It's a racism is bad PSA episode

>it's a racism is bad PSA episode

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Good. We're probably going to need more of those quickly.

I like how even after Discount Captain Atom apologizes at the end, they still tell him to fuck off and insist that he can never redeem himself, and it just causes him to reinforce his previous beliefs and make no actual improvement.

>There has never been a racism PSA about a black person bullying a white person for being white

Because we all know that never happens in real life.

Can they really trust the guy who told them to genocide the monster race? I mean what if he was just racist against them too

Also they sort of genocided a race solely at his word they were bad dudes.
Not to imply racists are all genocidal monsters but his character is in question and you just used it as the sole basis of killing those bug things. Hell you shouldn't have committed genocide solely on anyone's word the guy could be all the good parts of Ghandi, a little more research would required.

Racism PSAs are bad enough we don't need to drag "WHITE PEOPLE GET IT TOO" into them.

kek, this is the best part

the whole time they are throwing out slurs about the alien race they are on their way to exterminate, meanwhile they get upset because one of them got called a spacespook

And the fact that they have Cyborg be the one who talks to Starfire about being belittled based on their physical appearance was so unsubtle I burst out laughing

In the era of BLM and "justified riots", a PSA that implies it might not be ok for black people to discriminate against white people would NOT go over well. Or even get made.

All American cartoons originate in California. All of them. Make your peace with it.

I swear there was an episode about it in The Proud Family and I'm pretty sure anti-white sentiments crop up in Static Shock.

It's actually one of the few jokes from Teen Titans that actually lands. For an action comedy that show was seriously unfunny.

>I like how even after Discount Captain Atom apologizes at the end, they still tell him to fuck off and insist that he can never redeem himself, and it just causes him to reinforce his previous beliefs and make no actual improvement.

>LOL, you are actually pretty good for a nigger!

>What I did was not different from what any other from my people could have done.

>LOL, you are so butthurt! I tried! I guess you all are a bunch of niggers!

>Racism is bad episode
>Triggers a bunch of white people

gee i wonder why

Yeah, Space Racist or whatever he was definitely didn't turn over much of a leaf at the end and I don't feel sorry that the TT refused his half-assed "apology".

THAT SAID, Tamaranians are a fuckin warmongering race that's made up of nothing but psycho barbarians hellbent on conquering the universe and slaughtering and enslaving everyone.

Even in the waterd down TT cartoon, that's how they're portrayed. In the flashback origin episode, Starfire is depicted behaving that way before the Earthling characters teach her the superior ways of them civilized culture and she learns how to not act like a rampaging savage.

So... justified racism on the part of that guy? I think he had good reason to dislike Tamaranians. They're really shitty.

>The Proud Family
I know that apparently they had an anti-racism episode involving a Muslim kid that ended with his house being vandalized with graffiti.

And when I say it ended with that, I mean that apparently the episode just ended right there. Because that's the best way to end an anti-racism story.

It HAS to be on purpose, he does a little pause before he says robot because he realizes she has no context for "black".

I've never seen this episode, someone gimme a TL;DR.
Have some booty for your troubles

>Static Shock

Static Shock had several episodes about racism, but none of them were about discrimination of white people.

It was a Dwayne McDuffie show, user. Do you really think he'd ever do an episode like that?

I liked it. Robin's voice acting was particularly good, and Starfire going, "No, no, no guys its fine." was in character. The ending could've been a little better but it wasn't bad for the time.

t. white guy.

>unsubtly hamfisting in a message that belongs on the wall of kindergarten classroom by making ludicrous strawmen and foregoing interesting plotlines in favor of one that can be spliced into literally any cartoon ever
>not being insulting

>le Drumpfelstilchen nazzis are so raycis ban the EC literally pol pot so shaking right now
7/10; I replied.

delete this

you know what would have made the episode better if there was a reason for the racism. Tamaran is a warlike society maybe for centuries they were marauders and warlike causing chaos, they were finally beat back but because of the mayhem they caused they have this stigma against them for all the pain they caused

who are you quoting?

They don't really seem like space warmongerers in the cartoon, they only have one planet and they were easily intimidated into line by Blackfire and her army of Drone spaceships posing as an 'invading army'.

