>these things can get German women
>German men can't
Explain yourselves
>these things can get German women
>German men can't
Explain yourselves
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope some fat bratwurst maker pissed in those beers
>can get German women
Rape them you mean?
germans look and act autistically
they are objectively handsome though and with a dash of exoticism to boot.
They still got laid and you didn't
That inbred turd in the middle is not handsome by any metric on Earth
I´ll just copy pasta what I wrote in a discord earlier:
Not really, this is pretty rare. Even liberals openly mock women who are in a relationship with an asylum seeker or even worse are pregnant from one. Most people consider these women to be unable to attract a European man, even young people of my generation think this way. Why do you think this poor little fugees have to mass rape women? It is certainly not because they get so much pussy. Two storys underlining my point: Some months I went to a shitty techno club in Munich, one of the kind we call Türkendisse (Turk Disco/Roach Club) because so many 2-3.generation Turks go there. As soon as I entered the main room, I saw like 10 fugees sitting in the corners staring at the dance floor. I spend most of the night outside smoking, drinking and having good conversations but I occasionally danced a bit. During the entire night the fugees always sat in the same spots and stared, they didn´t dance or tried to talk with anyone and they didn´t even drink. I came to the conclussion that they were young man that wanted to fuck but they had no idea how dating in Germany worked or how to speak German for that matter. This must be very frustrating for them because there are certainly not enough white trash whores, who want to piss off dady, for all of them, so I understand how all this sexual frustration combined with there culture/religion leads to rape. Most of them aren´t attractive in anyway this plus there complete inability to integrate into the German dating market makes them only good for the most desperate of bitches.
The second story happened at my University: I am part of a political discussion club, were I of course bombard everyone with redpills, in this club there are a lot of bluepilled lefty girls. You know the type not evil SJW cunts, just naive as fuck. We were talking about refugees one day and I was slowly dropping some redpills but all the sudden one of these girls told us that she had been followed home by refugees multiple times now.
They apparently followed her to her house and in weird broken english told her to marry them and how beautiful her blond hair was. The look of disgust on her face was priceless but she still tried to make excuses for them "Well they are creepy ugly animals who have no respect for women but different culture....". After that some other girls came forward and confessed that they had experienced something similar, all were creeped out as fuck but still tried to seem tolerant. Wasn´t to hard to drop some redpills on them afterward. My conclusion is that Germany is far from lost, no decent person whos genes would be of any value for the white race is sleeping with refugees. Refugees are also socially akward on levels even Sup Forumstards can´t imagine
i'm pretty sure i seen him on a tv show about poverty in baltimore
he has aesthetics common for East African men.
German men are well known ducks, always have been.
Their women are super easy.
T. Adriatic beach Italian stallion - more than 10 krautsluts dicked.
N-no, you.
>>these things can get German women
I think you haven't been to Germany. The thing is, for all their virtue signalling German people tend to keep to themselves. They're great but kind of shy, they're more polite than friendly if it makes sense.
Even in degenerate Berlin, you'd have a hard time finding an interracial couple or even a mixed group of friends.
Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’
> theamericanmirror.com
Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD
> investmentwatchblog.com
“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
> sarawakreport.org
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!
Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV
> youtube.com
Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist
> youtube.com
'I think women today are better suited for business than men,’
‘But we also have a responsibility to pass on to our children more wealth than we received’
> haaretz.com
>these things
Yeah, german women are sluts for beer.
I like the feeling being cucked. It's a fetish just like scat porn
>Btw. diaspora german
Good story, gonna copy that
Wenn das in Ordnung ist Kamerad
German women dating refugees is a meme. Bar some statistical outliers only the ugliest and critically mentally ill go for refugees. The average refugee is a scrawny manlet with no education, intelligence, wealth or future. There is nothing about them that gets a sane woman wet.
German women welcoming refugees is pure virtue signalling, once they go home they want nothing to do with the refugees.
Son, we killed all the German men remember?
I really don't know why the Fliesentisch is so looked down upon. It's fucking practical as hell. You can place warm stuff on it without fear of leaving a mark and it's easy to clean. Why is the ultimate living solution so mocked by our fellow men?
Is it simply because they saw it stand in their grandparent's living room and decided to hate it because it's quintessentially German?
Of course it´s all yours.
Genetic diversity - improves disease resistance, the whole point of sexual, as opposed to asexual reproduction.
Women do like foreign accents do they not?
Hope that is non-alcoholic beer
>socially awkward
I'm bretty sure it's more like in their shithole they'd do the same thing and the girl would show them in to meet their father or something
I imagine one of those girls or more will get raped to death at some point though, sandniggers don't respond to women saying no very well
>Women do like foreign accents do they not?
Yes if they are spoken by attractive men. If some 1,60m refugee manlet speaks to them in their orc language their pussy goes Sahara mode
Yes they have just no idea how to socialize in Germany and hey I wouldn´t know how to socialize in Syria either.
A female friend of my sister was once attacked outside a club because she didn´t want to help with the sexual emergency but to be honest most fugees just seem awkward and not violent.
Good old Ben knows.
shouldn't you be an expert? interracial couples are much more common in the US. So tell us, after decades of personal experience and insight, what gives?
