aisle. But important scandals I don't really think fits. I couldn't really care whose getting their dick wet or, in the case of Larry Craig, dry.
me too
In what way was it bullshit? The 5 affairs didn't exist? Do you know that for a fact?
If a whore like zoey quinn can do it a first term senator surely can
That's what this is.
Also John Edwards was set to be president but they destroyed him.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
It's innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. They made a claim about Ted Cruz having affairs with 5 women with no sort of actual evidence beyond word of mouth.
It was about as absurd the women crying sexual harassment because that one man made the "Hugh Mungus" joke.
You're clearly not from here, that paper is literally a meme.
But thanks for trying partially based user
Our US tabloids, or britbong newspapers in general, were really the first Buzzfeed, Vox, WatchMojo, etc. drivel before the internet.
National Enquirer mentioned it in November of 1997 and Drudge covered it in January 1998.
>shifting the goal posts this hard
Whether or not it's "real news" has nothing to do with whether or not it's true. The National Enquirer at least does actual journalistic investigation to keep from getting sued.
i wouldn't mind giving her a once over
To be honest this hurts the revelation at 76% of doctors polled by the American association of physicians and surgeons said there is something wrong with her. Only 2.6% of the doctors thought it was a political attack.
the CNN slut amanda carpender posted pics at hotels with condom packages in view and was caught meeting with Cruz regularly for dinner and at hotels. also posted articles about sleeping with married men and called Cruz daddy on twitter
You don't understand, National Enquirer is literally a tabloid, like, my wife fucked an alien and now my son is a bigfoot level tabloid. You can buy them at gas stations and walmart for a couple dollars
Trump is not rotting to death.
She is a walking corpse being held together with glue and medicine.
>wtf I hate this fetish now
I think there was something there too. The big thing that made me believe it was somewhat true was when Glenn Beck came out and said that if it was an affair a few years ago he would forgive him. I think Glenn was preparing for an evidence drop.
>Instead of being spoon fed by anonymous 50 year old men.
Ironically, that's how most media outlets used to get their government-related scandals from.
You're thinking of Weekly World News.
>national enquirer
because the cruz sex scandal went so well
No, he works at the post office.
John Edwards. They won a pulitzer.
They were also probably correct about Cruz's affairs.
>The National Enquirer at least does actual journalistic investigation to keep from getting sued.
This is why Scientology has stopped trying to fight them. Losing a court battle to the National Enquirer because they cover your evil shit instead of doing cover ups like the rest of the media.
The first MiB movie was a psyop (as are all movies, to an extent). They could say all sorts of crazy shit that was true and nobody would ever believe it again. Think about web search results for the real MIB and how they became poisoned after the movie was released. You couldn't find any of the old stuff without stumbling into fanfic.
what's a leppo?
>shifting the goal posts
What? I literally posted that from the beginning of this discussion:
Also if you really want to have this new discussion about the veracity and credibility of the Enquirer it's going to be an uphill battle. Especially if you want to compare it's track record to actual newspapers.
Did Cruz ever sue them for libel? If not then it was likely true.
No. No they didn't.
your implications won't stop trump from citing this as if it's real just as he has done before
Trump is healthy tho
Buy yourself a map Gary.
Pretending it didn't happen doesn't make it true, shill.
You CTR fags are getting lazy
National Enquirer is legit.
They're one of the few news media organizations that isn't run by pro-government puppets.
Yes - National Enquirer breaks news stories before many others, just like TMZ.
Just goes to show how fucked our "official" media is.
Shill detected.
Doesn't matter. Normies (particularly women) eat tabloid shit up. I can I live with exploiting the gullibility of middle-aged women over trying to prove specific points to a millennials who wont listen or vote anyway.
i saw that in the supermarket yesterday
funny as fuck and pure justice
I must have alzheimers too and I'm only 24
LOL retard
Thanks CTR :^)
> Shock! Horror! National Enquirer wins a Pulitzer. Not
Holy shit, read your own links.
Do you actually do any fucking research or do you just post the first link that shows up on google?
You're an embarrassment to this board.
>i'm factually wrong
>gonna have to call him a shill!
You're why everyone shits on this board now.
If you're going to vote for Trump, you probably do.
got a shillary advertisement kek
I mean everyone has always kinda shit on this board thanks to spergs of all flavors.
So is the New York Daily "News" but the libkikes have no problem about it. The most vulgar yellow press trash jewy newspaper imaginable
thats his fucking daughter
Yeah but most of us were in on the joke. Shit, sometimes we could have actual discussions and you'd learn something new from Sup Forums. This board has slid into full retardation with the amount of newfags and re[spoiler][/spoiler]dd[spoiler][/spoiler]it activists who want to "hack the planet".
It's like Sup Forums after chanology. It's still fine for shitposting but the heart is gone.