It also seems like they don't have any of the same powers as Blackfire and Starfire


they could have just implied he didn't like tamaranians because he ran into Blackfire once, or something along those lines

but no, his reasons are unexplained, and instead, it's implied that Tamaranians are thought of as an inferior species, despite all evidence shown thus far to prove this false, and their culture as shown in the wedding episode IS primitive

hes just being an alt-right retard, just ignore them or they call for backup from Sup Forums.

The Titans are in space or some shit.
They meet a Space Hero who needs their help.
After they help him out in a minor skirmish he gives everyone compliments except Starfire.
When Starfire tries to talk to im when no one else is around he calls her a Nigger.
They go onto keep helping him fight more evil aliens, he keeps calling her a nigger but nobody else understands what it means so they let it slide.
Cyborg calls Starfire a nigger and she gets mad at him and she explains what nigger means.
And he says that's not cool and he gets it because he's a bla.....cyborg. To be fair being a hulking cyborg would probably earn a lot more ostracization than being black
They genocide all the evil aliens and Cyborg tells Robin and the Titans tell Space Racist to fuck off

The good news is that not all white people are racists. It's just that it tends to rub certain people the wrong way like Because people hating a whole race of people for no real reason never happens in real life. Right?

The thing about PSAs is that you're supposed to at least agree with the moral of the story. It's just that some don't believe in it. It's amazing how often these types of problems are attached to unpopular characters and shown to be in the wrong and yet people still think that way.

Not a cartoon, but there was a Nickelodeon kids show in the 90s called Space Cases.

The main character was a black guy and he was racist against one of the alien characters (played by a white guy) because one of their kind had killed his dad during a war. So his arc is learning "not all of them are bad" and he has to stop being a racist.

But yeah, I've never seen it done in a cartoon. Just live action kids shows.

Around blacks, never relax. Especially if they're cyborgs.

It happens in real life, the only difference is black people usually aren't in a position of power to do anything about it.

The more you know.


Thanks user, have some more booty

>Aren't usually in a position of power
Beating your ass is a comfy position

>because black people are oppressed it's okay for them to discriminate against white people
>two wrongs make a right

Ah, I see how your thought process works. Thanks for the insight.

So, do you have any opinions you yourself have constructed, or do they all come from Sup Forums?

> unsubtly hamfisting in a message that belongs on the wall of kindergarten classroom

I'll give you that

> by making ludicrous strawmen

But that's not fair. Val Yor was a completely believable character. He was genuinely friendly anD decent guy until his racism came up. He even tried to keep it in check to a degree. He wasn't some space nazi, he was a hero with some bigoted ideas that he wouldn't really back down from. Those are real people.

Hate group enlistment is on the rise in the US, this is documented and Donald Trump has definitely courted that audience to a degree.

I don't think Trump is the next Hitler, but you can't ignore that people who like Hitler overwhelmingly supported Trump this election. It's probably not going to end up in camps, but let's not pretend the next 4 years of policy is going to be equal for everyone if Trump sticks by half the shit he claimed he would.

No, but one wrong doesn't make a right, either.

"Must be Sup Forums" is the new "check your privilege". Anytime someone comes up with a response that challenges your beliefs or threatens your glass house, just yell "check your Sup Forums" then drop the mic and run away.

A foolproof stratagem.








>Haha anal rape, so funny guys!
>a response


Not that user but at least I know not all bottom feeding racists come from Sup Forums.

Excuse me go fuck yourself you basic, unevolved piece of shit.

There was that superman comic where blackface lois lane infiltrated black people and found a guy that was racist or something. He got over his racism when she gave him a transfusion at the end though.

>And he says that's not cool and he gets it because he's a bla.....cyborg. To be fair being a hulking cyborg would probably earn a lot more ostracization than being black

I almost consider this reaction a litmus test for people. On a team where everyone except Robin is arguably non-white(or non-human), Cyborg is still, to a lot of people, just "the black one"

Oh boy it's a

>White boys think they know racism


Real talk: You don't know racism because you've never been the victim of it. You don't know the struggle, you don't know how it feels, you never will, so you don't get to talk about it. That's one privilege you DON'T own, and you white boys ought to be grateful because of it.