>I imagine one of those girls or more will get raped to death at some point though, sandniggers don't respond to women saying no very well
I wonder how hard it would be to suppress the news of a case of woman being raped to death. With a body this would be new heights. So far this probably has been the big summer of rape our 1968 generation could only have dreamed about. Of course all major news is silent about the mass raping going on every week and every single day.
THIS IS ALL A MEME basically its a conspiracy
they are trying to make you people believe that german men cant get women and these immigrants shitskins can and then this becomes popular and mainstream and thats how it starts
basically all the shills and jews started all this
> be butthurt shart in marter
> drive home from work
> can´t get into house because fat feminist landwhale daughter got stuck in doorway
> autistic lbtq transgender son comes home and accuses the door of being sexist because sister got stuck
> firefighters help daughter and beat the shit out of me for not tipping them
>make my way to the bedroom because i hear wife screaming
> enter bedroom and see wife getting oreo`d by jose and tyrone
> leave house and go to local bar
> get shot by blm protester for being white
> ambulance arrives and brings me to the hospital
> get beaten up again for not tipping them
> doc pulls bullet out and gives me the bill
> 345.000$
> no insurance because son needed sex change op
> get home and find out that wife wants a divorce
> also get sued for raping her at the wedding night
> lose everything
> come to Sup Forums and shitpost
I'm middle easterner. The perceived social awkwardness might be confused with a cultural difference of their version of politeness. I don't know about Germans but Americans and Australians are much louder and assertive than most easterner cultures and this sort of behavior isn't that common,
There's a lot of little differences I find. If I got in trouble with my parents as a kid I had to look at the ground and hang my head but in Australia I'm supposed to look the teacher in the eye and show I'm paying attention. Depends where you are in the middle east (rural, urban, nation, class), but in a lot of places it's not normal for girls to smile at guys and give the impression of looking inviting, so guys get thrown off by it and dont know how to react.
Lol most European women don't burn coal at the rates white american girl do.
only because there's less blacks there. European women are far looser than American
Kek, vibrant diversity, so handsome!
That's why those refugee invaders don't belong into western society. Multiculturalism will only lead to conflicts. Only idiots would look into the societies of their countries and think that there would be now problem for them passing in our circles.
I dated a german woman when I studied there
As long as you control immigration rates and the quality that come in it'll be fine. What Merkel has allowed is insanity. I'm open to immigration to countries like Australia and America but Europe is the old world and these countries should hang onto their identity.
I enjoy multiculturalism though. I like it in Australia and I liked it in Iran
This is good.
Kinda shows that Germans aren't actually super bluepilled, they just think everyone else is and don't do anything.
>As long as you control immigration rates and the quality that come in it'll be fine.
I no longer believe this. Where is the evidence? Europe only has an experience of about 60 years to go on and that was disastrous. America's immigration policy was of course much more effective but they too only got 60 years of non-European immigration. Before that there was no social security net and ethnic restrictions. But now that the country is pretty full anyway, how do you think the attitude towards immigration will continue? At some point nations become self-aware for a lack of a better term.
Immigration can only work individually and voluntarily. It can't be done by government but must be chosen by those that do the actual work of integration and that is the people and their communities themselves.
>these men can get german women german men don't want
>german men cant get german women they want
There your explanation
>I like it in Australia and I liked it in Iran
But why does it work in Iran? Why are the Jews not on the streets protesting that Jew Lives Matter? It's because they are acutely aware of societies restrictions and tolerance.
You will find multiculturalism in native Germany too. All our tribes have different accents, housings and culture and of course belief. And you will find that for most of our history we were fond of celebrating this diversity with feuds between our municipalities or by trying to outsmart each other.
>I enjoy multiculturalism though. I like it in Australia and I liked it in Iran
one can work, the other not
You are a thing you freak
is that a joke?
Arabs are basically a bunch of howler monkeys, at least compared to northern Europeans.
>one can work, the other not
Easy for you to say when Austria didn't fall under the Prussian reign.
no one is gonna vote for hill on here. Fuck off with this spam
oh noes it the immagrints assimilation that Sup Forums says dont exist
So you're open to Australia and America being non-white, third world replicas? Whites built these nations and made them into the first world successful nations they are today, not shitskins like you. They are White countries.
What you actually want are more people in society like you, i.e non-white.
1.these could be christian kenyans or ethopians
2.Taqyyia only lets you to lie that your muslim
The most efficient way to get something is to just take it.
I shouldn't really respond to this because you're clearly a dumbass, I didn't say anything about non-white and third world replicas.
what I like is multiculturalism. different people different foods, I've always had friends from around the world including whites from different european countries.
I'm Shia background, taqiyya is a shia thing, sunnis don't really know of it unless they actively are learning theology which majority dont.
It's about lying to hide your faith if your life is in danger. So if I'm a Shia in Afghanistan and some Pashtun Talib pulls the bus over and pulls me outside with an ak47 to my head i can lie to hide my shia background. Or if some crusader puts a sword to my neck and asks if I'm muslim I can eat pork and spit on the koran and curse muhammad and that is ok too. The word taqqiya derives from 'fear' and the concept is mostly taught among Shia living in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
There is also a second part of taqqiya that allows white lies to keep the peace in situations that need it
Western women have developed a fetish for colored me.
Thats all it is, a fetish.
Nice taqyyia
>hairy forehead
Taqiyya, tawriya, kitman, and muruna.