Why is Sup Forums obsessed with the end of the world and habbenings...

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with the end of the world and habbenings? Are you all clinically depressed or do you just enjoy seeing people suffer?

beats the slow, agonizing putrescence of a once proud society

also an end of the world scenario tends to weed out the useless & frivolous pretty damn quick

Why not both?

Not sure but it's starting to get to my decision making. I can't think long term and seriously can't imagine the united States in 30 years so I lose the will to get a good career

the french are not people

This guy gets it.
Checked btw.

Sup Forums is the true face of multiculturalism. We have people from all over the world interacting with each other at all times, and this is the result.


Everyone likes destruction, it's the coolest distraction from the present moment, this latter being the scariest thing.


Because the world is shit, humans are shit, the ayy lmao experiment is obviously a disaster.
Need a reset button or completely wipe us already.

One leads to another tbqh

because whenever the happening occurs, at least a few of us will be able to sit in our bedrooms, with a computer in our lap, various streams up, and lol in the comfiness that would be the happening, while in the echo chamber of bliss that is pol, minus the normies.

this amigo.

Mi valedor


the only reason i havent sudoku'd myself is because im anticipating ww3


Boredom is a disease worse than cancer.

I don't, watch a movie for chrissake.

>fucking this

Sup Forums is the only communtiy i have and when something big goes down its like all my problems are gone. Because were laughing at tge problems of others

Because nature can't produce anything that can compare with the beauty of civilizations dying in nuclear fire
Though a cuck such as you won't understand it

I think I go for the 2nd and would like to add that I genuinly hate this degenerate society and everyone who is fine with it.

I don't wish for the end or a happening. I've been in enough suffering to not want any more.

Following a really good happening feels a lot like sex that I can attest

Death is painless.

Because it needs to die and be reborn from its ashes.
That is the nature of civilization as we know it up to now. They have all risen, dominated, and slowly fell to decadence and internal strife. Even biblicaly, the entire world, at once, has had to have been destroyed and reborn. The first world is LONG overdue for collapse. It's been itching at it for years and we've grown tired of running around like paranoid monkeys. I know you may not think the average person lives like this but that's only they all each associate problems with the immediate, the superficial.
We are meant to witness the end. It's like we're getting closer and closer to some huge junction point in time where tons of strings lead. The majority of end times prediction is around this time, and due to the nature of our technology information is rapid and explosive. It doesn't matter how we get there at this point, it's just a matter of when.
It's like looking at a massive puzzle with one piece missing. You just wanna see it complete.

Came to post this

Oh shid! Ids habbening! You just jelly.

I don't know who told you that shit, certainly no one who has died.

Because happenings are going to occur, the question is of "sooner" or "later". I'd rather that they happen SOONER so that the redpill can be spread to as many people as possible before it's too late.

It's that kind of attitude that will damn you to hell for all eternity.

Watch footage of the holocaust if you're THAT bored and in the mood for suffering.

I always wondered when Sup Forums would admit this. That this, right here, is the best diversity will ever get.
Only here does it truly not matter where you are from. Everyone gets the bantz.

because we are human. Humanity is obsessed with an end, in part due to our linear view of time. We want an end to give meaning to what came before.


mmmmm Ham night

>tfw nothing is ever actually happening

Have you seen a fight in middle school? Remember how everyone would circle around them and cheer. Now imagine the fight us a happening and the kids are Sup Forums. Makes sense

Because anyone who can survive such cataclysm is better suited to guide human advancement for better purposes than pathetic materialistic dick weaving plutocrats can ever imagine

I am not "clinically" anything, Jew, its just time for the reset. either politically or forcefully, its on its way and theres no stopping it. and no i dont cheer and clap for our demise like most of the autists that show up in happening threads but i dont deny what is an eventuality.

Nobody knows because no one lives to tell about it :^)