You'll never know and that's a good thing. You never had to come from where we've been, so don't act like you know cause you don't.

Static stopped a black supremacist from bombing the fuck out of all non blacks

Is there anyway for me to donate my (You)'s to the NAACP?

I want them to go to a good cause.


Did you know white people do experience it when they are called racists?

Wasn't this the moral of a South Park episode?

Stan tries to come to terms with Token after his dad says nigger but Token won't listen to him and finally Stan realizes that because he'll never be a victim of oppression it's a topic he doesn't get to discuss or ever claim to understand.

So White People are apparently segregated from discussing this topic. It's a Blacks Only thing.

>White friends go to Japan for Study Abroad Program
>come back home complaining about how racist japanese people are and that it should have been nuked a 3rd time
>realize that they never been on the receiving end of racism before so they don't know how to handle it when it finally happens

Two wrongs make a right in action again.

Bravo, user.

>it's a topic he doesn't get to discuss or ever claim to understand.
How to breed apathy: 101

This is why white nationalism is rising.

Im actually kind of glad they study abroad though.

If they hadn't, they would have continued to live in their little bubble of invalidating minorities experience with racism. Granted, japanese racism isn't as aggressive as American racism.

>white people have such an easy life that they pretend to be persecuted POC on a cartoon imageboard for kicks

White people are allowed to join the discussion about racism. But the only thing they're allowed to say is "I'm sorry."

>it's a Sup Forumsmblr episode

lol nigger

>black boys cash in the suffering of their grandparents to be morally superior
You haven't suffered shit, you run this narrative that all black people are run down by whites at the first opportunity. You're 2 generations removed from anyone who suffered any serious civil infringements or openly hostile society.

You ever meet a white kid who grew up in the inner city and was the least bit shy? One that didn't play sports or tried to keep to themselves? How do you think they were treated by the "minorities" that outnumber them?

Everyone is racist the minute they're the bigger party, anyone who argues against that has never lived in a mixed area before. Cry harder faggot.

>/threading your own post

It's been a while since you guys have seen the episode probably, but Val Yor smiles as he's leaving, suggesting he may have had his mind changed but didn't show it out of pride or something.
See for yourself.

>Granted, japanese racism isn't as aggressive as American racism.
Did you know in Japan you can discriminate against another race with no repercussion by the law?

probably closer to four generations since black women pop babies out at 14

fuck you that was the best episode on the topic ever made

Doesn't he say something like "you're not so bad for a troq"? Not exactly an apology. Hes still a racist, just a racist making an exception.

>Amerifats think they know oppression
Same shit as first world feminists who think they're oppressed.


Based Japs

Right. Rightrightrightrightright. Okay. Sure.

When you been legally declared 3/5 of a person then you get to talk shit like you been there done that. When you been told you can't eat here or drink there or do this or do that or be what you want because of what you are then you get to talk. When you been shot dead in the street by a cop because of your color and "he got scared" when you didn't do shit and then the cop gets off the hook because everyone in power is white then maybe you got a point.

Look me up when you've been there. Then we'll talk. Until then youd best sit down.

Reminder that YOU have never been legally declared 3/5ths of a person

>black user here
i used to be IN FUCKING LOVE with tt when i was little but i was to young to truly appreciate it or notice stuff like this. Plus it's been so long that if i watched it right now that my exprince of it would be almost as if i watched it for the first time.

that being said from what you guys have shown me i think the fact that they used cyborg was fairly subtle in context. sure for an adult living in a world of sjw's and constant race baiting it's pretty obvious but back when i was little i didn't know about all that kind of stuff. when i was little i'm 99% sure that i wouldn't have seen the undertones and totally would have bout cyborg'd decriminalization from being a machine-man.

do you think that beastboy would have been a better consultant for starfire for this kind of thing?
sure the fact that he is a green skinned Caucasian would have been less obvious and a fresher take on the whole racism thing but the thing is i don't think it fits his personality to have moments like this. cyborg and BB both have there silly side but i would expect cyborg to gravitate towards seriousness more.

Let go of your anger man, its foolish to think that you at this current time dont have the equal rights as any other man in america.

Literally none of those things have happened to you, you stupid monkey

Im mexican but ok

>Granted, japanese racism isn't as aggressive as American racism.
Maybe it's because the Japanese actually benefit from cross cultural exchanges with Americans, even with nukes considered.


Would you rather be denied entry in some shitty club or store for being a non japanese or dragged out of your home and lynched under a big oak

>Hate group enlistment
You mean like BLM?

>Granted, japanese racism isn't as aggressive as American racism.


This is how they greet foreigners at airports.

They have no idea what they're talking about, that scene is fantastic.

>When you been legally declared 3/5 of a person then you get to talk shit like you been there done that
Are you 149 years old? You were born before the 14th Amendment was passed?

>When you been told you can't eat here or drink there or do this or do that or be what you want because of what you are then you get to talk.
Are you older than 53 years old? Were you capable of going to eateries on your own before the year 1964?

>When you been shot dead in the street by a cop because of your color and "he got scared" when you didn't do shit and then the cop gets off the hook because everyone in power is white then maybe you got a point.
Are you gonna do hoodrat shit around cops and expect them to not treat you as a hostile party? Are you gonna riot in the streets and act like a literal ape when justice doesn't go the way you want it to?

>telling anyone they're not allowed to speak or stand up
Nigger it's just more proof everyone hates everyone. You haven't experienced shit yourself, and you never will. Keep blaming whitey for your own shortcomings, I'm sure that'll magically fix everything.

Fuck Sup Forumsmblr.

It's a suitable response to how you fucks have gotten as whiny and triggered as sjws about everything.

>You mean like BLM?

The leaders of BLM have been invited to the White House on multiple occasions. They ain't a hate group, you just can't handle the message.

>or dragged out of your home and lynched under a big oak
... what year is this?

I thought this was 2016.

>dragged out of your home and lynched under a big oak
Both are bad which is what i'm pointing out. Also what has the KKK done in the last 30 years?

>Lion wats gazelle


>They ain't a hate group, you just can't handle the message.
What message? You mean shoot first, ask questions later?

Cause that's the message I get every time they encourage rioting before due process is carried out.

>taking bait seriously
At least I have an excuse to post the dumb shit I have.

In Japan they used to outlaw foreigners and entering or leaving the country was forbidden under penalty of death

There are still people being lynched in some states in America to this day.

Get out of your little bubble

t. thin-skinned babby

If only whoever did that had seen this episode of Teen Titans, then this surely would've been avoided!

Congrats, you found the isolated incident.

Watch as I change my entire world view over something utterly insignificant.

We're still being dragged out into the street and shot dead. Only now it's by the cops and it's considered "legal".

You just don't know because you don't care. It isn't "news" to you.

>if there was a reason for the racism
I disagree
Sometimes we are put into situations where we are not given that explanation and the fact that irl many people just hate a race or culture without explanation, they just took a "truth" that fitted with them and went with it.
Leaving it unknown puts a bit more demand on confronting the issue rather than ignoring it or sympathizing with it.
To split hairs the tech tamaranians have as well as there genetics as a whole make us look primitive. If that all that took for not Atom to take issue with tamaranians is their primitive lifestyle he should have seen humans as abominations with the amount of war we have every decade with so little physical power and tech.

Oh shit, Ben Garrison is on the loose again!

if darkies weren't so stupid they'd see that if they became police officers themselves they'd be able to do whatever the fuck they wanted

>because you don't care
You're right about at least one of the things you said.

Most if not all of them deserved it.

>you have never experienced racism
>to prove my point let me give you a big steaming bowl of racism

dude that was some god tier bullshit, i have to admit as a black guy i shouldn't be laughing but your so full of shit that i can't even be mad at you. ;)

Of course its "insignificant" to you. You are just some sheltered white kid that disregards every act of racism until it actually happens to you.
And btw, it isn't an "isolated" incident. There were actually 2 hangings in the same state that year. You're just a racist idiot.

>We're still being dragged out into the street and shot dead.
Oh you mean by drug dealers and collectors that ruin the community? Fuck of with your propaganda that police are purposely killing minorities.